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You know what looks really bad for Harry. We just had this current image of William standing alone with the aged President Biden. William without an overcoat, the President with one. William from years of practice looks like the epitome of respect while looking more like the future. Taller, fit, appropriate, never a word or step out of place.

William is now holding a place in an institution people suddenly realize how much they admire and need. Harry looks so petty in this climate. Queen Elizabeth crafted her Monarchy to stand with the crowd in good times and in bad. An amazing feat. William seamlessly personifies this by his very body language. Oh Harry you are so stupid to take William on you lose on body language alone. You petty little man.
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Really struggling to keep up with the pace these threads are moving at, so I’m a little late addressing the comment from Henry regarding us Brits needing to ‘learn a lesson’. It sincerely made my blood boil.

I’m at a loss to know exactly what lesson(s) Henry and/or Rachel think they could teach me as a born and bred Brit. You see, I’ve never:-

referred to people as ragheads or the p word
changed or lied about my racial heritage to suit my own goals
used dark foundation/blusher/fake tan to darken my skin tone in order to seem a different race
dressed as a Nazi on a ‘fun’ night out
been secretive regarding any offspring I may or may not have to ensure that I would benefit in every possible way from being seen to have children
trashed my whole family whilst extremely elderly family members are reaching the end of their lives
concocted many lies about absolutely everything that’s supposedly ever happened to me and everyone I’ve ever come into contact with….
I mean the above list just scratches the surface obviously.

What an utter tosser to besmirch the British public, because I don’t believe for a minute that statement was aimed only at the establishment and/or press.

I do hope that any lessons they have to pass on have been scrawled in crayon somewhere for them to refer back to. Maybe on some discarded cardboard flat packs that could be laying around?

So tired of all their nonsense.
Back to catching up with the threads now.
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The scene there where she is in the car and worryingly looking back over her shoulder at who might be following them .......... re-enacting the final images of Diana before the crash. It is unbelievable.
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Apparently, Buckingham Palace is a bit grimy and full of mice. I think Smeg's plan was to be the new Diana and shake up the monarchy but the fact is, it's not all glamour, it's hard work and a slog. She wanted what she thought all the trappings would bring. Money, fame, and freebies. I know opinion is very divided over Diana but it is undeniable that she had real star quality and a common touch that people related to. Smeg thought she was going to come in, tell people how things work, and outshine Kate. That didn't happen and was never going to happen and she resented Kate and wished she'd married William. I think once she realised she was never going to be the star turn she thought she would set up an alternative royal family in America, they both did and they both got scuppered by covid and the lockdown. In that time frame, people lost interest and saw them for the whiners they are
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Chatty Member
In light of these trailers it absolutely disgusts me that they had the utter nerve to show up at HMQ funeral and do walkabouts with the public. How lacking in morality must you be to stand amongst your family knowing what you are about to do to them when they are at their most vulnerable.
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I'm as anti-royal family as it gets (sorry everyone!) but it's beyond me how you can do this to your own family. I actually think too much focus is on Meghan, even if she should be more mindful of having a good relationship to the family she marries into (yes, it can be difficult from both sides, as it is for every family, but if you are willing to things improve over time, even if there is racism), ultimately it's on Harry to put the foot down and do the right thing.

Lorraine has a type
I'm firmly anti monarchy (I've mentioned it before lol). He's managed to make me feel very sorry for the family which I don't think is what he's going for 😉

He's a shit for doing this to them. An absolute fucking shit.
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Netflix are not stupid. They are going to make their money back. There is a reason they have left those negative comments on the trailer. They simply can turn them off but they don’t want to. The bottom line is Netflixt don’t give a flying pink elephant about H&M. They are quite happy for them to be ridiculed. They hate them as much as we do.

If Netflix really cared about them, they would be protecting them but they are not. They know this doco is full of lies and misrepresentation and they don’t care. Netflix have probably already spent a mega fortune on this doco so need to release it.

I bet they have some kind of legal doc in place to say that H&M were in full control. That is it is them who will get sued. Netflix have certainly already spoken to their legal people. They know exactly what is coming.

I really hope the RF put an injunction in place over those shots of Catherine and in BP.
Its time now for the titles to go and every connection to the RF removed, It’s time.
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I loved them using footage from Katie Price. I mean, how low can you go? :LOL:

I've been thinking about Lady Susan. She travelled all across Africa, the Carribean and the Common Wealth with the late :cry: Queen. I bet she's met hundreds of people who were more than happy to talk about their heritage. In fact, I'd be surprised if she's ever met anyone who didn't want to talk about it. Especially if they were wearing their native dress.

And I think the race baiter was disgustingly ageist. She made no allowances for the fact that Lady S was 83 years old. Instead she kept taking fake offense and pushed it and pushed it. Appalling behaviour.
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Sounds like a threat to KC to be honest. Pick up the phone and give into our blackmail demands before it is too late.

I'm so weary of them getting away with -
1 Spamming every outlet with misinformation.
2 Widening the racial divide
3 Trying to overshadow actual Royals trying to do good works
4 Pretending to do good works out of altruism when it is for self promotion and self gain

I cancelled my netflix subscription citing as reason their being given a contract.
I will not watch this season or any future seasons of the Crown.
And I won't watch this docu series or buy his book.
There will be enough on GBNews and TalkTv to let us know what is contained in them.

Also white people all over are being asked to make reparations for the actions of their ancestors. Actions taken years ago by people they never knew.
How about everyone looking to end modern slavery? It is happening now. We can't change history but we can change things now.

How about we all stamp out racism and discrimination of ALL kinds.

And how about Meghan and Harry make reparations for their actions?

If the Royal family have racusts and bullies amongst their ranks and if there is bad stuff being hidden then, let it come out.
Tough luck if it shows them in a bad light. If bad things have happened then let's have it all out in the open.
if all that bad stuff comes out, then the truth must also come about about Meghan and Harry (THE truth not Meghans truth.)

No more cover ups.
Get it all out in the open and let the people decide what happens then.

Time for truth. No more cover ups or misinformation.
I've had enough.

It's not even funny any more.
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How can an almost 40 year old son of the heir to the throne only just realise there is a hierarchy in a Royal family??
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Speaking of briefing against the family, planting stories and playing dirty... ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU DID WITH FINDING FREEDOM you snake???

Short memories
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dearie me - what utter bollocks! :LOL:

I would say that will happen when hell freezes over, and even then it's very unlikely... 🤣

Meghan underestimated Catherine so so so very badly.

Because Catherine is personable, friendly and just generally (from what we see) a nice person, someone like Meghan who does not possess any of those traits thought 'aha, a pushover.'

She has hurt Catherine herself, and hurt those whom Catherine loves dearly.
There's no coming back from that - the walkabout at Windsor told us everything we needed to know on that score, imo.

(I may or may not be looking up the clip later of their departure at the end of the walkabout. I may or may not have watched it er...many times before 🤣)
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