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You've got to have some real gumption about you to keep your bullshitting going this long, after being outed so publicly. Anyone else would disappear with their money and fade into obscurity.

I think it's more likely that she's genuinely convinced herself she's Spanish. Her and Alec aren't living in the same reality as anyone else. 🤯
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So, her Spanish accent is gone? Also why does she keep butting in and standing in the way. The man is trying to talk and say his peice as much as he can so he can most probably be left alone by the paparazzi. They both seem annoying af.
I noticed this too last time I heard her speak. How very convenient to just drop the fake Spanish accent even though she’s from Boston and stop the “how you say….cucumber?” pretending that English wasn’t her first language. She’s a bell end! 😂😂
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Watching this it really seems like Alec believes she’s Spanish 🙈🙈🙈
This has reinforced my theory. I think she’s clearly presenting as a Spanish person, but she has never outright said she is. Even there she’s saying things like “my family are in Spain” factually correct, lead you to believe they’re Spanish, but she didn’t say it. It’s Alec who is taking the mantle in a lot of this. I struggle
To believe he thinks she’s Spanish- he’s met her family.
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I can’t imagine Alec at 60 odd wants to be a weekend dad to 5 tiny kids or lose half his money so I think he will suck it up 😂
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Alec has nothing to do with firearms when on set all he is taught is how to hold them and where the safety is on the gun.

The Props department are fully incharge of the guns, bullets, handling of them and are the ones to put bullets in the prop guns, which are real guns not even a prop.

If anyone is up for manslaughter it’d be the person who prepped the gun and handed an unsafe gun to an actor.

The amount of people calling Alec to go to jail is shocking to me, it should of never happened with the way technology has advanced in movie making. Every decision on a movie set is calculated and decided by the Director, DP etc, from where was was standing to where he was aiming. It’s just an horrific accident!
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I don't feel sorry for her at all. I never knew much about her before this scandal - she was married to Alec Baldwin, kept popping out kids and did a lot of yoga. This Spanish persona has been cleverly cultivated in order to achieve her target - marrying a rich and famous old guy. I can understand why Alec didn't pick up on it after meeting her parents if he thought they were Americans who brought up their child in Spain. He doesn't come across as especially bright.

Loving the memes and TikToks BTW
He was probably so vain he didnt care. He thought hed picked up a hot 20 something Spsnish yoga teacher and his ego stopped there!
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Silly Sausage

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The pics of them out with 2 of the kids and the baby they had 2 nannies, some comments saying they have 4 nannies altogether! She's hardly a hands on mum by the sound of it!
I can confirm they have SO MANY nannies!! I lived a couple blocks from them for 4+ years and it was so strange passing all the nannies on the way to and from the park with their kids all the time. It was a wall of nannies approaching on the sidewalk. There were only 3 kids then and they each had their own nanny pushing their stroller. I only saw Alec and Hilaria with the oldest one once and the nannies with the kids constantly basically everywhere I went.
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Watching this it really seems like Alec believes she’s Spanish 🙈🙈🙈
You might call this HILARYous!

This has reinforced my theory. I think she’s clearly presenting as a Spanish person, but she has never outright said she is. Even there she’s saying things like “my family are in Spain” factually correct, lead you to believe they’re Spanish, but she didn’t say it. It’s Alec who is taking the mantle in a lot of this. I struggle
To believe he thinks she’s Spanish- he’s met her family.
But she's also said that 35 people or so of her family are coming from Spain for her wedding to Alec and yet only her parents lived there at the time, maybe her brother already and don't know when he met his Spanish wife. That's 4 people tops.
She also said her family couldn't pronounce "Baldwin" and that she incorporated her "heritage" into the wedding (mantilla, fans etc.), so she did present herself as Spanish, but some of her pretense was quite clever like this type of spin, which splits hairs and plays on semantics and assumption, so imo it was a mix of spin and pretense.

