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As evidenced by their work over the past year...

Are they shitting us? They’ve done FA for their patronage’s and charities.
They lectured, preached, spewed, judged and disappointed. They let everyone down. Except Doria and the sugars maybe.

Do they really think they have projected a positive image of the RF or shown respect to Brenda this year? Everything they have done has been snide and pointed. Are they delusional or do they think we are stupid? I genuinely don’t understand their bitterness. They fucked it all up. They dabbled in politics, slagged off the commonwealth, bitched about other members of TRF and encouraged their sugars to troll them. They behaviour has been awful.
Do the really think otherwise?
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oh I love you ALL. First place I came to when I heard the news.

They are going to be cut out of everything - don’t even expect Harry to come back for the Diana
statue because by then he will have degraded himself so much, Wills will not have it.

Harry will be an outcast and treated far worse than the Duke of Windsor.
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Harry and Meghan #59
Poor Phil in hospital dash while H and M chase Oprah for cash

first attempt so sorry if it’s rubbish🤣🤣
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The whole “service is universal” part of their statement bugs me!! It’s like the Queen doesn’t own the word royal wording again. It’s petty and childish behaviour
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View attachment 442116
These were replies from a “What about Andrew tweet”... people literally do judge her for her actions! Not once has anyone on here or in the mainstream press criticised or even mentioned her race.
And the whole “ doing everything every other female member has done “ - didn’t know Catherine broke protocol a number of times, or her and Wills did interviews criticising HMQ, or displaying diva behaviour
There's already plenty of folk who should know better on Twitter saying 'Don't blame Megz if Phil dies. Poor Megz etc'.

No, but if you've been made aware that Grandpa hasn't got long left and you're doing the PR rounds for your forthcoming merchable baby and your tell all interview with Oprah, I'm going to judge you. Because you're AWFUL.
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This is going to sound terrbile...I know!


Do you think Prince Phillip is taking one for the team by going to the hospital. That way if Smeghead and Ginge go on Oprah they will look terrible slagging of the RF
Alternatively the stress on hearing his grandson and wife are about to do an interview with Oprah Winfrey and aired on TV can't have done much for his health. Imagine that!!
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
HMTQ has asked me to issue this song on her behalf:

At first I sad; there were many tears I cried
Kept thinking how Prince William would like you by his side
I spent so many days thinking how you did me wrong
But I am strong and I want to sing this song

And so you're whining from that other place
So you're going on Oprah with that victim look upon your face
I have changed the palace lock
I have made you leave your key
You’ve lost all your royal roles and the chance to work with me

So go on now; swagger out that one-way door
Just keep going 'cause you're not welcome any more
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbyes?
Do you think I'm stupid? I'm so tired of all your lies

Oh, no, I will survive
As long I can work I know I'm still alive
I've got years to live and all my life to give
And I'll survive; I'll survive.
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Another lurker from across the pond! Hello all!

I could be totally wrong of course, but I don't see the Oprah interview being all that big of a deal over here. Oprah really isn't that influencial over here anymore & no one cares about JCMH or his psycho, yacht girl wife. Other than maybe teenage & 20 something, ultra woke, Tiktokers.

I feel like when I see their faces, it's always on the over of People or OK! magazines. Which are nothing more than tabloids that will run whatever you want them to run for the right amount of $$. That doesn't mean we Yanks actually care about them. I can tell you I'm more invested in what those two are doing than anyone else I know...and that is simply out of hatred. 😆

If I was Brenda, I would be shrugging my shoulders & rolling my eyes about this. I hope PP will recover from whatever ailment sent him to the hospital. However, I think it has more to do with being 99 & not stress from these two. I may be way off, but I don't think the dynamic duo of Oprah & Rachel really strike fear in the RF.

(P.S. I hope the Anne health gossip is just that, gossip. I like her. And boy would I love to watch her rip into Smegsy behind closed doors)
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Chilli pepper 19

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If that's true then they put out the pre-prepared photo they had on standby obviously taken in the summer with Smeggy wearing a moonbump.
All in a bid to soften the blow regarding the Oprah interview. Calculating cunts.

I still think that she intended to keep the forthcoming child a total secret from everyone including the royals until it arrived.
Am I the only one getting a really warm feeling knowing everything they had planned has turned to shit. Surely there's got to be a crockery shortage in California now
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Thank you @cosmo girl and @kev1974 for the sparkling new thread.

