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Hey. Not rude at all. Maybe its from my own personal experience, possibly my own mindset. I have admiration for people that maintain life with a mental illness. Also because its widely spoken about now. Years ago it wasn't.
Helen describes it as taboo which I disagree with.
For anyone that has faced stigma or discrimination because of it I meant no offence.
Totally agree, I definitely think that anxiety and depression, in particular, are more spoken about and more accepted these days. I think because it's quite common for people to suffer from anxiety and depression. People are able to talk about it because of social media lets us see others who have the same thing in common. Before the old internet, we were just left on our own and it was hard to find people going through the same thing.

I've had crippling anxiety and depression all my life, it's only been recently that I've been diagnosed with autism, that's a whole other kettle of fish as I'm back to finding that, as a high functioning adult, there is very little help or support out there. I feel like I'm back in my teens struggling on my own with anxiety and depression.

Mental health wasn't even spoken about in the workplace 10 years ago, I lost two jobs because of panic attacks when I was younger. I never shared my mental health diagnoses with my employer because it was seen as a flaw. These days there's a lot more resources, help and support for anxiety and depression in the workplace.

Not saying that the stigma has gone completely, there are people still out there with the same mentality as Helen - I'm shocked that it was only a few months ago that she still had that mentality.

The only reason why she doesn't feel that now is because she's experiencing depression and couldn't do distract herself with boozy nights out, holidays or PR trips so finally talked to her doctor, 3 months later she's feeling great and is sharing her experience as if treating depression and anxiety is a piece of fucking cake.

I'm sure Helga will read these comments and will just label us as Sharons and Karens.
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View attachment 464905

Another outing, and visiting another friend.

She needs to be supervised? Jesus, can she do nothing by herself?

Must be fun for Josie having to sit there and film Helen.

Glad Helga finally took our advice and got a helmet 🤟🏻👍🏻
🙄All these friend visits and she moans she hasn't seen anyone in ages.

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Chatty Member
Honestly, I feel pity for influencers or wannabe influencers who post so much online.

If you just think about it - Instead of enjoying a solo she likes, she paused the song/possibly rewinded it a couple seconds back, got her phone and played up to the camera for that bit. W.H.Y.? Just enjoy your life without posting proof of it online :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: (I'm sure I'm showing my age here but whatever)
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Maybe just me but if someone said they’re on mood levellers I’d assume they were talking about pingers, not antidepressants and sending love to anyone her ignorance has triggered ❤.
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That video is anything but cozy and relaxing. It's proper depression nap surroundings and her incoherent babble doesn't help her case.
I know you can never tell someone what to do and especially in terms of what to do regarding their own health, but for me at the height of my depression (coupled with chronic fatigue syndrome after a nasty case of scarlet fever), buying a whole new duvet to put in a different room would’ve kept me sicker for so much longer. Like yes, being depressed is exhausting and you genuinely need rest, but extending the sleeping area into the rest of the house really isn’t healthy. Encouraging people to first of all spend money and then on something that they already own is bad enough but.. I don’t know, for me there’s something that seems a bit ill thought out there considering the topic she was about to discuss 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😞
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mental health stigma has come a long way, but boy oh boy there’s still a long way to go! it warms my heart to see so many people opening up here, and I wish I could give you all a big hug (yes, I'm 100% the weird girl from Mean Girls, who wants to bake a cake of rainbows and smiles and for everyone to be happy) my dm's are always open if anyone needs a chat, a virtual hug or whatever - don't be shy ❤

