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Is this not the face a baby makes when you’ve just changed it’s nappy (diaper) and the little fucker drops a fresh load??!!?!

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Never expected her to embark on a career as a film critic.

Wonder what she'd make of the negative stereotypes of sharks portrayed in Jaws. The fact it was a Great White shark reinforces the trope of dominance and oppression associated with whiteness. But, I once went to a shark restaurant and some of my best friends are sharks.

New game, anyone? One line film reviews as written by Megs.
Night of the Living Dead - the undead were just victims and the diversity of the undead should have been celebrated instead of the narrow vision of the film oppressing their uniqueness 😎😎😎🤣🤣😎😎
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Does anyone else wish Emily Maitlis could get an Andrew- style televised sit down with Harry and Meghan and throw back some of their ridiculous claims at them with, for just example, reference to harrys own well documented past racism? They’d look like utter tits.
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Dobby Socks

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He's suing the biggest news outlet and His Majesty's government at the same time. What a way to make enemies. And Lol where does he find the time. I mean, he must be very busy as CHIMPO 😂
It must be exhausting to constantly hold on to so much anger & hate. Most people find any sort of drama in their life to be draining & upsetting but with them two it is constant. I couldn't live that way, I don't know how they seem to think they are winning at life
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When I "correct" my fellow Merkins, I adopt the Fat Bastard accent and say "EdinbRRRRRRRR" rolling the living shit out of my Rs. I make sure they understand that I am the LAST person to listen to on the correct pronunciation and that I am being jokey :)
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This actually makes a lot of sense to me. So they don’t actually live in Monocito, it was just for filming. Now filming is over so they’re looking for a “new home”.

and Lili was referred to as Harry's daughter in that write up about the fertility doctor who shut her practice overnight. Not Harry and Meghan's daughter. Just Harry's.

Tattler sleuths have always said they don't live there and that Lili isn't Meghans.

If he arrived an hour after her to that gig, maybe he was putting his kids to bed.
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Thankyou all for your kind words my heart is broken I muss him terribly During the day He would be sat on my shoulder I could not even go to the loo without him as he world not budge But I know He had a great life and did not want foe anything and I have so many happy Memories of him .
So so sorry @Zippy2000 I was really hoping he found somewhere safe and it was just a matter of time before you woild be reunited. I am sure he is still with you and sitting on your shoulder, pets we have loved never really leave us.
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Dooley Doo

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Have some bad re Zippy unfortunately He was found this morning in a garden down the road My heart is absolutely breaking right now
Oh no Zippy2000. Like other tattlers I was hoping for a good outcome for you and Zippy.

Condolences on your sad loss.

RIP Zippy 🕊🌈
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I don‘t think there are any problems in the marriage either.

I can see where both of them could believe their marriage has been of great benefit to each of them. She was a grade B cable actress close to 40. He was ‘the spare’ obsessing over becoming irrelevant. VIOLA! Both of them are in the news now incessantly. Even if it is negative…it is more than either could have expected before they hooked up. Not a day goes by….

He also probably feels that the marriage has allowed him to finally be ’authentic.’ If we are stunned by his neurotic,envious, nasty self…well, that is who he really is and has always been. For example, I think all these lawsuits are his idea…he has always wanted vengance against all the people ‘the Men in Grey Suits’ prevented him from punishing in the past. Now that seems to be his primary focus and I think he relishes the freedom and opportunity to lash out.

He also wants to be ‘bigger’ than his brother. She obviously has believed …even if she may have some doubts now…that together they can achieve that. She’s on her own ego mission and she won’t let him go unless and until she has given up.
Yes I think we quite often forget or discount what a horrible person he is. It's all well and good laying the blame at her door, but even if everything that happens is down to her (it's not) he is, at the very, least complicit. Your average down to earth bod would never go along with a tenth of this shit.

Stupidity can only allow for so much. He's just as bad as her, and dare I say it, less talented.
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In one of the books, there was a report of an incident on the plane when the Markles were returning from one of their (very few) official tours. Harry was asked to just briefly greet the press and thank them…and instead was very rude. When chided about it, he retorted, “Well you shouldn’t have made me do it.”

He has the mind of a child. This is a man in his mid-thirties who has to be ‘forced’ to behave with professional respect and dignity. He lets himself be filmed juggling outside a window… a child playing, doing whatever he wants.

He has looked so miserable at the few official functions he has attended. But in my opinion…it is because he feels forced to follow the old rules, do his ‘duty.’ He’s like a child, pouting because he cannot jump up and down at church, Like a child, he is constantly demanding attention, but wants only kisses and approval.

In my opinion,at some point, these childish behaviors will be directed at some of the US entities that are really crucial to their future…and that will spell disaster. He has already possibly pushed the RF too far. I think she is street smart enough to realize the danger in this…but I don’t think she can control that behavior in him…
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Is it me... or does it feel like the gloves are well and truly off now?

I know the incoming books have a lot to do with it, but I wonder if the media were holding back in respect for the Queen and are now coming out swinging. Because it feels like it's coming from multiple agencies now (not just Piers Morgan).

This also I believe it is being done with the blessing of BP
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Scotch Mist

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It's supposedly a fan account. Must have access to them as they have pics like this.... View attachment 1632585
That's the picture put out by Harriman in the summer which is an old photo of Smegz (several noses ago) holding an unknown child, possibly his daughter. Its laughable that the child's hair has now been coloured red.
How do the sugars fall for this crap?
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Holy balls! Those blinds posted earlier of them owing everyone is just DELICIOUS!!! That made me a VERY happy lady! 😆 I’m gonna guess they owe banks, lawyers, credit card companies, hotels, salons, restaurants, clothing stores, jewelers, utility companies and a whole lot more! And you can be rest assured that if Smegs gets another payout from Spot, that it’s gonna be gone after she pays some of those debts, she’ll have nothing and will STILL OWE!! I foresee a bankruptcy in the not so distant future, but I also foresee legal action being taken which will up the amount owed even MORE!! Oh! And let’s not forget interest rates that are accumulating as we speak!!! I’m laughing as I write this because Karma has been visiting and she has unpacked her bags and plans on staying for a REALLY LONG FUCKING TIME!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Serious question. Will KC3 let them go bankrupt? or will they be bailed out a la Andrew and Fergie?

(Bonus option: take advice from Katie Price who appears to be untouchable)
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Smeg understands what it's like to be Irish as her mum once did a jig while downing a pint of Guinness.
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