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Chatty Member
So a bit of a long one but I've woken up this morning feeling positive and as Helen reads here I thought I'd give her my opinion, and hopefully she actually listens to some good advice.
Here goes... So I think Helen and Fil would stand a better chance if she didn't force the influencer/youtube life on him. It really does seem like he's not comfortable with it at all and is doing it to please her. I think he actually does really like her, but it will get to a point where he will feel he's lost his true self and that will be the end of that relationship. People should always be given the space to grow themselves, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with your relationship. In fact it can be very healthy, if you can grow together, sometimes entwined and sometimes off in different directions, you will probably have a long and fulfilling relationship.
She doesn't even need to be one of those couples. Sammi Jeffcoate rarely brings her family life on line and yet she's so successful at what she's doing.
If Helen took her fingers out of all the pies and concentrated on learning one or two recipes to perfection - i.e. Home & Fashion or just her music or even on the photography/video side of things instead of being in front of the camera, she'd be more successful.
Right now she's seriously crashing and burning, I bet half of her views on yt are people watching to see how badly she performs next. And that's shitty but something she has entirely caused herself. She should have a think about what products she genuinely loves and concentrate on affs and ads with them instead of accepting EVERYTHING.
People are always more drawn to those they think are genuine and honest, which apparently Phil thinks she is, so maybe she should show that to her followers.
Finally she should cut back her youtube videos, if they were one or two a month, she'd have more content, more time to plan an awesome video and more people would enjoy what she's putting out.
Well that's my two cents for today 😂😂 thanks if you read this far 🤣🤣
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Hey. Not rude at all. Maybe its from my own personal experience, possibly my own mindset. I have admiration for people that maintain life with a mental illness. Also because its widely spoken about now. Years ago it wasn't.
Helen describes it as taboo which I disagree with.
For anyone that has faced stigma or discrimination because of it I meant no offence.
28 here 🙋🏻‍♀️
Anxiety, two eating disorders from 17 to now ( in recovery thank christ ) and Ill just call the other thing like a minor ptsd.

There is still massive stigma around mental illness.

You dont have an eating disorder, you just have no self control.

Irish girls are generally chubby.. Irish girls are generally skinny.. both.
You don't have issues with food - you're just selfish.

I once got back to work after 9 months off after 3 months in a hospital and 6 months leave for therapy etc.. My manager has called me senstive around 9 times since. Why would I need all that time off when all I needed was my friends. Was told I was over reacting and to grow up.

Fave one was " You've a boyfriend and a good ass, fuck would you have to be depressed about".

Im an extrovert. Got told a few times I was just looking for attention.

I started talking about my issues when I was 24. Im 29 now. Stigma isn't as bad as it once was but there is a LONG way to go.
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She can't take criticism can she, every time FIWL is honest, she pulls a face or trys to redirect what he is saying or manipulates him into saying something different. :sick:

Does she ever learn! Seriously its the same old rinse and repeat pattern with every bloke she's had
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Nice audience you got there, Helen. Totally matches your interests about covid with your constant breaking of the rules, going on about how you loathe masks, how covid is to blame for everything and stating that "lockdown is bullshit"

No wonder she attracts so many of these anti mask, anti lock down, anti covid and anti vax idiots.👌🏼🙄
I've now lost 9 colleagues since March. All between 30 to 65. And the pressure the HSE ( name of Irelands hc system ) is fucking insane. Fuck these twats 😤😤😤😤
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Watched a bit but prob won't finish it tbh, I'm tired of this almost mental health shaming she has going on. Sertraline isn't for everyone, I don't know if she makes it clearer later on but I've a friend who had a terrible time on it and had to change to something else, she ended up having just CBT instead of antidepressants. Helen doesn't seem informed enough to be agreeing to people saying they are their "happy pills" in the comments, maybe for some they are but mental health is such a personal thing, it sometimes takes time to find the right treatment it's not a one size/pill fits all. I just hope she's influencing in the RIGHT way for people who may be struggling and stumble across this cockney geezer rambling about her men'al 'elf.
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It’s so pathetic and sad to hear her say this when she has so much going for her. She has this huge platform and influence she could point in the direction of sustainability or charity or awareness (real awareness, not uh i fink im depres’d) anything really besides the selfish vapid cycle she’s in now.
Right! She is prety much saying her only joy is the pleasure she gives to herself by shopping or food. What about chats with her family or friends? Her "date"nights with Phil? I thouht her new drugs made her more creative and excited about work, does that not give her joy? The more shes goes on about mental health the less I feel sorry for her. I might ruffle feathers here(and I hope im wrong) but it seems not getting her own way is what is making her feel down. Like another poster mentioned, if it werent for this pandemic and she was still going on 20 holidays a year would she still seek out a therapist? She has got issues we all know that but I dont think shes addressing them in therapy. And isnt it fairly normal to feel low before your period?
Sorry if I have offended anyone, im currently trying to work up the courage to see my GP about my own mental health which I have struggled with since I was a teen and my very near nervous breakdown last year, so im feeling frustrated at the min.
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Chatty Member
I have a question, so if you see loads of "non-influencers" like Helen promoting stuff does it put you off buying it? So for example a wee while ago i saw the wild deodorant advertised by someone who i think is genuine and considered getting jt and now it seems everyone and their granny has received it for free so like why should I pay for it
It puts me off for sure. Sometimes it makes me sad because it's a product I like or something, but I don't want to support a company that will send hundreds of pounds worth off stuff to these greedy, lazy people, especially during this pandemic when people are struggling more than ever. Part of the reason I hate it so much is that most of the #ADs are SO lazily done. Like when they're like "I don't know how to pronounce it lol"... just the sheer lack of effort and the greed on both the part of the "influencer" and the brands. It's rank. A good example is when Helen begged for some Lucy and Yak dungarees and they just sent them to her... They're supposed to be an ethical brand and they sent an expensive pair of dungarees to the queen of fast fashion, so they clearly either didn't do their research or they sold out. Gross.
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@PepsiCherry I am really sorry to hear about your colleagues.

