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I don't know if it is true or not but apparently this is the song that features in the trailer it is called Frog Princess by Divine Comedy. Honestly this is a real weird song choice as it feels like there is some serious trolling going on by Netflix. Also it makes you wonder who chose this song and why did they choose it?
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Imagine a highly speculative thing...
One of Peg's bullying victims is ...Lady Hussey .
See the new ''narrative '' that she was assigned to Peg (new because she was assigned to Diana) and Samantha Cohen to Peg.(original stories)
Well, Times:

''But as recently as this summer, Lady Susan was present for an important moment in the Sussexes’ family life. At the request of the late Queen, she remained in the room when Harry and Meghan presented their daughter Lilibet for the first time in June. Their request for a photographer to capture the moment was denied, a notable omission from the Netflix montage. ''
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Wait a minute...Nononono! WHY? WHY? WHY? An off the shoulder dress!!!!!! Now all the sugars will say Catherine, Princess of Wales, is copying TW's dress style....
Who gives a flying fuck what the sugarz say. Sméagol did not invent the boat neck/off the shoulder look. She doesn't have an origianl idea in her seething, sneaky, spiteful brain.

How many people will actually watch more than one whiney, vapid episode of the reek's love story? It's the holiday season, people are shopping, going to parties, or just trying to stay warm and fed. Watching rich, privileged, middle aged people pda and whine dosen't seem appealing. When Sméagol said 'story this important' I lost it-Bwhahahaha. Important to whom? The sugarz?
What I find so interesting is the simularities between the Sméagol sugarz and the amber heard sugarz. They are beyond ardent, they are zealots-which I find very creepy.
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The Hermes blanket is a big tell. It’s why the old money crowd in Montecito etc find her distasteful. Telling a reporter how much her necklace cost. The greed-grab shower in NY. She keeps signaling her insecurity by constantly reminding the public that she has money now. She HAD to have that blanket in the photo…”I’m sad but I’m really rich.” I am sure she is snickered at…in the circles she most desires to join.

i believe she looked for a reason to disinvite her Father. So WHAT that he papped himself that one time….she papps herself continually and certainly did it in her former striving B-grade life. The truth is, in my opinion…she was ashamed of all of them…including the Black side of her family. I think she thought the public would believe she was a dear friend to all those celebrities, with equal star status. All this “be kind” crap…when she froze out every relative but her Mother, the token race card personified.

Everything about her, but that title that came with the Juggler…is fake. Her empathy is fake. Her charity is fake. And I honestly think that of Woke continues to go out of fashion…we might see her one day at a Trump rally. There just is nothing real about her, no substance st all.
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IT'S PURE GOLD!! ps. netflix turned off the dislike button due to it having more dislikes than likes. As we speak there's 217k dislikes someone said by using a browser app that enable them to see the dislikes
I like this one

Screenshot 2022-12-04 at 13.45.45.png
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Chatty Member
Yes we are peed off with the narcissistic duo but this is your friendly reminder

*the RF are rumoured to have a super injunction in place to protect the said duo

*The family also ignored the pleas of stuff who were being bullied by the said duo and only decided to investigate when the victims spoke out publicly. No public apology or accountability

*The family failed to take action against the harkles for 3 years of continuous slander but have thrown Lady Susan under the bus in 30 mins flat over the allegations of a narkle sympathiser, condemning the loyal lady Susan without proper investigation

* Charles was sending (public) money to the Harkles post megxit even when the two were accusing the nation of racism

Who are we fighting for again?
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In which Andy Cohen oh so politely calls Megz a cunt

I’m just amazed that Noah assumed we in the UK would dislike Sunak because of his background?!?! I loathe Sunak because he’s a Johnsonite Tory who wasted billions of our money and expects us to submit calmly to being taxed more because of his profligacy. Oh, and that someone who doesn’t know how to fill up a car or use a debit card is making decisions for a single mother in Rotherham, or a single dad in Bury, who are going without food for days so their kids can eat.
Not everything in the UK and NI can be explained via the lens of race, you Dullards (Noah, Shola, Me-again et al).
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Does ANYONE here think this Netflix thing is going to be received well by the majority of the general public - either here or in the US ??

Any tit for tat exchanges could easily (and probably would) descend into Jeremy Kyle territory, and that would be disastrous.

The RF should not respond, just carry on doing their thing. I think that 'recollections may vary' still applies, and everyone remembers that phrase.

