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Quite frankly, and I'm usually careful about stating things like that - this doesn't seem as far fetched as one would normally think. At this stage, after watching this car crash of a couple (no pun intended) for over 2 years, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past her. There is one and only one person that matters in her life, and that's herself, everything she does is focused on advancing her own position, benefitting financially & socially. She is not interested in anything that takes away from that, and will happily tread over dead bodies (quite literally, as we found out on Sunday) to get where she wants to be. I know a couple of people with the same mindset - and although they don't operate on the same scale, over the years you learn exactly how their mind ticks. Scary.
I Wish a hand had come from under the grass and dragged her down
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Looks like someone failed their Photoshop course, either that or Meghan has some serious spinal curve problems.
M says she didnt have a voice as a royal. She was only there 2 minutes fgs. It's like starting a new job and demanding to be involved in top level directors meetings.

No voice? She hasnt shut up. We're bored Smegs

Just for tbe fun of it, I went right back to the very first Harry and Meghan. Quite interesting, and havent seen any of the original posters here in the later posts.
The only posters I remember from when I joined, who are no longer on here are, Penny Crayon (always helped me with links as I couldn't do them!) and Yorkiejules and Mo5. I hope they are all well. X
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Scotch Mist

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A titbit in the Mail tomorrow about what exactly they are flogging to Netflix..

What’s more, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that the Netflix documentary they have discussed making goes beyond the ‘inspirational family programming’ they initially promised.

Instead, it will centre on the couple’s first year after splitting from the Royal Family, their new life in California and the reasons why they fled Britain.

According to a well-placed source, the couple have video footage from when they left their Windsor home, Frogmore Cottage, for the final time and their ‘farewell tour’ at Buckingham Palace. Their representatives are thought to have pitched the footage – including personal videos recorded as they stepped back from Royal life – during negotiations with Netflix.
That's the very thing I thought they would do all along. What vile treachery towards his family 😡

They keep on about 'the reasons they left Britain' as if they are going to expose some huge scandalous secret, but we already know that it was because they were on an out of control ego trip and Kate wouldn't go shopping with Smeggy 🙄
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I don't think anyone who's sensible thinks this is going to end well for Harry.

His behaviour has been atrocious and I think he's been complicit in most if not all of their shenanigans. However I firmly believe he was set up from the off, and that M is by far the dominant one in their folie a deux.

I keep wondering how this is going to play out; the best and worst scenarios and so on.

One of the things that's occurred to me (and it's in rather poor taste, I admit) is what would happen if H were to die before their marriage ends. I'm sure H is not going to just keel over. Though you never know: Doria's father did just that when he somehow got entangled in a dog lead some way from his home and died of multiple (eh?) head injuries.

But if H were to die by accident - loads of scope where alcohol and drugs are involved - or by e.g. suicide, where would that leave M? And from her POV what's in it for her - an important consideration as I think "What's in it for me?" is the mantra she lives by.

She'd presumably keep her title (until and unless she remarries?), she'd be the principal beneficiary of H's will, and she'd become The Tragic Widow. And she could control, monetise and live off the narrative of their time together forever without any risk of litigation. You can't slander or libel the dead, and they can't sue.

I fully accept it's a bonkers scenario for her to conceive let alone engineer, but is it impossible from what we know of her?
Quite frankly, and I'm usually careful about stating things like that - this doesn't seem as far fetched as one would normally think. At this stage, after watching this car crash of a couple (no pun intended) for over 2 years, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past her. There is one and only one person that matters in her life, and that's herself, everything she does is focused on advancing her own position, benefitting financially & socially. She is not interested in anything that takes away from that, and will happily tread over dead bodies (quite literally, as we found out on Sunday) to get where she wants to be. I know a couple of people with the same mindset - and although they don't operate on the same scale, over the years you learn exactly how their mind ticks. Scary.
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Chatty Member
Some screenshots from Murky Meg's IG featuring a Blind Gossip post, and, more interestingly, some comments from someone - gracemartineze12 - who says they have inside info.


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It didn’t occur to me about the timing of his message until I read that article. Appearing on the BBCs flagship show the week when the whole Bashir/Diana investigation was coming to a head is a very odd decision.

It is terrible and strange timing. And Harry has always been about protecting his mother’s reputation and memory and bleating on about how she was taken advantage of by journalists.....

But that doesn’t matter to him really does it? Not when he is desperately trying to redeem himself after the Remembrance Sunday fiasco. His reputation and standing in entertainment and celebrity circles is more important to him than the integrity and memory of his mother.

Yes, it is nice he sent a message to his friend. But the timing is so very wrong. And it is all about self interest. Nothing else. He is quite unbelievable.
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I'm a big strictly fan and wanted to like JJ. He's Scottish, has fought back from injury and on previous things I'd seen him on, seemed like a nice guy.

