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Chatty Member
If Charles wanted to slim the monarchy down, we would begin with removing titles from those who AREN'T working for the firm and are bringing SHAME to the monarchy like his bloody wayward son and that actress in California.

Why do they still hold royal titles? Why are they still advertised on the royal websites? What have the done for the firm other than trash it????

The truth is Charles doesn't want to share the limelight with the much more popular Edward and Sophie. He was said to be jealous of the Middletons in the early part of William's marriage.

He's as selfish as Harry. Both have criticized the family to get their own way. He was sending public money to the Harkles during the pandemic even after Megxit.

The Queen will continue to be missed
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Scotch Mist

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Interesting, from DE about title removals from PA and the Stoat.

"Rachael Maskell, the MP for York, is bringing a Private Members Bill to Parliament in early December.
“She is particularly concerned about the Duke of York and she thinks her constituents do not want Prince Andrew to be the Duke of York any longer.
“So, she wants to create the facility for the King to take the title away from him. But, a Private Member's Bill has very little chance of making it into law unless the Government takes it up and supports it.

Richard Palmer said King Charles III did not want to "humiliate further" his family.

“At the moment, there is no sign that the Government is going to do that, perhaps because the King does not want to do that.
“The King does not want to humiliate any further his brother or his youngest son, Prince Harry. That would be my guess.”

"Prince Andrew allegedly felt "ambushed" by royal aides during the Giuffre case."


It looks as though Pachael Maskell's Bill won't go through, because KC doesn't support it as he doesn't want to "further humiliate" PA and the Stoat.
What Richard Palmer says is likely true.
So PA and the Stoat will remain CoS.
There was no justification in removing PA's CoS role. He has to all intents and purposes been sacked but is still a CoS and won't be called on.
The Stoat should have been sacked on the grounds that he isn't eligible, but is still a CoS and won't be called upon.

KC thinks this was clever, but it isn't and both these decisions are wrong on every level imo. In one sneaky move KC has ducked the issue of the Stoat's eligibility, and cut PA down. HM would never have done this.

KC has
1. Pandered to the Stoat by bending the rules, and headed off attacks on the RF from angry Sussex Squad bots.
2. Pandered to public dislike of Prince Andrew. This will probably be cheered but it makes me uneasy. I don't like PA, but prefer him to Chuck any day and would far rather have him beside me in a trench. This was always my mother's Litmus test.

I can well believe that PA "felt ambushed" by royal aides during the Giuffre case, and hope we hear more about this. I think PC pressurised PA into settling for reasons of expediency and control, with the result that PA is now for ever a pariah and KC is free to effectively remove his CoS role.
I remember PA said he wanted to go to Court against VG and clear his name, not exactly the wish of a guilty man, but was prevented from doing so by PC. He's probably regretting this.
With regard to PA I really don't think that Charles had much choice. The Queen asked PA to step back from duties and Charles is continuing with the same policy.

I know it might seem a bit unfair on Andrew because he hasn't been tried and convicted of a crime but he has damaged the reputation of the royal family. His name is now so tarnished that the majority of people believe he's a pedalo. This might be unfair but he continued to associate with Epstein when he really should have known better. The reality is that Andrew's arrogance and poor decision making led him to where he is now. That interview with Emily Maitliss was a car crash.

I do believe that he wanted to fight back against VG but paid her off to spare his mother embarrassment and not ruin her final year. Of course now everyone believes that he's guilty and we'll probably never know the full truth.

Andrew cannot return to royal duties because there would be a huge backlash. He can work behind the scenes and retire quietly. I'm not going to feel sorry for him though as I'm sure he's rich enough to enjoy his retirement.
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William's been to the shire today, does anyone know if he's due to go to Qatar for the football? That could end up being a bit of a shitshow (both in general and for RF PR)

It was announced a week or so ago that he is not visiting Qatar for the WC.

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Just heard back from the complaint I made regarding the Mirror story with that awful photoshopped picture of PoW.
They have rejected the complaint:
we did not consider that any possible editing of the photograph rendered the article significantly inaccurate, distorted or misleading, and therefore in need of correction. As such, we did not identify sufficient grounds to investigate a possible breach of Clause 1.
The Daily Mirror a bunch of anti Royal left wing, wankers.

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OMG what the hell is this crap? I'm gonna hurl.

