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Also, I may be speaking personally here but what 20 odd year old without kids gets a 4 door family type wagon as their car?! Unless he’s becoming an uber driver.....🧐
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I'm so excited he will be back, I've had to resort to eating salads without his inspirational food of beige with a side of beige 🙄

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Imagine a life that grim that you have to close your eyes to imagine a food is something else.

Just have a burger and count the calories FFS 😂
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Chatty Member
He's probably a male escort ... plenty of thirsty old dears and bored housewife types after him on Instagram. Prob why he used to do the pants shots touting for business 🤢😂
Surely no one would want to hire him after seeing on his instagram he’d eaten 3 eggs and a tin of beans for breakfast 💨💨 🤢
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I feel more cringe reading the comments from his followers 🙄 than actually reading his posts and stories
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Chatty Member
Omg the Paddington pic had me howling. Sorry Mrs P (not her fault her son is .... well Harry)

Makes me laugh his pics ... I.e fish finger sandwich and chips...’ tastes like the real deal’

Last time I checked you don’t need to add JD seasoning to make a fish finger sandwich.
Fish fingers + bread = that is the real deal! He’s so far up his own backside he believes his own hype.
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whats the guesses on hazzas made up weight gain this week!

Looking forward to seeing a prince planner defaced and the words “nowt” and “fruit+yog” again, it’s been a while😑
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VIP Member
How the fuck does he get away with this I'm absolutely baffled 😂🤨
Not much of a dessert guy?????? As he not been down his page and seen all of those stupid Easter eggs filled with squirty cream and covered in sweets and all the other equally childish creations, not forgetting those microwaved pink and whites that looked like 2 pink cow pats

Sorry should have read Has not As 🙄
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Chatty Member
Looks like he’s using the correct cheese for once, compared to previous pictures of his hideous omelettes

Also about 800cals on breakfast? A whole can of beans really??
3 eggs, a tin of beans and god knows how much bacon - just cos you can, doesn’t mean you should 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Literally liked that comment about the beige food and got instantly blocked 😂😂 his block list has to be bigger than his following atm 😂
If I got blocked I would be gutted. He is Insta gold for me 😂. He is such a fucktard it’s beyond belief. I think that Pa Prickard should change his Insta name to Geppetto cos let’s be fair his son his an effing liar 😂
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makes me smile...supposedly buys a new car from a mercedes dealership, yet has a massive orgasm over chocolates from poundland...
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Chatty Member
Christ what a cock! His wage will hardly cover the finance on that car let alone the tax and insurance on top! He’s either skinted himself out for many years to come or bank of mum & dad has come into it! How can people not see that is beyond me! Clearly got no plans to move out anytime soon if that’s the case. Either that or he’s had a lottery win we don’t know about.

Anyway, I hope he enjoys it. It is a beautiful car in all fairness but he’ll get a reality check one day when he’s looking at going into the big wide world & has to stand on his own two feet, the car may not seem a good idea then.
Mercedes finance are really strict on ensuring you can afford way that finance is in his name. It’ll be mum and dad, a second hand merc for £400 a month and him on the insurance.
He’s such a basic bitch
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Virgin Media Fan

Chatty Member
Were not all like this I promise 🙈 Harry was a nasty bully at school, taking the piss out of people who didnt have the branded stuff and generally a nasty piece of work.
I completely see that in him tbh but I have no idea why anyone would let someone like him belittle them. Let's be honest here, he's a 22 year old boy that only has female friends.. odd! He's ugly as fuck with the worst hair and the dodgiest nose I've ever seen. And lastly this lad thought 'ahh you know how I'll get popular on Instagram, I'll pretend I've lost a tonne of weight and start a slimming world account' I mean come on, slimming world is hardly fucking 'cool' is it. He's fucking tragic. If he strolled in to the real world he'd sharp be knocked down a peg or two.
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He's got a nasty attitude about him, the whole " success " " work hard " thing about him doesnt make him a better person, I mean how low in life do you have to be to be so obsessed with material/designer things rather than just being thankful for normal things in life like a roof over your head etc? Steve Jobs said something about no matter how expensive your car is, they all make the same journeys.
most of people i know that are well off actually just drive basic cars that get them from A to B and it’s your average joe that is driving around in Mercedes or Audi as if their trying to prove something.
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VIP Member
I thought he was openly gay NO?
Iv followed him for around 2 years and never once seen him talk about a relationship with male or female, so it’s all just speculation. Anyway it doesn’t matter if he is gay or not, that’s not what the threads are about and it’s veering off subject
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VIP Member
Nugs - who the fuck calls nuggets ‘nugs’??
it reminds me of when my daughter was learning to speak and she used to callet my wallet a 'woblet' and my slippers 'slipats'

she's 9 now and has more sense than that jumped up little prick... never in my life have i known someone to have disillusions of grandeur like he does...
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