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''This whole thing sounds like I'm trying to sell ''media censorship, which I dont, I'm just trying to show the manipulation of the public via their own ''interests '' if you want.''

I wonder how much of the manipulation of the public, works or if most of it falls on deaf ears?
But then again, I spose this is the question, as Id assume that manipulation works both ways, so that some elements are there to push the story one way, others are there to push it the other, and in the middle are the general public trying to make some kind of sense of it all!
Which is why social media, with its ablility for anyone interested enough to post, to totally throw the narrative, see Phil Schofield as a great example of this!

I have virtually no interest in most of the human interest stories spouted in the the tabloids, and Im sure im not the only one! I couldnt care less about Uncle Gary, or what he has done, and to be honest, I couldnt care less about all of the stories Harold is moaning bitterly about!
I might have a vague awareness at the end of the day of the story presented, enough to remember that Harold once dated a girl called Chelsey, and that Harold was an obvious candidate for the title of being a ''Hooray Henry'' but after that........nothing.

Which is why I think that Harold has been so badly advised to take this particular course of action, of sueing the press and media every 5 seconds.
He seems to think these stories matter, he seems to think that his opinon and his truth matters. When it doesnt.

Most of us adults have realised that this is naïve. the world doesnt work like this. There is virtually no point in worrying about a squabble of ''he said, she said'' nearly 20 years after the event. Too much time has passed.
Isnt that why people are advised to forgive and forget, to achieve some kind of closure, not to decry or deny previous feelings or wrong doing or illegality, but so that people can just let go of the past and move on.

Hazno has made himself look a fool, via this court action, he has made himself look a fool in his book Spare, he has created a chasm between himself and his father, a chasm between himself and his brother, a chasm between himself and the British public...
for what?
A marriage to a woman with an interesting past, to put it politely, who loves the spotlight and money, and a fantasy life in the USA.......

He has exposed all his things like his book and his witness statement.... Which does make me wonder, if he is so happy to openly choose to share all these secrets, why is is so fussed about his privacy? Why would it matter that the NOTW or other tabloids wrote gossipy stories about him, when he has no concern about retaining any vestiges of privacy for himself now. ?
Human interest, isn't just cheap gossip about who did who, who did drugs, who was drunk...
Human interest is the concept which enables the ''building up/down'' of popularity/unpopularity of a person/ideas/persons to shape the desired outcome in a situation.
It starts with a random nonsense claim to determine the ''appetite'' for the takedown/elevation of a person/ideas/persons .
It escalates quickly very often.

''They will not be at the balcony''-human interest in this case;the population expects some consequences for their behaviour.
The people get their desired outcome-punishment, while not reacting that they are at the Jubilee.
The current popularity of William is human interest(what the people want) (doing his job, being here, not blabbing) enables the human interest (fandom in this case) to see past the mistake of settling his case.
Yes, we don't like Harry.
Human interest (William's popularity) which by default condones wrong decisions may however change-when someone choses to realise that his specific action damages-the public interest. Depending on the media (they always decide) -the future King damaging -public interest will be acceptable or not.
Why the above?
Because I questioned before the ''final say/decision making'' between various Households, now I don't anymore.

Harry's book is ...stolen lives, and a almost impressive rehash of ''established narratives'' established by tabs, via -chipping away, repeat and apply from previous Royal on the next one,rinse ,repeat.
It's written just like every other book about the Royals-ever(except Bower and Holden) and that is incredibly funny.

From your post:
''Most of us adults have realised that this is naïve. the world doesnt work like this. There is virtually no point in worrying about a squabble of ''he said, she said'' nearly 20 years after the event. Too much time has passed.''
No, not enough, it never is, and the following is comparably naive:

As an adult, I don't think that anyone deserves consequences over things they never said or did, 30 years later.
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Thank you DanDan and Jonathan for the recap and title.

A bit of background here, and I've just put the main points. There are lots of articles on this matter.

"Fairbridge abuse survivors welcome government help after talks fail with Prince Charles's charity"
ABC South West WA

Wed 24 Mar 2021 at 12:27

Federal and state governments will step in to pay the redress claims of dozens of survivors of abuse at Fairbridge Farm Schools, after negotiations fail with charities linked to Prince Charles.

  • Former child migrants at Fairbridge Farm Schools will finally be able to access redress for abuse suffered after years of delays
  • The Commonwealth and state governments will meet the costs of at least 70 claims from Fairbridge abuse survivors
The Commonwealth and New South Wales, South Australian, Tasmanian, Victorian and WA governments have agreed to be "funder-of-last resort" for at least 70 individual claims up to $150,000 under the National Redress Scheme.

It comes after Prince Charles's personal charity the Prince's Trust Group, and associated entity Fairbridge Restored, said they were unable to sign up to the National Redress Scheme, to the frustration of the Australian government.

