Hazel Maria Wood @hazelwoodx

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Has anyone else watched this lip pumped, annoying, Essex airhead? Something about this woman really grinds me.... Hi Angela 😡🤬 Another one living in a fluffy world of grey and pink, fluttering her eyelashes and collagen pumped lips at the camera whilst showing off new tat she's bought at Poundland and Home Bargains.... She seems to at least have calmed down on positioning her camera higher, aiming down her cleavage in slinky tops. Must've took notice of some of the comments in the past....
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I’ve searched for threads on her here before and this one didn’t come up... weird! Anyway yes I also find her annoying and a bit strange/fake.
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I don't mind Hazel, the only thing is that I do think she will eventually end up quitting her job and doing YouTube full time, that'll end up being her downfall as shes basically a carbon copy of gemma miles & all the rest of them.
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Good on you for saving 20k to buy a house but anyone with a brain cell who works full time and lives rent free with their parents should be in a position to save. She had no outgoings 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Good on you for saving 20k to buy a house but anyone with a brain cell who works full time and lives rent free with their parents should be in a position to save. She had no outgoings 🤦🏻‍♀️
Yes!!!!!!!! My thoughts exactly...making out like she’s some financial genius for buying a flat in her 20’s 🙄 Everyone would manage it if they had that sort of help and support

I don't mind Hazel, the only thing is that I do think she will eventually end up quitting her job and doing YouTube full time, that'll end up being her downfall as shes basically a carbon copy of gemma miles & all the rest of them.
Agreed - It does seem to be the way with most of them unfortunately doesn’t it 😒
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Exactly! The way she goes on you'd think she was some high flying hedge funder with a maths degree from Cambridge! What has she really done thats so special? Anybody can save hundreds a month if they live at home and have minimal outgoings. Plus she has a help-to-buy equity loan which I think is a risky way of getting on the property ladder. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole but I know that opinion will be controversial as for many people they are the only way they can get a property. And, is she really only 24? Looks much older.
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Exactly! The way she goes on you'd think she was some high flying hedge funder with a maths degree from Cambridge! What has she really done thats so special? Anybody can save hundreds a month if they live at home and have minimal outgoings. Plus she has a help-to-buy equity loan which I think is a risky way of getting on the property ladder. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole but I know that opinion will be controversial as for many people they are the only way they can get a property. And, is she really only 24? Looks much older.
I get the impression she likes to act/dress a bit older to seem classy or sophisticated somehow, but doesn’t quite pull it off. I did wonder about the mortgage, that would make more sense I suppose for someone buying so young, as long as she can keep paying it off. But she’s mentioned buying house (rather than a flat) with her boyfriend a few times recently so surely that would mean taking on an even bigger mortgage? 🤨
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She looks a lot older than 24.

Also, does she have extensions? Her hair always looks so knotty and unkempt.

The pretty little thing haul...

Why do YTs spend so much money on cheap, fast fashion?! The quality is so poor and majority of the outfits look incredibly cheap, especially the first one :(
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She looks a lot older than 24.

Also, does she have extensions? Her hair always looks so knotty and unkempt.

The pretty little thing haul...

Why do YTs spend so much money on cheap, fast fashion?! The quality is so poor and majority of the outfits look incredibly cheap, especially the first one :(
Yeah those dresses were horrible 🤢
She’s got a great figure but none of them did anything for her

I think she's alright actually, provides decent information for people for free...plus coreee you 100% would, would'nt you 💦
Are you her boyfriend? 🤔
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I only came across her recently and do really like her videos on saving and buying a house, she knows her stuff and it's useful for people like me that don't understand all the jargon so I've benefitted from watching her videos 😊 I like that shes focused on going up in her career with promotions and stuff, its refreshing to see!
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I only came across her recently and do really like her videos on saving and buying a house, she knows her stuff and it's useful for people like me that don't understand all the jargon so I've benefitted from watching her videos 😊 I like that shes focused on going up in her career with promotions and stuff, its refreshing to see!
Yeah no I totally get that, I like her too, I like some of her videos! And I found her through money saving too... She's really good at what she does but I do think she'll Jack it all in to be an influencer unfortunately.. I really think she should keep her Job, have YouTube as a side hobby and she'll flourish and do well!! I just think she'll get too big for her boots. She's already said on a q&A vid she wants to do YouTube full time.
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Good on you for saving 20k to buy a house but anyone with a brain cell who works full time and lives rent free with their parents should be in a position to save. She had no outgoings 🤦🏻‍♀️
Omg is thar how she did it? Wow. Also having a decent salary. What do we think she is on?

https://www.archive.is/https://www....r-reveals-200-000-home-owner-age-just-22.html yeah anyone can save that much. If you pay no out goings. Her hauls are revolting during this time. Boasting that it has been a year since she bought a new car?!
Yankee candles. Promoting a bed that's 300 pounds. All for money. She really just wants money. So greedy. I know she got furloughed.
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She said in a recent Q&A on Instagram that she was on £29k while she was saving so I’m guessing well over £30k, £35k maybe....

I find her videos on finance quite interesting to be honest she seems to know her stuff.
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She said in a recent Q&A on Instagram that she was on £29k while she was saving so I’m guessing well over £30k, £35k maybe....

I find her videos on finance quite interesting to be honest she seems to know her stuff.
that's a good salary. It's easy to live off 10 thousand a year when you live at home. Yeah she has good advice but is a bit arrogant
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Omg is thar how she did it? Wow. Also having a decent salary. What do we think she is on?

https://www.archive.is/https://www....r-reveals-200-000-home-owner-age-just-22.html yeah anyone can save that much. If you pay no out goings. Her hauls are revolting during this time. Boasting that it has been a year since she bought a new car?!
Yankee candles. Promoting a bed that's 300 pounds. All for money. She really just wants money. So greedy. I know she got furloughed.
Wow I didn’t know that article existed 😂 The comments are hilarious, pretty much everyone saying the same as us i.e. living with parents
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