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I remember the pics when she took Aldi to the polo match, looked very odd the way she supposedly held him.
That day was a warm hot day and yet she didn't have a changing bag with her, didn't have anything to protect him from the sun, didn't have a pram to put him in and was just walking around with him for hours, she was never seen feeding him, wasn't holding him correctly and looked very uncomfortable and I have to admit for a supposedly 2 month old baby he looks older.
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As I stated before, I believe the children exist. I have no idea how they were born and to whom. But I believe they exist. The reason for them to be hidden can be several:
  1. The ILBW uses them to play into Hazno's psychosis related to the Media. She uses them to have Hazno on a permanent state of alert, of fear, making it easier for her to manipulate him into doing everything she wants;
  2. The ILBW is saving them for after the divorce. An all telling interview after the divorce may no longer be worth >10M like the Orca interview once the world knows how much she lies, but an interview where we are introduced to the invisible kids may get her more money;
  3. The kids are not as cute as the Wales kids, and the ILBW is shallow enough to suffer with it. This one shocks me, TBH, but I think that she may project on the kids how she feels now that pictures of her childhood are everywhere and we can see how much work she needed to become the beautiful woman she was at the time she bagged the Prince. If true, this alone would be enough for us to question the ILBW mental health status.
On this subject, I think that sadly they spend little to no time with the children. You see how uncomfortable the ILBW is around kids and I believe she has the nannies instructed to not let Hazno hang with the children when UI - which I believe is pretty much all of the time.

A final note to say: we had to sit and listen when the ILBW claimed she was suicidal when pregnant with Archie. Piers even lost his job for questioning it. Yet, since that interview, we have seen Hazno's mental health being assessed like on Orca's documentary and Gabor Maté online performance, but we have never EVER seen the ILBW mental health debated. And let me tell you: a woman that thinks of ending her AND her baby's lives while pregnant, she is not mentally healthy - and not just affected by circumstances: the fact that no one questions this, baffles me, as I believe there are only two optics: she either lied (she did!) or she suffers from mental illness (she doesn't: she has a personality disorder, but that is another thing).
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Lifted from MN! Quite a nice summary I think.


I think that Megan told porkies because she was/is deliberately trying to sell a Hollywood version of her story into the US. But the problem is she coudn't quite decide what sort of film she wanted it to be.

Is it a Princess Diaries style rom-com about an ordinary California gal who wound up making amusing pratfalls amongst a stuffy, out of touch bunch of British aristos, before teaching her witless, hapless boyfriend the meaning of love?

or is it more like Erin Brockovich, where a brave racial minority woman braves a hard scrabble background and abusive family to carve out a niche for herself, only to be kidnapped, Mysteries of Udolpho style, by an evil cartel of colonisers and forced into a luxorious lifestyle crumbling cottage, before she bravely manages to escape?

MM's self-told narrative has veered between these two scenarios from the Oprah interview onwards. There's just one teeny problem with both of them. To quote a very wise man (Edmund Blackadder)'s bollocks.
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Celt views

Thanks @LadyMuck :coronation:
Video on the Sussex wedding and royal photographer Arthur Edwards. Arthur is a lovely man, kind and loyal, a RF favourite, knew Harald well and made allowances for him until eventually he had to face the truth and is now free to speak.

Arthur said the Sussex wedding was a miserable affair. Harald was angry, the professional victim Sussexes love-hate relationship with the press very evident. In the carriage the Sussexes turned away from Arthur, which was cruel. Harald was angry because the Ho's true colours were coming out, and he was hearing things he didn't like from his family and friends who were trying to make sure he wasn't making a mistake. He'd heard he was her third husband, not her second, that she'd had a daughter and now couldn't have children.

Above all, that she'd been pregnant, and had lost the baby that morning so it was too late to cancel the wedding. Hence the too-big dress, and the triumph on Doria's and her daughter's faces. Their plan had worked. Plus he'd had an emotional phone-call with his ex Chelsy Davy the night before. The Ho blamed her miscarriage on stress caused by the press, the enemy.

The Sussexes had undergone a marriage ceremony in Botswana. This is why The Queen invited the Ho for Christmas. A stickler for protocol, she invited her only because the Sussexes were legally married - not because she was indulging the Ho. They were married and there was no going back, and the Stoats would now have a proper formal wedding as well.
The whole world has been gaslighted.
Fascinating video, so the rumours about the secret Botswana wedding were likely true. As they say, no smoke.... the Sussexes will have produced some sort of marriage certificate from a Botswana church, and I wonder what religion it was? Maybe Welby was involved in sorting this mess, baptizing her or whatever, and I always wondered what the private meetings they had with him were about. Certainly not "spiritual guidance" as we were told.
Unbelievable in this day and age, and just shows how the strict protocol of the Monarchy allowed the Ho and Snakebite to trap them as surely as the Ho and her mother trapped Harald. A family like the Gettys for example would have demanded proof, and / or cut her and her filthy mother down at a stroke.
I am 100% sure that this picture is photoshopped. Here, William looks to be in his late teens/early twenties. And it's a face stuck on top of a collar - no neck. Totally unbelievable.
But...but .....this is GETTY, who killed Catherine's Mother's Day photo along with AfP and PA!

