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I’m so sorry @Zippy2000 Are you going to be ok? I’m so sorry you got him back like that. You gave him a wonderful life. I’m so sorry for your loss. Our pets are members of the family. ❤ 💔 I’m sorry for how you just be feeling.
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Well-known member
Have some bad re Zippy unfortunately He was found this morning in a garden down the road My heart is absolutely breaking right now
Our little friends (I don't like calling them pets) are put on this world to show us what unconditional love is💕💕💕💕
I truly believe that sometime, somewhere we'll meet them again
Fly free little Zippy ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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They really are the gift that just keeps giving. Once of course, you get over the horrific way they abused Henrys family, and realise that in their feeble attempts to damage said family, they keep fucking themselves up further and further…they're like the bumbling wankers that set out to run over their nemesis, and end up with the handbrake being left off and the car ploughing over themselves instead.

If they weren’t so desperately pathetic, it would be sad, but the depths they sink…their unfathomable depths of delusion….it’s like watching one of those great HBO shows, where you tune in with a bowl of popcorn and a tipple of choice to watch what fuckery the mental characters get up to next. The problem with a TV show is you sit there and say, aaahhhh, that just wouldn't happen….well….with these dumb fucks….

I’m honestly almost looking forward to next weeks Mememe podcast…because who is she gonna fuck off next? It’s INCREDIBLE! I mean, who else can fuck off entire countries, races, institutions….it’s quite a gift!
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I suggested to my 9yr old that he might marry Princess Charlotte. Whenever we are at a meal and he is eating like a farm animal, I used to tell him "would you eat like that in front of the Queen?" He would always look at me like "wtf are you on about" but it would improve the posture, use of napkin, that sort of thing.... a bit. Then one day he said "I'm never going to have dinner with the Queen" and I said "what if you marry princess Charlotte". He was quiet about it for a few days and last night, out of the blue, he announced he will not be marrying Princess Charlotte.
Oh well. Go ahead and eat like a farm animal then.
My 8yo niece has first dibs on George, just so y’all know in advance.
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Agree with all this. SS obviously had a pretty good rep before the Narcs came along and trashed it! Everyone at the agency must rue the day they ever met Nutmeg!

Also, I think the Obama forgiveness of Ellen is because she is important. It might not register to people outside the LGBT community but Ellen’s coming out back then was brave, she was punished for it career wise, she fought the way back to the top and she is a bit of a gay icon because of it. I first took the leap and came out to my sister the night they aired that episode - I guess bravery inspires others (and the rest of my family was totally phobic back then so it was brave). Obama gave her the Presidential medal of Freedom which they obvs don’t hand out to just anyone. Her behaviour and fall from grace pissed me off TBH but it seems contrition is reaping rewards and letting her slowly back in.

I’d like to say the Narcs could learn something from her but I agree they don’t have it in them. Smeg will literally never be able to even understand that she is wrong… about anything… ever! And Hazno has been angry and arrogant and spiteful all his life so I don’t think he’s going to change now.

If the pair did a proper owning up to fault routine, grovelled and worked for years to show they’re sorry, maybe they could be forgiven too. But like you say, they don’t know how to even see they’re the ones in the wrong, never mind take the steps to say sorry and make amends!

They’ve been careering downwards on a runaway sledge since they first stropped off to Canada, but they’re about to go over the top of a cliff and truly plummet to the bottom IMO! My guess is that by the coronation everything will have disintegrated around them! And then the RF will fully finish off the job once the crown is safely on KCIII’s head! Can’t wait! :m
This is a very wise post. Count me among those who tremendously admired Ellen’s bravery…she put it all on the line and by doing so, rightfully earned great respect from many of us. I still don't know if I believe the cacophony of accusations that suddenly tore her down. Odd when that all comes at once. But she should be remembered and respected for stepping put and standing tall to enable others to do so as well. ❤ Well done, Ellen.

This has me thinking about the Sugars. We all bring pieces of our own emotional history to online discussion boards. For many minority women, I’m sure Markle represented a proud moment in history for them.

