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Scotch Mist

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JMO but no, it's not because the First Lady is Nigerian but because the UK press will not criticise the Sussexes even if the criticism is just and fair. Whether from a black or white person, only praise is allowed. That much must be evident by now.

I suspect that the Ho as always dressed to outrage people, and nothing is accidental. We laugh at her awful dresses and table-runners over her shoulder, bare back in front of children, but it's deliberate. Shock and awe from the Stoat and Ho.

They won't go back to Nigeria having shat on Lagos's doorstop, but might well move on to another Commonwealth country. Possibly at some stage Jamaica, where she will behave impeccably to show the Cambridges how it should have been done.
Unlike the Cambridges' trip, the press will not subtly sabotage the Sussex trip.
The press particularly The Mail know how litigious Hazno is. As soon as they utter a word of criticism he's got his lawyers onto them. Like that case about him offering to pay for his protection that they queried. They have to be careful what they write because of that cunt and his lawyers on speed dial. How many cases has he got ongoing against the British press?

You can be sure that the vast majority of journalists and editors know what a cunt he is but they have to appear balanced in their reporting.

Of course its not right that a bully, and the Harkles are bullies, should get away with it so the press print their puff PR shit knowing that their readers will tear it all apart in the comments section. Harold can't sue the readership.

Hazno hasn't yet realised that his good reputation in the UK will never be reinstated however much PR they put out because the public have long memories and aren't as stupid as he thinks they are.
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I have a different view. Let the narcs blow themselves inside out. They will implode before the palace ever will, the old they’ll need them before the palace needs the grifters.

I feel very uncomfortable about the CoS and LoS but I also have faith that it will all work itself out, I really do.
I'm in agreement with you. The Palace know how to play the long game, and grey rock is the only strategy that works with people like this.

All they've done is fail slowly in the last 4 years. For example, the Oprah interview - a bombshell that almost eclipsed Dianas Bashir interview was so riddled with proven bullshit that the interview of the century Oprah thought she had has been scrubbed. That's Oprah disgraced. I doubt she would forgive that. And on and on they went burning every bridge that was useful, slowly failing to haul in the cash they assumed was a given and haemmoraging the wealth Harry brought to the table. They are getting desperate and it's starting to show.
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Person (who looks nothing like the other person) wears clothes (that look vaguely like the other person) and may become president.

Her problem (well one of them :sneaky: ) is that she's just a skinwalker that imitates whichever human she wants to be that day.

Diana, Catherine, Angelina, Carolyn etc. are all icons with their own individual styles. They never copied, they are copied.
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Bookworm. A comprehensive overview of the harkles kids

🐀 🐀 👇👇👇👇🐀🐀🐀🐀
Thanks @LadyMuck 🧜‍♀️
Video on the Flatpacks
BookWorm says the truth as she sees it, not 100% correct. Yesterday Paula M invited BookWorm to a live stream but she wasn't able to make it which she regrets. Each blogger seems to have a piece of the puzzle, and they should pool their information to get to the truth - Piers Morgan, Paula M, Lady C.

BookWorm believes Ffark was a surrogate with Stoat and Ho DNA, but that Lili was a designer baby and adopted.
She went through the moonbump details, but impossible to prove in a court of law without proof. The legal implications however are huge, and not only for the Line of Succession.

There were signs early on from TRF that something was wrong, though HM and PC refused to acknowledge the truth and it was left to the Cambridges to drop hints.

There was no clarity about Ffark's birth date, and Harald's description of the birth details was ludicrous. Nothing added up, the Portland, Ob-gyn, Midwife, doctors, no bodyguards or royals, no press, no action. Where was Snakebite? Supposedly there but nobody saw her.

Five years on, still no information. The question is, Why? What about the birth has to be kept secret?

BookWorm discussed subsequent Ffark photos. The one with the baby feet was generic, the Father's Day photo also generic according to KP - but likely Rex, Stacy Solomon's son born around the same time. Why copy and paste other people's babies?

On the BP photo of HM, PP, Snakebite and the Sussexes with Fffark,(shawl) the people in the photo had pixel density differences. The end result was copied, pasted or photoshopped, and was not in its original form.