Bringing this one forward - pretty much universal anti-Harkle messages from all sides of the UK press, from the Star to The Times. Just what you pay your PR team millions to achieve.... :rolleyes:

From The Times today,

It’s high time Harry and Meghan lost honorary titles
Jawad Iqbal

Wednesday February 17 2021, 12.01am GMT, The Times
Prince Harry is guilty of wanting to have his royal cake and eat it. He prefers the vacuous celebrity lifestyle of his new home in the exclusive Californian enclave of Montecito. Yet at the same time he has tried to cling on to the privileges of being a royal, specifically the traditional military titles passed down through the royal family. But Harry is wrong to think he can pick and choose.

He holds three honorary military titles: captain general of the Royal Marines, honorary air commandant, RAF Honington, and commodore-in-chief, Small Ships and Diving, Royal Naval Command. It makes no sense for him to keep such public roles given that he has chosen a private life in the US.

Nor is it right that he remains patron of the Rugby Football Union, Rugby Football League and London Marathon. What possible benefit is a figurehead who doesn’t even live in Britain? Equally difficult to justify is the Duchess of Sussex as patron of the National Theatre: at a time when live theatre has been devastated by the pandemic, it’s hard to see what help Meghan is at home in California.

If the Sussexes wish to continue their vainglorious pursuit of commercial deals — the latest is the decision to grant a tell-all TV interview to Oprah Winfrey — that’s their business but only if all royal connections are severed. They can’t have it both ways.
The widespread criticism and mockery of the Sussexes, including the vile racist abuse towards Meghan from a small minority, has allowed the couple to portray themselves as victims. Their departure is framed as an exit from the royal family whereas it is actually an exit from Britain itself, its culture and way of life.

In Meghan’s case that’s understandable: she couldn’t wait to escape. But Harry remains sixth in line to the throne and, as the commercial deals roll in, it is hard to see how the wider royal family won’t end up as collateral damage.
It now appears that the couple will lose all their remaining royal patronages at the end of their one-year, so-called “Megxit” review period next month. Quite right too. Now is the time to make clear once and for all that there is no halfway house membership of the royal family. Then Harry and Meghan, as fully private citizens, are perfectly free to do as they please. As if anyone will care.
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What annoys me (of many things) is that they throw the York girls as an example of making their own income while still being in the family.

They have "proper" jobs, and are not working Royals. Their "job" is not promoting themselves and selling their speeches or anything else connected to their family to the highest bidder.

If they decided they wanted to work in a more mundane job, they would have a lot less flak.

What they are trying to do is commercialised royalling in the US, and that is why they are getting grief and what no one in their right mind likes or even thinks they will be successful at. They've no intention of getting their hands dirty for longer than a photo op, and just expect the money to roll in.
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I have to admit the bit where they said about their actions over the past year kind of stuck in my throat, particularly when you think that cringe is Parton of the National Theatre. This past year actors, make up artists, stage hands, lighting techs etc haven't been able to work and cringe has said the square root of diddly squat!!! Compare this to the lovely speech that Camilla gave at the Olivier awards!!!

If cringe really wanted to make a difference, she could have highlighted the plight of people in the acting profession.

I'm pleased that they've been stripped of their patronages - its a year over due.
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When will the sugars get it through their thick skulls - no one gives a fuck about Smegma’s race. As was said in the previous thread, it’s much more to do with her being American and not understanding that royalty is not the same as celebrity.

if hazard had married a black British woman, they would almost certainly still be living in the UK as working royals.

As for Philip, I wish him well. If anything happens to him and they decide to go ahead with this pity party of an interview, they will look like the biggest pair of cunts who ever drew breath.
If Phil carks it, and I hear one single self-pitying word from this pair of charlatans, I'm going to call a cunt a cunt.
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Hoping that Prince Philip pulls through. 🙏

(Hi not new to Tattle, but just found you (this forum). I'm a total anti - Harry and Meghan person. Hoping the Queen will cut ties with them on March 31st. Also, I was gobsmacked with Meghan's court win. I hope that will be rectified!)
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No idea but once Charles ascends to the throne I bet the family meeting with Camilla, William and Kate would be formidable if Harry was begging for a way back in for Meghan.

I’ve said before, if Harry did ever come back alone they’ll throw him on a farm in Scotland.

He can fuck right off and then fuck off again and when he gets to fuck he can keep on going, Scotland doesn't want him or his horse hair wearing slapped tyvm!
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