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He may even end up with a succession of no-hoper wives/girlfriends, because he’s pathetic and needy and easily manipulated. There are plenty of low level wannabes who might be keen to boost their visibility by being (temporarily) attached to someone with a (tenuous) connection to the RF.
I think this is far more likely than Smegma ever acquiring a high-level sugar daddy target after she dumps Hazno. I bet she *thinks* she will, but the bitch is nothing if not audacious, and prone to overestimating her own market value. She probably thinks ensnaring the window-licking spare son of the royal family is reflective of how desirable and in-demand she is, rather than an indictment of his judgement. The reality is that most guys in the sort of position she'd want in on have their pick of potential arm candy, and there's no way a rich man of any level of discernment is going to touch Smegma with a bargepole. She's a toxic, shameless, rapidly ageing guttersnipe with nothing to bring to such a relationship apart from more baggage than the lower compartment of a Boeing 747 and a well-developed teapot throwing arm. So unless she's going to bring those skills to an amateur baseball career, once she dumps Hazno she'll be required to set her sights a lot lower than she's accustomed to.

Before, she could climb the penis ladder more effectively due to comparative youth, and the lower profile of her previous husbands meaning her toxicity wasn't so visible. By now the whole world has seen this skank's colours, and they're migraine-inducing. I look forward to her inevitable descent into obscurity, screeching and clawing along the way as she falls.
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Chilli pepper 19

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Headline on the NYPost website is Oprah essentially promoting the truthfulness of that interview, etc. etc. Now why would she need to give an interview about that now? Too much good press for the RF lately? Let’s remind folks how badly bi-racial MM was treated.

In my opinion, there us some agenda here and Oprah is on the team. Meghan is not generating headlines, so Oprah is doing it for her and bringing the racist accusations front and center again.
Too late. Her lies have been exposed and no one forgets their pr piece insinuating the RF were exaggerating PP illness to try to stop the interview. If I was Orca I'd be quietly distancing myself from them as its only going to get worse.
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Was watching a YouTube video about Prince Charles and this was one of the comments there 🤦‍♀️
View attachment 543297
I'm sorry, have I banged my head some time recently without noticing, or did these two dipshits not leave the RF last year citing explicitly their desire to seek "financial independence"??

Turns out "financial independence" means not getting pocket money from daddy any more at the tender age of 36. Who knew?

As my dad would say, "the heart bleeds for them".
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You know they’re scrabbling around in the gutter when they’re setting up pap shots with the same agency that Katie Price and Lauren Goodger use.
Oh Harry, how the fuck did it come to this?
Kinda hard to believe he’s the grandson of a Queen and the son of the next King.
Desperate times must be calling for desperate measures.
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The British tabloids have obviously had their heads together about the staged pap pics and have come to an agreement. I wonder if this is a sign of things to come. She'll be wanting that baby to stay in-utero as long as possible because who knows what going to be released after it's born?

Let's all just pause for a moment to imagine the scenes when she wakes up at 5am LA time, grabbing her phone to eagerly check Mail Online to see what everyone is saying about her. To quote a classic Scobie tweet...

Unable to post my response to a previous poster since the thread was closed so here goes:

I'm also ready to get out the popcorn when Harry's wife realizes her 15 minutes of fame are over and has a highly publicized breakdown via a Doprah/Ghoule interview. (Blaming it on everyone else, of course). Perhaps we could have a virtual popcorn eating session all at once. Granted, due to the time difference here from what it would be in the UK, I might be scarfing popcorn at 3:00 am but no problem on my end with that!
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Cressida and Chelsey both turned him down, with the excuse of not wanting the faff, but my money is on the fact that he's a tightarse immature stroppy little prat.

Thing is re Porca interview, once you've gone nuclear there really isnt any other level to rise to - thermonuclear maybe?? The Snarkles may think the won the battle, but RF will win the war - they're the ones with the background, the deep pockets and the respect.
Harry couldn't get anyone suitable to say yes. He must be a nightmare personality, permanently drunk/whatever or both. This is the 36 year old man who kicked off about wearing a uniform at his own grandfather's funeral, and then refused to follow the procession arrangements, whilst simultaneously thinking he was still suitable to be Captain-General Royal Marines. Entitled, terminally selfish, immature and permanently angry. Swipe left, ladies.

His two years with Cressida looked like an arrangement of some sort, and she couldn't wait to get out of it.
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Scotch Mist

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Thank you @Baguette for the new thread!