A contact of Bookworm's said that she saw Ffark at 5 days old but that he looked very big for 5 days. The Ho said Ffark was a big baby (he wasn't ) . The contact said she also saw Ffark on zoom. The contact also confirmed that Ffark's Christening did not happen when or how we were told. The contact then deleted her profile.
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I've had 5 miscarriages. If it happened early enough in the day, she could have made it. Like say, her bleeding and cramping and sweating and crying and writhing in pain started the evening before and she miscarried at 12:01 am on the morning of. In my case, and I am not speaking for every woman, all of the blood and pain happened during the miscarriage, not so much pain afterwards, only the bleeding. I could have gone through with a simple ceremony, physically, but emotionally? Probably not. But it wasn't a simple ceremony that Raytch had, was it? And she wore white. And no way her dress would immediately be too large. Sounds to me like Haytch fell for Raytch's lies and that Arthur is just relaying what Raytch told Haytch and what he relayed to others. What a con she pulled off. Good thing Haytch is dumb as fuck. A thinking man would have known right away.
If she had lost a baby on the morning of the wedding, hell, if she had lost a baby on the weeks before the wedding she would have blamed the press and the pressure they put on her, the men in grey suits and Angela Kelly for not doing all that she wanted for her wedding and, most of all, she would have blamed Catherine for the stress she caused.

If she pretended to be pregnant to get engaged, she "lost" that baby weeks if not days after the engagement.

The dress didn't fit not because of the fake pregnancy, but because the ILBW thinks she understands fashion and clothes. Her clothes NEVER fit. There was reports of her mistreating the seamstresses working on her wedding dress. We have seen on Netflix how there were three people fitting the red dress - from Carolina Herrera that is known for impeccable fitting - and we all remember how badly it fitted on her.
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Hate to say it but this is a very clever move by the Sussexes. Using Harriman they've targeted Catherine's gallery - she's been patron since 2012. The photo will soon be up and they'll have been given permission already to include it for the Gallery. It's irrelevant whether it's awaiting cataloguing.

Handy too that thanks to Chuck's willingness to throw Catherine under a bus to save Camilla, Gallery Patron Catherine was officially outed as "the other racist" in Scobie's End Game. This in turn was because Chuck wrote to the Ho (against HM's advice) lamenting the fact that she the Ho smelt unconscious bias or whiff of racism in the RF. The Ho has exploited this because she was enabled. Enabling is the name of the game!

Harriman's being a POC plus the recent wheeling out of the Buckingham Palace Curator to state that Royals have always edited photos and portraits has ensured Harriman's immunity from criticism. This can now retrospectively apply to the Harkle photoshops and the fake Ffark photos with the Senior Royals in them.

Chuck will not shut down the Sussex squad's illegal trolling. The Ho needs them in place in case anyone steps out of line. Like here. Simple.

This I think is the answer to what Avid Gardener and Tom Markle - and us - are asking when they say WFF is going on? The Sussexes need their Squad, Bouzy and Omid. They are allowed to operate with impunity as a potent and destructive weapon, and the deal is that they leave Chuck and his wife alone. There's your answer, in my opinion.

Tin hat on, this was why the Mother's Day photo was planted on the KP website. Sabotage, I never thought it was Catherine and William who posted it.
Or the Harkles, and their PR team, are under the impression that the more people see them the more they will like them.
Thus if you put this photo in the National portrait gallery magically their public image will be transformed.

Plus Denise Welch will spend a fortune in the gift shop.
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Love it!!!

I am just watching the Sidley Twins, and they have mentioned that the Sussexes are planning a trip to Ghana.

Ghana ✅
Nigeria ✅
Jamaica ✅

Hmmmm - hitting all those Commonwealth countries aren't we. It's very clear what their game is. They want to drip feed their unique brand of poison, and see the Commonwealth crumble. Not perhaps to spite QE2, but to ensure by the time Prince William ascends the throne, the whole thing has gone. Living their best life - to spite others.
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Scotch Mist

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Yes it could have happened at anytime - and unless it was announced by anyone no we wouldn't know about it as its personal health.

They've had periods of months when they've not been seen - also they release stuff that's been photoed/videos months earlier.

Any of this could hide a period of section and recovery.
I think KC3 is well aware that Harold is not the full ticket. He was a nasty spoilt child who started partying hard and using drugs in his teenage years. It's quite feasible that he could have had a psychotic breakdown and been in rehab or even sectioned.
We had the soft version of that story in the press - Charles took Hazno somewhere to talk to people whose lives had been ruined by drug addiction, but maybe that wasn't the full story.
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I think she's very aware of the images she wants to project. Although she's not a great actress, she knows the ropes, she knows the technicalities of creating optics, the concepts behind what sells.
That doesn't mean to say that she has a premium product to sell though.

