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Misan is doing what the Harkles do. Put out a statement as if it is true and wait to see if anyone refutes it. Whatever he sent is not on display. It has to be catalogued and will sit with all the unsolicited pieces in the basement
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Oh do FO Ho, you really are insufferable 🤮View attachment 2959001
She knows full well that she will never get an apology, groveling or not. It is her premier excuse for never going back.

There is a poster on another site who has the dimmest view of Harry as a human being. One suggestion is that Harry fully enjoys and encourages her bad behavior, bad manners and inappropriate dress. He knows that it embarrasses the family and that is exactly what makes him happy. He allows her to push him around for the same reason. He knows that in the protocol driven world that the royals inhabit, this is unacceptable behavior. It demeans him as a person and his title. He knows that monetizing the title is wrong, but will do it to make money and just because he is not supposed to.

RE: the little video with the dead baby, oh! excuse me, doll. That looked like real cosplay to accentuate the swollen belly. It was copied from Catherine on the steps of the Lindo Wing with George and her visibly still swollen belly. Meg had to tie a belt under her breasts to make sure that you saw that abdomen sticking out. I seriously doubt that if she was really post partum that would have been a comfortable thing to do, for the belly or the breasts. A tent dress, like Catherine wore, would have made more sense.
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Markle assumed, that her bi-racial status in her Woke world…meant she had much to teach the beloved and iconic QEII.
The irony being that HMTLQ had spent more time with people of all races and had a much wider understanding of the issues they faced than a majorly white American actress whose interest in anything has never extended beyond the tips of her noses.
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Scotch Mist

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Juicy gossip on HAIRYMAN
Yes it was mentioned on Tumblr (see post #8).
I know he's done some daft things but losing a 100 million, you've got to feel sorry for Boris.
He earned that money through his talent and swindlers like Haribo are disgusting leeches.
I once saw Becker play at Wimbledon and he was amazing back in the day.
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The Queen probably had a headache after listening to the inane, continuous bragging spewing from t'hos mouth all day. A never to be repeated experience, it must have been like when you have the sound of the sea in your ears then suddenly surface and are able to hear properly again, what a sigh of relief her Majesty must have given when there was a door between them at the end of that long day.
In her commitment to modernise the Monarchy, the Ho took advantage of her time alone in the Daimler with our Late Queen, issuing two crucial pieces of advice which Elizabeth II treasured:
If you want someone to buy the cow, don't give the milk away for free
Try slut strands, ma'am, they'll take you far like me and nothing with a penis can resist them!
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Is it just me that sniggers every time I see Air Peace?

Rather appropriate for Megain and her ratty hair extensions.

And hilarious that their freebie flight from the wanted conman and the 1st Lady's comments about nakedness have completetly overwhelmed their "successful" Nigerian tour's PR.

Oh dear! What a disas-tour!
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I'm really not sure that the polo match baby was real. If it were a real baby and her new nephew then I don't think Catherine could have helped herself cooing over the baby or having a hold - that was the money shot Megain wanted.

But Catherine kept her distance and there was a really odd atmosphere.
This. Everyone was giving her a wide berth and looking at her and her *ahem* baby with seriously disturbed looks on their faces. Very uncomfortable. Also, IIRC, they were even exchanging looks amongst themselves.

They knew.
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From the DM:
A spokesperson from the National Portrait Gallery said: 'There are currently no immediate plans to display the work and, as it has just been delivered, it will need to go through our cataloguing process before it is available on our website.'

Isn't that just a polite way of saying we didn't ask for this picture, he just sent it to us so it's gone to the bottom of the "cataloguing" pile in the hope it gets lost and/or forgotten :unsure:

@Scotch Mist email the National Portrait Gallery your artistically enhanced version of the photo and you too could say it's got a permanent home there 😁

Maybe we should send the gallery some of our memes and cartoons from in here.
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“Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa.”
OMG I thought people were speculating that The First Lady of Nigeria was referring to Meghan about her inappropriate dress, which of course is true, BUT The First Lady actually said Meghan’s name in her speech. The First Lady was very much offended by Megabitch’s lack of protocol.
Well we all shuddered at what she was wearing in a conservative country. Does Meghan even care though? She is such a narcissistic bitch, I doubt it.
Brought sunshine to my day.
BTW Man U winning the FA Cup, YES. Seeing POW & Prince George there. 👏👏💕💕
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Thanks for the new thread and title. :)

The longer Catherine is absent the more worried I feel that she has had something very serious has happened to her and the treatment may have made her lose her hair. She won't want to walk around bald if she has lost her lovely hair and I don't blame her. I know she's brave but the scrutiny would be terrible.

