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When will Meghan start accusing Hapless of affairs? I cant wait until her "there were 3 of us in this marriage" interviews, to be just like Di
It truly wouldn't surprise me in the next few years assuming they stay together that long. "She loved him but he was too much like his terrible Dad...who co-incidentally needs to fund his grandchildren through private school, college, a large trust fund, security, their own mansions etc".

Like I said yesterday she's probably recording his even tantrum or complaint and emailing her friends just in case.

The Commonwealth is way, way bigger than the royal family, it actually runs a lot of programs that greatly benefit people in the poorer countries as well as supposedly guaranteeing a minimum of democracy and independent judiciary. It's not HM playing at empire or something they're forced to be part of. That's why countries that were never in the empire have joined and some of those who left have re-joined or want to, it's economically beneficial. Gayle King hasn't even done two minutes actual research.
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Going back on the timelines, the wedding was 10 years ago, engaged a year before or less probably. Then they were dating for 8-9 years? So Catherine had to deal with the old tabloids, before Leveson and the phone hacking reveal and when print media was far ahead of online. The tabloids were far worse then, evidenced by the hounding of a young woman driving. So Meg hasn’t a clue what people had to put up with 15 years ago, they are tame in comparison.
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Chatty Member
How can their kids have any titles until we've had proof the kids are actually theirs? There's a reason for the release of the birth team information and it's to prove that she actually gave birth because it matters. How have they been allowed to fuck with the constitutional rules that exist to protect the monarchy.
H has essentially fucked his own kids out of anything and if they get anything I may well stop loving the Royals, I never thought I could feel that way.
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Alex Beresford whines that MM's experience about "concern over a baby's shade of colour and her suicidal thoughts..".. really resonate with him. He sits in front of millions of people parroting lies from an interview by a proven liar as though they were Gospel.

He's experienced "covert racism". I bet he has and I bet he loved every minute of it, the big girl's blouse. Get a life you weeping willy. These people make me so angry, as though we've not got enough problems without tossp....ts like him abusing freedom of speech and insulting people live on air. He should go to Iraq for an exotic 2-week break.
I've experienced covert body shaming but I don't get on my soap box (I'd probably break the soap box 😅)
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Found something interesting in twitter. Not sure if it is true but if it is, how awful the way JCMH treated his aunt
Do ya see? You cannot win with people like smeggy and her indoctrinated hostage hubby. HE calls Anne racist ... she responds with what about my work with Save the Children?" (worldwide and very focused on 'children of colour' in poor countries) ... and cuntchops repliies by calling her a "White saviour who is racist".
You truly cannot win.
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Excerpt from Meghan and Harry: The Real Story

"Harry had a definite chip on his shoulder and it made him unpopular.’ Harry would later claim that he struggled not only academically, but also with sports. Although he still excelled in them, even rugby was a problem because boys ‘would see me on the rugby field as an opportunity to smash me up.’ This, in truth, was only part of the problem. Harry could be needlessly vitriolic, such as when he was pitted against a Jewish opponent from one of the other top public schools and hurled anti-Semitic abuse at him, a fact I received from a priest who was at school with this boy. Just as how Meghan’s colour was an unseen problem for her, Harry’s royal status - or at least, his perception of it - was shaping up into becoming a problem for him."

Campbell, Lady Colin. Meghan and Harry: The Real Story (p. 44). Dynasty Press. Kindle Edition.
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liar liar

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I was just having a nose at that account and it looks like Rosie Huntington-Whitely, Sophie Turner and Ava Philippe regularly like the ones that are negative towards Meghan too! Wonder what the tea is! Ava is Reese Witherspoon’s daughter, Reese laughed about being invited to M&Hs wedding as she had never met them, and declined to attend.
Why would you invite people you have never met to your bloody wedding? The desperation is just awful. For those who didn't know them but chose to attend anyway; I pity you. Haznoballs could have invited a load of his Invictus chums but Smegma wouldn't have liked that.
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Do ya see? You cannot win with people like smeggy and her indoctrinated hostage hubby. HE calls Anne racist ... she responds with what about my work with Save the Children?" (worldwide and very focused on 'children of colour' in poor countries) ... and cuntchops repliies by calling her a "White saviour who is racist".
You truly cannot win.

The only way to beat a narcissist is to walk away from them and ignore them.
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ITV have been invaded by the wokerati.. Normal service will be resumed when they look at their plummeting ad revenue post-Piers.

From Private Eye

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Love it but where is the rest of the coven, very witty and humorous post hope you have got some more for us wonder what she would look like with her normal hair!! Revolting either way😁😁😁

Love it just so clever😆😆😆
Depending on when they’re due, they might also combine it with a fun series of birthing photos!
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Right. And antisemitism was overt, undisguised & entirely tolerated almost everywhere. Today, Jewish people are the highest achievers in the world which really ought to tell us something.

It isn't as much of a past thing as you might think... there is more anti-semitism in NYC than anti-black racism. My parents couldn't join a club as recently as 20 years ago because they were Jews... In other words A LOT OF PEOPLE -- the Irish, the Jews, the blacks -- and more -- have been mistreated. You can live your life bemoaning the past or you can live your f*cking life!!!!
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Yep, non denial. Obviously there was no intent to "personally profit" off Quibi, why ever would we think that? 🤣 :rolleyes:

Why would Katzenberg reach out to people who were supposedly non Hollywood working royals at the time unless her agents were putting feelers out? He had already lined up a lot of A listers to produce content for the app he didn't need to court people who weren't interested.

And we know that a lot of their current projects and things like the 19th Summit happened because Megs cold calls companies and asks to be put on the roster.

Anyway it blows the idea that she was being silenced out of the water AGAIN if they admit to having these talks in early 2019 before their "break". Or that they were dedicated to the UK until it became "unbearable".

