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VIP Member
I think the children or at least Archie exists but I'm starting to really wish that they don't, the poor little things with these two for parents, I don't want to think about it because as far as I can see the only thing left is something happening to one/both of them which makes my skin crawl, that is too low even for them surely?

Also just looking at Scooby Doo on Twatter, he is getting some hate on there, goodness me he must be thick skinned or maybe just thick, people calling out his lies, hating him for his book that's coming out, how the hell does he make a living, I suppose the BBC and the GTS pay him enough for his ridiculous nonsense.
I used to love Twatter but can't bear it anymore.
I've just looked ( briefly) on a few varied but relevant accounts on twitter and to think that there are folks so angry/nasty/brainwashed out there is frightening 😬
Off to get my silver bits touched up🤣

( that's my roots btw lol)
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Ok so lets imagine they were being ANNOYED by paparazzi and it's everyone else who has exaggerated the incident, wouldn't it be good for Harold to now release a statement saying there had sadly been a story released that was an exaggeration and was creating sensational headlines unnecessarily, at no time was there ever any danger blah blah blah. Sort of like what he COULD HAVE DONE to dispel the rumours of racism in the royal family.
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Love the comments and memes.
I never considered (even for a nanosecond )that they were in danger.
But I see Scooby Doo is bigging it up as if it was comparable to an outtake from the French Connection.If their new agency decides to run with this interpretation then they are seriously deranged.
However, if Harry did really quote about understanding what his mother went through on her last night, then it is time for someone to slip something into his Ovaltine.And cart him off to a secure unit.
" the French connection " 💀💀💀💀😅😅😅
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Chatty Member
I am confused. Did they not arrive in an entourage of SUV’s with blacked out windows? Then why not leave in them? You can’t ‘pap’ thru a blacked-out window. But you sure can in a cab.

It sounds like they wanted something akin to a presidential calvacade, or the Gold Coach coronation treatment…streets blocked, traffic stopped, lights ignored so they could have the dominant right of way. If that is even hinted at, they will look even more like the pompous fools than they look already. They wanted the RF coronation treatment in NYC!!!!

One other thought from my experience with these charity events. The charity also expects the ‘honoree’ to attract other big names. In our city, that meant other business leaders, but in Markle’s case…I bet they hoped for her celebrity friends to buy tables and come to support Megsy.

Where was Oprah, Tyler, Ellen, etc….I bet Glo was hoping to have them on the red carpet.

oh dear.

However, this new agency might be able to force a few ‘names’ to show up the next time.
but why didn't they just go back to their hotel or wherever they were staying. I'm sure it wasn't a 2 hour drive to their place they were staying. Suss Suss Suss
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I’m gonna guess that the Harkle’s agency drops them today. There probably won’t be any statement, but someone “in the know” will leak it. I anticipate we will no longer see any more Backgrid OR TMZ photos or footage.
We can but hope 🤞🤞🤞🤞 but I’d also like them to throw in footage showing of how the Harkles were the only people causing issues before they get rid of them!
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Piff paff puff

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These random awards are hilarious! You don't see wills and Kate ever doing this. They are insane enough to set them up themselves so it must be them. Also why would anyone go out to such a none event when they keep moaning about no security and invasive paps? 😄
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Active member
Scobie on Newsnight right now. Ignored all of V Derbyshires questions and blabbed on about how sad Harry and Meghan were that no one had checked on them from the RF.

He had clearly been briefed to get some talking points out. Infuriating.
Thank you for watching as soon as I saw him at the beginning of the show I switched off
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this shite show couldn't have happened to a more noxious pair. How I have laughed today about this, only sadly taking away somewhat from the fright of an old curtain masquerading as a dress at the award ceremony where she was heckled !! :LOL: Her dress code and her buddy Gloria weren't on the same page were they ??:eek::eek: the feet and the bunions should have got that award I think !!
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(sorry if shared before)

Tbh, I hope the Brits do the same and call everyone and their friends to make sure that when the Todger brings this "incident" to the court where he is fighting for FREE security around the world, so his wife can feel important while wasting public money (that should be going to health, housing and support of the really needy), it is clear what a fake stunt it was.

I don't see the press calling them liars. There are mild remarks but nothing as bluntly as it was reported they were nearly killed. This will go without consequences and they will use it to move forward with the court case - and right now the British Justice system has been nothing if not skewed to protect them - even when proved in court that they lied.
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Whenever anyone on social media asks if the royal family has contacted them, we must respond with what about the Markles and the Raglands.

They are so obsessed with the BRF, this needs to be pointed out.

I am sick and tired of them trying to bait the family.

RF be like.....

This is the best thing I have seen today.

And I read it in his accent too.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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Does anybody think their agency masterminded this latest farce, or did M&H think up this ploy for themselves?
Interested in everyone’s take.
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If they played the paps by switching cars and ''waiting'' for them by having ''diner'' all that is needed is the booking of the restaurant to out them.
The restaurant wouldn't do it, but their own staff would (as instructed) inform the paps.
So the timeline is essential.
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Chancey Belle

Well-known member
At risk of it being forgotten about in light of The Chase, can we please take a moment to pay tribute to the heckler who shouted to MM on her way into the virtue-signalling event 'how does it feel to be part of to two broken families' 😆👏
If it reached her ears and I think it did, it would have cut to the quick. Hope the heckler's words give Harry something to ponder.
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