Let’s see if Helga responds to/acknowledges this comment on her Insta skating story.
Putting a bet in now, IF she comments she's type her usual spiel of "I didn't know until I saw the comments, how disappointing. I'll look into it" (a la her Lush response) and will skate off into the sunset not giving it another thought because bitch don't give a shit, she just happy she got herself pretty skates. 🤟🏻
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Lol this video has made me sure of one thing - he’s in it for the perks, and has just been biding his time until he can cash in the travel rewards 🤣
My thoughts exactly, the amount of times he mentioned travelling, holidays and adventures, you can just tell that he's holding on to get in a few more trips away 🤣

He is/was friends with Maff, he knew exactly what kind of lifestyle he's in for.

There’s so much to process!! This video was pretty much Helen wanting Phil to praise her made up questions. It felt like these were questions she wanted answering but used the video as an excuse. Also the way she talks to him like he’s an idiot.......Phil was so enthusiastic talking about his cars and stuff but he seemed very uncomfortable when answering questions about her. Also you just know she wanted Phil to say he thought she was gorgeous when he answered about his first impressions.
This 100%

It just seemed that the majority of questions were just to stroke her ego. It was all about her. Even the way she set up the camera, she was front and centre, gurning, grimacing and throwing her arms at every direction when an answer pleased her, she looked bored when he spoke about things that doesn't involve her.
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Good! With the news of an even more contagious variant of Corona from Brazil arriving in the UK and all the pictures of the idiots flocking together breaking lockdown and social distancing rules just because the sunshine came out over the weekend, its stupid to think that gathering that many people together was a good idea 🙄

I bet Helen is frantically googling other festivals to go to with her flange group as we type.
My drive to the supermarket takes me past my local park/lake and on my journey yesterday it was literally teaming with groups of people, the ice cream van had parked up and there was literally no space between people at all! It genuinely upset me. I didn’t get my hopes up after BoJos plan was announced and I know I’m probably going to miss the holiday I booked 2 years ago, yet again regardless of how this plan goes, but just seeing the sheer lack of common sense from such a huge group of people made me tearful. I pulled up to Asda and had a little meltdown in the car park before going in for actual essentials 🥴😂. After a year of this utter Hell, you’d think even people as dim and selfish as Helen would at least try to make an effort for the sake of us all 🙄🙄😅
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Yet again it’s rather click baity, no? Someone would click on it thinking it’s about actual plugs and jewellery for stretched ears. Not just her shitty earring collection.

14mm isn’t even that big? She really does think she invented alt culture and is now the official guide of taking it into adulthood haaaaaaaaa
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Watched a bit but prob won't finish it tbh, I'm tired of this almost mental health shaming she has going on. Sertraline isn't for everyone, I don't know if she makes it clearer later on but I've a friend who had a terrible time on it and had to change to something else, she ended up having just CBT instead of antidepressants. Helen doesn't seem informed enough to be agreeing to people saying they are their "happy pills" in the comments, maybe for some they are but mental health is such a personal thing, it sometimes takes time to find the right treatment it's not a one size/pill fits all. I just hope she's influencing in the RIGHT way for people who may be struggling and stumble across this cockney geezer rambling about her men'al 'elf.
Totally this. I lost a year of my life in hospital, in the care of my parents and having every tablet under the sun. Which some really disagreed with me. It took many before one suited me. Then a year of psychology after. My recovery will be different to the next person but hearing the 'cockney geezer' talk about it is painful.
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Oh, Helga... If only you could apply that to how you behave in the pandemic instead of making up your own rules and breaking lockdown 5 million times.

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Is she really considering this baby thing?
What happens when she is gifted a influencer trip to the outer Hebrides or trots off to Vegas on a road trip with fwil?
Does the kid go to maffs sister with the dogs?
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I get the excitement but some of these influencers clearly have no reading comprehension skills, it’s the 21st of June at the earliest, provided that the other steps go to plan. This is way jumping the gun.
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