Stigma if published???? What's that supposed to mean? Stigma for whom? Haz? The US? The UK? The RF?

And law enforcement records?????

"Law enforcement records" could mean anything and not about drug use at all. Harald has already admitted drug use in Spare and there's not exactly been much stigma attached to it.
An immigration lawyer said it's "highly unusual" for the word "stigma" to be used n connection with a visa application so it's likely something worse than drugs.
The list of "Law enforcement" bodies that could be involved covers everything including Police, Airport Police, FBI, Secret Services and more.
Harald is a nasty violent man and something is being covered up.
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not wanting to fall out with anybody, but.... as I understand it, the Jury was 80% democrat and the judge was a paid up Democrat with his fingers on the scales. this was the outcome they wanted, Trump moving into the next election as a " convicted felon" Evidence and specific expert witnesses not allowed by the corrupt judge. Honestly, without a doubt this whole case will be over turned on appeal but not before the elecion., but everyone will remember he was a convicted felon, and they say America isn't a banana republic. I weep for the US some rich elite are playing a very nasty RESET game and the good American people are going to be collateral...IMHO

Not saying Trump is a saint, but he loves his country and can see whats happening. I think history will treat him more kindly than, the bombastic blown up over. loud character doesn't mean he cares less. IMHO

God Bless America ❤
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That day was a warm hot day and yet she didn't have a changing bag with her, didn't have anything to protect him from the sun, didn't have a pram to put him in and was just walking around with him for hours, she was never seen feeding him, wasn't holding him correctly and looked very uncomfortable and I have to admit for a supposedly 2 month old baby he looks older.
Like everything with those poor children (if they exist), her behavior lacks any connection with reality. Only a complete moron, who’s never spent any time with an infant, would expect people to believe a two month old could go all day without feeding or a diaper change. At that age babies are still in the sleep, eat, poo/pee stage of life! Feeding is still every few hours (at least!), and diapering is almost nonstop. While in collage (university for you all), I worked in the infant room of a day care center, and basically spent my afternoons changing diapers. I’d change the last baby, then start back with the first!
IMO, neither hairless or the witch have ever spent more than a few minutes with children not made of MDF—their stories and behaviors aren’t just unrealistic, they’re Twilight Zone level bizarre.
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Yup, I saw that video - Arthur himself claimed that she 'lost the baby on the morning of the wedding'

Of course, I thought nope! No way, sweetheart! This old boy hasn't a clue how these things work!

There's a lot of pain and there's a lot of blood even at under 3 months.
No woman on earth would sashay down the aisle in front of several million people in a bright white dress with uterine cramps and losing blood.
Oh, and then dance the night away in another white dress at her wedding reception.
This is most certainly another mythcarriage.
If this is what she told the Stoat then he's massively more imbecilic than I could possibly imagine.

BTW. it would though qualify him to ask for an annulment.

Someone must have been pulling Arthur's chain. That's the most reasonable explanation.
She had the miscarriage three days before.
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Scotch Mist

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we all know he spends his life checking out news/SM etc about every minute detail. When he sees all of this type of thing I wonder if the penny drops? Does he realise what an epic mess he is in? I hope so and I hope it hurts- you know that physical drop in your tummy? Because it’s no less than he deserves. She isn’t capable of such deep introspection o don’t think but he knows how things should be done and it isn’t like this.
It's hard to believe that he doesn't realise that he's made a massive mistake even though he's thick as pigshit. Perhaps he just puts it all to the back of his mind when she gives him a blow job and a joint 🫠

He's still eaten up with jealousy of his brother and his vendetta against the free press who killed mummy, plus all his other perceived slights. I actually think that Meghan knows that most of the rubbish they spew is exaggerated nonsense for clicks (although she'd never admit it) but she doesn't care because her goal was to be the most famous woman in the world at any price.

Meghan has pretty much obtained her objective to be world famous but Harold will never be satisfied. He truly believes he's on some sort of crusade. She will dump him and move on to her next project at some point. Maintaining her fame is all that matters to her narc mind. She doesn't really care about Harold's crusade.
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TRG. Trust what your eyes tell you

That baby doesn't move once not even a little flicker. IMO that is 100% a doll that Harry is holding and when you watch it on repeat it becomes clearer and clearer that Harry is holding a doll.
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The lack of empathy from MSM over her illness is shocking - they ought to hang their heads in shame over that kill notice - I expect the Squad to belittle what she's going through, and no doubt they will revel in any sign of strain when she does return. They are utterly vile and I hope someone, sometime reveals who is paying them. There's no way they are doing this for's a job.

There's a live thread on MN asking why to H&M lie so often and when they can easily be proven wrong. Six months ago it would have been taken down. Tide is turning. Hopefully enough for some sort of action to be taken against them.
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Scotch Mist

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Apparently all the sugars are now going after the daughter of the Nigerian first lady 🙄
The daughter lives in America and sounds quite woke supporting the alphabet people. She's been attacked for not dressing as a conservative Nigerian woman. Its the usual stuff, Meghan is being victimised while this ladys daughter gets away with it.

Of course they can't see that dress codes vary in different countries and that what's acceptable in America might not pass somewhere else 🙄
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