very much agree with you @hellom - you have to put in the work, and you have to do that every single day! like someone mentioned earlier you HAVE to get to know your “bad sides”, your vices, your negative coping mechanisms and learn to deal with them. it’s fucking hard work and it’s a full time job for many of us. Helen makes it sound like you just take a lil magic pill, have a nice barrfhh and then you're good to go.
she's the queen of not coping, and ignoring her issues.
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during a strict national lockdown she managed to visit a minimum of 6 places in two days
Her attitude towards this pandemic is utterly disgusting. As a person who also has the privilege of being able to work from home I don't think I have been 6 places in the last month never mind in the space of TWO DAYS.
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I think the whole video is pretty insensitive in general. I get the feeling she’s not making the video to genuinely try and help people and spread awareness. (I haven’t even watched it. I can’t watch her content anymore, it bores me too much.) She’s literally thought ‘I need a video idea.. I know I’ll talk about mental health.’ Recorded it quickly, edited it and slapped it on her channel she can bugger off for her weekend filled with junk food and booze. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Her title says it all capitalising REAL TALK like it’s some quirky kind of click bait title. No Helen these are people’s lives and people are really struggling. I’ve watched my Dad battle with depression my whole life, it’s heart breaking, not REAL TALK.
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She's such an ugly person - her personality just ruins her looks. She has no grace or class whatsoever.

And she needs to let Sons of Anarchy go - it's a great show but she's watched it a zillion times (with every boyfriend) and it ended in 2014. I reckon in her biker chick fantasy world she's Gemma Teller (or maybe Tara) but she would actually be a gobby, annoying crow eater who Gemma or Tara would end up punching in the face 😆 .
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Why is she so fake? She just went on and on about regretting not getting therapy sooner in her real talk video 🤣


Ouch, no shout out for McDonald's.... 🤣
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It's not even guaranteed it's going to be the 21st June, it'll just be no earlier than the 21st and dependent on everything going well
Exactly, its funny how people forget what the other predicted timelines were for "getting back to normal", easter 2020... Summer... Christmas... And the fucking eat out to help out disaster... June 21st 2021 isn't concrete either.

If this pandemic has taught us anything its to take things slowly and not rush into opening everything up, take things a step at a time.

So many people are putting their eggs in one basket and thinking this is the ultimate end. It's not. We're going to have to live with this virus and hope it doesn't mutate again. Vaccinations are still being carried out, it will be around winter time till we've all been vaccinated (again that's only a prediction).

Its just going to be a repeat of everyone rushing out to do as much catching up on everything they missed out on in the last few months, and we all know how well that ended up 🙄

Not trying to be all doom and gloom. With vulnerable members in my family, one of whom is still waiting for a vaccine and is having to go into hospital every day for treatment, I'd rather be super fucking cautious. Their lives and health is more important than a pint.

I also just cringe at all the people rushing out doing as much as they can and then complaining like fuck when everything has to close because they were too selfish and unable to slow down. I mean case and point is just looking at Helen's behaviour during the lock down and all those nonessential trips she had to take, she's acting like she's missed out on so much... Yet she's done and continues to do so much.

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This outfit looks like the sort of one you would wear to put the bins out in - or helping your partner bring in the shopping from the car. It’s just thrown on crap and it’s really really terrible.

I know I’ve posted a couple of things about her outfits recently, but it’s genuinely laughable that she’s someone people look to for fashion ideas


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Well she ignored that one (surprise, surprise), but she replied to the one I screenshot yesterday.... Oh and so did her gang of idiots 🤣

View attachment 462336
View attachment 462337
View attachment 462338

Love the one that said to this person to stop sticking their nose in... when they're doing the EXACT same thing, it makes me laugh seeing her little gang of brown nosers act like this, you just know that they will be the first to yell BE KIND TO EVERYONE whilst jumping on a someone else. 🙄

“sO jUst bECaUsE ShE HaS a FoLLoWiNG HeLeN hAs tO bE tHe piCtUrE oF pERfECt ReSpOnsiBiLiTY?!”
Yes bitch, that’s how it works
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I can't believe her entire world revolves around food, she watched that video and put that out there like "gained 20 pounds in lockdown because my only joy is food" like get some two player games ! Take some skill share classes! Wear proper shoes and go get some excercise!
She should do some reading in nutrition and think again about food. It's to fuel your body not for entertainment
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