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Ironically, they never asked if the UK was ok during the pandemic , in fact during the first lockdown when fear was at its highest they were no where to be seen. They failed this country at the moment they really could have proven their worth (not that I wanted them to)
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Can I join you lovely bunch of people? Longtime lurker and after seeing the cheesy pregnancy announcement from the Gruesome Twosome I need somewhere to vent.
(Also, Harry put your feet away. Gross)
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Welcome! We yanks can take over the boards!

Oprah is losing relevance on the public side for sure. People are forgetting that she used to have a show, and as the younger set comes up most of them have no idea who she is. Her influence lies in behind the scenes stuff, the many people she knows and in her wealth. It's odd to me that she would choose this to be the first time in years for her to come out of retirement to do a prime time special. Hazzno & Megz are important enough for Oprah to do a 90 minute prime time special. Not George Floyd, not covid, not the election. An ex-royal and his no-name actress wife.
If you throw out all the theories that require you to wear a tin foil hat, then perhaps Oprah is just trying to collect some rent money.

I know it sounds silly, but the moment for me that started me down the path of not liking MM was the white dress to show off the baby doll. As a mother who has birthed 3 children, I thought "Absolutely no way I would trot out in front the the entire world wearing white after I just gave birth. Something is not right here." I know, silly. But honestly. Especially if I knew I was going to turn around & sashay back down the red carpet for all the world to see. Dark colors for me, thank you.

At first I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. I thought I may be projecting a little. (About to go on a bit of a ramble) My husband & I were foster parents for a long time; and at the time we had a 17 year old foster child who was a stone cold narc (sociopath if you ask me). She was put in our care because she kept bringing up allegations of all sorts against any couple that took her in. I am a guardian ad lidem & working on getting my Masters in Social Work. Specializing in clinical social work. So her caseworker asked us to take her in, knowing that I could probably handle her mental illness better than most. So I thought perhaps I'm projecting my own situation on MM & the RF right now.

But the more MM was in the spotlight, the more I saw SO MANY similarities between our foster and MM. Always the victim, the crying on demand, the manipulation, fakeness, the lying/being shady about things that there were no reason to be shady about. I could go on and on.

Not one doubt in my mind MM has major issues. At best she is a narcissist. That hand on the back thing she does to JCMH, is 100% GROOMING BEHAVIOR and is totally abusive. Same when she puts it on his shoulder. The back is a grooming behavior, the shoulder is a controlling behavior. It's absolutely sickening to watch. That one event when she wore the teal dress about 3 sizes too small was the worst example of it if you ask me.

And I am not one who cares about tradition or protocol. I would have been a tea dumping colonist. I'm too American to care that he should go through the door first because he is a blood royal, higher ranking, whatever. The fact that she knew what she was getting into, knew the rules, & blatantly decided to break them says quite a lot about her mental state. It's an "F&!$ you, I dare you to say something about it" to the RF & citizens of the U.K. Although I don't think JCMH is innocent in all of this. He is certainly being controlled by an abusive spouse.
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Thank you so much for your apology and I really appreciate It.

I guess as a U.K. citizen, I feel very ‘raw’ right now. We have the EU trying to make things as difficult as possible for us leaving their union. We also have Meghan calling the UK a racist country. I am very proud to live in the UK and I don’t think the majority of us are racist at all. All of my friends and family are very kind people.

Right now, it feels like the EU hates us for leaving, and parts of the UK and the US hate us for being ‘racist‘ to Meghan. It just feels so very wrong. The U.K. as a nation is not racist and we give very generously to help other nations every year. We are a very tolerant nation and my very mixed home community is testament to that. It hurts to be accused of being something you are not.

Again, thank you for your apology. I think I am being over sensitive and I apologise to you too for over reacting. We are being bombarded by M&H stuff in every newspaper here, several times a day. There is no escape and it gets too much sometimes.

I am a very proud U.K. citizen and so I was very quick to take offence. I am sorry for overreacting to your comment. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I think all this week’s news from H&M has taken its toll on me. It became too much and I just exploded.

No hard feelings whatsoever. I think I have reached peak H&M tolerance and I am taking things that were meant as a joke, far too seriously. That is my issue, not yours. I apologise for biting your head off. Xxxxxxxxxxx
No hard feelings at all... things are raw all over. Some day I will tell the story about how I became a royal watcher here in middle America and ended up on this board and talking to you, but it will be on a day when I feel like doing a lot of typing and when it's not as close to my bed time as it is now. I don't mean to be an invader and am incredibly grateful to be able to get a British perspective.

