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Have some bad re Zippy unfortunately He was found this morning in a garden down the road My heart is absolutely breaking right now
Dman it all, terrible news. I am very sorry for your loss. He was your beloved friend and your family. Please know that we understand and you are not alone.
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According to Taz

I think Meghan picked those two films because she is too lazy to bother doing any research. These are probably two films that came up in a quick google search.
She’s not passionate enough to do this podcast. If she was, the idea would have come to her quickly, and she wouldn’t have needed to be cattle prodded into action.
She just wants to get paid to live a lavish life, be universally adored, and in with the Hollywood in crowd.
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Re Valentine Low on GMB, I never watch the show, but the women's sychophantic attempt re the reeks were nauseating. Ex. well maybe wanting to get paid for this was a joke-no lady you are a dimwitted joke.
are you talking about Suzannah Reid? its worth looking back at the day Piers walked out the studio in GMB the day after the orca lie fest. the way he was treated by Reid the weatherman and i'm sure the Charlotte women was disgusting I reckon they had orders from Carolyn McCall the head of ITV to be Meghan supporters. lets face it who bought the Orca lie fest!
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Looking at all the wonderful newsworthy stories about the RF out and about (doing what we expect them to do) in the past couple of days just shows whatshername would never have been able to do what all of the other Royals seem to do effortlessly and naturally.
She jumps on the bandwagon of every possible woe in the world as long as there’s a chance of getting her ugly mug out there, in the vain hope of making just one stand out statement, or getting a rave review of whatever inappropriate item of clothing she chooses to wear. All about her, not the cause.
Fails miserably every time she opens her mouth, but then again she even fails when she doesn’t.
Takes some skill to do that. She should get an award - she’d deserve that one.
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"........ One....... is the loneliest number, You'll ever do..........

....two............can be as bad as one- its the loneliest number since the number one...................."
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Realising too late that you made the biggest mistake of your life Harry by any chance? The poor guy looks haunted.

She is wonderful, I love her no nonsense approach to life in general, but particularly royal life. Can you imagine the Duchess of Pukestreet quietly and with such dignity accompanying her mother's coffin all the way from Balmoral. She'd have wanted bells and whistles, recognition for her selfless act, payment, a fanfare on her return to London. I too hope Charles recognises what a tower of strength his sister is and will be. But I'm sure he does.
I'd love to see Charles reward her publicly in some way. Not sure what honour or title he could bestow on her - she is after all the Princess Royal already. I know she wouldn't seek it, but I'd just love to see her be gifted with something.

Phew, finally caught up.

Some very funny posts. 😂

Lovely photos of our actual working royals.

I wish KC3 would hurry up and give Edward the D of E title as the Queen and PP wanted and he can't get rid of the overseas two quick enough for me, Tomorrow would be good.
Yes, Edward and Sophie should definitely be rewarded, as well as Anne. They have all been steadfast and loyal.
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It will be interesting whose pictures will be on his desk when he delivers his Christmas speech🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭. I love how the Royal Family throws shade with little gestures.
This would be a good poll for the next thread. I’m casting an early vote for either a photo of just QE2 or a photo of QE2 and Prince Phillip together.
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I think that Harry doesn't give a fuck about his family anymore, he has his new little family, I'm on the fence about the flatpacks. I think he's at the stage where he almost realises what he and his Ho have thrown away, but how can he admit that he's massively fucked up. He's invested 7 /8 years of his life in the Ho, it's going to take a while to admit that he's made a huge mistake, if he ever does.
I have no sympathy for Harry and I wish evil things on his Ho. Sometimes I wonder how I can fucking hate someone as much as I hate her. Eta, I've never met her, she has no effect on my life but I definitely fucking hate the smarmy CUNT.
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images (20).jpeg

Stoat: You know she does "Arse-Overs" don't you??
Iger: "Oh really?? Ah."
Stoat: "She's a Ho. Wanna give yourself a Bangkok Special, give your Bum a treat?
You into pegging? I gotta price me. Just call me Harry, no HRH"."
Iger: "Whaaat...???"
Susan Iger: "Jeez Bob, WTF......?????"
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Watching (listening) to Lady C talk about Samantha’s trial & the possibility Doprah, H & Smegs Dad may be called to testify. I hope they ALL get called and there’s cameras in the courtroom! It’d be like the Depp/H trial only better! (Somehow I think it’s highly unlikely Doprah will be called, but a girl can dream, right?!?!)
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Whatever happens with Netflix doc they are going to look like total losers, either a snooze fest as they are so dull it gets shelved, they are horrible about the RF and look even more nasty and jealous.
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How come Smeghan/Farcewell haven't done anything for the victims of Hurricane Ian, or the emergency services still working down there?

