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Totally agree.
MM is just about fit to clean the Palace toilets. How she ever got to marry someone in the Royal family is unbelievable.
I am such a snob, I know but as an average middle class Brit I would have been appalled if my son has brough her home.
She is so obviously desperately upwardly mobile.
Being American helped her hide her lower class status!
Look at her family ....absolute scum!
Her dad is not scum though. He did his best as a single parent till mommy served her sentence and has wasted all his considerable (for a working guy)wealth on cuntchops private education and paying her way while she tried to crack Weinstein Hollyweird.
The reason he lives where he does in ButtFuckMexico is because it is waaaay cheaper than Cali. He's no longer a working man and can dress down if he wants yet he still looks tidier than PWB.;)
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hide her lower class status!
Erm...some of us are very proud of our 'lower class status'. That's because we know that we're not 'lower' than anyone. We also know that 'class status' means nothing. People are people regardless of which 'class' they come from. Just my opinion of course and everyone else is entitled to their opinion too. Long live free speech
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The previous thread was locked before I could post - I just wanted to say that I have a profound disgust for Harry's wife and I believe she is using moonbumps, but I was still carrying my 5-year-old when I was full term pregnant with my last baby (and I had had a 2nd trimester loss before). It was not remotely uncomfortable. However she was resting on my hip. I could not have put her on my bump.
The carrying position, plus the changing size of the bumps on Oprah and the shots she released on Valentine's Day, has sealed the deal for me - she must be using a surrogate again. Bit awkward given the reasons given to court for the 'nine month delay' in the trial date, which were heavily implied to be pregnancy related. (Recap: if she used pregnancy as an excuse in October court papers, the IVF implant date must have been around 1 September, so expect baby Moonbumpetta to arrive any time after mid-May).

ETA: And therefore she's going to turn up for the Diana statue thing, isn't she? No pregnancy weight to shift...
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From the Mail's Richard Kay story about the Cambridges, this gem:

How very similar and enthusiastic were the cheers and expectations for Harry and Meghan when they emerged on to the steps of St George's Chapel in Windsor almost three years ago on a sunny May day in 2018 after their wedding.

Two devoted brothers, two beautiful and capable brides, the actress from California welcomed every bit as warmly as Kate had been seven years earlier. The scene was set, surely, for this new generation to take the Royal Family to a new level of public affection. But then, how often in life is such rosy promise dashed by events.

No one in those early, happy days could possibly have anticipated Meghan's sullen disappointment at her new life, and the flight from royal duties by a petulant Prince Harry with the wife who had failed to adjust to life at court. 'It's been devastating for William and Catherine having to go it alone,' says a senior Palace figure.

'Thank goodness Catherine at least was able to adapt to her new life without any fuss. I can't recall her complaining about anything. No one at the Palace did any more for her than for Meghan.
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People can obviously think what they like. But my questions are these Why would M need to fake pregnancies? What real evidence is there to suggest she did? Why is the idea that she got pregnant and gave birth so difficult to believe and what difference does it make to your opinion of her one way or the other? They’ve still made a total mess of their relationship with the RF fake bump or no fake bump.

I’m not sure where you’re going with the man becoming a woman comparison so I can’t comment on that.

I’m all for questioning things in a ”lighthearted jokey way” but I’m not seeing any of that in the moonbump theories. People are being deadly serious.

Anyway, like I said, I’m not trying to stop anyone thinking whatever they like, I’m just saying what I think and I know some posters will disagree with me.
Yes, people can obviously think what they like. My point was that you don't get to question their intelligence over it. Which you did.

Why would HFW fake a pregnancy? I have absolutely no idea. Perhaps she can't carry children, perhaps she doesn't want the world to know that, it could be for a multitude of reasons. I don't know and nor do I care. I was playing Devils Advocate. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was true, but equally she could be pregnant. Considering most women (including myself) don't shut up about pregnancies and how they feel, I do think it's odd that Harry's wife hasn't talked about her experience a lot more. Or written a book even.

The man becoming a woman thing was a reference to trans activism. But I can put it in a different way. People believe lies all the time. I don't believe we have a Labour Party anymore. Other people believe that the Labour party is still working on behalf of the working class. Which of us has the 'truth'? I could be wrong but so could they. People get deadly serious about that stuff too.