I grew up in a small town where they burned crosses in the front yards of black people if they dared to move there. I was relentlessly bullied in school in part because I wasn't part of the religious majority. I know what it's like to be homeless and live paycheck to paycheck. And I'm seeing people cry racism because Meghan didn't get the tiara she wanted.

There is a portion of the US that thinks everything is racist and there is nothing that will convince them otherwise. There is a far greater portion that would not be able to locate Britain on a map, let alone explain the difference between England, Britain and the UK. A great deal of all of those can't read and think Brexit comes with eggs and sausage. This is where most American sugars come from. Remember that.

I think we have all been tolerating a lot of things for far too long and we all are fast reaching our breaking points. There are no hard feelings and nothing really to apologize for.
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Just like Meghan wanted to take over the Royal Family, eh?

Please feel free as ‘yanks‘ to ‘take over the boards’ (your words, not mine). I, for one, will not be posting here ever again if you ‘yanks‘ ’take over the boards’.

How very tone deaf at this moment in time to make such a crass statement when international relations are all over the place. I seek solidarity with other countries, not division and take overs. You may say your comment was meant to be light hearted but it really struck a nerve with me and I found it very insensitive and rude, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. And especially after Brexit where the EU seems determined to make the UK regret leaving.

I have no wish to fall out, I just wanted to put my point across to say that your comment was offensive to me.
Are you Ok? :mad:

That is an incredibly aggressive post over a jocular comment from a perfectly polite and humourous poster who is one of the nicest people on here.
It was clearly a joke. Get a grip.
@ Yeltsinstank, you have nothing to apologise for.

I'm very sorry and you would be the last person I would mean to offend. You're one of the kindest people here and have a heart too valuable to be broken. Please accept my apology.
Don't apologise for welcoming a fellow countryman in a humourous way.
Jesus, are we reduced to tip toeing around and claiming territorial rights over a feckin thread?

On topic, they're still a pair of cunts.
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Anyone else just get the vibe that the Sussexes team are just not great at reading the room, in particular understanding the British public’s sentiment towards celebs and royals? It’s like they just dont get it. They might be smart at striking a deal with Netflix and other US corporations but I think they are clueless at reading the public. They probably thought their statement sounded sassy and clapping back would go down well. Instead it just sounded corporate, antagonistic and had no humility. The only people loving it on twitter are the usual crowd of woke worriers that turn everything into a battle about class/race/politics. Megan can be used as handy vehicle to pour their usual scorn on how awful the British proles are and how they all need re-education and shouldn’t be allowed to vote or read tabloids, because only metropolitan elites know how things should be done.

the British public hate people that are twats. The press will go for you if you’re a twat. if the British public are endeared to you, then you’ll get a reasonably easy ride. It’s not difficult to see that Hollywood diva behaviour was going to go down like a lead balloon with the public especially during a pandemic when people arent going to be that sympathetic to two rich people moaning about privacy.

Most people would have sat down tonight and saw the BBC news and agreed with every word Nicholas Whichall said, which will have team sussex frothing as its another narrative they can’t control.

lets be honest the Oprah interview will cause a bit of froth then people will lose interest. Meghan is a narcissist, it’ll be all about how she feels and her dreams. People will get bored of that shit unless she spills major tea which would be perilous and could invoke a backlash which again she cant control.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Buckingham Palace are on the phone to Boris encouraging him to announce lockdown lifting the night it airs... no one will give a fuck about the interview as we‘ll all be planning meets up with our family and friends!
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Harry should have been asked to give up his Dukedom, even if he remained Earl of Dumbarton. Or just leave him with the Barony of Kilkeel.

They have enough on Harry in their 'bad behaviour file' (at a guess) to 'suggest' that happens, and for him to agree. It's fairly straightforward for Harry to voluntarily resign a Dukedom.

Omid's petty piece in Harpers Bazaar US gives you the flavour of the whinefest to come on Oprah

The end of an era. Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, have confirmed to the Queen that they will not be returning as working members of the royal family.

Although a one-year review period had been put in place since they officially stepped back from their royal roles on March 31 last year, the couple shared their decision with the royal family a month early.

