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Can tell ELLUN has used the dyson hair wrap on oceans hair as in chets stories it’s got ringlet curls at the bottom!
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Sorry if this has already been mentioned (I need to catch up on this thread!) but she put a story up the other week that said something like "No wonder I'm only 8 stone."

Why is it "no wonder?!" She implies that the kids run her ragged but she has had more breaks and nights out in the two years since she's become a mum than I have in the last 10 years- no joke! Kids are hard work and we live away from family. I'm run ragged but am nowhere near 8 stone, sadly 🤣🤣

She does look like shit and I didn't see the stories from her night out (and if she was drinking) so am wondering if she is pregnant again?!

I had this thought the other day! She has been a bit quiet and the last time she was this quiet she was in first trimester with Elvis. 😂
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She was a fuckin annoying dickhead that tuned my into a Marnie fan, when she’s the blandest bitch Iv ever set eyes on 😂 Glad I don’t need to pretend to give a fuck about that snooze fest family anymore.
Something that makes me confused though is …. Why does Chet’s brother speak like he’s from up north somewhere and Chet is a proper NE Londoner 🤣🤣

And why won’t Chet marry egghead?
she’s bad enough with his money now never mind being legally entitled to it 😂 I wonder if she is on the mortgage 🧐
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Chatty Member
QUOTE="Rubywoooo, post: 9272510, member: 49465"]
Why are people getting so triggered 😂😂😂 it's about Helen stop taking things so personally.

She's the definition of a scrounger, they've hardly paid for a thing in that house they always on the beg. She's a "stay at home mum" in the loosest term, who doesn't actually need to be. Her kids go to nursery. She's got cleaners. She could easily get a job, she does fuck all 😂

Excuuuuuuuse mehhhh I think you will find she makes chocco cakes for breakfast and feeds the kids shit to shut them up constant, that’s a full time job in itself 😂

Where the fuck is Chet? Has she kicked him outta HER house cos he’s been off working 😅 maybe she could try working bless her, might not get so jelly when he does.
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How did Chet and Helen become famous btw? Was it just by Chet being Casey’s brother, who in turn got famous for knocking up a washed up reality star?
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To cat lady

Chatty Member
This is literally my lifestyle .. not bitter I dunno where you get this impression?

It’s all the get off MY caaaarpettttt and MY cabinet like she’s been out there paying for it all and her fella is just there living off her 😂 and all the bragging.
People can have money and still see other people acting like braggy cunts and have an opinion, doesn’t make anyone bitter.
It’s my lifestyle too. I’m lucky I know. But just because he earned the money doesn’t mean the stuff in OUR house is just his. It’s ours. His money is their money. They are in a partnership with babies. Plus being a stay at home mum is a job in itself! She isn’t just swanning around having brunch with her mates she’s caring for THEIR children. Or are they just Helene because technically she made them?
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Egg head is quiet again , always is when we call out her crap . Probs hoping we all stop talking about her being a sniff head and looking like one too . How she ever thought people would look up to her is beyond me . The whole fake insta life must be exhausting .
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Chatty Member
It’s honestly getting flipping boring.
Right! This site needs a dm feature so people can argue how great one person is vs another.
Don’t get me wrong there’s times peoples opinions can be so vastly different you find yourself *almost* defending something because you feel that the other person is going about far/extra but some people act like they are their besties it’s intense 🥴😂
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Love the thread title, I’ve done my own rendition for the new thread in the theme of 7 Days by Craig David 🎶 🎵

Said we'd start with a McDonald’s on monday
Gave him a pain au chocolat on tuesday
We were eating cinnamon rolls by Wednesday
And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday
We ate oranges but really they were satsumas on Sunday
Strawberries with a shit load of cream on Monday
Doughnuts on Tuesday
Even more pain au chocolats by Wednesday
And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday
We drank gravy from the jug on Sunday 🎶
10 stars for this fellow troll :ROFLMAO: 👏
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Chatty Member
The dig from Marnie is hilarious cos it’s true 😂
I just notice how supermum has been radio silence today …. Speaks volumes in itself .
Maybe she’s busy ‘working’ with her free glossy box 😂😂
Must be so hard being a working mammy of 2 Angel babies 11 months aparawrrt
Hows the dig from Marnie true? When she was the one who later on retaliation to Chet 😂
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Chatty Member
It might be people that have noticed that aren’t on here though cos you would have to be blind to not notice the shit they shovel down those kids throats.

But I agree as funny as it is to see them getting pulled up, and delete it’s not right to comment on their stuff.
Ffs, they practically copied my comment, making me look like a real troll. I can confirm I do not comment on anyone socials 👍🏽

Don’t take it off tattle as that is trolling
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Chatty Member
I mean KP and KK have had longer spells at being mums and by their kids ages being 2 they didn’t have this many dramas at all, Helen and Chet have 2 kids 2 and under. That’s a lot it shit for 2 kids and one is just about mobile.

Imagine what’s next.

When they walk in on ocean chuggin a bottle of toilet bleach some people on here will be like it was only juice in the bottle, they’re amazing parents 😅
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I came on to say how miserable Ellun was in chet story, but then it not fun being left all the time with 2 young kids, but Ocean will be back to pre school this week so just perfect Elvis to deal with
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VIP Member
Did they have a house party last night whilst the kids were in bed? 🥴
Think they do that quite a lot to be honest. Poor kids. That again will never be addressed tho. They have no one to watch the kids while they have a houseful of people. Doing god knows what in that house. Her mum and friends are all up north and Chet's parents don't have them
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