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One of the sugars had another go at doxing Murky Meg
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The account has now been suspended though 😁

Yes I was a bit perplexed about her mum getting an allowance, why? It's bloody outrageous and disgusting that we are paying for another freeloader, and this one didn't even have to shag anyone for it.
Harry's a multi-millionaire - setting up Thomas and Doria with an allowance/pension (and help with publicity) is what he should offer to do if they were struggling. Haz being Haz, he thought that Bank of Charles / RF/ us lot should pay for it. Nope, that one's on you Harry.
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This! My 16-year-old told me a while ago that her friends think I am cool. I have not asked for further details and am determined to keep my actual uncoolness under wraps. I sure as he'll won't be inviting myself to online gatherings amongst them to "lend my voice":rolleyes:
I am a mum of a 14 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. Can you puuuuleeease tell me how I can become just a little bit ‘cool’? I got laughed at for putting a poster on Facebook about our lost cat. My daughter exclaimed,”Facebook?!” I asked what was wrong with that and she just replied, “Ok, Boomer.”

What the hell?!?!
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I am so sorry, yes, I realise that she tried to explain her over reaction in her last sentence.

@margaretta I am sorry for jumping down your throat. I now realise why you were so upset. You said you felt all alone. I really understand how that feels as my mum died a few years ago.

Well, the lovely regulars on this thread will NEVER make you feel alone. They are a lovely supportive bunch. Please join in and you will feel amongst friends. I hope you are ok xxx
Nice post, that 😘
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Chilli pepper 19

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Has any one asked if Harry is OK. I'm seriously worried about what flashbacks he's now having after the flash of that camera
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It’s interesting. My in-laws are renowned letter writers when they fall out with people- which they constantly do. They also leave a trail of ghosted people, or indeed people that no longer want to speak to them. They are very narcissistic.
Anyhow, I had managed to keep the peace with them and was a bit smug about it, but after 15 years I managed to upset them by essentially telling my MIL firmly but politely not to call my child a stupid little girl (she was 3 at the time, she had reached up to open a door handle and was pulling on it but not roughly).
MIL got very upset at ‘being spoken to like that’ , all a bit awks, we drove home later and a few days later I got ‘The Letter’. Essentially a typewritten (!) 4 page epistle just to me ,listing everything tiny I’d ever done that had been offensive to them (who knew) , written in a strange, flowery monologue really. It ended with something along the lines of we have always loved you but the way you spoke was unforgiveable’. Then signed with a special ink pen!
I give this example because it wasn’t as if they were expecting it to be published somewhere! It’s more...some sort of narcissistic ‘last word’ where they can rewrite scenarios and conversations they’ve had and somehow become the wounded hero of the piece. Sound familiar?
I find it fascinating (it was pretty horrible at the time though).
Holy moly @Tiddlypom , not only do I feel sorry for your MIL encounter, but you described my brother-in-law here! He lost his shit on a New Year's Eve about 8 years ago. Out of the blue, in front of his parents (my in-laws) and his brother (my husband). It was all targeted at me, screaming how terrible I am and stormed out. We haven't spoken since. The next day he wrote a long email to my husband describing how he always thought I'm not a good person, have always been disrespectful to their parents, etc.. it went on and on. My husband read it out loud to his parents who were like: "WTF is he talking about??" My husband tried to reach out via email once and asked to talk when brother-in-law ready but got a reply saying: "Dont talk to me like I'm one of your employees" :rolleyes:
Long story about, you might be on to something; it's some narcissistic, skewed view of reality and they need to get the last word.
Sorry for the slight derailment here, I feel better now, though :m
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They are now claiming Hazza having his picture taken with James Corden on the double-decker bus, whilst filming with a full crew on a public street, was a 'paparazzi incident' :rolleyes: :poop:

So their approach to this appears to be that any pictures taken in a completely public place are a 'paparazzi incident' unless of course they are set up with their own tame photographer and splashed out on the media by their own publicists. Maybe they shouldn't have moved to California? Just a thought? Perhaps North Korea would suit them better....

A paparazzi (very good one) speaks..

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If I was part of that poetry zoom group and they appeared I would have disconnected faster than Usain bolt can run!!
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They can’t deny that they have direct involvement with their creepy fans, watch that come back to haunt them if one of them goes off the rails and does something really fucking stupid.
Agree, some of their fans are truly insane and the debacles use them as attack dogs. What's that saying about creating a monster and then it turns on you? What I don't understand is how people can't see how staged and manipulative it is. She is USING people who adore her to further her PR efforts. Meghan Markle never gave a fig about black poetry before Amanda Goreman performed at the presidential inauguration. Now she sees that as her in. Where are her black school friends, college friends, designers, staff, lawyers? Her black friends are Oprah and Serena Williams, because they are wealthy and famous. She shunned her black relatives too. Thank god so far Michelle Obama does not seem a massive fan!

anyway, watch this space for the book deal some press said smarkle had landed, obv gunna be some poetry, inspired by hardship.
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Scotch Mist

