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Thinking more about the Markle doc. I think they are within their rights to do the interview. The Ho dropped her dad over a few photos that weren’t that bad. He was photographed reading a book about England and being measured for a suit. Hardly earth shattering. To be cut off from the wedding and and not allowed to see his grandkids (I’d they exist!) is overkill. Especially in light of what that bitch has done and said since. No invite to any of her black family too to the wedding. I think she set it up and engineered and set out to not have him there. And I think snakebite was behind it. She’s said terrible stuff about her sister and I would love Samantha to win her case. Sorry it’s a ramble I wanted to get my thoughts down!
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Yes it sounds like it.

It's the same as other cases the gruesomes have taken to court. The judge is not happy with some of the things they have done or parts of the statements/claims but finds in their favour at the end.

I don't know the ratio of wins against losses in the cases the gruesomes have brought against the media (and any others) but it seems like they have won most if not all.

Is it because of the titles and H is a prince.
Personally I’d say the titles and (threadbare) connection to the RF is the ONLY reason he keeps winning. I’ve not been keeping up with the case, apart from on here, but it seems like he’s based his entire case on heresay and his imagination. I just wish a judge would have the balls to tell him to feck right off! Greedy money grabbing twat that he is!
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That's hard for a child. I don't think tbh Harry remembers her much. Which makes it easier to exploit her memory.

I hope I'm wrong because that's unthinkable. But I think it's easier for him to use her memory because he has no emotional connect to her.

He tried to fake it in Spare. In a very odd way re the creme. He doesn't care enough for her to respect her memory though.
I don't think he has an emotional connection to anyone who isn't called Prince Henry and he needs stopping from exploiting the late Queen the way he exploits his mother.

He's already made out that he was the only one she could talk to (shades of Diana and William there) and, apparently, she wanted him to take his hacking case to court.

He's a very damaged person 😕
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The end game? 🤔🤔

I don't think it will be long before the separation is announced as it is noticeable that he isn't involved in any of her plans now and the fact that he hasn't been signed up for WME shows that he has been completely discarded from her life. Another red flag for me is that when somebody says they are in a good place i.e. Gayle King it usually means the complete opposite and suggests that the marriage is in trouble, because of this I am becoming more convinced that she is going to try and overshadow the Coronation by announcing her separation from Harry.
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merched bach

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My Grandparents were personally involved in the rescue operation. A haunting tragedy that impacted generations of an entire village.
I will never forget that day. I worked for a builders merchants then and all the drivers were called back to help.
I will never forget that day. I worked for a builders merchants then and all the drivers were called back to help.
Good for them!
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I didn't know that!
Just my opinion. I don't think they have any children of any description. Some think there are real children, hidden. Others think there are children through surrogates, but if this is the case they shouldn't be in the LoS.
For the life of me I can't see how Chuck bestowed a title on Legless Lil, solely on the basis of a photoshopped photo by the Stoat Photoshopper HarriNoMan, of the Frogmore gardener's daughter Rebecca Cord. But he did.
Similarly he put Ffarkke in the LoS too, on the basis of a photoshopped photo by Stoat photoshopper Chris Allerton. This time Chuck himself was in the photo - but of course he didn't know it!
What are the chances of one celebrity couple having not just one but two cack-handed dodgy photoshoppers that they always use? We've never seen a single real photo of them with their offspring.
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My thoughts exactly, could it not have waited until a few weeks afterwards.

Honestly, the eve of the coronation?

We just want to see William, Catherine, George, Charlotte and Louis impeccably dressed and in coronets. We don't want Markle drama.

THIS I am fed up with the lot of them they are all parasites

They are all exactly alike! Peg is a Markle through and through. They just can't shut their traps. What a despicable lot they are.

And if Harry had taken his time to get to know her, and her family he would have noticed that very quickly. I just can't believe that a royal prince brought this social reject into the family. After how many British men had rejected her advances and DMs?
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Hula flight

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They will be Markled. They all are. It will not last. Here’s some articles.

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How do you read the comments? They never show for me, and I scroll right down?
Here is a comment that really sums it up

8 hours ago
WME going to do what sunshine sachs and all the others couldn't ? Problem is mm, she's revealed to the world whom she is and no amount of packaging undoes it. We shall hear about her diva antics and so on. I pity anyone working with her tbh
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If they used surrogates or IVF, no one cares.
So why keep it a secret?

No need for secrecy unless they want to pretend they werent surrogate or IVF births so the kids can be in the line of succession.
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Chatty Member
I heard the Red Arrows were grounded is that true? Something about the ejector seat. That's such a shame if true. Here's a GIF I made from last July. The Gordonstoun camp kids had an RAF Day (which was really just warm up from RAF Lossiemouth for the PJ). I was pretty jealous the kid had a private show and we missed out.View attachment 2132711
Not see anything about that. I follow them and Red Ten (team leader) on Twitter. They are currently training in Croatia and friends of mine were in Croatia on holiday and were lucky to see them fly past.

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I have all my nibbles ready for the coming week most are nice and healthy tho have treated myself to some diet coke as I usally avoid fizzy drinks due to ibs etc and I don't drink ( on too many meds ) I am going to record the main event but not sure what channel prob not the beeb tho ,
I am not going to let the shite the harkles will release this coming week ruin it for me And if the weather is like today next Sat will be Awesome ,

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Hey, hello I've posted a few bits on this thread but only just caught up.

Imo You folk are amazeballs, I am mystified by some of these posts and learning all the craziness of the world of the hard done wahh spare, and his crazy town, blood diamond grifting, salty embarrassment to the monarchy.

Today has been interesting for me...

I searched twitter for Meghan's glass eye ( search returned nothing) does she have a glass eye or am I extremely gullible!? 🤣😵💫

I read that birds are not existing any more...I didn't Google it cause I could see the birds eating the seeds I have hung out... 99.9 % can confirm birds are real in Lancashire, they even shit on your head, unless, we believe they have been programmed to do it. 👀😱😂

I read that Aldi and Lidl (love those names) are not real... Is this for sure!? Unbelievable scenes 😆
Hello @Rhubarb10 :) We don't think the Ho has a glass eye, it was a comment by BookWorm who said her left eye looked like glass with her new caramel face. I picked it up after transcribing Lady M's video and posted a joke that the Sussex Squad were rallying and kitting themselves out with teddies' glass eyes in support of the Ho.

The drone pigeons came from @Shushex and was a joke that we explored along with Neil Sean, and I added that his London pigeons became drones from the CIA.

All just a bit of larking about, probably because it's a fun distraction from the gruesome Stoats and lets of steam, no misleading intended. So many topics are covered here so quickly, blink and you miss it, and we pick things up like recipes and run with them for a bit then drop them and pick up something else. But under it all is the serious business of unmasking the Stoats and it always comes back to that. Just as all roads lead to SoHo House and Markus Anderson.
Someone posted that the Stoat rave thread is moving like a slug, is that true?
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