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It's an authentic part of US culture that has developed that they want to honour their ancestries, and identify strongly with small parts of their heritages. It's a natural response to living in a country that is truly made up of immigrants, and with very little recorded history from before a few hundred years ago. People in Britain have over 2000 years recorded history, and 9000-11000 years of blood ties to the island and our close neighbours who came from the continent.

It's not wrong that Americans like to honour their distant family history, even if it seems obsessive and fake to us.

I also disagree with the notion that Spanish people are definitely white and Americans are stupid. First of all, there are very few people from Spain who live in America. So the assumption for Americans when hearing the term "Spanish" is a Spanish language speaker from the former colonies, where many of them have partial non-Euro ancestry. There will have been many people who didn't look at Hilaria's interviews where she describes herself as from actual Spain, and just vaguely know of her as some kind of Latina. There is also the delibarate confusion on Hilaria's part and trying to attach herself to Hispanic narratives, such as people thinking she's her kids' nanny.

I am born and raised in here the UK with ancestry from the UK, Ireland and Germany. I have only recently started to hear of Mediterranean people referred to as white, and assumed the opposite to above posters, who think Americans only tolerate Hitler's wet dreams as whites. I thought that this recent including of Mediterraneans as white was due to the American influence of calling everyone vaguely Caucasian white, due to less than half of US whites having more than 95% white ancestry. Legally, in the USA they even consider Arabs to be white. I certainly never thought of Spanish people as white or instinctively as "like me", unlike north or east European people from other countries. However we choose to label them with words, there is a visible difference between north and south Europeans.

They had a long history of being colonised and raided by Moors, as did other south west European countries, while the south-eastern countries of Europe where colonised for several centuries by Turks during the Ottoman empire. It is plainly obvious from looking at them that they have Arab/Turk ancestry. You only have to look at artworks from south European countries from before Islamic colonisation to see that the people there used to look the same as North Europeans. There is also the genetic differences between southern Europeans, and the fact they have more African DNA, which is almost non-existent in northern europe. Meanwhile in some northern parts of Spain that the Moors didn't manage to colonise, such as the Basque country, the people there still look like north Europeans. Its the same with north vs south Italy.

That is a very long way to say that I disagree with calling those who think that Spanish people are not white are stupid. It's a valid opinion based on the above facts. Most racial categories have subjective definitions and cut-off points, so who's to say one definition is more correct than the other? It's like the how many grains of sand does it take to become a "pile" philosophical question. We all know what a "pile of sand" looks like but at what point does it objectively become one? No one can say yet we all know what one is when we look at it.
Apologies for derailing the thread further but there are some wild generalisations here. Yes, a lot of Southern Europe was colonised by the Moors from North Africa and the Ottoman Empire but mostly, this meant that a small elite ruled these nations after they were conquered but there was very little intermarriage etc. Much like the when the Romans conquered England; they left their mark culturally and architecturally but not so much in terms of DNA. You give the Basques as an example of the North/South divide in Spain but they’re distinct genetically and linguistically from Spaniards anyway. Mikel Arteta and Xabi Alonso are both Basque but couldn’t look more different. Sergio Ramos and Alberto Moreno are from Seville in the south but are both fair. In any case, Spaniards, Italians and Greeks consider themselves white. The problem with Americans is that they equate being Spanish with being Latin American/Mestizo. Hilary either thought this as well or tried to capitalise on their ignorance.
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I always thought there was something 'off' about her, you know one of those things that you can't put your finger on so you dismiss it? But now the truth is out there's so much to read into!! I'm not judging anyone for their choices but the fact that she keeps getting pregnant every year seems odd to me especially as she is body conscious to the point where I definitely think she has issues with food and exercise. Does anyone remember when she was having a miscarriage and told everyone on instagram via a photo of her in her underwear? Utterly bizarre behaviour. And the constant exercising on the beach with her children - she was doing demos of how to do crunches when she had four little ones to attend to. It just seemed off. In fact someone wrote 'enjoy a day at the beach with your kids, have a day off' and I completely agreed. But I also thought there was something off with the way she looks and now I'm 100% convinced she is naturally fair hair coloured and dyes it black. It is too dark for her complexion and darker than her eyebrows (which are very manicured so they are probably dyed as well). The comments she has made are definitely off as well they make no sense. 'Home is where my parents are so if my parents were in China, then China would be home'. Come on that's ridiculous!
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I’m finding the whole thing so weird but hugely entertaining. The fact it’s smart Alec’s wife is the icing on the cake. Not so smart now, eh?
Never liked him since the phone message he left calling Ireland a pig.
Same here. Also there were those photos that emerged of him attacking a camera man. I grew up with a father who was very aggressive and jeckyl and Hyde with his personality. He could be perfectly charming in company but it was all fake. Alec kind of reminds me of him.
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Her parents must have been in on it...apparently she repeated her wedding vows with "si" rather than "yes". She also carried a big Spanish hand fan and waved it around while on the altar, another nod to her Spanish heritage. I am feeling embarrassed for her as I type this.
I was of the opinion that as delusions and identity go its on the less harmful end of the spectrum but if her children have been lied to that makes it really serious and not just an eccentricity
Haha can you imagine being a guest of the bride at that wedding. What a weirdo!!
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I've seen many people post on here that Alec has been duped but I don't believe it. I think he liked having a wife who appeared to be ethnically interesting, while actually being a WASP
I agree. I think he loved the idea of a people thinking he had a hot young Spanish yoga teacher as his wife and prove to everyone how virile he was by getting her pregnant whenever she wanted. He must have met her parents and known she was American or had suspicions at home with her wavering accent. On the other hand, when he was defending her he said she grew up between Spain and the US, which she didnt. She was in school in the US full time! I think he just isnt that interested in her, over and above how she reflects on him.
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That video was embarrassing to watch the way Alec kept pushing Hilary out the way !!
The way she kept walking in front of him and in front of the camera
Blaming the people following them for the kids in the car crying ! Why would the kids be crying ? How about protecting the kids from this situation?
Also getting so angry with the reporters for not saying the lady’s name quick enough !! (Such a nasty little angry lady ! )
For making their kids cry … talk about reversing the situation on people !
Not taking any responsibility themselves
Also noticed how Alec is distancing himself from the film by saying we may need more regulations on film sets etc like the film was actually nothing to do him !!
I find them both disgusting people
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I don’t really understand the timing. Surely if you have the money to hire a surrogate, ensuring the correct sex you want and to keep it under can do it whenever. Why think whilst you are already pregnant “eh go on, let’s add this one whilst the smallest is 5 months” why not just wait, 6 months?!

