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"Tourre Bakahai on Twitter: "No easy way round this - Oprah was exposed by Markle lies and is now desperately backtracking to try and save face. The interview was an unmitigated disaster, but inevitable because Project Markle is based on deceit and malice, and the world knows it." / Twitter"
Who is this guy? I can find nothing about him, other than his Twitter account.
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Hmm i believe Alexis Ohanian. He's worth more than hazzo so makes sense why she would do that. But then what i don't understand is why serena posted on her instagram story about "the petty" as she was drinking her tea.. Was there really a rift? I was thinking that she posted that to show support for smeggy and was a harbinger to the harkles spilling the tea on RF bc smeggy is petty. But everyone seemed to think it's a rift. I thought smeggy name drops serena and serena went with the flow. I don't think serena cared much about smeggy aside from attending the wedding.
She defended her after the interview:

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Another interesting side-note question: who took the photo of her wreath, how did it come to be placed dead-centre of the others and was it a coincidence that it was the only one in nontraditional colours (hence immediately noticeable)? Seems no other photos were taken or, if they were, released. Since BP most certainly didn't give it to the press, who did?
Didn't see that photo. Do you have a link?
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Active member
Oh, that is just nonsense. Helmand province in Afghanistan is not a place where troops of any coalition country can go out and party with locals like idiots. It's considered the most dangerous part of the country, utterly riddled with insurgents and Harry was actually pulled out of one tour precisely because they'd found out he was even THERE.

BBC NEWS | UK | Harry withdrawn from Afghanistan

Part of the controversy with Harry's service was that by being in Helmand, he could be seen to be endangering the other troops above and beyond the already very high risks because he was such a target as a high ranking member of a coalition royal family. It would have been a score above scores if Taliban or any of the other insurgents could have kidnapped/ransomed or murdered him. The British government has a policy of never paying ransoms, but if H had been ransomed they would have been placed in a very bad position with that. For sure, Helmand is not a place like say, Okinawa, where there's a whole econony based around foreign troops and catering to their party needs ( which with soldiers boil down to booze and easy women). Both things are somewhat in short supply in Afghanistan. Super strict Muslim country, women barely are seen in public at all. Even in Kabul, as a foreign worker you leave the safety of your compound and the big thick blast wall at your own risk.

If that blind has any truth to it, it's another member of one of the many royal families out there, and certainly could not pertain to H in Afghanistan.
Yes, thank you. I am aware of the background.

My question stands, slightly rephrased: If this or something similar (say, in a different location) is true, is it potentially damaging to whichever organisation(s) covered it up or just to the perpetrator?
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VIP Member
But living in the style you are accustomed does not stand if you are outspending your assets. She can live as she wants, if there's no money at the end she doesn't get it.
And please let the RF not be supporting any further after off payments.
Supporting any children maybe but not those two
Are you sure that there is no prenup?
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Chatty Member
Diana took Harry and William to McDonalds. Trump eats a lot of McDonalds and although he's not British nobility, he's very rich and can afford to eat anywhere he likes.

Hardly middle class is he?
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@Amelia99 Someone on Twitter produced a very good summary of why she and many others believe that HFEW is using moon bumps. I have attached it but cannot credit the source as it was posted with no reference to who wrote it. Does any of this convince you?

PS would someone be able to add this to the Wiki, perhaps? I thought it covered all the points we have been discussing.
Oh wow, I hadn't heard some of these! Very interesting. Which twitter account is it? 😊
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No Drama Llama

Well-known member
I thought the rough sex bloke has been outed as Biden's son. Even the Blind quoted shows similar "Solved!" Blinds and they are all about Joe Biden's son.

I'm struggling with the idea that someone globally mocked for having his balls in his wife's handbag...and trailing behind her like a condemned puppy behind Cruella would simultaneously be a vicious wife beater.

I very much doubt that Chelsea would have stayed with him if he were. He has been called immature, petulant and tight with money by some of his exes, but no-one has ever even hinted at violence.

I'm not buying it. I'm no fan of the traitor's but I just can't see that one, sorry.
If anything, it's the other way round and he's the victim!
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I'd read that blind quoted ages ago but the base in question was thought to be in the UK. Afghanistan isn't specified in the blind.
He was in Canada for Operation Medman (CFB Suffield) in September 2008, the nearest brothel was 20 minutes drive away, but never heard any rumours at the time of anything untoward.
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Actually you'll find people from all walks of life there, particularly retired people in the mornings. When you're on a road trip, if you want consistency, there's really no better place to stop because the food is always the same no matter what part of the country you're in and I've never been in a dirty one. The coffee is superb. You can get decent food there that won't make you fat-- they have salads, diet drinks and tea. You can eat there every day and lose weight if you're not eating burgers and McNuggets the whole time. Maybe it's different for me because I actually talked to the people when I took their orders when I was working there.
Why would anyone go there for a salad or coffee when there are so many other places that specialise in salads and coffee.
McDonald's is for when you fancy a Big Mac!!
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