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Meghan has disappeared?

It seems the new PR team have expertly pinpointed just what who was causing the 'golden couple's' popularity to plummet...

And say what you will about Harriet, at least he doesn't merch. 🤣

#it's that grey polo shirt again
IMHO she is deliberately keeping a low profile in order to whip up the is she/isn’t she pregnant speculation because she has no royal bride to try to upstage this time!
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Latest from Harry Markle. The letter quoted from an brought tears to my eyes so be prepared:

Pair of parasites.
That's a vintage Harry Markle. And this paragraph shows how much outrage they've caused in the USA. I really, really hope the press follow up with the LA National Cemetary for Veterans and do some actual reporting on this stunt.

The Cemetery you visited has been inundated now with calls, letters and emails being written from people and family members crying out for justice. How do I know? I was one of them and the lady that answered the phone at said cemetery, was not having a good day because of the two of you. She even said I will add your complaint with the other 1000 I now have.
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Chilli pepper 19

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The thing is no one cares about his opinions anymore and he's just becoming reality tv trash who'll pop up at every opportunity. I just hope they get their Netflix money as they seem dedicated on pissing off everyone who's actually paying them money. I might have missed it but I only saw one tweet about his TV appearance and nothing about his fathers birthday. Its Prince Charles I feel sorry for as it must break him in two to see what an absolute little shit his son has turned into and what he must do
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That's so sweet. She's already stepmum to a drug addict sex obsessed guy with a foot fetish who was thrown out of the military for testing positive for cocaine and who can't even remember that he left his very personal laptop full of self porn and incriminating emails in for repair at a random little repair store ... somewhere in ButtFuckEgypt. He takes "Now where did I leave my phone/keys?" to a whole new level😂. Another lying, multi-faced cunt struck fool who worships money. Russian, Chinese or home grown money, makes no difference, he ain't fussy where it comes from as long as it lands in his bank account. A really close family, so close that Hunter was in a relationship with his dead brother's widow for quite some time. I'm sure that didn't confuse his dead brother's children at all. Seems like he's another trotter stomping "I want what my brother has and I want more money!" brat. I wonder who that reminds us of :unsure:

Hell yeah, hazza will fit right in.🤪
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Thinking about Netflix and reality programmes, İ suspect what Netflix are funding is a glammed-up reality documentary where MM & JCMH are creating their own 'stories' and narrative for filming. İt's not a fly on the wall doc where we see them lounging about at home in old joggers cutting their toenails but an instagram version of reality. Remember the Netflix guy remarked that he felt MM and JCMH had good stories to tell or wtte. They are not actually living real life anymore, simply concocting their own deluded reality drama - dining out with the Foster-Mcphees, handing out baby supplies, fighting litigation against MOS, posing shamelessly in a veterans' graveyard - all their puff pieces feed into this and the side bonus is the merching-kerching.
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Fingers crossed it's someone who actually cares about the military rather than Cunty McCuntface.
But let's face it, it's a chance to get his fugly mug on the telly and he'll do it for meggy one leggy.

Welcome all new persons.:m
I do not bite. That's a foul rumour.🤪
if it turns out to be true, that would make a great new thread title - Meggy one leggy starring in Strictly C*nts Dancing
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I know what you're all thinking...
Where did the tk maxx goat get her style tips from...
After extensive research I can reveal the answer......
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Sorry to disappoint. He's wearing a suspiciously new looking pair of New Balance again...

Someone's PR team have been busy this afternoon cleaning up all the genuine negative comments on the Walker Family Instagram shots. The only thing left now is SussexBots fakery. But Prince Harry can only manage about 500 likes on Instagram? :ROFLMAO:

And Harry looks like the kind of useless donkey who needs explicit instructions, constant praise, encouragement and prompting. And you still have to do the job yourself properly afterwards.
Just thinking of that has annoyed me so much that I need to think about Fake Brad and his good work ethic, initiative and excellent building and mending skills again.
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More claptrap from the author on Lorraine this morning
Who even is he? And why would anyone buy his books?

If you look at his back catalogue on Amazon it's obvious he hasn't met any of the people he's churning out book after book about. He just latches on to famous names and ker-chings them to bits for whatever few quid he can get out of pretending to be knowledgeable about each one.

I rank him almost as unsavoury a character as Scooby, although at least this new guy doesn't have an attack pack of sugars on twitter that are waiting for his directions, and once he's rinsed gullible buyers for a few Christmas pennies he'll move on to some other celebrity to write about.