She is batshit crazy, sorry. Those kids will make their own money in 15 years selling their stories on Hilary from Boston and her obsession with babies and social media.
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I mean at this point I'd be more surprised if she didn't have babies back to back, are we meant to be shocked? Bore off already Hilary, maybe think of a new hobby. Tedious!
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Fake Spanish Hilary is having a lovely fake Spanish Christmas just because her family have a holiday home in Mallorca ! But don’t call her fake 🙄🙄 Feliz Navidad 🎄
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As others have said Alec has his issues but until someone says otherwise it was an accident. I really feel for him. Carrying the burden of ending a life is torture. I remember reading about a woman who had knocked someone down & ended up setting up an online community for others in her position. All those people carrying so much pain trying to function in society.
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Here it is... the tandem breastfeeding shot 🙄 she is SOOOOOO predictable 🥱
Yeah look at me with all my babies ! Feeding them both with my own boobies !
I had a baby but wanted another one straight away as this one was a boy and I needed a baby sister for my daughter !
So as I have a rich husband I brought another baby because one baby wasn’t enough for me but look at me now I have so many babies look at how amazing I am .... 🙄🙄🙄
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She reminds me of a girl I went to school with who insisted that she went to the Smash Hits Poll Winners after party and shagged Robbie Williams. Despite all of us knowing it was a lie, and her knowing we didn’t believe her and knew the truth, it was as if she believed her own lie!
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There’s a huge difference between ‘I love Spain and the culture so much I wish I were Spanish !’ and misleading people to believe you are actually Spanish.
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If I was his elder daughter I would be so embarrassed watching this absolute shit show unfold. Her dads a dick, the step mothers been called out for cultural appropriation and the ‘baldwinitos’ are multiplying faster than covid.
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You might call this HILARYous!

But she's also said that 35 people or so of her family are coming from Spain for her wedding to Alec and yet only her parents lived there at the time, maybe her brother already and don't know when he met his Spanish wife. That's 4 people tops.
She also said her family couldn't pronounce "Baldwin" and that she incorporated her "heritage" into the wedding (mantilla, fans etc.), so she did present herself as Spanish, but some of her pretense was quite clever like this type of spin, which splits hairs and plays on semantics and assumption, so imo it was a mix of spin and pretense.

Btw love your user name!
Her brother sells dodgy herbal remedies in Spain I believe with endorsements from the Baldwins and her parents, so I think that her parents just indulge their kids weird behaviour and lying, which is weird, as I think her mother is a psychiatrist!
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Wonder if she is still crying into her sangria about the backlash and the money she is losing by hiding? Hope Alec knows how to make paella for the kids!
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Chatty Member
This woman gets worse, first the humour at Rafa writing fuck everywhere. What the hell is that about. And now a post on her stories about how difficult it has been to have to explain 'recent events' to her children. Just more of her tone deaf crap. You know what's harder Hillary, having to tell your kid his Mum is dead.
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