To quote Nelson ...
“Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.”
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I wonder if they have received certain messages from the RF that have them in a panic.
I’m hoping for something like this:

“Please take notice that any photographs or video footage that was taken on Crown Property was not authorized and represents a security risk to the Head of State. If you broadcast this material, expect to hear from our lawyers. And the UK government.”
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Here you go…

I swear some of you from the UK are tone-deaf. If you don't think that title comes off racist, it does. This is a teachable moment. I don't care if you hate Meghan Markle. That is not the issue. The white woman is a looker, but the bi-racial is a hooker. Okay! WOW. Some of you will never learn. Lady Hussey is in so much trouble because of similar actions. This is what racism looks like, even if you didn't intend it that way. Learn and grow from it. That's your right not to like Meghan Markle, but that title is RACIST and sexist. I expected more from intelligent women. If the title was reversed and Kate was referred to as the Hooker, that would never have been approved. WOW.

I appreciate you having an intelligent discussion and trying to explain the difference between UK and America, but I've been watching a lot of UK Chat shows lately. One is where Dr. Shola is trying to explain what racism looks like for her in the UK because she lives that experience every day. The hosts are trying to gaslight her.The UK tries to gaslight people of color for what racism is. All I wish is for White folks to stop telling People of Color what racism is. It is like a man trying to tell a woman giving birth is easy. They may be Queuing up but your government is not having them. they're shipping off people to Rwanda.
Here you go…

I swear some of you from the UK are tone-deaf. If you don't think that title comes off racist, it does. This is a teachable moment. I don't care if you hate Meghan Markle. That is not the issue. The white woman is a looker, but the bi-racial is a hooker. Okay! WOW. Some of you will never learn. Lady Hussey is in so much trouble because of similar actions. This is what racism looks like, even if you didn't intend it that way. Learn and grow from it. That's your right not to like Meghan Markle, but that title is RACIST and sexist. I expected more from intelligent women. If the title was reversed and Kate was referred to as the Hooker, that would never have been approved. WOW.

I appreciate you having an intelligent discussion and trying to explain the difference between UK and America, but I've been watching a lot of UK Chat shows lately. One is where Dr. Shola is trying to explain what racism looks like for her in the UK because she lives that experience every day. The hosts are trying to gaslight her.The UK tries to gaslight people of color for what racism is. All I wish is for White folks to stop telling People of Color what racism is. It is like a man trying to tell a woman giving birth is easy. They may be Queuing up but your government is not having them. they're shipping off people to Rwanda.
I actually agree with you re: the title. Mentioning Meghan’s bi-racial identity was unnecessary. Not only do we intelligent women (and a few men - hello lads) lose the argument when we use such monikers, but it gives her more ammo with which to feel hard-done-by.
I will disagree with you re: Dr Shola, though. Since the tragic, violent and incredibly cruel murder of George Floyd, many of those associated with BLM (and by extension, a few Black Britons) have been making claims re: society’s structure and British racism that are embedded in US politics - and simply don’t exist over here. The chant ‘no guns, no police/defund the police’ is irrelevant a) because the vast majority of police go unarmed and b) Theresa May cut police numbers by 20,000 during her brief tenure.
Although we are linked to the US via the (quite often one-sided) special relationship, our structural differences are as polarised as north and south, night and day. Not just because of the early elimination of slavery, but because - since the First Industrial Revolution - everything, everything is based on class. Within three minutes of speaking to someone you know their class, education, upbringing, schooling, wealth and can recognise their cultural signifiers. Much in British society goes unsaid: ‘well, he’s…interesting’ can cover a multitude of social codes which are parsed by the listener upon their own social (under)standing. For example, I am upper-middle class: once you recognise what signifiers I display you would be able to categorise me into a neat (and claustrophobic) little box. (Getting rid of the class system altogether is a very vexed issue, and one I shall not debate here.) Now, given that the majority of those who came over from the Indian subcontinent from the 1850s onwards, the Irish who settled en masse in Liverpool, Manchester and the North-east due to An Gorta Mor (the Famine), the working-class Chinese who settled in Limehouse, the Jewish refugees fleeing pogroms from the 1880s onwards and the Caribbean born folk who came over on the ‘Windrush’, what they have in common is their class.
Any settler on our shores who arrives with little money and rents property in the cheapest area is automatically designated as working class (lower working class is a title reserved for those who refuse to work). If they work hard, they can find tutors for their children a generation later and/or send them to public/private school rather than a state-run educational institution. The child, in excelling itself and getting a good degree and place to live, is automatically bumped up to the middle class. Those whose parents don’t value educational attainment will see their lives mapped out very much like their parents: poverty, cramped surroundings, few opportunities. This applies across the board for Black children, white children, Romani children (especially girls) and so-on.
Meghan is very much of the American middle class. Her behaviour, whether auto-hugging, coming out with inflammatory and/or self-serving pronouncements, and her refusal to conform to the rigid social etiquette our claustrophobic system relies upon, makes her persona non grata. That stiff upper lip thing? Absolutely true. If you really must, you can write a book on it when all the main protagonists are dead and gone. Going on a talkshow to spill the beans? Beyond brash and vulgar - the behaviour of a nouveau riche Real Housewife. Meghan never learnt (or even tried, I believe) to understand British culture and the norms inherent in it. She appeared to believe that she could shake the entire British clas system by the scruff and it would bend and comply to her desires and directions.
We value those who work hard, make their way up the class system, are not brash and contribute to society. Meghan did not contribute. She steam-rollered. And, in so doing, she desperately disappointed many people - including me.
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Been away for my sanity. The sheer magnitude of malevolence of these two has me so sad and frightened for the monarchy and frankly for himanity that it is happening with impunity worries me for humanity. Lies can be utterly outrageous and yet they stick?

