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To be controversial (sorry), I actually think that's quite a nice photo of her. I hope her pregnancy goes well.

Helen is doing brilliantly in strictly and she's obviously gained a lot of confidence which is really nice to see. She'll be fine once this awful period of her life is over.
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Fancy not passing them to his sister for free like anyone else would, it seems like she got them then found out it's not a girl , selling them!
Or an unwanted gift 🤣.
I get a strange feeling about that gucci changing bag. Bought for the last marriage to Richard 1st pregnancy plans Xx
Yeah why didn’t she give them to his sister makes no sense will show you how tight she is and all her money too. Imagine getting her a gift for the baby and then seeing it up on Instagram for sale, you’d know she was a spoilt brat.
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He’s only on that team now because of Zippy and Daddy he’d have gotten the boot a while back
I’d say judging by some of tweets about his playing performance in general.
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The relationship had run its course/ she was bored of him but reluctant to end it due to biological clock ticking, met Richie and had lots of chemistry, spoiled princess so the fact he's married and new father made him 'off limits' and so she wanted him more, saw the opportunity to move straight on to someone else who would be under the thumb enough/easily manipulated enough to get her pregnant straight away.
How long had Zippy been split up from her ex when she took up with Myler?
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the whole story may take a bit long because it's all well documented over court filings and countless evidence, but no, it's nothing like it. Alice abused her husband and she threatened divorce for ages, then played the heartbroken blindsided wife when he finally filed for divorce, and started to harrass him, interfer in his relationship to his kids, and started a public smear campaign against him. Even more when he got a new girlfriend a year later (she does post pictures of them together, but only like 4 pictures in 15 months or so). She received a permanent restraining order and is facing criminal charges over breeching it.

Basically the total opposite of Helen. Neither the circumstances nor the reaction is comparable.
I only watched her melt down and then tmz him and his girlfriend. I didnt fol go looking deep on that like I usually do. Xx
the whole story may take a bit long because it's all well documented over court filings and countless evidence, but no, it's nothing like it. Alice abused her husband and she threatened divorce for ages, then played the heartbroken blindsided wife when he finally filed for divorce, and started to harrass him, interfer in his relationship to his kids, and started a public smear campaign against him. Even more when he got a new girlfriend a year later (she does post pictures of them together, but only like 4 pictures in 15 months or so). She received a permanent restraining order and is facing criminal charges over breeching it.

Basically the total opposite of Helen. Neither the circumstances nor the reaction is comparable.
Wow I didn't know she abused him wtf!!
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Zippy looks like the ghost of Christmas Past. Someone wants to show off they are in Flordia - we already know that dipstick that's why your man child of a husband can't be bothered to look after his kids. Helen is so much better off without this man, I can't see what she found attractive in the first place.

As for Zippy she obviously fancies a few photoshoots in OK herself. Imagine being so hungry to for fame you rid off the coat tails of your boyfriend's ex. Grim grim grim.
How do you know she’s in Florida was it in the press she’s pathetic.
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That big blimp stayed at home selling her granny boiler suit from her recent trip to balamory! Deciding witch pose her and dimwit will do for naked photo shoot. Like a classy yorkshire rimmer, zippy edition thinking she's molly!
His took far to much on zippy has write him off accidently on purpose falling pregnant so soon, really selfish move on her part, looks like she doing the house too. Just to add too it for dimwit. Having to act interested burrrrrr!
she passed him the match he used to burn his world to the ground and she ain't even finished yet, baby has to come and her expectations will be suffercating He'll have to keep silent.
Resentment may start to creep in.
Hopefully after his spent his devorce money on her 🤣👌He'll blow it with zippy his out, they'll be brutal too.
His got nothing left but her and her dad's handouts for holidays, home, baby, job, social life ect ect
He'll have to bite his tongue being in Moods after matches, he won't be able to blow at stephanie like he did helen.
He'll have to swallow it and bare zippy forcing this baby in his face when his tired,
shitty dog yapping Xx
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How annoying for Richie that he's kept up as his DP the wedding day photo of Steph.
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Proud of what - playing 3 games and losing 2. Stephanie set your standards a bit higher love. I know when friends are upset you say the other woman did you favour - in this instance absolutely- what was Helen doing with the muppet in the first place.
I don’t know much about rugby so that has just made me proper laugh 😂 makes her ‘so proud’ even more hilarious

Plus he was born in England but played for Ireland, presumably because he was too crap for England and found some long lost irish parent. :rolleyes:
And this 😂 too shit to play for England but she’s still ‘so proud’
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If you want the story there's an entire wiki here. Alice is an abusive nut job who has a DVRO against her she's continually breaking. She's destroying her children. She's nothing like Helen.
She still has the kids? That's funked up if she does. Xx Helen is polar opposite agreed
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