Btw love your user name!
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I don’t think they understand the term Latina either!
I think she played on that ignorance. She was presenting as Spanish but was getting interviews with latina magazines and tv shows. The crap about her never saying she was Spanish. You dont speak your native language with the accent of a language you learnt in your teens😀 Alec has been played!
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This is so bizarre, it's just such a weird thing to do! How did she get caught out btw? I seem to have missed that 😕
A Twitter feed took off, an account started a rant basically and that caught traction. The person behind the account says they want to stay anonymous because of Alec's well-known temper, I get off that that the person knows them personally or is professionally in the same sphere as them.

The thing about this is, that it's been said so many times already, it's not really a secret. I read this years ago already repeatedly in comments sections of some gossip sites, e.g. the Daily Mail. Her full name, background, everything.

Maybe the person knows someone and a media outlet deliberately picked it up and ran a story, because as I said, this has been said for years and I've seen some of these old school pics before as well.

Her parents retired to Spain in 2011 and locals say they understand and speak Spanish, but with a clearly "American accent". Her brother also lives in the same town as the parents with his Spanish wife. The brother and parents speak English amongst themselves, according to locals.
Hillary does speak Spanish but I don't know how fluent she is.

I don't follow Hillary on socials but read comments saying she'd occasionally slip up and speak in a regular American accent, esp when talking to the kids.

Which must mean that Alec must've known the truth for years or he's that stupid. Can't lie, Don Jr.'s tweet is funny. Maybe Trump should play Alec in the proposed SNL skit 😂 Full circle!

Birth certificates and other legal documents and all that don't matter. Hillary is US American and never held any other citizenship, her family has been in the US for generations and her kids were born in the US, just like a great number of their ancestors before them. Her kids have partly Spanish names and likely grow up bilingual with I suppose the odd visit to Spain to see her parents and brother.
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It's impossible for us to judge either way where blame lies as we're not in possession of the facts. Let's hope it leads to more gun control off and on film sets.
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I’d love to know what a native Spanish speaker thinks of this
I'm from Spain and she has quite a good accent, there may be some words that don't sound quite spanish but she sounds almost native.

And referring to the previous discussion about race, here in Spain we consider ourselves as white. We have people who aren't white because they have migrated to Spain but a big part of the population is just white. And referring to the diferent skin tones it's just genetics, my mom is fairly pale while my fathers side of the family has more of and olive skin tone.
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Churchill's Ghost

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I just can’t understand how he doesn’t have at least the tiniest bit of guilt for what happened on HIS film production whilst HE was holding the gun !
It’s actually shocking
Even if it was a tragic accident, normal humans would feel guilty and wonder "what could I have done differently?"

Those kids have no chance being raised by these conscienceless narcs. God help them, especially when they are a no longer cute, compliant little props
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Yes, US people have one Italian ancestor 5 generations back and say they are of Italian heritage, but papers have looked into Hillary's heritage and there's no Spaniard or otherwise Latin ancestor to be found.

You can be a Francophile and learn French, incorporate French customs into your life, give your kids French names, but to adopt a French accent and sell yourself as French is beyond the pale and you gotta wonder about that person's state of mind.
Yes theres no heed to adopt an entire persona just because you love a country. I may as well say my kids know Spanish, we have Old El Paso once a week and I went to Cancun on honeymoon so I must he bringing them up as Mexican!
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As someone who struggled with infertility for years (I was eventually lucky and blessed with a son) I find the whole deciding she wants another girl thing so distasteful. She was blessed with 5 children, that’s a very fortunate situation to be in why would you be so desperate for another girl that she lines up a surrogate while she’s already pregnant? It’s not normal, to be honest even if the blind item above is right that’s not normal either. Loosing a baby is a tragic and horrible thing, my heart goes out to her for that but when you have other children aren’t you better focusing on them and their needs rather than crazy plans to ensure you have yet another child?
The more I see it, and see other people comment, the more disgusting I find it. It really is just truly awful, and in no way can be justified.

