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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I hear what you say O Hamster, and you are quite right.
I don't like PA one bit either and of course he was cretinous to keep hanging around with JE when he'd been convicted, and I agree he can never return to royal duties.

But on the CoS I'm not happy about KC's manoeuvres and bending the rules for the Stoat. KC won't want the Private Members Bill to strip titles to go through because there would be calls to strip the Stoat's as well, and while he'd likely be happy to remove the Duke of York title I don't think he'd want to remove the Stoat's for fear of repercussions.

I think this will be how it's left, but it's not right that the Stoat is a CoS. Half in half out Halfwit.
I know it seems a bit unsatisfactory but in reality the Stoat and Andrew have been neutered. PA will not be called upon because Anne and Edward will step up. The Stoat lives in America so he is exempt from duty as he doesn't live in the UK, even Andrew would be called up before him 😁
I think it was a wise move to expand the list to include Anne and Edward.
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Yes it's all very odd isn't it? Surely he must see through her manipulative behaviour by now 🤔
Smegz would rather be a Kardashian than be royal too, as all she cares about is fame and money.

Hazno might have left the RF with a different woman but that would have been for a more private life. I think he truly believed at one time that he would live in Africa with Chelsy.

I am also convinced that Hazno thought that was the plan: leave the RF and spend more time in Africa. Even when they went to Canada and then LA, I think his plan was to go back and forth raising money and going back to Africa. He spent a lot of time there, he knows people (conservationists and volunteers) who have raised families there. And I think this is what the Queen believed at first and even saw in them the future of the Commonwealth. But that required effort, work and a life away from cameras, clothes and parties. And that was never Rachel's plan. Keeping Up with The Harkles would be literally her dream come true.

She is that shallow.

Another thing is: have you noticed that is always the adults praising the girl she was as a child? Never her friends or colleagues. When I saw the footage from the movement Rachel allegedly created - all children were there, the video does nothing to prove it was Rachel's initiative - I wondered: why not interview the girl whose brother Rachel was trying to help? I think she has been capitalising from others ideas and work for a very, very long time.
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Chatty Member
I think for PA even if his accuser came out tomorrow and said the whole thing was a lie and here's the money back, people still wouldn't welcome him back because he has that reputation of being pompous/entitled/ rude etc. If he was known to be a nice and kind man it would be easier to "rehabilitate" his reputation.
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Did anyone catch Jonathan Ross this week? Katharine Ryan made a joke about MM refusing to use the lido wing because 'privacy' but does any interview she can. Everyone Inc other guests (including host and all guests) were laughing. I was surprised, the tide has turned here. They aren't welcome.
No she said -Meghan Markle could have given birth there but she was too busy giving interviews about privacy

The I like her a lot bit was said veryyy sarcastically
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If this is true then she's incredibly homophobic 😔 but why then would she be good friends with Marcus? If Scooby realised that she was homophobic perhaps he might start to question his loyalty to her 🤔

The acting profession has many gay people in it so being homophobic would make you a bit of a pariah which makes me think this is unlikely to be true. I do believe that Meghan may have been dismissive of the Spanish nanny though because we know she doesn't treat those she sees as beneath her well.

It's a shame that nobody has got a recording of Meghan saying vicious things. I keep hoping someone will come up with something and expose her nastiness.
Some f*g hags with gay best mates have been some of the most incredibly homophobic people I’ve ever come across. They almost keep gay men as pets and hide their homophobia under a thin veil of camp, bitchy humour.
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Chatty Member
In December most people's viewing focus is on Christmas films/ feel good films/block busters/ drama and sport. I won't be watching their series for obvious reasons but it doesn't sound like sit the family round the TV material. Maybe it's so bad the hope is its buried in Christmas TV. If its similar to the Oprah interview it won't go down well with the general public as its the Royal Family's first Christmas without the Queen and there has been alot of love and support for them and what they do.
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One thing people forget is that Phillip himself wanted Edward to have it.

That is one of the best parts of being a Duke, Earl etc. Passing it on to your son and the title going on.

There are loads of Dukes though 🤷‍♀️ what's one more in the grand scheme of things. 'Working' royals and the civil list are what matter when it comes to a slimmed down monarchy.

This is what I am not understanding.

What is so bad about James inheriting the title 40 years from now?

Edward and his children were arguably way closer to Phillip than any other family members. We always saw them taking walks and stuff while the rest were busy with their duties. I suspect they were a great source of comfort for him in his last years.