The set up of LH is obvious, and yet no recourse.
The private photographer in TQ's property, and no suing for copyright infringement (the image therefore belongs to her, so Netfucks shouldn't be allowed to use e it). Cannrhey even use the image from the Florence Nightingale moonbump 2nd row event as I would have thought that imGe also belkngs to the BBC or whomever TQ hand entrusted for the event.
And yet, here we are.
I dream of the race baiter getting revealed as a set up, that a recording reveals a rather more benign exchange, that the two are sued and lose for libel and copyright infringement to the tune of $88m and that they lose allllll titles including prince, and lose LoS, CoS, and her moonbump iand yachting and bullying are revealed in full 3-d, technicolour and surround sound.
They will double down in the style of Amber Turd and Juicy Omelette but that would be it.
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I’m just waiting for the day they join the z list reality fodder. To me they’re already in there. The sugars could ‘debate’ with the GC and Pricey groupies all day about who was the ‘bestest kween’ and leave the rest of civilisation alone. GC and Pricey are outrageous yet their fans are ridiculously loyal. I find the Kardashians irritating but they’re ‘experts’ in their ‘field’ and Smeg couldn’t come close to emulating their success at basically doing nothing but showing off and partying (or that’s the impression I get, I’ve never watched their show, I can’t stand reality tv I’d rather watch paint dry.)
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Chatty Member
The documentary is six episodes long! Surely they cant just be showing a scripted lovestory for six whole hours! What on earth is there left to say?
It might just be a love fest, but I do wonder if Netflix, would add in a few spicy and contentious details about H & M themselves!!!

Even all the Diana documentaries on Netflix are only an hour long!

I wonder if they will be talking to anyone who has ever worked previously with H & M? going back to some of her colleagues from Toronto? Or the people interviewed by Tom Bower? Or even do a few interviews with Samantha or Thomas? I wonder if Is there any way of seeing a contributors list?
I remember when the Beckhams moved to America, Victoria insisted on having a six-part reality TV series but NBC were having none of that and told Simon Fuller it would just be a 60-min special.

This is last chance saloon for Harry and Meghan. It is make-or-break stuff, along with the 'Spare' book. Admittedly the trailer looked good (as you'd expect with the money poured into it), but so did the Oprah one and that was an awful watch. And as Oprah found out, what use is an ostracised couple? The only real selling point is their royal connections, but they left the family on bad terms. In the long run it's just going to inflict a lot of pain and misery.

I do think Spotify and Netflix rue handing them contracts *before* that Oprah interview because the interview didn't show them to be as 'brilliant' and 'charismatic' as we imagined. They are very dull and what's more, trying to show their 'fun' side with James Corden and Ellen DeGeneres. Special place in hell for them.
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The truth is there is no story.

Meghan was not hounded by the press. Even when she was his girlfriend, she was the one hinting on her Instagram about it, while the papers were obsessed with Trump (It was 2016).

She would do pap walks in London, and hire paparazzi in Canada. If there is a story, it is about how she was desperate to be treated like Catherine, Diana and Chelsea were.

The BRF bent over backwards to accommodate Peg. An odd weird comment here and there may have occurred but there was no racism and she was not mistreated. She is a drama queen, a narcissist who wanted the whole family to revolve around her.

This is why they are manufacturing pictures and being deceptive. There really is no story and certainly, there isn't one for 6 episodes, unless each episode is 10 minutes.

Netflix was played.
Myself family and friends didn't know he was dating until the engagement appearance
Had no idea who she was
ABSOLUTELY NO WAY did she have any press intrusion. They've backed off big time since Diana days.
Kate had a dreadful time with them but don't hear her moaning now
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VIP Member
I swear some of you from the UK are tone-deaf. If you don't think that title comes off racist, it does. This is a teachable moment. I don't care if you hate Meghan Markle. That is not the issue. The white woman is a looker, but the bi-racial is a hooker. Okay! WOW. Some of you will never learn. Lady Hussey is in so much trouble because of similar actions. This is what racism looks like, even if you didn't intend it that way. Learn and grow from it. That's your right not to like Meghan Markle, but that title is RACIST and sexist. I expected more from intelligent women. If the title was reversed and Kate was referred to as the Hooker, that would never have been approved. WOW.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck I call it a duck
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