Yes, you're saying what you think and that's fine but you're also ridiculing people who think differently to you. And that's not fine. It's enough to say that you don't believe the moonbump theory. You don't question the intelligence of people who do. And that's what I think so I'll shut up now :LOL:
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Headline on the NYPost website is Oprah essentially promoting the truthfulness of that interview, etc. etc. Now why would she need to give an interview about that now? Too much good press for the RF lately? Let’s remind folks how badly bi-racial MM was treated.

In my opinion, there us some agenda here and Oprah is on the team. Meghan is not generating headlines, so Oprah is doing it for her and bringing the racist accusations front and center again.
I think Oprah is trying to stir up some press for the “interview” again and figures if she jumps on the current wave of RF press stories it will get a few hundred thousand more gullible twats to watch it. Interesting that only yesterday it was reported that the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral had 2 million more viewers than their lie-fest.... you know Rachel and Oprah are dying to beat that. What kind of person sees a funeral as competition, you may ask? The same scum who sees a 3 year old as competition.
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No shit Columbo...

H - 'my family are racist cunts'

family - silence

H - 'I have the sads, why you no talk to me I no understands'

No shit they don't trust you enough to talk to you or be in the same room as you and put themselves at risk of further allegations.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Like I think others on this thread, I've done my time in PR and crisis management - luckily not the sleb stuff, which is really pretty low.

If I was running Sunny & Sucks I'd have fired them as clients months ago - the worst clients in the world are the ones who won't listen and go their own sweet way, leaving the agency to firefight every single time.
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me from mid-America

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Headline on the NYPost website is Oprah essentially promoting the truthfulness of that interview, etc. etc. Now why would she need to give an interview about that now? Too much good press for the RF lately? Let’s remind folks how badly bi-racial MM was treated.

In my opinion, there us some agenda here and Oprah is on the team. Meghan is not generating headlines, so Oprah is doing it for her and bringing the racist accusations front and center again.
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Lovely new thread congrats to @9Pine and well done as ever Bagsy.

I think mrs Cuntchops set up that pap walk while hazza was in blighty so he would have no chance to veto it.
Remember guys, the dolly-dangling doggy-walking pap walk in Vancouver woods was done while hazza was still over here and she was alone (with Markus), so it seems to be her MO to wait till he's not around to pull her pap walk stunts. I bet the payments go directly into her personal account and I bet dopey hole doesn't even know that.
Much as I despise the ginger cunt I think he truly doesn't want archiedoll's image doing the rounds and I doubt he sanctioned this stunt. In his mind they don't need to 'use' the kid (yet) because smeggy knows her way around hollyweird money making scams and schemes and he thinks she'll steer them well. Like she no doubt promised.

Also, re him not wanting the images out there ... Smeggy can take credit for that mind set because he was fucking fine being photographed until she convinced him he'd been abused by it and that it had affected his poor little head ... click click, dying mummy, etc etc. Pre smeggy days he was like a pig in shit when he saw the photographers, gurning and pulling faces and enjoying it. Never took a feather out of him.
So there you are smeggy, you created the photo-phobic monster. HUGE mistake for a publicity whore like her. Again, she didn't think it through.
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Seriously, who would want to marry this? Gross.


Crass versus Class. Long live our gracious Catherine.

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HFEW is going to continue to say that the RF must talk to her, like the story that PWB won't discuss things with out HFEW being present involved because it makes her seem important because nothing can move forward without her.

However what she fails to realise things have moved on, her time has been and gone and however much she wants to harp on about things it won't change that she told a pack of lies about his family worldwide.

Why on earth would anyone want to speak to someone who told lies and twists everything about every minuscule detail?

She will bleat about this incessantly because it suits her victim narrative that she's being ignored by the nasty Royals, however the more she beats the more she reinforces that they are greywalling her and she is unimportant.

The RF don't need her, they don't care about her and they've moved on - they're not even looking in the rear view mirror at her they've moved on that far due to Philip's death. They don't have to engage with her at all.

