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Yes, people can obviously think what they like. My point was that you don't get to question their intelligence over it. Which you did.

Why would HFW fake a pregnancy? I have absolutely no idea. Perhaps she can't carry children, perhaps she doesn't want the world to know that, it could be for a multitude of reasons. I don't know and nor do I care. I was playing Devils Advocate. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was true, but equally she could be pregnant. Considering most women (including myself) don't shut up about pregnancies and how they feel, I do think it's odd that Harry's wife hasn't talked about her experience a lot more. Or written a book even.

The man becoming a woman thing was a reference to trans activism. But I can put it in a different way. People believe lies all the time. I don't believe we have a Labour Party anymore. Other people believe that the Labour party is still working on behalf of the working class. Which of us has the 'truth'? I could be wrong but so could they. People get deadly serious about that stuff too.

Yes, you're saying what you think and that's fine but you're also ridiculing people who think differently to you. And that's not fine. It's enough to say that you don't believe the moonbump theory. You don't question the intelligence of people who do. And that's what I think so I'll shut up now :LOL:
Exactly so. It's the patronising oh-so-superior "How can you possibly believe that .... hahaha .... such tinhattery.... "stinking attitude that rips my knitting. You can disagree without being cunts about it. Many on here don't buy the surrogacy theory but they are decent enough humans to not babble like loons about it openly.
I'm on the fence re surrogacy but tipping slightly toward "yes, surrogacy", because so many little things keep piling up toward that side of the fence. Having said that I think it's bloody cheeky to label other posters "tin hats" just because you imagine yourself SO much more intelligent.
I'd love it if the surrogacy thing becomes fact, just to wipe the smug smile off some people's faces. 🤪
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After the funeral last weekend Harry and his current wife have reached a new level of low I think and everyone can feel it.

How on earth does she think, a pap shot of her and her alleged son looking like they've just emerged from a trailer park is going to knock the beautiful birthday photo of Prince Louis off the top spot is a mystery to me.

The post that someone put up earlier in the week about her and Archie walking around downtown Monteceito looking to be papped was accurate, here the daft bint is.
And let's not forget Megzy's alleged 'special bond' with Prince Philip, which apparently doesn't extend to wearing black during the RF mourning period....

Daily Mail front page has a big splash for pictures of Prince Louis aged 1, 2 and now 3 on his birthday bike. You really can tell it's the same child in all the photos. Could it be shade cast at the ever-changing Archie?

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Was watching a YouTube video about Prince Charles and this was one of the comments there 🤦‍♀️
View attachment 543297

Crikey - if you are only a good father/grandfather if you continue to support your multimillionaire nearly 40yo son by giving him even more millions to fund his profligate lifestyle and his egotistical wife, even if they never stop slating you, your job, your mother's life work and your wider family to a global audience, then there are very few "good" male role models out there, I'm afraid...
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I hope the family warned Harry before he left.. “just watch out for the tabloids in the next week son- you’ll see we are right.” Since he departed the UK it’s been non-stop. I really do think the only thing stopping them removing the titles is the full knowledge that HFEW will be moving on once this gravy train stops (which is probably going to be sooner than I originally expected). Plus, they’re probably treading very carefully with this Madame. She is dangerous and has to be managed very carefully.

She is going to be an absolute melt when they divorce. I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet. “The evil royal family stole my children’s father from them”... etc. That really is all she has left to play.

Someone said it before, but the RF’s biggest mistake was letting Harry play third wheel. He had an unrealistic expectation of his place in the whole circus and by default, so did she. He was always present at their events and was part of their team. The firm probably thought he was going to marry Chelsy or Cressida though, and did not foresee what’s transpired. The whole precedence thing has only really kicked in since he got married and was enforced when she started acting like a diva. He’s dug himself an almighty hole- and unless he’s completely oblivious, he must have begun to realise that he’s in this for the long haul, whether he likes it or not.
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So A is going to nursery, mixing with other kids. Won't be long til someone there, a kid or parent say something that she can take offence to and stop him going while crying racists. At the moment though I'm glad little A will now experience normality with others his own age
Archie only turns two in May, too young for nursery, surely. He's dressed for the pics, not for play, right down to the backpack and lunchbag. There's some speculation that she's trying to tempt a UK tabloid into running the pictures so they can launch another lawsuit. Wouldn't surprise me.
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Headline on the NYPost website is Oprah essentially promoting the truthfulness of that interview, etc. etc. Now why would she need to give an interview about that now? Too much good press for the RF lately? Let’s remind folks how badly bi-racial MM was treated.

In my opinion, there us some agenda here and Oprah is on the team. Meghan is not generating headlines, so Oprah is doing it for her and bringing the racist accusations front and center again.
Porka is just trying to backtrack now. Oh she didn’t expect them to say what they said. Bullshit. I watched enough of the interview to see how Porka led those questions and her pathetic explanations - “what”. She can bugger off with her PR puff too.
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There was a thread on Mumsnet yesterday about the photos of Prince Louis and the papped ones of HW, and the sugar nearly gave me a cavity. They were all outraged that HW had been papped, and no wonder they needed to leave the UK etc. The commenters who pointed out that Backgrid are pay-per-pap had their heads ripped off. There was also a strong theme of everyone loves the ones of Louis because they are racist :rolleyes: how the moderators on that site allow such bullshit I will never understand............
There was the lovely photo of Louis on the London Evening Standard FB page and someone said what about Archie isn’t he cute!I replied that it has nothing to do with Archie as it is not his birthday.I got an angry face so I replied to her will you get as angry on Archie’s birthday if his cousins are not called cute but got no reply.Is it a new law that you have to mention in a good way Meghan,Harry or Archie on every Royal post?
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There’s a line in that article about Prince William’s Alleged Brother being turned down by two different girlfriends before Yacht Girl. The story has always been they didn’t want the royal life, but I’m starting to wonder if the real reason they turned him down is because he’s an arse.
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Have got to laugh about Omid Scobie complaining about not letting facts get in the way of a " spicy story". He's never been bothered about facts before, especially in Finding Freedom and in his numerous tweets and press pieces.
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The interesting development would be if Hazza knew nothing about the pap walk with Archie OR the leak of his meeting at ultra-private San Vicente Bungalows until he opened the papers this morning... Is Megzy burning down the house?
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Mock Turtle