As for the wine drinking and Alec washing up, such bullshit. As if Alec Baldwin washes his own dishes.
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I agree with you but I think it might be fairly common place in the US? Like people with an Italian relative 100 years ago who have Italian restaurants, speaking in an accent and calling their kids Italian names. I swear I watched one similar on Gordon Ramsey and they didn’t even know how to cook Italian food it was just an Italian ‘experience’ of kinds!

Americans really have a romantic view of Spain for some reason, like basically everyone is wearing red flamenco 24/7 and throwing roses around on top of bulls
Yes, exactly. Cristin Milioti is very funny and brought this to the point, she's of Italian descent (which is very obvious looking at her surname), but she says in interviews her family is "Olive Garden type Italian". I.e. Italian descent and some customs from "the old country", but really US American, they're basically deluding themselves by calling themselves "Italian".

I have nothing against people remembering that one French ancestor from 5 generations ago and saying they are of French descent, I kind of admire that US Americans remember their origin countries so well and the heritage they come from (which isn't the case really for most people, but for many), I'm a little envious of people who can trace back their ancestry very far.

But be realistic like Cristin Milioti.

Big LOL at your description of US Americans' view on Spain!!! 😂 I think many view much of Europe like that (i.e. more romantic and very unrealistic, but I guess we all suffer from delusions like that when it's about foreign places!)

If Hilary had from the start said she's a massive lover of Spain and Spanish culture, no one would've batted an eyelid, like I wrote earlier, be a Francophile, learn the language, incorporate customs, call your son Jean and raise him bilingual, by any means, but when you want to sell yourself as French and adopt a weird French accent when speaking your mother tongue I think it's high time for a psych evaluation and some therapy.

I just don't understand all this business about, gosh, she's actually WHITE! What the hell does she think most people are in Spain?! The business about comparing her spraytanned arm to her child's is ludicrous.

Yes, Spain had an empire so a lot of Central and Southern America speaks Spanish but that doesn't make the Spanish non-white, any more than the British Empire makes the British primarily Asian or Black before immigration from that empire.
It's really just bloody frikkin weird and embarrassing as heck.
(It also highlights US Americans' view on race actually, a slight deviation from Mozzarella white and you're "not white", Europeans don't have such a concept of race at all. We just view everyone in Europe as "white" (i.e. Caucasian), even though some Europeans are very dark. What shocked me was when I read that Italians were classified back in the day as "black" and are only officially "white" since ca. the 1920s (I think!), when a political party realized that Italians would vote for them (and they'd win only with those votes) but couldn't due to the "black" classification, so had Italians recognized as "white". US race relations are weird AF from my Euro point of view 😲 :eek: )

Did she really think all of this wouldn't catch up with her eventually??
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I don’t really understand the timing. Surely if you have the money to hire a surrogate, ensuring the correct sex you want and to keep it under can do it whenever. Why think whilst you are already pregnant “eh go on, let’s add this one whilst the smallest is 5 months” why not just wait, 6 months?!

She is batshit crazy, sorry. Those kids will make their own money in 15 years selling their stories on Hilary from Boston and her obsession with babies and

Or why not wait 5 minutes to let your body recover from your previous pregnancy before trying again and see if that means you can carry a baby full term? Shes only 36 or something isn't she? She could have waited a couple of years. I think shes obsessed with the attention she gets from having a new baby and showing off her post
i’ve hated alec baldwin since i was thirteen and news broke about him verbally abusing his daughter ireland over voicemail and calling her a pig. that is all.
Yes hes a nasty piece of work. I bet hes pissed that people are laughing at him when he thought everyone would think he was a stud getting his Spanish yoga teacher pregnant every year. Now they think hes a fool.
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Still can’t get my head round this! Utterly bizarre. I saw Ireland defending her on a post, a very weak defence!
Yeah wasnt her defence ' why are people looking into the life of someone they dont know so deeply?' Err because it isnt that deep- the woman has lied to sell crap on social media for nearly a decade! That's why! And it's funny that someone is so nuts!
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