(Yes we totally believe all this is 100% Harkles free choice and TQ was just sitting by the phone waiting to hear their decision :rolleyes: )
The end of an era????
An era? What utter shit - it wasn’t a fucking era. It was 15 tedious, woke, meaningless minutes.
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I feel SO incensed at these two’s latest statement since BP have confirmed they won’t be back

“A spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said: 'As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role. We can all live a life of service. Service is universal.”

basically, we don’t give a flying F if we’re not royals, we’ll ALWAYS be royal.

Strip them of Duke and Duchess. Revolting pair
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Chilli pepper 19

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This morning I was just reflecting on how things have changed in the last week. At the start of the week I felt pretty depressed as,with the court case and pregnancy announcement they'd somehow appeared to be winning. But I didn't take into consideration their ability to fuck up a winning situation. If they'd just been patient and waited a month to agree the Oprah deal they might have fooled us. But they want everything and now.

Also how stupid is Harry. She's not my grandmother but even I know the Queen puts the crown above everything else. And no beloved grandson, even someone who's tried to ruin my legacy will change her mind. He was never going to get his deal and in the end it makes more sense to let them keep the titles then let government suddenly meddle with her family. Who knows when they suddenly wouldn't use that precedent to remove more titles or the monarchy itself.

The thing I can't work out is how the Harkles can spin this now. They've come across as petulant and ungrateful and any moaning and crying now with Oprah will look like sour grapes. It really wouldn't surprise me if they try to spin a story with the stress of the family booting them out has put her in hospital. Is she horrible enough to pretend losing a baby to try and get sympathy? Or do they need this daughter publicity more?

Also he is weak but I really feel for Charlie. Could you imagine having your son turn on you like that. I don't know his character but think William is like Brenda and for him Harry is done
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The end of an era????
An era? What utter shit - it wasn’t a fucking era. It was 15 tedious, woke, meaningless minutes.
if I left a job after a year and someone described it as the “end of an era”, I’d think they were taking the piss.

btw, I sent my mum the video of the little song that was posted a few pages back, she had her first chemo session today and it made her laugh, so thank you x
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Harry and Meghan are a toxic couple. They feed off of each others insecurities. Personally I am fascinated by them because I am also fascinated by mental health, narcissism, personality disorders, all that stuff. I once dated a girl like Meghan. I've learnt my lesson not to sleep with girls I am attracted to. Harry is basically a child and Rachel is his Mummy. It's all so bloody pathetic and puerile.
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Iconic Member
Un Official announcement

Harry and Meghan have been dumped will be stepping down from their roles as Tattle Life Pratrons.

It is with great sadness we announce that it is not possible for them to continue with their responsibilities and duties, whilst also desperately chasing fame and fortune in the US of A.

We would like to thank Harry and Meghan for their time and commitment to the gossip site as Prat-ron and Other Prat-ron.

While all are saddened by their decision, The Duke and Duchess basic as fuck couple remain much loved members of the tattle life family through their extremely active thread,

we wish them all the best in their new straight to cable/streaming service ventures.
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I feel SO incensed at these two’s latest statement since BP have confirmed they won’t be back

“A spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said: 'As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role. We can all live a life of service. Service is universal.”

basically, we don’t give a flying F if we’re not royals, we’ll ALWAYS be royal.

Strip them of Duke and Duchess. Revolting pair
Agree 💯
What massive srseholes they are.
Their statements show such petty disrespect. They say they don’t care yet always have to end with some form of “yeah well we don’t care and we will do what we want”

What belligerent, insolent, rude, thick cunts they are.
Horrible horrible horrible.
They are adults. They have treated tRF with mocking contempt, yet been happy to take handouts repeatedly. I can’t believe how rude they are. Their statements beggar belief.
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Chatty Member
This photo really stood out to me while I was skimming through the various news articles shared in this thread earlier today.

Isn‘t it a lovely, sweet picture? The Queen is genuinely smiling broadly and Hazza is trying his best to stifle a laugh. It really touched me and made me feel very sad for what both he and the RF have potentially lost. There is genuine affection there between a grandma and grandson. What a bloody shame eh? He has been a fool, a complete and utter fool.
It's a beautiful photo. Very genuine expressions on both of their faces. It's one of my favourite photos of any of the RF. It's a bittersweet image now.
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Just a thought, but how the fuck can he visit Phil when we're in lockdown?? We're not allowed to see any other households.
He's not planning to actually see any living family members is he though? If he were, he would already have caught a (normal) plane and be self-isolating in London.

He's sent out PR that basically says 'If my grandfather dies, I will take a private jet and be ready for all possible ROYAL photo opportunities. Other than that, I'm not bothered'.
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