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I don't think Harry is gay, he could be bi, perhaps. I've seen the homoerotic party photos or maybe he's one of those people who does things whilst drunk. It's funny, on LSA the posters were saying "he's just posh and British" and I chuckled because it's the British boarding school stereotype. But anyway, he could very well be bi, I am not dismissing it at all.

I do think his realtionship with Meghan is real, though. It is far too catastrophic for it not to be. A beard is paid to pretend to be a girlfriend/boyfriend, not to destroy a person's reputation. Sometimes it goes wrong i.e Hiddleswift, but not to this extent. Their relationship has been a disaster after disaster. I can't belive he would he give up his royal role, move overseas, get himself cut off and attack his own family for a woman he has to pay and has no feelings for. All that to appear heterosexual? He could have beared with anyone who would have played the part well and he could have lived a double life if that was the case. He gains nothing from a PR relationship like this. It's obvious he's obsessed with her.
Indeed. I am gay with a highly accurate gaydar and I don’t for a minute believe he is. I highly doubt he’s even bi. He’s cunt struck, not playing beard. Plus I don’t really want such an arrogant, conniving, venal, callous oik lumped in with us in our sparkly LGBT gang! He and his revolting wife would tarnish us all! :m
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Thank you @Baguette for the new thread!

From discussion re Sussex Squad on previous thread, it makes me think of the latest video from Taz - she made a comment that many of the Sussex squad only came to know anything about the royals due to HFW coming on the scene.
They have no notion of what royalty means.Their idea of royalty is Kardashian. Individual over the whole.
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Tin foil hat time, I think the pap pic was taken while Harry was in the UK and only released yesterday days later
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The Oprah interview had the potential to be gold for the spare and his wife. Instead, they turned it into an episode of Jeremy Kyle, but sadly without a lie detector. Jesus, she could have even talked about how limited the role was because of archaic precedence rules and that she didn’t understand all of that at first, or how the constant press intrusion was too much for her and their family. She could have told a varnished version of the truth- i.e. not identify as a narcissist but just a humble, hard done by duchess who wanted more for her kids. But no- they had to tell loads of untruthful truths that anyone with a phone could pick apart. While I doubt any of the woke celebrities will dare do a Piers and Sharon Osborne by calling them out- it’s telling that no one of any really consequence have come to their rescue.

That video of Charles’s anniversary should be used as the primary reference point to explain why they left- it actually made me irrationally annoyed watching it. She couldn’t stand that she had a supporting role in this show, much like her one time acting gig. They ruined what could have been a really nice moment for the Prince of Wales and his heir. This was also one of the few times that Camilla got to be the Princess of Wales (for a quick minute!) and she looked excited showing Kate some of the stuff. Yes, it must be annoying not getting to be part of the main attraction but this wasn’t any random occasion. Harry’s been around long enough to know that protocol in this particular instance was very important, And in fairness, Harry could have told her- “look it’s just Prince of Wales stuff- lucky we are so down to earth and don’t need to go to that”. Instead they ruined it because she wanted to be in the pictures too.

As for uncle Gary- he’s my favourite drunk uncle. He could have said a lot worse. If he’d avoided saying William and Kate should be next, it would have actually been a good enough interview.
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Her latest pap-shot was snooze-fest. Are the pap-shot photos her greatest accomplishments? Does this mean she wasn't able to make a huge deal to sell off the doll's photo? TBF, I wasn't thrilled to see the doll.. Is it just me? Maybe it's just me. But I was definitely happy to see little Louis.
It’s interesting isn’t it. Obviously I wish Archie well but am not really bothered about seeing him. Am not a royalist really but have developed some fondness and respect in last couple of years- brought on by the Markle debacle tbh! Anyway despite this previous royal apathy I do look forward the Cambridge kids photos. Something to do with watching them grow from tinies to now. I guess it’s a relationship of sorts.
So this odd control freakery of no proper photos has worked against M& H in terms of people caring about them or their kids.
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This woman is thoroughly sick and evil. To compete so desperately with a 3 year old child. I mean there's so much I could say.

I feel for archie. You know her and Harry already have his life story planned out for him. To hate, be angry, jealous, constantly fighting against his titled cousins. Giving him the victim narrative, encouraging him to essentially be at war with them. Poor kid.

Even the dumbest and blindest person has to think hmmmmm really a "pap" pic of archie after all these years on Louis birthday? After Kate got raving queen reviews at prince philips funeral and they were all back together without her? Come off it!
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I believe MM put out this picture to 'outstage' Louis but also, I don't think William or Kate care. William always wanted a private life but they release these photos to maintain a relationship with the public/media without the frenzy.
The BRF don't need to compete, they're number 1 anyway
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