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I can’t believe when they got the keys to their new place her first thought was whack out the camera and vlog a reaction video - buying your first home together is exciting and imo should be enjoyed just the two of them at first and last thing she should be thinking about is ‘cOnTeNt’. It really does speak volumes who she is and where her priorities are. Poor Jordan probably didn’t even have a say.
I agree but this isn't for Jordan (who does smoke) or for Hazel or for THEM. Its all for HER. I havent watched any videos of her since she mentioned not wasting her money on designer bags almost as if she looked down on it and I thought why not, rather a designer bag as an investment than a cheap ugly vase from home bargains 🤣 everything about her is a state. She's a joke. I feel really sorry for this clearly doomed relationship.. He must be the real village idiot if he thinks they have a future together.
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Shes just unattractive and old looking.
She definitely looks older than 25 duno what it is these days but loads of girls in their 20s seem to look older than their years.

The top lip is straight 🙄 theres something very weird about her nose/lip area 😅
Yeah there is something weird looking but I can't place what. She did say before she had filler cos she thinks her nose is big so maybe its that...... 😂
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Don't forget the mince. Just mince. Maybe a can of tomato if she's feeling adventurous...that's both a chili and a bolognese.

We all have to start somewhere with cooking, but seriously, don't be making food prep videos and giving meal advice when that's the best you can come up with.
im not sure if i misheard the video as i was busy and listening to it in the background but i'm sure she said i add xx number of tins of tomatoes and i was like "HOW MANY?"
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Haha I love your input on this thread as someone who knows of her in RL. It just shows you how fake and pathetic these idiots really are!

Also without giving away any details of her address how much do you reckon they brought that house for? I know you know that area....
I honestly have no idea at all but i can see if I can find out? Not sure how but ill do some snooping if I can and have a find out?
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Just wondering is it the lighting or is her 'new' sofa just vile? Looks well scruffy for a supposed new sofa lol
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Haven’t heard her say blush pink in a while is she feeling ok 😬🤣
Shes too busy trying to round up people to say they're her friend (check out her new story) nice to know shew reading here and basing her content around us! Must not be a lot to post about atm 🤣
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Could she love herself anymore on her stories 🙄🙄🙄
I thought she almost snapped her neck in the first one "showing off her eyeliner hehe" 😂😂😂 best thing is heavy or not heavy she don't look good i legit think she reads here and we've upset her talking about her looks cos not being funny she looks the same 5959696 posts a year and now she wants to do heavier make up? You look crap hun and always will - make up will not take away ur rat face and witch features lol and I no i can't imagine when I brought my house filming it all an ignoring my other half. I feel sorry for them I really do. Typical couple who will get to 40 think they've been happy cos all the fake stuff and free money then realise they wasted their life and are trapped! I never seen a spark between them on the vids they seem so uninterested in eachother.

Also dreading this assumptions vid someone will have to fill me in. Last 1 really annoyed me bcos someone asked her bank balance and she made a big deal of saying she wasn't gonna tell then taking a sip of her drink and going "4figures"😂 hun I have 4 figures in my bank and im not rich! Little hook nosed brat.
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Question! If that idiot hadnt had acrylic on her nails 4a year why didn't the idiot grow them out herself and cover with shellac especially seeing as she's gone for boring beige not like she needs acrylic for the design etc? So much Healthier wtf honestly shes so self centered everythings about image she doesnt give a shit about her followers possibly pickin up her shite habits. I hate the girl she is the depiction of a snobby cow.
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She’s been gifted Laura Mercia products!

Really pisses me off when a brand I use myself does this! I’d stop using it but the powder is sooo good!
Not sure why they send her a red lipstick shell never wear (until she reads this) the girls all about being beige and boring lol im more worried shes going to get her lips done during lockdown then sayin its ok bcos they are medical practitioners! Not bein funny the dr is still open but I wouldnt b calling them for a face to face appt durin lockdown unless it was an emergency. Just another example yet again of how she lives in her own world and no one matters but herself. Fuck the whole world ayy? Bcos idiot over there wants her lips done!
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DeeSeni Noooo

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OK ok we get it you've had a boob job, why does she feel the need to have them half hanging out all the time to a majority of female viewers. Do her work colleagues and bosses see this? Who would take any legal advice from someone who gets their builder bum out to beg for some likes. Yuck 🤢


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The number is at around 3.50 on this video
From the info I have acquired what is not much I found average house prices being between £283k-£312k in that area. I thought I found the actual house which was priced at £298k but it wasn't the rite one! But to narrow it down it will be between £283k and £312k
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DeeSeni Noooo

VIP Member
No big companies work with her paid or gifted because her audience is as big as the back of a stamp. I hope no smaller businesses take up her offer because she did something like this at Christmas time last year. I doubt it generated any income or publicity for them. 17k views 🤣 She will happily pay for items from White Company, Zara etc for hauls but not for companies "beneath" her.


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She’s put a few things we were talking about on here on her stories. Like where are Jordan’s clothes and what his family think of her.

So hi hazel we know you read here no matter how much you deny it!!

Shes fake af too. I asked a few questions on her q&a and mentioned i didn't rate the new zara boots she posted and she blocked me. So she could get tonnes of not 100% positive comments or comments to her liking and no one knows bcos she just blocks and deletes them. How fake. Clearly cant take anything negative said against her without freaking out!
That’s funny coz she’s gone onto say she can take feedback 😂😂😂😂 and only blocks hate. Clearly if she doesn’t like hearing something she blocks / deletes. Pathetic!!
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Any1 else since reading here gone to Megan's youtube? I quite like her!
Yeah, she’s very natural in front of the camera; shame it’s the same carbon copy basic content (hauls etc), but at least she comes across a lot more likeable than Hazel. I hope her channel does well.
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Her family is probably rather embarrassed at the way she parades herself on social media. Tries to say that she is a professional in the legal industry, but dresses like a hooker and talks like such a chav.

I've worked in the legal field for decades and never known anything like it
She’s in the financial services industry, not legal
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I found her.....She started her own channel....Maybe this is why they fell out? Her name is megan esme

Straight off to check out her channel!

I think if I remember rightly she came across well on hazels channel if I’m thinking of the right girl. So good on her!

Same with Sophie (Gemma louise Miles friend) if she started a channel I think people would flock to it!

Good on them I saw people don’t like being used for others to make money off! We get enough of that in the day jobs 😂😂😂

What a surprise she’s getting her filler redone! Let’s hope she sticks to just the 1ml this time!
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