Vice-president of past-pupils' group Old Fairbridgeans Association in WA, Derek Smith said many experienced dark times including sexual abuse.
"I've talked to many children and they just go back in a huddle — what they are trying to tell me they, can't tell me," Mr Smith said.

Fairbridge survivors and their advocates have been fighting for years for the Commonwealth and State governments to act as funders-of-last resort in cases where organisations can't — or won't — sign up to the National Redress Scheme.

Despite long negotiations with the Australian government, both the Prince's Trust and Fairbridge Society have said they could not — for a variety of legal reasons — sign up to the National Redress Scheme and were looking at other ways to help.

A Prince's Trust spokesperson said: "We welcome this decision by the Australian Government, and The Trust remains committed to providing Fairbridge with funds to support victims and survivors."

From this it seems that the Australian government finally stepped in 2 years ago to compensate about 70 victims, but there were hundreds more. Some compensation seems to have been paid in 2015.
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Scotch Mist

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I noticed the SaintMeghanMarkle Reddit was nowhere to be found last night too, looks like you can message the mods to join. I haven't tried to get into the group again yet
View attachment 2234784
They had a post up yesterday saying they are going dark from 12-14 June in protest at Reddit doing something or other. I suspect it’ll be back to normal come Thursday.
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I don’t think TickTickTick meant Spitz. I read it as a word we don’t use anymore - it originally meant someone with cerebral palsy but later was co-opted and abbreviated to insult someone you thought was stupid…
Oh thank you. I didn't know what they were talking about, only saw Harold and Spitz in the same sentence and thought I might need to defend the Pup's honour 😂😂

@Zippy2000 .. that's not ideal. Hope they resolve it and find the cause ASAP! Maybe it was Major (I know, LC) Johnny? 😉 Don't look at Smegsy's feet for a few days at least - they'll make anyone's heart go pump-pump 😋
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Ooh ooh I’ve got a couple:

It’s a long waaagh to Tipperary (for the very old uns)
No waaaagh out
My waaaaagh

And one that needs no embellishment from me:

We are the pigs (a long-time favourite of mine but I think I’m going off it a bit now I’ve associated it in my mind with Ginge and Minge)
This is the waaaagh

(a quote rather than a title but it's all I have)

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I think part of the problem with ginge and cringe is that he is quite a wealthy guy - especially compared to normal people - with his multi million pound trust funds.

But!!! Megzy wants to be rich like Tyler Perry, Oprah and Beyonce and Jay-Z. Apparently they've just bought a house for $200m cash. The Sussexs are paupers compared to the mega rich folk.

They'll never be that rich. Unless they win that mega lottery they have in the USA.
That $200M bouncy/jayz thing is the ugliest piece of “architecture” ever. It’s appalling. They deserve it, so I’m very happy for them. 😎
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I am surprised the toxic two haven’t followed the example of Michael Jackson and paraded the flatpacks wearing heavy black veils, that way any child actor can be used too, so win win for them.
Wouldn't that make them copiers rather than innovators?
Also bearing in mind Jackson's "problems" with his appearance I suspect that she wouldn't want the comparisons.
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Been throwing it down here, some lightning and dramatic thunder, but only 3 or 4 times. Stopped now & still muggy as hell. Bedrooms are 30c
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Off Topic Don't know how to do it properly.
I'm going to something called a gender reveal on sunday when I should be taking flowers to my dad's grave. Anyway does anyone know if you're expected to take a present to one of these ridiculous occasions?
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Chatty Member
BIB we'll have to agree to disagree here.

anyhow... ginge and minge are still cunts.
Possibly but my point is, no political party is either fully evil or fully genius. There's shades of grey.

And if Harry did lie the administration that is currently trying to bury the truth should be brought to account because either that's an enforced visa policy for all entrants or it isn't.

Isn't that what democratic means by definition?
ok. i agree. but do we know for sure he lied on his application? we don't.
This is the whole point of the court case isn't it though? Establishing that? And without an FOI request that won't be clear.
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The possession of cocaine and marijuana is illegal in the UK.

Doesn't the visa ask specifically if you have ever used illegal drugs? Which he has, in countries where it is illegal.

Slattern. I love that word. Needs a renaissance.
It is not legal to possess either in the UK which is why I’m really struggling that there hasn’t been an outcry from anywhere about his boastful bollocks! There are newer ways of dealing with possession of a cat B (cannabis) but possession of a Cat A (cocaine) is illegal and you will be arrested.

as far as I know the law applies within palace grounds, but not always in the places of people with diplomatic immunity.
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Happy Lady

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Who funds the heritage foundation?

Heritage is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization as well as a BBB Wise Giving Alliance accredited charity funded by donations from private individuals, corporations and charitable foundations.[99][100][101] As a 501(c)(3), Heritage is not required to disclose its donors and donations to the foundation are tax-deductible.[100] Heritage is a grantee of the Donors Trust, a nonprofit donor-advised fund.[102][103][importance?][104] As of 2010, Heritage reported 710,000 supporters.[105]
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