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Honestly, I would have respected any royal stepping down to pursue a job they loved or a passion, without throwing a diva tantrum on the way out telling us mere mortals (who happen to be unwillingly funding them through taxes 🙄) how unhappy and difficult *their lives is bouhou* (try going without a roof, food and money for just 15 days man. Then get back to me on that one).

But no, Harry went out crying and kicking, throwing a massive tantrum because *me poor wife is a proto Diana hounded by the press and you're all racist and I'm the spare prince so I'm so saaaaaaaaaaaad 😭*.
He obviously had no plan but to follow his wife around, oblivious to the fact he's married to an extreme narcissist. He threw his family under the bus for someone he has known for 2 seconds (decision-making approved by brain located under the belt).
Adding insult to injury, he also started lecturing us on things he and his wife not only know nothing about (check your light skin privilege, MeGain. You don't know the meaning of racism. Shut the F up 😡), but also took away attention from people actually qualified to speak about and working on these issues (cue cringe video call with Patrick Hutchinson😏. Poor man must have been bewildered by the cheer amount of hot air coming from Hazzmat mouth. I would have thrown some corn kernels in there, might as well get some pop corn).
Hazzmat was always an idiot, but his titles allowed him to conceal it all the while having the opportunity to make himself useful.
Now he's just a simpleton, married to a dangerously perverse woman, who is not half as smart as she thinks but definitely twice as stupid.

Now, allow me to grab my wine glass and wait for the shit show to go down! 😏🍿

EDIT : as a UK tax payer, I'm still waiting for those 5 million refund from the public money used to renovate their freakin houses. Give it to the NHS. 🤔
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Scotch Mist

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Undercover with the Harkles...... I've discovered that Smeggy has a talking mirror in her bedroom 😃

It's a very rude Mirror but it speaks the truth 🤣
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Thought I would just say hello. Not lurking, just reading. I've invested in a popcorn factory and am waiting , building up stock so I can sit and enjoy the large amount of pleasure when the shit comes rolling down.
I've never thought of my self as vindictive or petty, and the actions here are way above that level, but I never thought in my life I could realistically use a certain word without cringing inside.
I now can.
Schadenfreude..........God I am so looking forward to it.
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Poor JCMH.... not being allowed to go back into the job that he publicly said he didn't want, to lay a wreath that was never his, isn't from him, and isn't for him.

As far as I can make out, the wreaths are laid at a State service by the ceremonial heads of the various branches of the military ( i.e. senior Royals) as a token of respect, honour and gratitude for their fallen comrades. Which means the wreaths are technically from us, the taxpayers, as we fund both the Royals, and the military, and they are merely PLACED there by the RF as part of their role.

Show me a job where you can ring up a previous line manager of a company you have left and they are OK for you to invite yourself back to join in on an important project...because you think it would look good on your C.V. and for your new job ? Never gonna happen. Especially if you left on bad terms, blind-sided your boss, then publicly slagged off the working conditions, the people and the place itself. Oh and also if you sacked off a really important work engagement just before you left, in order to go to a Disney gig/ promote your talentless wife ( let's face it, if she were a talented actress, she would have scored an invite without needing the cachet of a Royal husband, and would have already been offered various roles without him having to pimp promote her)

I know all of the sugarz are foaming at the mouth about "petty" RF not letting Harry lay "his" wreath, but this wasn't a Grandma refusing to let a gap year teenager add his name to a family bouquet at church - this is an official. military. role. and let us not forget, one that he chose to leave.

Also - the reality is that he could have arranged for a wreath in his name. Just not during the service itself. He could have arranged for it to be placed there after the Service - anyone can. So why didn't they? Would have been MUCH better PR! They could have sent it as a family, rather than as Pseudo Royals ( which would have actually been a really nice gesture)

Instead, they went to a mass grave, pretended it was Remembrance Sunday, pretended to mourn other people's family. With a film crew and a sleb photographer in tow, in order to sell the pictures, footage and clothes?! Not even the bottom feeders of the reality TV world have sunk as low as to make money off the back of an official day of mourning fallen soldiers - yet the Markles chose to release their pics to coincide with this day on purpose. It is so crass, it's not funny. I also think a massive PR failure for two people so committed to living in USA ( to the point where the feel it appropriate to tell people to vote) that they commemorate a UK service? And yet despite it being about fallen soldiers, have a massive fail in acknowledging the ( literally) tens of thousands of US graves surrounding them, but concentrate on the 2? Commonwealth graves....

But hey, if all you want is people talking about you and headlines..

Pair of shit-stirring what Freda says.

Gah! Rant over!

#need a Friday glass of wine with the Tattle crew! @Scotch Mist , hope next week is better for you.
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Scotch Mist

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Yesterday's Mail story about the letter was updated at midnight. This bit is new

It also emerged that Meghan recently amended her original court claim to reword a sentence which said she 'wrote' a private and confidential letter to her father. It now says, instead, that she 'created' it, 'using her own intellectual creativity'.

And also

Her lawyers have revealed to the High Court that she produced an early draft on her iPhone's 'Notes' app before writing out the final version by hand.

They said: 'The [duchess] created the letter over a period of several weeks in August 2018 on the Notes application in her iPhone.'

She then copied out the draft from her iPhone 'by hand, making a number of minor modifications, so as to create the letter'.
Jeez it took her several weeks to compose that awful letter 🙄
In that time she could've picked up the phone to her dad and sorted it all out. That just proves that she was intent on putting that documen out knowing that it would be seen by others.
What a bitch.
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Off topic: Today is Veterans Day here in the US. Typically it’s a pain to me as courts, banks, post offices, schools, etc are closed, but thanks to the recent antics of M & H I’m heading over to visit my dad now (career US army, Korea / Vietnam). He sadly has no clue who I am but I for some unexplainable reason just want to see him and give him a hug.