For some reason she's been drawn in two, apparently contradictory directions since childhood: Royalty, rectitude, pomp and circumstance, the commanding heights, tiaras and eyewateringly expensive bling and, on the other hand, blatant, in your face sluttiness, with alley cat deviant, 'edgy' behaviour in tacky garb that leaves nothing to the imagination.

As I see her, she plays neither of these parts well. As a Royal, she made herself a into a transgressive outsider. As an edgy slut, she fails to the same measure.

There are many women, famous and unknown, who naturally, unwittingly ooze what used to be called sex appeal, the Sophia Lorens and my daughter-in-law: put them in an old dressing gown and they'd still naturally ooze whilst maintaining their innate regal dignity and self-respect.

As I see Smeg, she is one of the least sexy women around today. Displaying acres of bare flesh and putting herself in 'imagine what I could do for you' poses is selling herself cheap. It's a calculated, almost deperate, power play come-on with no hint of ooze or the extent that her 'sexy girl' photos generally strike me as verging on parody. Worth no more than a knowing smirk - we get the joke.

This photo here reveals her as who she is behind the two roles she cast herself in so long ago. Underneath those roles she's really the aspiring-star waitress who brightens up the meal breaks of truck drivers passing through and who once splashed out on a set of what used to be called glamour photos.
Self-respect is rooted in knowing who you really are. Roles don't confer anything but a transient buzzy sense of what it might be like to be that person.
There are many women, famous and unknown, who naturally, unwittingly ooze what used to be called sex appeal,

Indeed. And many of them are unaware of it. It has little to do with looks, and a lot to do with just - being themselves, for want of a better term. I'd say it's animalistic, but that sounds crude and they aren't crude - on the contrary, one of the things that makes them so attractive is their lack of vulgarity.

One of my friends has this quality. Until fairly recently (she's 67) whenever she was out, she would "score". She didn't want to - is happily married and never dresses provocatively, it pretty but not outstandingly so, doesn't drink, doesn't flirt, but men have always made a beeline for her. I don't know why they think she's so special - she hasn't got anything I haven't, apart from looks, charm, personality and intelligence. Four of us go out regularly, and she was always the one who attracted attention whether it is a church coffee morning or a hen night.

If you have to work hard at being sexy - then you aren't.
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I think she's probably very much afraid to be seen in public. I would be terrified in her shoes and would be definitely wearing a wig if I had lost my hair.
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Nooo! We in uk don't want them back!
Or is this all part of the plan?

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I think mischief makers and press - because they're missing out on revenue.

Its all shite leave the woman alone.
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So they were flown around by an ex-con, crowned by a con man, and now called out…for looking/acting like a Hollywood tart by Nigeria’s First Lady. So much for their first pseudo-Royal Tour.

And thanks, but no thanks..offering yourself as a ‘role model’ for Nigerian girls. A immodest, penis-climbing, family annihilator, does not qualify as inspirational in that culture.

So now it’s back to pushing PR articles that you are not only Diana 2.0…but now you are ghouling around celebrity graveyards, trying to get some mileage out of a Kennedy corpse.

Every DAY, your latest Mouthpiece rolls out some daft article about how Dee-vine you are…because, after all, we might forget before you buy yourself another grab at a microphone and once more, eyelashes fluttering…tell us yourself..

There’s a pattern to all this and I have to stop falling for it. These flops always are presented AT FIRST as moments of amazing success…’curated’ fan-photos, sugary-media accounts. A TRIUMPH! Wait a few days and it all turns to dust. It’s all just Hollywood stage-managed and PR FAKERY.

I shall grit my teeth at The Grifters no more. Next time…I will just wait for the thread bare stage curtain to come down and the stage lights to come on…revealing the tackiness and the truth.

And have a good laugh…

My opinion only.
Your opinion is very valid. I opened my eyes to their pr bullshit a little while ago. I stop myself from reacting to the first bit of pr about the Harkles & just wait to see if anything actually supports it.

For example, the whole photo of the Harkles that Missan implied was actually hanging in the NG & they asked for it. Bullshit. It turns out Missan sent it in, without anyone actually asking for it. A tactic the Harkles use a lot. They pretend to be asked but in reality, they have shoved themselves on people.

I will react to that bloody photo when I actually see it hanging in the NG, until then it’s just white noise, not worth getting my knickers in a knot over.
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Neil Sean

Thanks @LadyMuck 🧜‍♀️
The Sussexes didn't sing the British National Anthem on their Nigeria trip. They claimed they didn't know it was going to be played, the Ho said she didn't know the words so Harald stayed silent in support. How petty and childish.
The king was hurt by this and it was seen as a snub. This royal feud shows no signs of abating.
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