If he can write a book about Smeghan, we should write one too. "How to spot a grifter, by Tattle". We'd collectively make millions with all the facts that we've gathered here about them over the year(s).
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On Tumblr someone commented that the Harkles pr was like sending out save the dates for a ‘wedding of the century’ event and then constantly reissuing new dates for the promised amazing event that never actually happens 😂
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Pom Bear

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I always think of the crisps when I see pom bear post. Never occurred to me it was anything else!!
Loooooool 😄🤗❤ xx
I admit I did name myself after the Pom Bear crisps 😃👍 xx

I've since told them I want to be the face of the new designs...I also got to cut the red ribbon...Harry and Meghan was there but weren't invited, they left in a huff as they hoped to cut the ribbon themselves 😄


Hope this helps bail out pombear
View attachment 309968
Thank you very much 😃👍😄❤🤗😘 xx
I think that big money pot will set me free ❤ xx
It looks abit like a witches Meghan will be very happy with that also 🤭
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Thanks for the laff Scotch mist, needed cheering up as that "what Freda says" who's the subject of the Katie Price thread has been boiling my piss flaunting lockdown and self isolation rules giving no fuxx regarding virus spreading while the last time I hugged my 89 year old dad (who's poorly in a care home at the other end of the country from me atm) was mid Feb. :cry:
Bless you. It's awful intit. I do the Sunday afternoon job of standing outside my elderly relatives window at the nursing home just to drop off essentials and see they're ok, I'm only allowed half an hour, I bloody froze today but unless it's 6 foot of snow I'll still be going. I feel your pain sweetheart X am so sorry for you, it's soul destroying when you see others out and about just doing what they want and not giving a rats ass! You stay strong and safe, and when this is all over you WILL give your lovely Dad a hug ❤😘
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So they have a new pr team!! Let's hope they mess up megawhores image even more!!
Well going by the dates that they got the jobs (one back in April) they're doing a shite job.
Someone has decided to focus on the UK. Letter to that Mark amputee chap ... video message to JJ on Strictly ... leaving cauliflowers on the graves of dead Commonwealth military guys etc etc. Yet nothing for Veterans day in America that I can see. It really highlights what their priorities are, trying to win Brits hearts and minds and compete with the true Royals who do this stuff on a daily basis.
I'm not fucking watching Strictly now. I'll record it for fast forwarding over cuntchops. I hope they get a raft of complaints from the servicemen he shunted aside so he could go watch a cartoon movie and pimp out his wife.
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So this is what I am confused about!
Or just naive.
She is essentially just trying to blame the whole letter writing thing AND now the Finding Freedom thing on her Kensington Palace advisors??
I think perhaps she her doucheness never ever can do anything wrong, so it has to be someone elses fault!

I also wonder....if someone is trying to link the Diana TV interview debarkle with this mess. Poor innocent Diana/Meghan led astray by dupicitious courtiers and the press.

Diana was only 19 when she married........she at least had an excuse, inexperience and youth, ...she wasnt a woman in her 30s with at least one failed marriage behind her....
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That shit stirring bastard plastic scabies is at it again 😡

I do so long for the day when his true love Smeggy drops him like a hot potato
Royal expert? The DM are seriously taking the piss there. 😂

I doubt plasticine Voldemort is an expert in anything apart from ass kissing :poop:
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What is the general opinion of the gruesome twosome over in the states?
From what I’ve observed they are considered nothing more than celebrities in the US despite their recent foray into US politics and desecration of a sacred military cemetery on our soil. Our current news is focused on covid, crime, weather, and the continuing sagas local, state, and national elections. Any non-internet mention of H & M is typically relegated to the entertainment section of newspapers or morning TV shows. Personally, I haven’t seen them on any magazine covers (even People) when I check out at the grocery (daily, I’m one those fresh is best) since last spring, but covid has limited our magazine selection unless you’re into adult coloring / puzzles / k-pop / dogs / cats / chickens / decorating / cooking.

I’m older than dirt and do remember learning while in school of a tea party we held in 1773 that ultimately got us rid of royalty and their taxes in 1776. These two believe that they are not only titled but entitled and will dealt with by the our IRS, not the media. Circle of life as Elton calls it 😉
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Which bit doesn't Harry get? All that expensive education along with training in royal protocol - what a waste of taxpayers money
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It sounds like the MOS legal team have now been given at least some of her correspondence from at least one of her devices. This is a promising start
No wonder they are digging their heels in (the MOS). That's her claim of it being an entirely private letter blown out of the water. Just because you think the content is private doesn't make it so. Others were potentially involved in composing it and that is sure to water down expectation of privacy.
But I've gotta say, I bet what the palace recommended and what she opted to put in the final draft could be very different epistles entitirely.

Also, why did she even get the palace involved? It was a private issue between her and Thomas.:unsure:
I can only surmise that she hoped/assumed that her plight would reach the ears of Brenda and the norty press would get a taken out to the wood shed and get a royal spanking for being howwible to the lil snowflake pwincess.
She really really never got the "never complain. Never explain" thing at all.
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So that post above was Justice Warby's judgment on the October, released at 10.30 this morning.

Is there anything new in it?

I think the interesting part here is that he suggests that Thomas Markle's evidence is not terribly important to the case, and sees no reason why the defendent couldn't take a recorded statement in advance of the trial date.

Thomas Sr obviously isn't in robust health, so avoiding the need to travel and the stress of a trial, seems a fair way of balancing off whatever the 'confidential reason' was for the delay.

What does anyone else think?
Thanks for posting.

I think Thomas Markle wants his day in Court.

Reading it again, I cant believe Judge said TMs thoughts and feelings are not relevant to the case or wtte. In my opinion that is precisely why he should be able to defend himself and say how he was portrayed in the letter by MM, made him feel.
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