From discussion re Sussex Squad on previous thread, it makes me think of the latest video from Taz - she made a comment that many of the Sussex squad only came to know anything about the royals due to HFW coming on the scene.
They have no notion of what royalty means.Their idea of royalty is Kardashian. Individual over the whole.
Yes this is definitely true. They seem to think that if you are 'the most popular' you will rise up the ranking 🙄 and that Smeggy could waltz in and call the shots to 'a bunch of racists'. They honestly have shit for brains and are not worth thinking about.

Not to mention their current obsession that the evil British are out to kill Archie 😁
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Interesting comment by aMUSEher on Lady C's latest video.

15 hours ago
"QUESTION : Lady C, your English accent with its Jamaican undertone is quite lovely, as is everything about your channel. Your viewpoints provide a deeper perspective regarding the RF and the ongoing Sussex mess. Are you willing to provide the details regarding Harry’s wife’s behavior at her Trevor-wedding event in Jamaica? Her antics were shared with me by a highly reliable source several years ago. At the time, I had never heard of M, and thought that what was being communicated meant that she behaved like a Bridezilla. But no, it was far worse, and was told that H’s wife allegedly behaved like a racist the entire time she was there, was the worst guest ever hosted, and now, her reputation is considered infamous by all involved. Perhaps by sharing these details , it will confirm that she was who she was long before meeting H?"
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Same, I understand what the abbreviations are but it’s got a bit beyond it for me. I can’t make sense of HFEW and PWB in the same sentence as it doesn’t read well and find myself skipping a lot of posts with too many things like this
We could change HFEW to PWFESIL :ROFLMAO: [Prince William's Future Ex Sister In Law]
Just kidding!!!!
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Scotch Mist

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So I'm hanging on in there but it's not an easy job undercover with the fact it's hamster abuse on another level🥺... every day my mind is boggled to new levels 🙃🤪 it's hard when it all that bit smaller 😳 😪😕..... anyway Hemorroiscratchy Scabies Doobert has been spotted in the grounds of the Monteshitto money pit.

Fuck knows what they're going for next but we know it will fucking dirty!
Is it just me? But... that bump is bizarre!
Of course it's bizarre! She deserves a Raspberry Award for it😂
She washes it once a week when the maid comes, and fits it to the occasion or the free dress!
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me from mid-America

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The more that the RF ignores them, the less Interesting they become. They are like some movie star’s ex-wife: after awhile, the connection fades, then nobody cares.

The first interview or two is really interesting, but then these Ex-es are no longer close enough or connected enough to have anything juicy to tell. And they arent important enough on their own. Markle is realizing the Karadashian husbands that are no longer part of the script, if you aren’t in the aren’t “anybody” anymore.

Maybe that’s why she is now “willing to forgive.” Theres an overflow of completion in the area of celebrities preaching at the common folk how to live...and the virtue-signaling field is inundated. Markle is finding out that leaving the RF, has left HER out in the cold.

Markle didnt have what it takes in Hollywood to make it in her’s not like Harry married Beyoncé. All her new “Friends“ know that. Since Harry quit his day job, the only job between them that had cache...the titles have been depreciating.
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Page Six might have an exclusive deal on the pics for 24 hours? I like the idea of the UK press refusing to publish until after Louis's birthday is over though...

They've sent out Omid to say nothing is coming from Spotify or Netflix in the near future. No mention of Ben Browning either. What a trainwreck.

He said: "To actually see some of the fruits of the Netflix labour, to see the Spotify series, it was a great start, but I think it's just that they are not rushing.

"I don't think those first episodes of the Spotify series will be around for quite some time, partly I think because there is a baby on the way and also other focuses. I think one thing has changed in the way that they work."
They really sre a laugh a minute! Their Netflix and Spotify ideas have bitten the dust and it's the moonbump's fault. Please note, Charles, that there's no money now coming in after all from our much-trumpeted multi-million deals....
Omid looks so constipated and pained as he tries to shore up their ruined reputations. Loved @bubbadabut 's description of him as a half Iranian Elvis impersonator! :LOL:
I remember Hazzno in a Travalyst speech saying how he would never allow his wife or son to be commoditised or used for clickbait as that's what destroyed his sainted mother. Here we have Smeg flogging clothes and bags on a papped Photoshop with Farchy's face not even obscured.
Like The Gingras parents you have to ask what sort of people would allow their child to be marketed in this way, first for Porker then Meghan's Mirror.
It's hilarious that the Sussex Squad have turned on Meghan's Mirror on Twitter for the clothes pap walk, lovely when thieves fall out.
Interesting that @Evangelina commented in the previous thread that Hazzno's lunch date with Anneberg was at a restaurant that's the main rival to SoHo House, and that they may be out of favour. If SoHo were involved in some way with their backers, if they have them, they should ask for their money back for this shambles.
Hope it's OK putting lots of points on one post, as if I try and put several individual posts on one I can't keep up with the thread as it's moving so fast!
It's the quick and the dead on here !! 🔫🔪
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Wackie Jeaver

