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She needs to stop blaming covid for her bad habits.

Face it Helen, YouTube isnt for you anymore. Yup, I’m an asshole on tattle, but I do know that successful content creators are setting the bar high with new techniques and ideas. your level of dwindling effort is embarrassing for your ‘brand’.

I honestly think she needs to step back, get back into the real world and reflect on who she wants to be at the end of the day.
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Wonder if Jays haircut cost 550£ lol
That comparison made me think of the fashion show episode where the lads are discussing who's modelling for the fashion show and Jay can't believe it's ready to go ahead because he's not been asked to be a model 😂

Helen Jay Football Fwiend Anderson.
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I genuinely think she's mad paying out the nose for a new car when there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old one. It wasn't even old. Rampant consumerism at its finest.
100%. Especially with the last bit of the video where she's just showing off all the random accessories she bought off Amazon for her nEw CaR... The amount of snacking-related stuff is just pretty weird when you don't have toddlers to worry about.
The bit about filling "the void" instead of saving money after finding a better mortgage deal was quite a sad insight into her mindset, and pretty irresponsible amidst an economic recession and so much uncertainty (+ seeing the dwindling views on her videos)...

She mentionned those camping trips she'll be able to do in that new car: 1) she could do that in the old smaller car. 2) Phil bought a van and I thought they were doing it up for road trips?

Also, what a joke to hear her say "just do what you wanna do, man", in the same 18 months that she raved about "the simple life" at the start of lockdown and all the ads for period pants, promoting sustainable face wipes and adopting a """"vegetarian lifestyle"""" (lots of quotes here, lol)

Last rant: I am annoyed at the way she puts her safety belt to the side. Stop prioritizing your annoying chin mic Helen, actually please just stop filming yourself while driving, you're already a shitty driver so focus on the road. Rant over.

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Could you imagine how mind numbing that would be !?

H: Do you fink I’m a good driver Phil??
P: yea
H: oh Phil look there’s sheep in that field!!!
P: oh yea
H: do you think we should go through the drive through phiiiiiil?
P: maybe
H: I love driving with you Phillip!
P: 😐
Helen if you’re reading this, stop trying to make Phil happen. It’s not going to happen. You can see she’s trying so hard to encourage him to talk and be involved in vlog life, but IMO he just looks uncomfortable in front of the camera. I wonder whether he’s a completely different person when it’s turned off and more relaxed.

Sorry double post, just got to the end of the vlog and she’s feeding her dogs sausages and chips! Wtf is wrong with her.
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Agreed. I'm trying to be mindful of what I say/think because of a lot of internalized fat-phobia, but it's so true.
She should at least *try* being active and skipping the junk food/booze for a few weeks in a row just to see if there's an improvement on her migraines.
It will never happen. Her eating habits are her security blanket. No I don't feel sorry for her. She's had years to sort her act out. I know this will trigger people. But being greedy makes you fat. Simple. The British mentality of being big and proud isn't always the best. Just like we are expected to have children, a mortgage and a steady job all by the end of our 20s. It's so yawn. We should not be encouraging people to be comfortable being obese or being overweight. Drinking cola!/beer and eating McDonald's like its going out of fashion will put our NHS under stress. Duh. Jonathan Ross daughter comes to mind when I think of this issue. Always flaunting about. Now don't get me wrong poverty is often linked to poor diet. But Helen has no excuse. It's lazy and it's putting the wrong signals out. It's deep routed shit, like when people are pregnant and say 'they are eating for two' it's pure fallacy.
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Nothing to add that hasn't been said but love the Staycation chat, my most hated phrase lmao. It's a bloody holiday! You're going on holiday, still counts if you don't use your passport.