If only she had been worthy of it.

This is what my goddaughter tells me anyway. And they believe her lies now, because they identify, in their own experiences, with the racism and rejection she uses as a cover. Maybe even Oprah feels this. So they defend her and protect her because they believe that she has suffered in the ways that they have.

But she hasn’t.

She reminds me of those millionaire TV Preachers…emotionally manipulating good people to send their meagre savings to enrich THEMSELVES.

Same con…just different methodology.
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Chatty Member
Is this the REAL reason behind the Danish royal feud? # via
Oooh I always wondered this. PJ’s wife was quite controversial when they were first going out, she had to take her dogs everywhere apparently and refused to learn Danish or some such. There were comparisons drawn between the fact she looked a lot like Mary (dark hair, brown eyes) and her name is Marie! Bit creepy.

OT: I think they way the Danes have handled their married ins has been perfect. Neither of the three wives have been Danish (nor was the Prince consort Henrik). But Mary had to live there and become Danish before marrying Frederik. She even relinquished her aussie citizenship. If Megs was forced to go through that she wouldn’t have lasted IMO, but it proves that the committed are true stayers.
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Phew, finally caught up.

Some very funny posts. 😂

Lovely photos of our actual working royals.

I wish KC3 would hurry up and give Edward the D of E title as the Queen and PP wanted and he can't get rid of the overseas two quick enough for me, Tomorrow would be good.
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I watched the Peacock documentary Banished The Prince Andrew Story yesterday with my VPN. It's fantastic and devasting for Andrew. There are some interesting parallels with Harry. Andrew was a total rock star after the Falklands war actually to a greater extent than Harry was in that period before Smeg arrived on the scene. It went into detail about why Andrew was the Queen's favourite (which I had never understood before now) and how that shaped him. He was the child that the Queen actually got to spend time with. He was all the things Charles wasn't. He was rambunctious, loved sports, loved Gordonstowe, and acquitted himself well during his military service and then it gradually dawned on him that there was no role for him. His income when he left was £350,000 pa which was not enough for his lifestyle so they created the Special Representative for International Trade and Investment role for him which is how he fell in with Epstein. He doesn't drink or smoke but he is a sex addict and like Harry, he and Fergie tried to monetize their royal roles.
Essentially Harry like Andrew totally overestimated his importance, his intelligence, and his popularity with the public. He knew he was on a countdown and becoming less relevant the further moved down the line of succession and that is when everything went to custard.
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Pippa M

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That's an interesting sentence about Jason Knauf and their honeymoon. "He judged it best not to know". :unsure:

Presumably, even at that early stage, he suspected they were up to something.
For sure it was a freebie luxury honeymoon with free flights on someones plane. They will have realised this isnt proper royal behaviour so kept it quiet .
I am just suprised nothing has been leaked.
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Murphy Brown

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The phone hacking scandal was hideous beyond belief (Dowler, 7/7 victims etc) but of the royals, Harry was the least affected! His phone was hacked 9 times while Kate’s was 155!

Murdoch lost an entire paper and it’s dragged on for decades digging up all the rogue reporters so I’d be stunned if Viscount Rothermere would remotely risk the same thing happening with his papers! Unless this is new stuff, I think I’d go with believing the Mail’s denial. They were never found to be part of it in all the Leveson inquiry stuff and it was pretty forensically investigated. They definitely use private detectives to confirm stuff and get people’s details but all the papers do that and, though it’s morally very dubious, it isn’t illegal.

I think Harry’s paranoia on all this seems to only get worse and indicates he’s truly mentally unbalanced. None of these ridiculous legal fights he keeps starting are going to help him. Why does he keep flogging such a dead horse and making himself even more frustrated and miserable and bitter?!
He just wants to blame the Daily Mail for the fact that no one can stand him. Meghan blames racism, Harry blames the media. If he had his way, journalists would only be able to cut and paste their sycophantic press releases about themselves.
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