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Cressida and Chelsey both turned him down, with the excuse of not wanting the faff, but my money is on the fact that he's a tightarse immature stroppy little prat.

Thing is re Porca interview, once you've gone nuclear there really isnt any other level to rise to - thermonuclear maybe?? The Snarkles may think the won the battle, but RF will win the war - they're the ones with the background, the deep pockets and the respect.
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So this meeting between Harry and Wallis Annenberg - I wonder if he was trading on the 'friendship' connection between the Queen and her father and hoping to get a loan? He must be running out of money by now, or it's not far off. There's no way the money left by Diana will cover the cost of the mansion, the house that they're really living in and all that PR that's going disasterously wrong. Plus his wife isn't exactly cheap. Well she is cheap but expensive to run. And who knows what's having to be 'paid off' - abused staff, witnesses to appalling behaviour. There could be an endless list.
Just a thought of course.
Agree 100% with this. They announced one initiative after the other and then bolted to the next one, spending a fortune on nothing. They've got no projects lined up, no way to make money and are unmarketable as they don't have a brand.
They threw away a golden opportunity to do the philanthropic work they claimed was their goal, but never was as they wanted big bucks and wanted them right now. They played it totally wrong and have discredited themselves on all fronts. Touting a begging-bowl to Charles is one thing, but touting for loans in LA with no Royal backing is another. Hazzno will be sold for his RF connections and needs to be cut loose.
I never understood how Smeg was described as "whip-smart". Possibly on a street-hustler level she's "smart", but thick as a plank to think she could barge her way into an ancient institution and blackmail them with her puerile scams of racism and bullying as if she was in Eastenders.
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Chatty Member
The thing is, The Royal Family is a sub culture of the overarching British Culture, just like being part of the military means immersing yourself into a sub culture that is, again, separate but part of the main culture.

These particular sub cultures are known for their hierarchical structures, rules and regulations. It's all Harry has ever known. He went from one to the other and back again.

He was unable, for whatever reasons (and it generally is believed to be "want of intellectual capacity" alongside psychological and emotional immaturity and incapacity) to navigate his way through his life as an adult in RF without considerable support and leeway, basically treating him like an emotional toddler to avoid tantrums and covering up when he did.

When he married he moved into another sub culture. This one is not as amenable to his sensitivities. Indeed no. This one also has rules, a driving force with a set plan to conquer the world - and it is placing great demands on him. It is also feeding his every insecurity, his every delusion, poisoning him against those that raised him and really cared for him. This sub culture is going to spawn little mini-me's and will warp them too (poor wee things).

It has released the giant toddler within (I imagine it like the Trump blimp balloon but like Harry 🤣) and this giant baby is having the greatest of vindictive meltdowns against the family that raised him, instead of the monster that is creating all the problems and stress.

When this sub culture finally drains him dry and ditches him, he will indeed flounder. His life has been a succession of sub cultures, how will he cope in a "wilderness" with no direction, no rules? Many ex service personnel struggle to adapt to civilian life after many years serving. How will Harry cope after many years of indoctrination in this final sub culture?
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I think Oprah is trying to justify that a) she hadn’t done her research as any good journalist’s (team) would do by saying they ‘text’ ahead of the interview and b) try support the untrue shit show it’s proved to be. The esteemed Oprah really doesn’t look good
No, she doesn’t look good. But if she’s trying to make us believe that the only contact she had with them beforehand was a couple of texts then she’s really insulting our intelligence.
That interview was planned to the nth degree. All questions and answers agreed in advance. The fake “ Whaat?’ as though she wasn’t expecting THAT 😒 Puleeze!!
She wasn’t expecting the huge backlash that it caused and is now backpedaling furiously by distancing herself from ‘their’ truth because little old her is an innocent in all this.
But we’re not stupid Orca 🤪😜
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