Harry & Meghan #450 William, George & Charlotte Shake it Off

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This is the man who felt underprivileged because his grace and favour home, in one of London's most expensive areas and worth millions on the open market, was smaller than his brother's. Tell that to a homeless veteran you little tit and see how sorry for you they feel. These paid for awards are an insult to real vets and ESPN should hang their heads in shame.
Yeah, I wish I had those kinds of life problems, being angry because my mansion is smaller than my brother's! 😄 🤣 😂
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I know that people who'd been imprisoned by the Japanese were often severely harmed. My mother started out in the same unit as Princess Elizabeth and was seconded to FANY, she was demobbed as a medic Captain, having treated many wounded soldiers and returning POWs. Those coming back from Japanese POW camps were in the worst state. Later, when we were teens, she worked for whatever gvt department it was then which dealt with War Pensioners. She would review/medical board those vets. I don't know how she did it, to be honest, the injuries were too often disturbing to say the least. But she said she did everything possible to give them as much as she could.

I watched the speechifying at the Japanese state banquet and felt quite uneasy. I know it's best to seek peace and reconciliation, but what do pampered kings and emperors know of real war? ( I do know my mother would have been infuriated by it this chummy palaver).
We are deeply indebted to men like your father. (My step-father had to send to the MoD for his medals - being just a callow kid, I never thought about it, but it must have brought back some unpleasant memories).

What does mollycoddled, pampered hazno know of real war...? You summed him up so well -
the same spoilt brat he always was, bunker dwelling valour stealing bleep.

RIP Pat Tillman and all our real hero warriors.
My grandad's brother was captured with his regiment at Singapore, he spent over three years in jungle camps, worked to exhaustion, malnourished, riddled with disease. He was one of the few who survived to see his family again, sadly he only lived a few years after liberation due to ill health.

The traitor prince knows eff all about valour, bravery, honour, sacrifice. :mad:
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I bet also the Stoat was paid to destroy the correspondence and drafts, and though copies will exist in the Palace no judge will get to them. The two devices mysteriously "found" will have been cleaned up, that's why they were "found".
You cannot clean a hard drive and keep it intact. It’s physically impossible. Retrieving anything deleted is relatively easy if you know how. The only true way to clean a hard drive is to totally destroy it.
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How Prince William is following in dad Charles' environmentalist footsteps with first ever visit to 'Climate Action Week'… and another clue was his choice of tie, writes NATASHA LIVINGSTONE

"This week Prince William has proven he can use diplomatic ties for the greater good...
Attending events related to London Climate Action week yesterday, the Prince of Wales carefully selected a smart green tie made from recycled plastic bottles.

It's a trick he no doubt learned from his father, King Charles, who is well-versed in the soft power of neckwear.
The King's favourite pink dinosaur tie is a coded reference to his new title of Charles III Rex (C-Rex)
... It's a sweet similarity, particularly for a father and son who have not always had the easiest relationship."

"Just this week, a climate design award co- founded by King Charles announced its own unique finalists: a faeces recycler, sequins made out of fish scales and a roadkill prevention device."

Just what the long-suffering British public have been gagging for. Plagued by liars at the top levels, we can now relax in the faeces recycler.
The roadkill prevention device is a godsend and I don't know who we managed without it. What is it, some sort of Kevlar vest for badgers?
What's "the soft power of neckwear and the coded reference to T Rex"? Who cares?

I'm not interested in William's bottle-top tie, or his word-salad speech and fridge-magnet slogans about time running out. I like him greatly, but they're all arch eco-hypocrites living in a bubble, and he should steer clear of this subject and WEF so beloved of his father that's viewed with great suspicion by most people - and rightly so.
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The deleted emails were between 2021 and 2023, and it's reported that all documents and drafts of Spare were destroyed in these two years - seemingly before Spare was published in 2023.
The emails between Keeper of The Privy Purse & Treasurer to the King Sir Michael Stevens, and Chuck's Private Secretary Sir Clive Alderton logically involve money and KC directly, and rather than being "dragged in" they're in the thick of it imo.

The Newspaper's lawyers are also seeking a search of 36,000 messages between Harald and Palace staff. The judge has ordered Harald's lawyers to write to Alderton and Stevens asking them to disclose any correspondence with the Duke. They will get nothing.

What were Alderton, Stevens, Moehringer and Harald negotiating over Spare for two years, and for how much? Funny sort of grey-rocking, thousands of emails. I bet the Stoat was being paid to keep damaging topics out of Spare like Diana, Savile and Camilla, whether true or not, submitting drafts to the Palace for editing and rejection. Harald has said he has plenty more material, and this missing information could be it. The Ho will be involved here and likely have copies. The Sussexes could even have leaked this, and I don't see the connection with the earlier phone-hacking case.

I bet also the Stoat was paid to destroy the correspondence and drafts, and though copies will exist in the Palace no judge will get to them. The two devices mysteriously "found" will have been cleaned up, that's why they were "found".

"Harry's barrister David Sherborne confirmed the 'entire chat history was wiped' but said: 'This was a highly necessary process, not to hide anything but to delete highly sensitive information about [Harry] and the royal family which, if leaked, would not only compromise his security but also be potentially damaging to the [duke] and his family."

There we have it. Damaging information, but not about security imo.