But I'm sick of his military service getting shoved down our throats. Culminating tonight in him dancing in a copy of his uniform. Which I also thought was inappropriate so neat to Remembrence Day.

And I'm sorry, but I really believe that ginge did this message tonight because of all the bad publicity for their Remembrence Day stunt.

If it had been better received, you can bet JJ would never hear from ginge again!!! Self serving git!!!
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Chatty Member
I don't think anyone who's sensible thinks this is going to end well for Harry.

His behaviour has been atrocious and I think he's been complicit in most if not all of their shenanigans. However I firmly believe he was set up from the off, and that M is by far the dominant one in their folie a deux.

I keep wondering how this is going to play out; the best and worst scenarios and so on.

One of the things that's occurred to me (and it's in rather poor taste, I admit) is what would happen if H were to die before their marriage ends. I'm sure H is not going to just keel over. Though you never know: Doria's father did just that when he somehow got entangled in a dog lead some way from his home and died of multiple (eh?) head injuries.

But if H were to die by accident - loads of scope where alcohol and drugs are involved - or by e.g. suicide, where would that leave M? And from her POV what's in it for her - an important consideration as I think "What's in it for me?" is the mantra she lives by.

She'd presumably keep her title (until and unless she remarries?), she'd be the principal beneficiary of H's will, and she'd become The Tragic Widow. And she could control, monetise and live off the narrative of their time together forever without any risk of litigation. You can't slander or libel the dead, and they can't sue.

I fully accept it's a bonkers scenario for her to conceive let alone engineer, but is it impossible from what we know of her?
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Scotch Mist

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I hope they investigate it too, especially if it turns out people who have family buried there are not allowed to do things like for example put wreaths up on stands, photograph graves, wander about where they like or go in when they like, it's bloody awful and I'd be so angry if it was me.
Fame Vixen phoned the cemetery up and the woman who answered the phone said that only American military soldiers were buried there (it's in her last video blog).
That means that they were lying about putting flowers on the graves of Australian and Canadian soldiers.
Also someone posted on Danjazone’s channel that the offensive photos were taken on Thursday October 29th.
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This has got to be the last straw for William. Seeing his parents depicted so badly in the Crown must be so hard, and hurtful. I wouldn't like to see my parents lives, with all the flaws that human beings and relationships entail, played out. And for W to know that H has a deal with Netflix must be devastating. I wouldn't be surprised if he never spoke to him again
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I agree. Their program will be more about that tatty old abused trope "Their Journey" from Royals to civvies. It will be carefully crafted to highlight their positives and all the altruistic stunts like baby2baby and planting flowers with kiddies. The criticism of them will only be addressed to make them appear unfairly victimised and to drag up the boring accusations of racism she concocted to explain people seeing through her as a person of whatever colour and just a general cunt.

Actually I meant to address something re the recent reveals about Diana getting scammed by Martin Bashir.
OK, for sure Diana had every right to be bitter about Camilla and Chas, no doubt about it. She was a fool to imagine her magic minge(sound familiar?) would be enough to drag him away from a woman he had a decades long secret attachment to, but she was young and naive so I can overlook her decision, but what I can't get past is her as a more mature woman 15 years later falling for the shite that Bashir fed her. All his stories of Chas 'out to get her' and colluding to bring down her family. WTF! That would not have gained him anything FFS. Plus the forged bank statements re payments made to her body guard and friends for info on her. The Queen having an eating disorder and heart disease and Edward treated for Aids etc etc. Any one or two of those claims would be red flags to a normal mind, but all of them being accepted as gospel by Diana points to a very sick mind.
I can't help but compare how Bashir lied and used a fragile person for his own sick financial and fame gain to how Diana's son has been similarly lied to and used by smeggy for financial gain and fame. And tiaras obviously. The similarities are unbelieveable. Much as I despise Earl Spencer I'm really glad he has outed Bashir. He should have done it years ago but better late than never.
The other point that interests me is how having his dead mummy now fully confirmed as nuttier than squirrel shit for believing that load of crap rather than the somewhat flakey put upon victim of the Royals will affect hazza. Hazza must be fuming that mummy's halo has slipped down a rabbit hole, and even worse, we can see how weak and vulnerable she was to be so thoroughly conned by a cunt like Bashir.
Truly and totally a case of 'like mother, like son'. Both vengeful and vicious for the wrong reasons and taking their anger out on the wrong people.
Can only echo what you think about Diana. She was not at all whiter than white, she had numerous affairs also. I fully believe she knew full well what she was pulling when she went on Panorama (?) and from beneath her heavily made-up eyes she did the whole "there were 3 of us in the marriage" coquettishly. She was not a saint, she was a flawed human being who didn't always put her boys first and any press that came her way, she lapped it up. She's no different from Harry in that way, and if she hadn't passed away when she did she'd still be vengefully going after Charles and the Royals for real or perceived slights.
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I heard a while back (from someone who is quite well plugged in) that the Harkles were funded with a lump sum from Bank of Pa (and TQ also contributed) to see them on their way at Megxit time. Part of supporting their 'transition to new independent life'. But that was final - there was no ongoing arrangement (and hence not creating any basis for the Duchess claiming in the future divorce financial arrangements that she was supported by Charles....) The same idea (one generous lump sum to set them up, no ongoing financial support) has cropped up in the other places.

