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If there was a Wank Stain Wednesday he’d be my one and only to get it trending...#wankstainwednesday
I can’t breathe 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I've just gone back to his first few pics too and saw a post of awards to him but the highest it went to is 4 stone!! Much more believable than 8 stone 😂😂 he seemed to become more of a prick as he got more followers 😡
I think that’s true for him, towers and Brittany. 100k seems to trigger the twats and it’s like someone’s put 50p in the dickhead 🙄
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Why does he stand with his legs spread as if he has huge balls 🤔 we know u haven't Hazza coz I seen ya in yer spray on skinnies. #bellend
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Hahaha definitely his dad's car and he's on the old insurance for it 🙄😂 that golf probably wasn't his either hence why they have traded that in for that 🙄🤦 .. probably hiding the plate cos it's a used one 😂😂😂😂 they still make all that fuss in the showroom over a used car 🙄
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Chatty Member
Such a stark contrast between everyone gushing over that plate of food on his Insta -and the same pic on JD’s page getting ripped to shreds. Shows you just how far he goes monitoring comments and blocking people on his page. Must be nice to have all that free time just pressing the block button all the time!! He needs to get out more, get a proper job, he has a Merc to pay for after all.... 😜
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harry pickard eats lots of nugs, treats slimming world and its followers like a load of mugs.

what on earth has the little chutney ferret been up to now?

can someone fill me in? not been on for days..
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He's not getting to push his seasonings and planner codes the same. What with Faulty Towers vanishing off of the radar too JD seasonings must really be feeling unloved 😃
wankers like harold and faulty have given those rubs, sorry, seasonings a bad rap I think.. I use them, they've helped me loads...

but I wont support them any longer, they have deleted my comments about him on instagram multiple times... as long as they support him they wont get another penny from me..i will use the ones i have in and its goodnight from me.

pickard makes me sick.
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These guys obviously aren't getting any sex if their need for a pathetic school kid prank is what they have to spend their time on. People like prickard fall eventually. He'll one day wind up the wrong person and he'll be wearing the pavement. He's a nasty piece of crap but that's not the worse of it, he's a liar. A perpetual liar. How can his parents be proud of him. I just don't get it. A liar. About his existence. His being. Everything he has to offer, he lies about. What kind of life is that?
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The comment about 100% on plan on that nugget picture is ridiculous. How can you admit you're not using the right bread, and ignore the 1/3 speed rule, then claim to be 100% on plan?! Absolute cockwomble!!

If you're not having the 1/3 speed it doesn't mean you should fill that third of the plate with more beige!!

Dick. 😡
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Gosh it’s so sad isn’t it. There’s going to come a day when he can’t afford a bigger/newer/more expensive car, and then what? No wonder SM causes so much mental illness, setting up unrealistic expectations.
Yeah I agree social media can cause mental health issues and make people think their life is shit compared to others especially when the person gloating is a massive prick that doesn’t deserve any of it. But you got to remember it’s mostly all lies! Whenever I see someone bragging on SM about what expensive things they have it actually just makes me cringe and feel bad for them because they need validation! Just throwing this pic in to because it’s true 🍰😂


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People seriously don't understand the difference between facts and bullying. They seem to think anything negative is trolling, its not. People have the freedom to air their issues and concerns, just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it mean or bullying. She was pointing out the facts that we can all see but his little minions are so deluded that they can't even see he has never lost 8 stone or how unhealthy that meal was. They think he's some saint, he's just a kid making a quick buck from them all and loving the attention. He's rude and a conman, just like matey boy Towers.

Does he have a job?
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