That must have touched a nerve.

Life must suck for them if all they have to do is troll the internet to see what's being revealed about them.
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I’d like it if Penny Junor turned round and said ‘I don’t have a clue what the queen will do, it’s all a bit unprecedented. Fuck knows’ 🤷‍♀️
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Happy Lady

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How can their kids have any titles until we've had proof the kids are actually theirs? There's a reason for the release of the birth team information and it's to prove that she actually gave birth because it matters. How have they been allowed to fuck with the constitutional rules that exist to protect the monarchy.
H has essentially fucked his own kids out of anything and if they get anything I may well stop loving the Royals, I never thought I could feel that way.
Exactly this.

I think it's time for Hazza to come back, admit that he married a fruitcake, apologise to his family that he's acted unbelievably stupid and irresponsibly, and just get it off his chest whatever lies she's fabricated to allow him to act this way.

Then, because Tattle Investigators Inc. have done such a wonderful job in discovering the truth, a Palace representative (Piers Morgan) should go through everything with a fine tooth comb and confirm the truth to the world. Hang on ... Isn't he starting to do this tonight?

Finally, the truth about Archie/Gavin needs to be told once and for all. The poor kid's going to have an identity crisis at this rate. I propose Oprah does this, along with a lengthy apology for televising her worst ever interview without questioning some of the daft stuff that madam Chickenlegs spouted about.
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Today is Easter Sunday, a quiet day to reflect.
In the past five minutes reading this very thread, I have found more common sense & erudition than I could hope for.
Such a relief & such an oddly shaped joy to see people sharply rebut the muddle headed nonsense & half baked awareness that is blighting the thought processes of so many & sadly their capacity for hope in the future.


Oh look, Easter bunnies have laid me some eggs.

Whadya mean bunnies don’t lay eggs? Whadya mean only birds lay eggs? Are you saying Our Glorious Meghan is a bird?
You mentioned species, you’re being specist! Shut up you specist pig!
What do you mean I’m of the human species?
I’m not specist, I’m special !

Apply specious logic as required.

Must away, chocolate faeries are here.

Not reducing the role of Britain in slavery between 1640-1807 BUT it isn't mean or nasty to acknowledge in human history other groups have suffered. From human sacrifice in the Incas, Cambodian Killing fields, Yazidi slave girls, Rohinga Muslims, Uighur Muslims, the holocaust, Roman Empire slavery, Spartan empire slavery, Viking slavery, Yoruba-Dahomey relations, the Mongolian empire, some brutal Chinese dynasties who executed a load of young women every year, liked to cut people in half alive etc etc. Obviously there is an emotionally traumatic attachment for people currently in societies that had recent slavery (although many of the black individuals in today's society are not actually descendants of slaves - was a huge boom in African sailors and traders in the 1800's - look up the husband of Queen Victoria's adopted black daughter who herself was rescued from slavery by the British navy. It's a rare person who would every justify the Atlantic slave trade or wince or be viscerally disgusted at the actions, but at a purely rational level, it was not a unique human suffering. If it's hateful to say that, what on Earth is going on?

I really dislike the new format of "if you disagree with how I feel, you're evil".
But recent events in UK are really stirring up trauma I think, I just feel sorry for everyone, can't be great for some ethnic minorities atm, just as it's awkward feeling a target on your back for existing as a white person. Kids exposed to it can't understand nuances, and are basically going to end up with identity issues where they're told from an early age they're horrible or of less worth, or oppressors. I thought we all just agreed it's wrong on all levels t make people feel a certain kind of way for their skin, and what happens in childhood stays with people.

many way, well off topic, back to H and M!

Oh, don’t forget the legacy of the Irish famine.
British rule for remote profit.
Millions died.
Just sayin’.
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Mr Beresford still on twitter so clearly hasn’t quit all sm. 🤦🏻‍♀️View attachment 510529
The other side of Alex's "covert racism" is that for someone like me, a POC may be lurking around looking at me to see if I'm covertly showing unconscious bias. Any normal working or personal relationship would be strangled at birth by the paranoia and awkwardness. They don't give any consideration to how their aggressive wokeness makes people on the receiving end feel.
I'm not interested in his mixed-race experiences and don't appreciate their being foisted on me as though it's his right to do so. And that I must listen to him. There are far more vulnerable people and children about who are genuinely suffering than the likes of him and Knobie.
Not saying it doesn't exist but its all very heavy weather and po-faced and it seems the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
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liar liar

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Websites emerging, the start of teh Hollywood star narrative:
The first picture is btw from Weinsteins party, but who would check:
At no point is she actually pictured with any Hollywood actresses. The events are rubbish too. She was never partnered with a Hollywood actor either for main award ceremonies. She was a complete nothing and nobody with zero clothes taste.
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Firstly, what else are they doing all day if not spending ‘quality’ time together? No jobs and millions in the bank.

Secondly, I highly doubt the time they do spend together is of any ‘quality’. It’s an abusive co dependent relationship in my eyes. No way do they just relax together and enjoy each others company.

Imagine having to leak to the press that you and your husband/wife are going to spend time together... protesting too much, anyone!?
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Chatty Member
When are they going to start accusing people of tricking them into profit? They thought they were just 'helping' a start up and didn't realise they would be earning?
It would sound ludicrous in any other situation, but the dozy bint didn't know she was getting married when she went to that Church wearing a wedding dress and crowds/cameras turned up and even being pronounced Husband and Wife and signing a register declaring she was now married wasn't a clue that she had just got married despite ALL the TV shows calling it The Wedding in the months before. She didn't know it was her actual wedding.

So it is possible they were twicked into these meetings, twicked into any freebies, twicked into it all by twicky twicksters.

It has now turned into a joke most are laughing at
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