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This Tom Quinn is absolutely the new Scabie. Every over-the-top article lately is written by him. This used to be poor Omid’s place in the Sugar Sun. But he’s been tossed aside like so many other ‘friends’ before him.

There is definitely a connection. And hopefully it can be and WILL be pointed out in comments and on X.

If they are done with Omid, they need to be careful because he seems the type to absolutely turn on them.
Now wouldnt that be interesting if he did.
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"That is indeed correct m'Lud. My client, Prince Harry, is a twat. But he earnestly desires to appeal."

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Awwww - diddums

View attachment 2951882

“Meghan was in tears when the brand launched and her new jam was widely mocked for being expensive and nothing special,” he told the UK’s Mirror.
“She has reached the point now where she thinks that anything and everything she does will be unfairly criticised. Like her husband, she feels that people are unfairly picking on her – she cannot understand why people don’t admire her work.”

The criticism isn't unfair - sorry (not)
I can honestly say I have never bought a jar of Tiptree or Bonne Maman because I felt sorry for them !!!

(Maybe 4 years of relentlessly slagging everyone else off to boost your own coffers and ego has a consequence !!! )
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Beatrice and Zara look stunning today. For all Bea’s past fashion fails, one thing you can always say is that she never wore anything wrinkled, too long or ill fitting. She’s certainly upped her game since marrying Edo though and has never looked better
She has developed a wonderful sense of style, hasn't she? She looks amazing - come a long way since the William and Catherine Wedding Hats . . . 😁
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Chatty Member
'photographer' Meghan Harryman works for Paramount (photo ID on Nigerian 'tour') + head of Paramount discussion = new docu dropping?
God they are really flogging a dead horse there.

The head of Paramount obviously can’t read a room if he thinks people want to see more of Harry and Meghan.
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I didn’t watch it. The only royal event I’ve ever watched was HMQ’s funeral. But from the clips I’ve seen, mostly on Gogglebox, and I expect I checked out the BBC website for the frocks, it was Trashy McTrashface from start to finish. No wonder the late Queen looked like she was sucking a wasp. She must have been appalled, and to have to through it so publicly as well 😳
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Get the teeny tiny violins out.....

It's Mr Quinn so pinch of salt, but :rolleyes:

It was a jar of jam, love. Not the Crown Jewels.

And people who maybe can't even pay their bills or put food on the table are supposed to admire her luxurious American lifestyle???

I am honestly so tired of the melodrama. "in tears" "collapsed in tears" "sobbed" "devastated." All varients of the same thing. Give it a rest. Real life is not a bad Hallmark movie.
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Hi Tattlers!

I just came here to say…. who the fuck is this guy?!!

Who is he? Who issssss he? It’s a rhetorical question, I know. Obviously it’s Nissan Haribo, but who is he? Where has he sprung from with his smug face and his plummy voice, smacking his lips and blowing his own trumpet?!!

What is the timeline of Nissan between working in recruitment to suddenly setting up his own company and becoming a self styled photographer, strutting about in tweed and flat caps. Obviously he’s thrown a lot of money at himself, and we know thats how rich people stay ahead. So he is complaining about ‘existing’ in Britain as a black man. The country his wealthy parents chose (but why) to raise and educate their son. He doesn’t seem to have done so badly. It kind of smack of ‘I don’t just want to survive, I want to thrive. Right?!’ As spoken by a fucking Duchess. It’s so incredulous isn’t it. And it’s always ‘we’ have to second guess ourselves. Wherever he has crawled out from with his Cordings shoes, and Barbour jacket, he’s a fucking race baiting, self hating pretentious cunt.

Honestly, this guy. Make hay Nissan. This hustle won’t last forever.
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Hey, just send her here!! I'm sure we'd be pleased to help her!

Thing is that the world doesn't really work in the way it's dished up to us in MSM propaganda in superficial, crafted and sanitised ways. There's a good reason that Waaagh won absolutely no prizes at the London Book festival thingie. (Apart from it was in the wrong category - should have been in the fiction section!).

I'm sorry you felt uncomfortable with the discussion about KC3 and his friends - that was not my intention at all. I see it as shedding more light on the Harkle issue.

The way he's chosen to live his life as inextricably bound up with the things like the way his younger son has turned out.

It's like the report that he took a case of Laurens van der Post books with him on honeymoon with Diana!
Like, who reads even one book let alone a basket full on honeymoon?! (van der Post was an advocate of 'open marriage' and 'free love' just as Mountbatten was, both advised Charles on how to conduct his life...)
I can't imagine Diana was happy about that, especially a few days after she'd found an expensive gift from Charles to Camilla engraved with their pet names on.

Then there's the constant covering up and the PR spin that the RF and their staff have been doing for centuries.
We all grew up believing that Haz was a great guy, a fun cheeky chappy, a smart ace pilot and war hero thanks to the cover ups.

What did all habitual covering up and spinning stories do to Haz, a not very bright man who has difficulty with logic and reasoning, and who's easily led by his emotions and other people? (his pa seems to have a bit of a problem with being easily led too). The paranoia that he developed is only too clear in Waaagh. He doesn't trust his family.

I won't get into the distasteful bits, but what I would say is a lot of the highly privileged elite have a different view of love/sex/relationships than we mere mortals. We have a s more or less intact moral code, these very entitled people simply take what they want. They're entitled because they know they'll get away with it. They behave as they want - just as long as the public doesn't find out about it.