Since this phrase has become really popular over the pandemic it's reeeallllyy rubbed me the wrong way. I was never fortunate enough to go abroad as my parents couldn't afford it and I've only ever been once in my life as a trip with my uni, but all of my holidays growing up were somewhere in the UK. My entire life I've had so many people shocked that we weren't going somewhere like Cyprus or America, and making comments about money, usually saying how it's cheaper to go abroad as a way to make me feel bad for staying in the UK. The UK is beautiful, I have so many great memories of my childhood away on holiday with my family usually somewhere down in Devon.

I find the term staycation kinda classist? I hate this pressure to holiday away from the country you live in, and guilt tripping people when they can't. Saying staycation makes it sounds like it's not a proper holiday, like the UK is not a desirable destination and you're being forced to stay. I hate seeing these influencers using the term, espeically when they get gifted to go abroad and vlog those fancy holidays, them saying 'staycation' feels almost like it's not a real holiday to them (when it's one I would have gone on when I was younger).

I'm probably reading into it too much but a staycation is a holiday!!

This one is totally getting on my tits too. The people using it are ones that are still spending loads of money on a holiday in the uk. As someone who grew up with no money, I only ever holidayed in the UK and that was always a very cheap one that my parents saved up for, always self catered too.
A staycation is having time off and staying at home, maybe going out on a day trip. Not spending £££ doing luxury holidays that you’ve had to pay a premium for.
All it does is show how out of touch people are.
1000000% agree and had the same experience growing up!
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So according to Grace’s Instagram Helen is the maid of honour at her and Andy’s wedding?! Wtf! Why on Earth would you allow someone who stripped naked in front of your fiancé to be your maid of honour
I get the impression grace doesn’t have many/any friends so I’m guessing she was the only option 🙃
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I’ve literally fully given up watching now - I think the only reason I come on here is because I like a good moan 😂 and I’m bored at home semi-shielding because of being 35 weeks pregnant and not fully vaccinated yet.

Oh my word, that’s an expensive car. And so unnecessarily large. I’m afraid I’m of the cohort that thinks only people with big families, large dogs or farmers/contractors should be allowed to buy such a big car, the difference between driving one of those and driving a VW Golf is significant!

Also Llandudno…..every year since I was a baby, my parents would take me there to see my grandparents (half my family are locals), so it sort of feels like a home from home. BUUUTTT since the pandemic I haven’t been there because I don’t want to be part of a huge influx irritating the local population. It kinda annoys me that she’s gone there with her annoying English tourist hat on. And learn to say it properly!!!
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But… why would you put this on the internet. Forever. Where any futures kids will find it (and get bullied for it) Potential employers. Potential in laws. Potential husbands.
Just why?! 🤷‍♀️
View attachment 698324
ETA: should I make this my profile pic? 🤣
This is why she isn’t teaching at City College anymore. Her videos (even prior to jumping around in the nip for reels) were a safeguarding issue with the students.
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Here we go again, Helen recommending shorts to wear to the office 😂
I would get laughed out of the office wearing that outfit. And I just wouldn’t feel comfortable sat at a desk all day in bloody shorts. She’s so out of touch with reality. Not to mention its bunched up horribly around her stomach and crotch area - she keeps trying to pull it out but it looks so bad.
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Who on earth can afford to pay £550 for a haircut!? That is absolutely obscene, even more so considering I've had better haircuts from the kitchen scissors.

£550.... for a haircut. I'm in the wrong job aren't I.

I got to a salon in the North East called Longlox (they actually have a show on BBC iplayer called angels of the North)
And I could go get my hair coloured, get extensions, get everything styled for under £300
Without extensions my hair with a ballyage costs £120 and btw i have a fringe and I assure you its miles better than what ever the helk that is on her head!!

Helen take this as a sign to research a local salon and find a better stylist
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I swear all Helen’s trips involve the same thing walking, pubs and chip shops.

Since we’re talking about holidays I guess it’s a safe space to admit my family was that family you used to see having a picnic on the side of the road 🙈.