Who is he saving it up for?

Louis? Louis has his own father's title to look forward to. He can be the Duke of Cambridge.

If this is true, hopefully William would right this wrong.

Let's hope so, because the Wessexes have been so good at their jobs. Sophie was in Africa moving from project to project and making connections with people. She did a wonderful job as did Edward with his engagements.

I’m not sure Edward and Sophie want the Edinburgh dukedom. It’s a royal dukedom which would mean that their children would be Prince and Princess, something they have avoided. I think that they want their children to have a low key life.
Be last thing they want is for them to turn out the the entitled York girls.

Is it still a royal dukedom though? It has merged with the crown so I would imagine No? Charles can simply re-create it and then it would be its 4th creation and wouldn't necessarily be a requirement for James to go by Prince James.


Deux Moi is usually pretty accurate too

ETA Second post on Deuxmoi about them

Harry will soon learn that Peg will never be happy. Never.

She will always want more.

And he will always be expected to give it to her.
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Tangent Tiger

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I don't actually get this, they left as they couldn't do both RF duties and commercial interests.

But they still ask for money (to spend on themselves, not charity), want to attend RF events, and continue to use titles. Why does this mean they are crusaders against RF institutional racism??
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The Counsellors of State thing couldn't have come at a better time.

Now he can't complain about being removed while also accepting awards for going against this oh so terrible terrible racist institution.

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"Heroic stance against institutional racism in the Royal Family." So why did it take them 2 years and bombshell interview to decide to speak up?! If this was the reason it should have been mentioned right away and they would have had a lot of people on their side. But as others say, they weren't getting their own way, threw a hissy fit and left, weren't making the $$$ they wanted so threw the mud that they knew would stick the most.
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If they divorce how is their money divided?

If she is taking all the spotify money for doing podcasts without him, and if she has syphoned off and squirreled away some of his money, is he entitled to half of her money?
If she's as clever at embezzling as she is at everything else, it will take a chihuahua about 30 seconds to figure out where she put it all.
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I'm not following this. Are H and A to be banned as CoS if they've not undertaken royal duties for 2 years? Where does that leave KC's plan to widen the CoS pool but never call on the Stoat or Andrew, but not remove their CoS titles ? Are they to keep their CoS or not?

What does this mean ....
"it was neither the Government, nor Buckingham Palace's position, that the plan would remove either prince from being a Counsellor of State"
This is exactly what happens when you attempt to ‘ spare someone’s blushes ‘. Just lance the boil with a sharp knife instead of a blunt saw !!

Harry is ineligible as he does not live in UK..adding the royal duties for 2 years element ..just makes him MORE ineligible. Andrew is eligible but would be made ineligible by the 2 years royal duties.

The irony is once he’s done his speech at this award, Netflix programme and book , which will all follow the usual attacking themes, I don’t think the BRF will be worrying about sparing blushes anymore !!!

I have a simpler method without major debate .
Are they both Twats ? yes
Should a Twat advise a King ? NO
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
She loved to learn. Is super smart. Yet doesn't have enough knowledge to easily accomplish the British Citizen test.

The Smart One.

NF should be premiering a comedy show, not a documentary, about the Harkles.
TBF I didn't get 100% and I'm British 😳

But I don't buy into the narrative that she is super intelligent. Manipulative, yes. Forceful.

Did Diana actually leave all her jewellery to ’her boys’ or would some be from the Spencer’s collection ? Isn’t there a tiara and some other things ?

Can we sue them for our tax money back - after all it is paramount to fraud - and she complained she should be paid for doing the royal tours - how much more did she want? Gawd I loath her so much 😬
That was weird, the lifestyle was paid for. It was like she expected a one off fee for each engagement.

As far as Spencer tiara I think that was always retained within the Spencer family. There is so much focus on RF that we tend to forget there are extremely rich aristocratic families with their own traditions.
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Jameela does have a large fanbase, she especially attracts Gen Z who are always enraged by something totally mundane.

But, even they couldn't give Peg a top ten podcast.





New Zealand


And they definitely tried.
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Beatrice attended a charity dinner the other night seated next to Skippy (for recent arrivals - Skippy is Tom Inskip, Hazno's former close friend. Was in Vegas with Hazno on his lack-of-clothes trip. Skippy's Great And Grievous Sin for being excluded from Hazno's life? Suggesting 43 and Hazno live together before getting more serious. How dare he.)
There was much talking between them - about the latest podcast episode? ;)

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