What did that milieu tell a child with a limited intellect - an 'airhead' as his mother described him- and low self control?

Apologies, I didn't mean to write an essay!
It's true, you're right, Charles isn't having a great time at the moment, no one with any humanity would wish him to be ill, and we wish him a speedy recovery. Fortunately, he has a huge brigade of people to support him, he has chefs to make his special diet and his pastries, people to take care of every detail of his life - he's well insulated from many of the slings and arrows of life.
But there are very many of his country folk who have to deal with far, far worse. No treatment for months, no ambulances, no money, long waiting lists for care support....and idiot, troublesome families on top! As I see it, they could use our sympathy too.
Another great post Sami!
The problem with Harald is for example when he got rough with sex workers at his UK barracks - allegedly - nothing happened, no censure, so he did the same at his base in Afghanistan - allegedly. Then beat up a girl after a Better.Up party - allegedly. Hen harriers, a dog's front legs, cats - allegedly. Drug-taking from before puberty continued throughout his adult life even in the Army. No censure. Steals from charities even while a working RF member, no censure.

Normally it's parental love that drums these lessons in at an early age, but in his case discipline and common-sense were absent as both parents were useless. It's hard work teaching children right from wrong and takes years of commitment. He was allowed to kick people when he was little, and grab at a teacher's crotch - allegedly - and mummy thought it was funny.
Not surprising he's a psychopath, but his hatred and fear of women doesn't seem to have been investigated and I wonder where it stems from. Animal abuse is an early indicator.
He's had the green light to repeat his crimes, and under his protection the parasitic Ho has too.
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This is a really interesting post. I'd always assumed that only the Duke title could be removed, that he'd always be Prince Harry and Smegs then Princess Henry (which would morph into Princess Meighan). That's why I'm against removing the Duke Title - no point, however if the Prince title can be removed then that would be amazing.... Mind you, I can't imagine parliament ever bothering with this, as you say, they ought to but I don't think they will. Interesting that King George acted 2 years before parliament - especially on such an important issue as being a traitor during wartime.

The whole PR thing about Harry refusing to stay in a Royal residence due to security concerns, so staying in a hotel instead is just bizarre. How a hotel can be safer than a Royal residence is beyond me, I'm assuming it more paid for guff from the gruesomes to get attention over security and make it clear that they are the ones saying 'no', not the King. I really hope that one of their PR rats spills the beans one day.

The 'security concerns' might be that he was offered accommodation, but the RF refused to also provide it for his American security. Or even let them inside Crown Estate property. As they're perfectly entitled to do.

So the narrative becomes 'Poor me. These days I am safer in a hotel than in an RF property". Sob.

Imagine what the Duke of Westminster would be going through right now if the Harkles were coming to the wedding. Endless calls and emails about 'muh securideeeee'. Threats and PR briefs not to attend if a full platoon of shaven-headed heavies in sunglasses couldn't escort him and Smeg up the aisle of Chester Cathedral. While the RPOs belonging to two future Kings lurk unobtrusively in the background.

Considering their status the Grosvenors maintain a pretty low and unflashy profile.

The antithesis of what Haz has become.

Who'd want the Harkle 'spectacle' and all the hassle that goes with it at what's supposed to be your big day?
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I watched the recent Michael Palin programmes on Nigeria’s never ‘ all about Michael’ btw…but those programmes showed me Nigeria as a country with problems BUT also a beautiful country , a country with people who will take a situation and add their work ethic to create an opportunity and also a country with their own educated, innovative and bright people.

The Harkles ‘ tour’ has just brought all the stereotypes of Nigeria into the light …Oh that was the Press, poor us ….No, the Harkles greed for attention and ‘ competing ‘ with the BRF blinded them from making one simple google search to see the company they were mixing with ….and, of course, now it’s all General Musa’s fault …so once again Nigeria is shown as a country of corruption and scammers ….. S’not our fault ….

Nigeria deserved better !!!
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thing is, if he breaks the NDA what can happen? They sue him. He's broke. So no point.

Maybe someone could write a book FOR HIM…and quote ‘people close to him’…’inside sources’…and he could just deny any part of it.

Then it could be leaked to the press by translators in..oh…the Netherlands. He might just have some knowledge about how these sorts of things are…ummm…managed.
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No no no. They can fuck off and leave Sophie and Edward alone :mad:
The have run through everyone else so now it’s time to pick on them. So despicable, but not surprising. Sophie is very tough and she really dislikes Meghan, and Meghan knows it.
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What is this all about??!? Does Handbag expect more security than the KING??
Dear lord 🙄
I haven't clicked article so probably click bait crap & I haven't properly caught up so this may have been shared already but bloody hell, this bloke is a prick 😂
View attachment 2949781
Prince Harold turned down a meeting with King Charles in London because King Charles would not meet him.

I wonder if the security provision he wanted was an anal probing to check for a hidden microphone...

...again 🤭
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Scotch Mist

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Queens 4 moments at wedding

Virginal wedding dress
Charles giving ho away
Concern for Phillip
Desperate for Al Sharpton to finish 😅

Interesting that the Queen didn't like Charles walking Meghan down the aisle. The other points are obvious. I think she was right and Charles shouldn't have done it. Meghan should have had a member of her own family walk with her.
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