Considering my dad was and still is a trucker you’d of thought he’d of jumped at the chance of lying on a beach not driving but nope.
He did cave eventually and we traded picnics on the grass verge of a dual carriageway for Spain much to my sister and I’s delight.
Every childhood holiday I had from the age of 2 onwards was to France, to watch the Tour de France, so we spent every day sat for hours on a roadside waiting for that 2 seconds of lycra to woosh by. I always thought no one in the world would have spent more time eating sandwiches on a roadside than me, so here's a sweaty sandwich cheers to you!
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I'm not commenting on weight comments but I've lost count the amount of times I've been called a "skinny bitch", "anorexic", "pencil legs" (wtf lmao) and told just to eat more in my life. I'm just naturally slim, always ate just fine and struggle putting weight on tbh but that's me. I can't say how it'd feel from the other point of view but eh, I can't dwell on other people's perceptions of my weight. I feel skinny shaming (is this a thing?) is not spoken about as much but it's just as harmful to some people. I just ignore weight related comments unless they're nasty, Helen puts herself out there and has many a time spoken about dieting and weight loss, she goes in loops of gym-salads-PT-hiking to ice-creams in bed-take aways-McDonalds-I don't care about my weight. For her viewers it's exhausting, she could just not mention weight at all, lots of content creators don't. She will get people's opinions because it's part of her content.

Helen never used to be this overweight, the fact of the matter is, Helen overeats. We see that she does, and you can bet we are only seeing about half of what she actually eats on camera. She eats enough calories to feed 2 people at least, per day, it makes sense that she is struggling with weight gain, anyone would be unless they were working out a LOT - which she isn't. She does not appear to have a medical issue which is causing weight gain, perhaps the weight has caused one, but she does need to eat healthier, and less.
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I like Sophie tbh (content and her tattoos are fine, although not my vibe) but this particular tattoo is not my favourite of hers. That being said, I don't think Helen chose to get it for likes - that feels like a step too far - but I do think she saw it from a 'cool' artist, liked it, and lowkey convinced herself that she like Elton more than she does to justify going to get it. I've done that before but thankfully didn't book the appointment aha.

Phil stuff is just sad if it is true and she honestly deserves better. Obviously, this forum has gotten popular as we've been annoyed by Helen's behaviour but I dont hate or wish anything bad on her and I hope she gets the strength to chuck that prick if that's actually what he's doing.
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She's unwell because she bathed in that dodgy murky water hahahhahhahaha! Whoever wrote about getting the lurgy was right 🤣

AGAIN, not the brightest idea to soak in a tub of hot water with a new tattoo, I really hope Sophie's watching those stories and talking to her fellow tattoo artists, they should all steer clear of Helen Tattoo-wrecker Anderson

I remember that photoshoot!! They were dressed the same for a "secret project". Thought they were album promo shots but no music ever came out :rolleyes:
I think what will annoy me is after the hair dye debacle where she tried to blame the company because she didn't read the packaging properly, is shell probably somehow try and blame the artist for when the tattoo goes messed up
And then suddenly this tattoo artist is being smeared to thousands of people whilst she's trying to make a name for herself
But Helen won't care about that because of course Helen shouldn't be held accountable for anything that goes wrong in her life right?
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EXCUSE ME ?! I don’t live in the UK so maybe that normal for London but this is crazy expensive…
Oh it is crazy expensive, even for London.

The salon is owned by a really well known stylist in fashion and beauty, he's one of the top session stylists in the business. If you look at the bios for all the stylists, including Tom who does Helen's hair, they are all highly trained and work at fashion week, on fashion shoots, have global brand ambassador gigs etc. So they are all likely to have client waiting lists and that's why they get to charge an astronomical amount, they really will be among the best in the business.

Tom trained at Vidal Sassoon who are very big on precision cuts but also on working with what people's hair does naturally, so the state of Helen's hair is inexplicable to me! I used to work at Vidal Sassoon in the 90's (not as a stylist) which is why I have a bit of background knowledge about how high end hair salons work.
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