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Did we enter the twilight zone or something?! Donald Trump releasing a coherent and heartfelt statement and Prince Phillip's own grandson just saying like 'yeah RIP or whatever, he was a good man! Gonna miss him'
Yes, but you're being charitable to the grandson.
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Whilst I don’t disagree with him attending, however, a lot of families have had to have people missing from funerals the last year, if they bend the rules, it’ll not go down well with some the public I don’t think.
That's very true. Here in Ireland I've had to miss out on 3 funerals. Friends though, not immediate family. Funerals here mostly have immediate family in attendance. I certainly wouldn't begrudge anyone from attending the funeral of a much loved family member ❤♥
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I agree with that BIB especially. I think that Phillip let him have both barrels at the Sandringham meeting before storming out. We saw the images of Phil being driven off with a face like thunder and we all know that straight talking was Phil's way. I could totally see him ripping hazno's bollox off verbally as soon as he saw him that day ... then Brenda saying "Ok Philip, that's enough now, you go and relax and Charles Wills and I will deal with this". I think that was the worst day in hazno's life. Honestly, this sounds harsh but probably even worse than the day Di died. Back then he was a kid and the day was horrific of course but as a kid he will have been unable to see the full picture yet, just that his mum was gone and things were strange. He was used to her being 'gone' flitting around the world so 'gone for good' may not have sunk in. It takes time for it to register really at that age. But as an adult the Sandringham day will have knocked him for 6.
First he has to face the family, be ripped a new arsehole by Phil, then be told "NO Harry, you cannot play half-in half-out with unlimited funds from us" by the people who had always always let him have his way.😱 Then he went directly to the quibi(?)streaming service meeting and likely made a fool of himself among the movers and shakers of business, since it ended up bearing no financial fruit for he and his meggy. Then he had to do the Sentable farewell event on his own. And through it all his wife stayed safe in Canada despite promising to be there for him that day. No wonder he looked shell shocked at that event. He was going to have to face smeggy with failures and his gramps had ripped his head off and shit down his neck in front of 'perfect' Wills, papa and gangan.
I think all those failures coming together twisted his brain and made him totally hate his family for not falling in line with the Great Plan that mummy meggy had mapped out for them pre wedding ... building a royal court in Hollyweird and living high on the hog on royal funding while raking in gazillions flogging cheap tatt with crowns emblazoned on it to simpletons. He's vindictive and will have been nursing the failures of that day in his black heart ready to pounce and do payback once his ickle meggy set things up. The orca interview was him sticking it to his family in revenge for them thwarting meggy's plans. Gramps dying means nothing to him. It's just another inconvenience *they* have foisted on him to force him to make difficult choices ... stay or go. It's all about Harry you see.:rolleyes:
Love This Freda19, great post
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I just had a thought after reading some of the comments here. If I was Markle I would send Archie along with Harry. This way Harry will have to look after Archie, folk will maybe be less likely to get stuck into Harry if he has Archie with him, she will seem to be the generous one allowing Archie to go to be with the family and its like she is sharing and almost her saying she would be there if she could but sadly she couldn't so has let Harry take Archie.
I don't think he is capable of looking after him on his own
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liar liar

VIP Member
I dont think many in the US have any idea how we feel about those two over here. They only really show US news on their outlets, so they probably think its a storm in a teacup. They dont know that us Brits dont forgive and forget easily.
The majority of people in US have no idea about anything that is going on even in their own country and they certainly couldn't care less about Hazno and his mental Mrs. They actually have their own shit to deal with. PP dying is nothing to them whatsoever and nor should it be. I can't remember any president dying and being particularly interested in who may or may not attend the funeral or family in-fighting. It matters here but that's it.
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According to the Telegraph:

The guestlist will be confirmed on Thursday, but the Duchess of Sussex will definitely not be attending on the advice of her doctor.

I'm not sure Hazza is attending. He might be travelling back though.
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Charlie Hebdo

Simply weird, who gets a Nazi salute?
A Nazi.
Which is insulting to Philip.
This cartoon is...a choice. 👀

Also it’s apparently a reference to Josephine Baker before everyone screams racism. Why they would reference Miss Baker is a mystery to me.
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Not sure if this has already been said , but I imagine Markel is raging about this situation as it won’t fit into her agenda . She is unlikely to be able to fly with Harry to attend the funeral, and I imagine she would be unwelcome even if she wanted to .
Given her behaviour I think she will be seriously worried when H is back with his family, and praying he doesnt see the error of his ways with his behaviour towards them .
I genuinely hope his old friends reach out to him and get him to see what a massive F🤬🤬🤬 up he has made if everything
I truly believe that PP has expressed a wish that neither of them are welcome at his funeral following the Orca debacle and other disloyal acts.. Certainly not her. If H gets and invite I'm sure this will be for diplomatic reasons and a hope to start paving a way forward without the feuds. Although, she will do all she can to shit stir as always .
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You would imagine that the royal family wouldnt want to be seen to break any quarantine rules. That means Harry has to quarantine for 10 days surely and based on the dates he would miss the funeral if the media are to believed it will be next Saturday. They are sticking to the rule of 30 for the number of attendees.
He would be allowed to leave quarantine to attend the funeral but he would have to go straight back to quarantine afterwards.
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liar liar

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Yes, the same as my Dad - it was a blessing in the end that the funeral was so small (we could only have 12 people in the wee church) - he would have hated a big fuss. Rememberance can be done anywhere yes, but for those very close to the deceased, sometimes taking part in the funeral is akin to accompanying and being close to that person on their last journey. I think some people during these weird covid times will feel the void of not being able to actually go to the funeral to say goodbye. (This is from my own experience obviously not everyone will feel like this)
It's possibly a comfort for the RF that they don't have to share this deeply personal moment with too many dignitaries etc. (Although, I guess the service may still be broadcast to the World!)
I think my problem with funerals is that you've arranged it to suit the deceased and yourself and there is always someone who says it wasn't religious enough, there were too many readings, etc. I'm just being cremated - no service at all so nothing for my hubs to worry about getting right or wrong. He can do what he wants whenever it suits him later. Does make you think though which I think is a good thing as we go rushing to our own mortality.
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I suspect it suits her this time. She is clearly not welcome, but even if she was - this would require her to face the family on their terms, and she won't do that. And it would be a media spectacle with her there, it's bad enough with all the speculation whether they/she were coming or not. I agree, it's completely irrelevant, but if the Queen wants H there, that's fair enough. I'm pretty sure the 'doctors advice' has been taken with a sigh of relief on both sides (although I honestly don't believe the invitation was extended to her).
She wouldn't need an invite though would she? She would just rock up and a drop a bomb. Glad she's not coming regardless.
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