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I would definitely vote for a Republic now. I was a big supporter of the Queen, that's gone, it's disappeared.
I'm not a huge fan of the royal family myself but I certainly wouldn't want the royal family to be replaced by a President..... unless it's my mate here 😉
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Hilarious article in Geo News Webdesk today by Duncan Larcomb (me neither) former Royal Editor of the Sun and "an expert on Prince Harry" about his losing military titles.
Larcom says HM would be losing "an enormous asset" as Hazzno has developed a deep undersranding of the military who appreciate him in return.
He warns without any sense of irony of the danger that if Hazzno severs links with the military "the royals will simply throw the baby out with the bathwater". :ROFLMAO:. I bet this exactly what HM wants to do.
The military adores Hazzno, he confirms. He has earned the right to consider himself one of their own, it's best for the forces to have him with them (!) And there should be no cherry-picking, he admonishes.
HM will lose an enormous asset, Larcom goes on, "A royal who can look servicemen in the eye." :ROFLMAO: It's what the forces want, it's what Hazzno wants, and it's best for the Royal Family.
This article is accompanied by a photo of Hazzno in full combat gear, ginger fuzz erect with resentment as he glares at the camera.
This article also appears in News International.
Where's he been for the last 2 years?
Bloody hell. I bet Dunky-wunky's bedroom at mummy's house is plastered with posters of hazza in uniform. He sounds like a total stan.
Call me kinda kooky but somehow I think the "look them in the eye" scenario was flushed down one of the toilets at the Lion King premier where hazno pimped the missus out for work by pinning the terrified disney exec up against a wall in an astonishing display of childish hectoring while "his men" turned out in force at the Deal memorial service to honour their 11 fallen comrades.
I suspect the "It's what the forces want" is bollox too. I imagine most average squaddies will think him a disgrace and that officers will be ashamed that he pissed on his responsibilities to take his bird to a cartoon movie so she could drool and dribble over Jay Z in the foyer.
On that note I'd be very interested to hear from Forces people/relatives what the general feeling is. I read a thread in a forces site about them and it was mostly sneering and negative but it ground to a halt months ago and I'm curious about their honest opinions at this point in time. A link to something would be fabby.
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Meghan said her "comprehensive win" means "we have all won", adding: "We now know, and hope it creates legal precedent, that you cannot take somebody's privacy and exploit it in a privacy case, as the defendant has blatantly done over the past two years.
The above from the BBC.
So now the talented one not only has film, audio and possible book deals. She is also lording it over the legal world (after all she has loads of knowledge formerly being a paralegal so know her stuff) AND is able to create this precedence over privacy, a thing she wholeheartedly believes in.

And tell that to all the surprised people on her zoom calls where she gets their life history to swot up on. So you can't exploit it for a privacy case but you can exploit it in real life for people who don't have the ability to sue.
Don't speak for me you thieving baggage. We've not all won at all, and the damage you cause is a daily reminder of how you've polluted everything you've touched including our Monarchy.. Warby could have done us a favour if he'd stepped outside his narrow interpretation and looked at the bigger picture but he didn't, or couldn't. A trial would have ruined her, but the carrion crow has survived to strut another day. :poop:🤬
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Iconic Member
Jesus my poor mum is pissed.
I just heard the words “smug bint” and my mum is far too old and proper to say the word bint. 😐

(granted she’s also a long time Mail reader so that ship probably sailed long ago)

One can only hope she’s in such a good mood she lets Harry out of the basement for a bit.
Rachel not my mum.
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That pic must be ancient, there is no sign of his Friar Tuck hairdo.

also even in California it’s currently too cold to lay out in the garden like that.

more shenanigans by the looks of it.
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She has set no such precedent, the boastful cunt. :mad:The ruling was already there regarding how much of the document could be published, warby simply went with that. It makes not a jot of difference in how they are treated in the press generally, it just makes the press stick to the letter of the law regarding documents.
How can the press fact check when the Cuntchops refuse to engage in discussing stories? During the Birth Certificate shit one reporter contacted them and they responded(saying the palace did it/told them to), but once the same reporter got back to them with the Palace denial the door was slammed in their face ... no response. So they are cherry picking what to respond to.
This has got the press backs up. Undoubtedly some of them are happy to see ANL get their arses lightly tapped on this one, BUT they will not be happy at the spin the harkles are putting on it. It's not a blanket ban on negative harkle stories, as they'll soon find out. Likely the press will hang firetill after the march court date, but after that the gloves will be off in the red tops and harkle support will berestricted to the bike riding, vegan,wokey, mushroom latté drinking luddite style papers like the Guardian.
Nasty bitch had to include "mom" in her thankfull acceptance speech as another "fuck you" to her "daddy".
I spotted that she had personally thanked her ‘mom‘. Another attempt to rub her poor father’s nose in it. How wicked and cruel. She pontificates about kindness and humanity but she shows none of that herself in relation to her dad. Another example of her sheer arrogance and hypocrisy. I don’t know how she sleeps at night. I bet her father is still in tears today. I hope he has some support.
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Not sure if I am starting to see into things too much but there are THREE news stories in the DM online at the moment, practically one after the other, that could be subtle digs towards MM.

Two US stories about people injuring themselves with super glue (MM was alleged to have superglued a girls eyes together at uni as part of an initiation prank) and one Russian story about a man finding out that his twin babies were in fact dolls!

Now is this pure coincidence or are the DM starting to get their own back already... Dum, Dum, Dum...


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