Not even issued any inspirational bananas or regifted nappies?

It's currently at over 100 deaths and theres thousands and thousands injured, lost their homes and businesses etc.

Is it because the name "Ian" is too male and too white for them to get involved?
Suspiciously quiet about Iran as well. Given that she claimed to speak French (Hawwy called her put on it during their random Canada House drive by in 2020), you would think she would be all over parasitically attaching herself to the hair cutting Juliette Binoche et al.
She could easily cut her HorseHair wig locks and hey presto it will have all grown back 3 days later
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for me, Swedish pronunciation trumps everything. Gothenburg is Yote'bory, Jonkoping is Yonsho-oeping, and i once almost lost my train from Malmo (pronounced Maal-moeo) because they kept announcing it for Shoepenholm. That's Copenhagen.

i apologise for any Swedes here, i'm just describing the disconnect i feel when coming from a language that uses phonetic transliteration or pronunciation, i mean we read as it's written.
Some years ago I went to Sweden for a week and it was an education! We stayed in Kinna (pronounced Shee-nna), went on a trip to Gothenburg (which did not sound anything like it, as you said!), and learned that Sweden in Swedish is actually Sverige (Sve-ry-ye....or thereabouts!). Loved it, but I agree - my native language is read as it's written too, so the languages that are the opposite are certainly fun to learn! By the way - there are still Viking (so Norse) place-names in the UK, particularly in Scotland (and many Isles that were under their rule at some point in the past), as well as words in the language (like 'bairn' used in Scotland, meaning a child - "barn" means a child in Swedish). Fascinating stuff (well, for me, anyway).

Smeg is so interested in other cultures that she speaks pretty much zero other languages (I'm not counting the alleged smattering of Spanish, I've got a feeling I know more Spanish than her just from watching Mexican soap-operas on our TV when I was a kid 🤣 ). Her mentioning the Korean spa & noodles is probably all she knows about Korea...
(incidentally, we have family living there, they have done for many years, so we've had quite an insight, and if spas and noodles is all she can think of, it's pathetic...).
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When Charles and Diana were splitting there were all the poor me photos. All in bad taste in my opinion.
Alone outside the Taj Mahal.
Looking the other way with a sad face on an official photo in Thailand.
Turning her head away when he went to kiss her when she presented him with a polo cup.
I’m waiting for Meghan to start doing the same
I think she is going to do an Amber Angelina... and claim Dom Abuse. Not sure how she will manage the bronzer and the bruise kit at the same time as the bronzer is applied with a trowel so..... but her fangirl markeup artist can deal with that, I'm sure :cool:
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I forgot that Ellen is a Sunshine Sachs client. It actually shows that SS are good at what they do if they could book Ellen for the Obama tour. I know Ellen is wealthy but there are some things you simply can't buy your way into and no amount of money can buy back a good reputation. Obama as well would not like to be aligned with someone with a reputation like Ellens. I think a crucial difference there was Ellen biting the bullet and being public about her poor conduct and doing the mea culpa "I must do better-be a better person" routine. It may well have been insincere but, importantly, she did it. She likely listened to the advice she was paying handsomely for. My guess is that Obama picked up on that acknowledgement of fallability. No one is perfect and Ellen took ownership of acting cunty.

It is clear SS are good at what they do but they couldn't make a silk purse out of a sows ear no matter how much money the Sussexes threw at them. Consider how despite all the lies, bullying accusations, logical fallacies and shitty behaviour following their attempts at brand building the Sussexes have never done anything approaching the mea culpa routine. They think they have done nothing wrong and an intelligent person like Obama can see that for how deluded it is. Consequently she wouldn't go near these clowns because they stink and they just can't smell it perhaps.
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