Also, I did not know the poppy thing existed here in the US:

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She came across very well. Not bitchy but got her point across.

She said it was an exploitative photo opportunity which was rather sad.

Talked about H saying gratitude for fallen but made the point gratitude is not abandonment (his leaving), but is about duty, honour.

Said M cut contact with TM cos of paparazzi set up, but that's exactly what M is doing now. Highly inappropriate.

Sam is not surprised as Ms delay of court, treats it as a game. S not suggesting an agenda.
Tom's spirits are good. Hasnt given up hope of seeing Archie. Noone knows how A is but she Hope's he is well

Message to Meg is a reminder that life is precious and that she should apologise and make good to those who live.
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Well said Freda 👏 we've all made mistakes in life but being in the public eye these days means that nobody forgets them.
I actually wouldn't be too bothered about a lot of stuff in Smeggys past if she had been more honest.
If Meghan had married into the family, done her duty and proved to be a kind caring person I wouldn't care about all the past stuff. She would have massive support from the people if she was well loved (even over the yachting stuff being exposed).
But we don't like being lied to and people taking us for fools and we really don't like anyone claiming victimhood every time they are rightly criticised.
Spot on ladies. The greatest example of this is Camilla. The most hated woman probably during the Diana years, but since her & Charles have been married she has quietly carried out her charity work, supported him, the RF and particularly Kate, she's praised for what she does these days. And rightly so.
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Scotch Mist

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Undercover with the Harkles. It's going well out here in Montecito..... I've been promoted from butt plug to Archies Nanny and now I am scaling the heights as the Harkles new stylist... I can only say that they're very hard to please...... but I'm working on styling them up for the red carpet 😉


I'm going to be setting up Scotch's Mirror 🤪
So all suggestions for styling the Harkles will be gratefully considered.
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I'd go back to when Samantha Markle tried to warn everybody about the Merkin, but nobody would listen to her & labelled her nuts. Proved right now.
Jepp! Her and Thomas jr, both! And people had the audacity to say it was no wonder poor MeGain wouldn't invite her spiteful family!

My first cat used to warn me about people like her. Once my best friend begged me to be careful about someone I knew for nearly twenty years. When I did not listen to her she asked me to at least listen to the cat who hated said person. Turns out, both were right. The piece of shit fucked my boyfriend in my own bed and then had the audacity to ask me for the money for the abortion. My cat had peed and :poop: into my bed that day. He only did it this one time in his life. Poor soul tried to communicate what he witnessed, but I was to blind to see until the shameless pisspott called for the money.
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That's the very thing I thought they would do all along. What vile treachery towards his family 😡

They keep on about 'the reasons they left Britain' as if they are going to expose some huge scandalous secret, but we already know that it was because they were on an out of control ego trip and Kate wouldn't go shopping with Smeggy 🙄
They left Britain because Meghan discovered that life as a Royal wasn’t just wearing expensive frocks and tiaras, living in palaces or castles, shouting at flunkies, having the masses kowtow to you and exploiting your position for financial gain. She couldn’t hack the dull reality of opening hospital wings on a wet Wednesday in Widnes, or unveiling plaques at playgroups in Peterhead.
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A titbit in the Mail tomorrow about what exactly they are flogging to Netflix..

What’s more, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that the Netflix documentary they have discussed making goes beyond the ‘inspirational family programming’ they initially promised.

Instead, it will centre on the couple’s first year after splitting from the Royal Family, their new life in California and the reasons why they fled Britain.

According to a well-placed source, the couple have video footage from when they left their Windsor home, Frogmore Cottage, for the final time and their ‘farewell tour’ at Buckingham Palace. Their representatives are thought to have pitched the footage – including personal videos recorded as they stepped back from Royal life – during negotiations with Netflix.
Yep, most of us called it months ago.
Cuntchops slithering around royal residences and poking in cars and in areas she had no right to be in was never going to end well.
Sadly it sounds like fuckface hazza was complicit. I'd hoped he wasn't but here we are.


Regarding Strictly results, from two different sources

Max V Maisie in the dance off. Max evicted.

They left Britain because Meghan discovered that life as a Royal wasn’t just wearing expensive frocks and tiaras, living in palaces or castles, shouting at flunkies, having the masses kowtow to you and exploiting your position for financial gain. She couldn’t hack the dull reality of opening hospital wings on a wet Wednesday in Widnes, or unveiling plaques at playgroups in Peterhead.
Honestly Norbs, I don't even think that's why she left. I think she decided long before the wedding that she would pretend she was willing to fit in until she got the sprog to nail hazza firmly down, and after that it was to be merching and selling the royal brand and wining and dining in Hollyweird.
Bear in mind, and this is hugely significant, that they started and registered their Sussex Royal branding campaign when she was barely 2 months 'pregnant'. Even though they knew the queen would not allow it and it would cause friction. They were packing their bags as soon as she (or the surrogate) did the positive pregnancy test. Simple as that. She had no intention of enduring the UK while Hollyweird beckoned.
It was never about doing royal gigs, it was about doing only the red carpet ones where she could be curtseyed to by the big stars who'd never rated her as worthy of their company in the past, a great big FUCK YOU ALL! I BESTED YOU, NOW BOW BEFORE ME BITCHES! ... and merching off the royal name. Money. More money. Lots of money. And tiaras on the red carpets
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Thread title suggestion:

Harry & Meghan #48 - Malicious Meg thought she knew better, getting help with her letter
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Kensington Royal post two videos that show Remembrance being done sensitively and appropriately. The Duke talking to current service personnel and the Duchess talking to family members who have lost someone serving in the armed force. Speaking with compassion, dignity and care and NOT making it about themselves. H&M could NEVER!
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