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Well, whatever the content of the Markles' Aussie TV thing, we might get a laugh out of it, and our beloved @Chita might find it somewhat inspiring...... :p

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No idea if I'm doing this right, tattlers.

But my #336 title idea: Don't matter 'bout the blood rocks I got, I'm still Meghan from the yacht.'

Respecting, The Chita, though. Sterling work. I'm just a wanna be.
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She faked loving all that. She claimed that they went hiking around Botswana with just their backpacks “and that’s the way we like it” and peeing in the bushes…bet that is the first and only she ever camped…and even then they were in a luxury eco campsite that was thousands of $$$ a night.
It baffles me how people buy what she says. She likes the backpacking travel, but she goes to fold a baby grow and a charity carrying a 6K Chanel bag and wearing super expensive clothes. She is all about "easy travelling" but goes no where, not even the grocery store, without at least two very expensive, polluting SUV's. And again: how can people buy what she says?

Also, the footage from the Markles show reveal her as a real unpopular-just-the-smart-one teenager, right?
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Off Topic but just thought our ‘younger’ members would like to know what Coronation day meant to the ‘older’ members on here. A letter in the DM today ……..

My dad had bought a contraption by mail order which promised to transform our 9 inch black-and-white telly to colour. It was a Perspex screen that clipped over the front. The top third was tinted blue for the sky, the middle section to mimic ‘people’ (this was the Britain of 70 years ago) and the bottom was green for grass. We sat down excitedly to watch our posh ‘colour’ TV. It didn’t matter that the horses were pink with green feet!

I was 4 at the time and remember vaguely being crowded round a neighbours TV, sadly not a ‘coloured’ one. I remember more of the party afterwards with salmon paste sandwiches and cake!
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What was it?
At a memorial service he gave a speech about period poverty - and it appeared he didn't fully understand his speech.

She threw a wobbly about the British tradition of not sitting next to your partner at his friends dinner parties.

When invited to the next one she wrote demanding to know who else was going, when she didn't get a response she then also demanded to know what designers people going would be wearing - host didn't respond to that one either. She did turn up but was huffy and left before dinner.

I'd heard about the dinner party one before bur not the demand about who else was going and what designer they'd be wearing.

Just shows how superficial and lacking any class or manners she is.
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See, I think Camilla is good for Charles, and therefore good for the country. I don't think Cam has the slightest interest in self promotion, she'd rather be having a gin and a fag and laughing in the kitchen. I think she's pretty much OK
I feel the same 😃😃
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JMO, but I doubt the agency's previous issues would be a concern for her. After all, she married Hazza.

The pair of them only seem to bother about that kind of stuff when it's useful to them.

And she was part of one of the biggest "brands" in the world, but she couldn't hack not being at the very top of it.

She may have a top agent now, but that agency has much bigger stars and greater talent on the roster. And she'll have to deliver. I doubt they'll see endless whining about the RF as a viable, long-term career strategy.

All she's essentially done is thrown away a recognised and respected global position, and gone back to being 5th on a slightly larger Hollywood "call sheet".
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@Chita Yah, "period poverty" is indeed, as you say, being too skint to afford tampons. A very worthy cause but not what they expected from Harry's reading at a Christmas church service to elderly toffs.
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The Wicked Lady

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Can you imagine the mess re the PoW title especially when William became PoW and if he was married? Would there have been 2 Princess’ of Wales? I would say that’s probably why they wanted her restyled as HRH Princess Diana, nothing more sinister than that.
Correct me I'm wrong, but I think Diana would have been Diana, Princess of Wales and Catherine would have been The Princess of Wales.
Of course, the press would have clarified the situation by calling them Princess Di and Kate Middleton. :rolleyes:
I also think that Diana would have probably remarried by then and been Mrs John Travolta or similar. :LOL:
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Dooley Doo

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Tom Cruise and Dame Joan Collins just announced as being part of the coro concert.
Never mind security keeping terrorists away from KC3, QCC and the other members of the RF and all the other attendees. They will have to keep an eye on TC ogling after the Princess of Wales.
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