Oh for God’s sake, it was obviously a class project. And Morton is grovelling again. Don’t they realise that if they have to dig as deep as this to show she is an activist/humanitarian then she obviously isn’t one. At least it’s a change from the washing up liquid. Really, who can look at this shit and be impressed ?
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Churchill's Ghost

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I keep thinking about her claim that she thought is would be just her and "Glo" sitting around eating sandwiches on "Glo's" birthday." A

She has met Gloria Steinem perhaps 2 times before this (the "interview" and the NYC photo op) and yet she has positioned herself as Gloria's closest confidante over friends of decades.

And the "eating sandwiches" is so weird. Who goes to a birthday dinner and expects to eat sandwiches off of tea trays? Even if it was just the two of them, GS is not only enormously wealthy in her own right, but is the widow of David Bale (yes, Christian Bale's father) and her cook would probably whip up a fancy dinner for her birthday.

It's is just so bizarre in a way I can't quite articulate, but I think it is another example of her trying to wear a human suit and approximate human interactions and emotions.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Would love to know what our Muricans on here think about all this and that Fucking Woman hasn't done much for the Kennedy reputation!!
Truthfully, except among extreme left wing quarters, RFKs kids are not highly regarded. RFK Jr ( the anti vaxxer) is married to actress Cheryl Hines (who is B+ or A-) but is pretty well connected in Hollywood. If she does not like Smegz, she has the ears of people to blackball her. Jackie and Eunice kept their kids away from the undisciplined RFK kids.

Ted Kennedy was a murdering piece of garbage and it made me sick that Massachusetts sent him to the Senate repeatedly and he was held up as paragon of liberal virtue - even called the Lion of the Senate. Absolute garbage person. He made himself out to be the victim in Chappaquiddick and treated the Kopechne family (Mary Jo was their only child) as if they were dirt beneath his feet. He left that poor woman to drown - it took hours and she must have been so terrified.
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I would love to know how the the relationship between Netflix and these 2 really is
"Creative differences" over a documentary that's supposed to be "authentic" to their day to day lives? You gotta laugh at these jokers. If they're recording what is happening in reality where is the need to be "creative" about anything. In other words the Harkles are trying to fudge the documentary with sugary shit that's not what's been captured on tape and director says no.

This is either going to be an epic shitshow or the borefest of the century. 😂 Either way I'm going to thumbs down when it comes out but I won't be watching.
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H&M are trying to recreate their high point..the heady days just after the Oprah interview …before many saw their blatant ‘inconsistencies‘.

Now comes ‘Oprah part deux‘ with more attacks and embellishments …first the Award, then the Netflix programme, then the book . Obviously for the US market..

All the PR, Netflix, etc etc saw the BRF as a soft target . We will attack and give you ‘ the charismatic Son of Diana and future president Markle’ ..hmmm !!!

DofE- just an old man ….Reality …on his death HUGE tributes from around the World
The Queen- irrelevant old woman….Reality..Death of an ICON
KC3- No one wants him to be King…Reality..the Brits accept him as KING.

A lesson in Hubris …

I think most Americans will just think ‘ well I’ve heard all this before . I took a view then or I’m just not interested .’

( i have waited years to put ‘ hubris ‘ in a sentence !!!🤣)
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Worth a read, very blurred thoughView attachment 1737968
You know what ? I could actually believe some of this (even if it is made up) that she puts people down and name calls it is all to make her feel she is more superior and untouchable plus she is the type to do exactly this.

I did, however, find the comments about the Cambridge children beyond homophobic and vile but then again I am not surprised at all how low she would stoop. If only people would speak out.
Does anyone know any British journalists? I would love to know what they are really hiding in their safes. 🤫
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Yes I do agree that if she was exposed as being homophobic she would be finished.

The comments to staff (allegedly) she may well have thought she was safe to say within the confines of palace walls and it was a safe space to be her true, authentic self. I do believe, however, that she did say something to Princess Charlotte, which was overheard, and therefore am erring on the side that there is a vile side to Smegzy which is yet to be fully exposed. The bullying allegations, and failure to publish the report, has convinced me that there is a dark side to her that is yet to come out.

Well did she not call the lovely Lady Louise a dyke Which makes me guess Sophie & Edward have a lot of insight of smegs real personality hence why Sophie throws smegz filthy looks every chance she gets
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Chatty Member
She's constantly lying to make herself grand. Remember the lunch she claimed to have with MO at frogmore which turned out to be BS as confirmed by MO? There are at least a handful of lies in everything she puts out
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We all know that this award is bought. Personally I want them to keep doing idiotic shit like this. Another nail in the coffin. Another bridge burnt. More showing themselves for what they are.

To coin a phrase seen on another thread, these two are like cats digging up their own turds.
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