Over the years, Charles has supported Harry generously and notoriously Harry just sent all his bills to dad to pay, including the polo ponies. The fact that he's not playing polo now tells you that his account at the Bank of Pa has been closed.
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Even worse, it smells like the 'private letter' was actually some sort of official press strategy to discredit her elderly sick father and paint Meghan as a victim. Disgusting.
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Interesting comment on quora about Smeg intentionally destroying hazno

And the Theresa Longo account reminds them of his reluctance to do the TimeTalks thing

That phrasing by JackBark (Theresa Longo account) is striking. Harry 'obligated' to do these things. Sounds like... a contract?

Remember Archewell? Saw this comment on Facebook - it should be renamed FlopWell.

I just checked traffic for their foundation website. They only get a max of 20 visitors a day and 600 a month. It's embarrassing and I wonder how much netflix is regretting their deal.
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Scotch Mist

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That's how I read it too, basically brother was murdered to protect someone (not necessarily PA).

There are a few involved people disappearing in that case, don't think we can put the blame on the BRF for all of them.
I'm getting sick of all the conspiracy theories over this and people trying to insinuate stuff. Until someone is interviewed and charged everything is just speculation. Arrogant Prince Andrew hasn't helped by being a snivelling coward but the speculators need to actually do something or shut the fuck up.

It's sad that Charles might get dragged into this crap now. Personally I doubt that he spent too much time hanging around with Andrew and his cronies. I don't think that the brothers have ever been close or have much in common.

And as for Camilla's brother, he fell and hit his head when he was drunk. Nobody was charged with any crime. This is speculation with no substance, just a desire to bring down the monarchy and cheapen their reputation.

I'm certainly not under the illusion that they are all fine upstanding people who would never put a foot wrong, but this just sounds like malicious garbage to me.
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M says she didnt have a voice as a royal. She was only there 2 minutes fgs. It's like starting a new job and demanding to be involved in top level directors meetings.

No voice? She hasnt shut up. We're bored Smegs

The only posters I remember from when I joined, who are no longer on here are, Penny Crayon (always helped me with links as I couldn't do them!) and Yorkiejules and Mo5. I hope they are all well. X
And Auntie.
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There's speculation among YT that MM and JCMH are saving Archie as a kind of saviour to appear in the Netflix docs. to redeem their popularity. İ really can't see that as they have argued for his privacy so far, and to feature him on film would grossly invade what any right-thinking parent would do. The mystery surrounding Archie will not go away. İ also can't see that Netflix would pay 150 million when the Beckhams are getting 16 million. İs the 'mortgage' on the Montecito house based on the future income from Netflix? The latest press from Charles' sources re The Crown series may have an impact on how things go with the Netflix deal?

İt's interesting that MM seems to have gone underground since the last court discussion. The cemetary appearance was shot late October and released last Sunday. İt's all been about Harry culminating in his Strictly appearance. İs her energy exhausted? İs she playing into the pregnancy/infertlity treatment reason she may have given to the Judge? İs she having operations/more facework/dental work done/boob job/bumions etc? İ am intrigued after all the non-stop meghan-ness we have been subjected to....İ am wondering too whether she has released texts and emails to the Court by the deadline stipulated. İ think that even if by some quirk she gets a summary judgement and wins then the floodgates to her secrets will open and everything will come tumbling out.
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@Baguette - Sorry no technical ability to drag your comment through from the previous thread but just saw it re: medals. I’m not sure if photoshopped, doesn’t look like it, but seriously odd to have taken his medals to US - although to be fair, someone could have posted them out to him pretty easily. I just think it’s interesting he wore them when it’s a “Private”. I don’t tend to walk around with my medals on at private events 😜
I'll try to post the photo that looks strange - it's because they are both over the pocket and on the lapel as well, which seems a bit unusual?

And this one as well

The first photo is the one where the photoshopper has taken out one of Megzy's legs...
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