The Privy Purse is the British sovereign's private income, mostly from the Duchy of Lancaster. This amounted to £20.1 million in net income for the year to ...
I'm with my sister, who asked is Harry the real Martha #Baby Reindeer?
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You cannot clean a hard drive and keep it intact. It’s physically impossible. Retrieving anything deleted is relatively easy if you know how. The only true way to clean a hard drive is to totally destroy it.
They've got office stuff on them now apparently. Maybe they're different devices that were kept separate from the "real" stuff , used for routine things for the two years, as you can't fake the dates. Whatever they're telling us it's not the truth.
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The deleted emails were between 2021 and 2023, and it's reported that all documents and drafts of Spare were destroyed in these two years - seemingly before Spare was published in 2023.
The emails between Keeper of The Privy Purse & Treasurer to the King Sir Michael Stevens, and Chuck's Private Secretary Sir Clive Alderton logically involve money and KC directly, and rather than being "dragged in" they're in the thick of it imo.

The Newspaper's lawyers are also seeking a search of 36,000 messages between Harald and Palace staff. The judge has ordered Harald's lawyers to write to Alderton and Stevens asking them to disclose any correspondence with the Duke. They will get nothing.

What were Alderton, Stevens, Moehringer and Harald negotiating over Spare for two years, and for how much? Funny sort of grey-rocking, thousands of emails. I bet the Stoat was being paid to keep damaging topics out of Spare like Diana, Savile and Camilla, whether true or not, submitting drafts to the Palace for editing and rejection. Harald has said he has plenty more material, and this missing information could be it. The Ho will be involved here and likely have copies. The Sussexes could even have leaked this, and I don't see the connection with the earlier phone-hacking case.

I bet also the Stoat was paid to destroy the correspondence and drafts, and though copies will exist in the Palace no judge will get to them. The two devices mysteriously "found" will have been cleaned up, that's why they were "found".

"Harry's barrister David Sherborne confirmed the 'entire chat history was wiped' but said: 'This was a highly necessary process, not to hide anything but to delete highly sensitive information about [Harry] and the royal family which, if leaked, would not only compromise his security but also be potentially damaging to the [duke] and his family."

There we have it. Damaging information, but not about security imo.

The Privy Purse is the British sovereign's private income, mostly from the Duchy of Lancaster. This amounted to £20.1 million in net income for the year to ...
And not penny taxed, as I understand it. 😡
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Surely it's contempt of court, or even criminal, to destroy evidence that could be used in a court case.
If it's correspondence between the Palace, Moehringer and the Stoat it's going to disappear.
The question is, what were these thousands of emails about? Nobody seems to have asked why the Keeper of the Privy Purse and Chuck's Private Secretary were corresponding with Harald and his ghost-writer about Spare.
If the messages have been deleted, how and when isn't really the point, it's what were they corresponding about?
Contempt of court, perjury, you name it, it's all glossed over for the Sussexes. The British judicial reputation hasn't half taken a beating.
I’m sorry, but this guy was given EVERY chance to talk about his grief. He had the best psychiatrists, psychologists and grief counsellors on hand to listen to his tales of woe whilst the people he is preaching to will probably never get grief counselling or any form of help. Get off your sodding soap box Hasno and get amongst the ‘great unwashed’; you have obviously never experienced life like they have it.
He's a whining menace and shouldn't be allowed access or influence with anyone let alone youngsters. His plea not to bottle things up if they've lost a parent is creepy and controlling, and it's interesting how he targets the vulnerable, young or wounded like a predator, because that's what he is.
As an example and role model in dealing with grief he's an incontinent drug-addict and alcoholic, and why he's allowed any sort of platform is beyond me. The Scotty's Little Soldiers bedazzled lefties should be thoroughly ashamed of thenselves.

ETA @LadyMuck POV left half the story out, no mention of the Palace or have I missed something?
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If the US want to immortalise UK forces/HM forces why not look at Liz McConaghy or Martin Compton and work forward from there. I know one very well and there are still no ears or eyelids after a mission where Wales didn’t turn out. They survived an IED and now work with injured personnel and more importantly thier children.
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This is old, but… Tucker Carlson interviewed Samantha Markle!!! I’ve not watched it yet but DAYUM!!! Didn’t even know this happened!
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Michael Cole on gb news talking about the "serious allegations "

The emails could be damaging as they seem to involve money and KC himself over Spare. They must have been negotiating something between 2021 and 2023, and whatever it was BP don't want it to come to light.

The messages have now been "deleted" along with phone-hacking, and the two cases lumped together. Was information deleted on both matters as a cover for the deleted Spare emails between the Palace and the Stoat? The whole lot has gone, muddy the water?

The Palace has never been involved in any of the Stoat court cases before. The Barrister representing KC said it was late in the day to bring this case up, that it was "a Sun fishing expedition", but Michael Cole said it wasn't.

The Sussexes are getting their money from somewhere and it's not NF.
I wonder if the Stoat leaked the information about the emails between senior BP staff and Moehringer? It would be a PR disaster if the Privy Purse and Moehringer messages were published negotiating about Spare - I can't see what else 36,000 messages and draft Spare edits were about if not that? Just speculating, but I suspect that KC has been totally ambushed here.
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