That's exactly what the Harkles want. Let the commonwealth crumble so William can never be head of state anywhere other than Britain.
They don't care that the Chinese are moving in by stealth and will own the majority of the world the way things are going. They can't see beyond the end of their own spiteful noses.
Well, if the Commonwealth crumbles at least the Harkles won't have anywhere to parade around with the Cosplay Royal tour. And there won't be anything for Haz to fantasise about being Head of.

And William will still be King. And he would be able to do all sorts of things if he didn't have to secure the agreement of all the Realms.

Haz will be even less relevant.

So there is that.

Haz might need to be careful what he wishes for.


I think Rebecca English said this week that Catherine's been out and about more, so if true it's a good sign. And also that people are protecting her privacy if they see her. Plus William looks in good spirits.

KC3 is clearly having his cancer treatment in central London, but I bet Catherine isn't. I don't think I'd want to be having it at a hospital where unauthorised staff allegedly attempted to access my medical records. She's probably nearer to home.

Even if she feels ready, I doubt she'll be seen now until after the GE. Her comeback would overshadow the campaign for days.

But we'll see William (and maybe George) at tomorrow's Cup Final. :)
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Breaking News

According to Tom Quinn in the Mirror.
The ticket collector has come forward to confirm, that him/she thanked Nissan Hariboman and confirmed they danced in the streets when Mr Hariboman spoke out against the dangers of women in their 60s or 70s.
The train Driver has confirmed that he/her threw themself down on the floor and wept tears of joy when she/him learned that the train was now cleansed of passive aggressive eye rolling.
Asked about the incident, a wax face puppet a source close to the matter said "I see myself in him."
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It's one big circle of fraud and fantasy propping each other up, with them all at constant risk of being ejected from the circle the moment they start to crumble

That's exactly what it is. If the RF would just pick the right Jenga block the whole lot would fall down.

What don't they? I can only think it suits them not to. It would be easy enough with the money, power and influence they have.
The thing you need to bear in mind about dealing with narcissists is that they have to destroy themselves.

With the Harkles, any interference would feed into their victimhood & claims of racism.

Some people think that KC and/or the RF are enabling the Harkles but imo they are simply not stopping them. They avoid Harold when he visits the UK and did not block the trip to Nigeria but let Nigeria know that it is a private visit.

They won't pull the Jenga block. When everything crumbles, which it will do, there needs to be no-one for Harold & Rachel to blame but themselves or each other.
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Yah, it's like me saying: "I went to Harvard." We-ell, I did go to Harvard Square, went to the Harvard Coop and walked in front of one of the Harvard dorms that was on property owned by Harvard University.

So, technically, not lying. 😁
There's a Goon Show character - Eccles - who is incredibly stupid. He is wearing an Oxford University tie. The "hero", Neddie Seagoonhas a brief conversation:

Neddie - "Is that an Oxford tie?

Eccles - "yes"

Neddie - "What! Did you go to Oxford?"

Eccles - "Yes"

Neddie - "That's amazing? I can hardly believe it! What were you doing at Oxford?

Eccles - "Buying a tie."
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Good news that his Majesty is well enough to attend trooping of the colour. I personally don't think we'll see Catherine for a year at least - a family friend that has had preventative chemo is 18 months out the other side and still not back at work. They didn't lose their hair but suffered minor kidney damage as a side effect and are just constantly exhausted all the time. It was brutal on her (complete hysterectomy, cancer cells were found after when samples were routinely sent to the lab). And Catherine looked desperately unwell in the video she made.
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The First Lady of Nigeria. Calls her "Meghan". No titles.

She REALLY was dressed so inappropriately for Nigeria. No matter how many people call us haters, Nigerians saw it and they aren't stupid. They were not impressed at all.

And she mentions that the men were "well clothed". It's the girls... aka... Peg.

More than 43% of a telling-off there.
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Even if she is well enough to attend she won’t go because it will upstage the players and the event. Because she’s a considerate person and puts others first.
I hope she will be at home, on the sofa, glass of Robinsons Barley Water and watching every match.
I honestly think Catherine's first appearance will be her carol service.

It's just about the only time she could attend and not upstage whichever events, people and causes she is trying to support.
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