They have the bullying enquiry being done independently, they are reviewing whether they are inclusive enough with their staff appointments (given the RF ratio of inclusiveness appears to be far higher than PWB and his wife that should be ok). These address the main shock horror lies from the whingefest of lies without involving HFEW. Findings summaries or recommendations maybe published and everyone moves on again.

They are driving her insane by doing absolutely nothing but their role.
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I hear the HFW is excellent as a lawyer - lots of experience in the court process, particularly suing and litigation.
Ewww, no. 🤢That dirty cow has been cocked more often than John Wayne's rifle at The Alamo. Don't want it near me.

I want my Aunty Noos. He would proper kick bollox on my behalf and get me my royalties and compo for my mental distress.
Oh Aunty ... wherefore art thou Aunty.

Or the sweet Murican legal lady who joined us for a while then got overwhelmed by real world work and covid shite.

You'll all come to court as my witnesses of course and you can all nobble the jury. Blowjobs for the blokes (that will be poppea's department obviously. Experience etc etc😜). And blow dry vouchers for the ladies. Everyone likes a blow job of some sort.
We'll hire a luxury coach and make a day/week of it.

See! I'm a glass half full gal.:m
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I don’t find Markle remotely difficult to understand. She has the most obvious personality disorder tnat I have ever seen play out in public.

And if you think I’m being hyperbolic, imagine what kind of person it takes to go to Windsor Castle while still just a fiance and yell so loudly at the staff that the Queen hears. That is not American chutzpah or confidence or strong black woman...that’s unhinged. Who does that?

Any brief glance at any list of symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder shows that Markle ticks every single box. Every. Single. Box.

She won’t “come good” any time soon. Since narcissists don’t see that there‘s anything wrong with them, they don’t get therapy, they just get worse. In her 50s or 60s she MAY age out of her disorder - that’s not uncommon - but the world won’t give a shit that she even exists by then so it won’t matter.

I predicted on the very day of the wedding (over on the site for women that must not be named) that within two years she’d be headed back to the US dragging Harry in her wake to try to become the new Oprah or something. She would never, ever cope with a) not being the star of the show and b) any media criticism. I was bang on. I am not psychic, just a very good judge of character...and I spotted hers from day one.

My next year they’ll separate and a massive, ugly battle for custody of those children witl begin. If she screams at staff in the Queen’s own home how exactly do you think she behaves behind closed doors In her own home?

Bookmark this ^^^^. I’d bet money that I’m right.
Brilliant post and look forward to you being 100% right about the separation. Hazza isn't going to win parent of the year and (if he listens to his lawyers) won't fight a pointless custody battle, but who knows?

The thing is, I'm not sure Hazza is much better. ETA remember Lady C's book saying Harry shouted at HMTQ and literally told her 'to suck it up' when they objected to the marriage? Can you imagine?

The RF would have known immediately that any woman willing to take him on was a fruitcake, major player or a saint. Well, she's turned out to be two out of three..
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I think Oprah is trying to justify that a) she hadn’t done her research as any good journalist’s (team) would do by saying they ‘text’ ahead of the interview and b) try support the untrue shit show it’s proved to be. The esteemed Oprah really doesn’t look good
Doprah was, and has always been, a self-described "journalist." Her background is/was as a daytime talk-show host in the 1970's (ie entertainment for stay-at-home women; I know that's not PC to say but that's how our culture was then). There were a lot of daytime talk-show hosts at the time but she was the only woman of color. (Or however I'm supposed to phrase it). THIS is why her star rose. Headlines read: 'First Black Woman to host daytime talk show.' They sure didn't read "Most Talented Woman to host daytime talk show." How convenient that that part of her history has been erased by she and her "woke" drones.

She is also known here as being a malignant narcissist who uses her guests for her own agenda to the point where some of them have been traumatized and have written about it; including a woman who came to the States as a refugee from Rwanda and went on her show. Doprah also threw a massive temper tantrum when an author didn't want to be part of her Book Club. She and her team bullied that poor man until he was forced to issue an apology and acquiesce. Lawyers were involved.

Doprah is not a nickname I made up; it's been around in our (American) culture for a long time. Her reputation is now being sullied? Good. Karma's a bitch.
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