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The lack of baby merching is very suspect. I really thought mummy merching would be her thing
As someone pointed out long long ago on an older thread, she can't do that because it would involve intense delving into female reproduction to get things right. That's a massive problem if she hasn't given birth. She would trip herself up. That was one of the red flags for me re surrogacy ages ago. Women cannot resist 'sharing' and often over sharing the down side of baby making, pregnancy and all things thereafter. It's in our DNA and you rarely escape the school gate cliques without hearing someone sharing leaky nipple stories and stitched up lady parts stories and first tooth stories and first word stories. Smeggy? Nothing. Not even a generic "Gosh, my shoes don't fit because my ankles have swollen." silly comment. Just nothing. It was like she'd never been pregnant or given birth and was too afraid to say something stupid in case people twigged.
Having said that, the way things are going she might need to bone up on that stuff and get into baby merching to fund their water bill for those 16 bathrooms.
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Scotch Mist

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😉 The naughty old Arch Bish Welp has just shared an exclusive photo from the Harkles first secret wedding in Botswana where they exchanged roast chickens 😃
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I bet they're mad it's leaked that it was Princess Anne. They wanted people to think it was Will or Kate. Their direct competition. Their big threat. It was carefully planned attempt to try and get will and Kate worldwide hated, cause a revolution, make sure they don't get to the throne and instead put the harkles on.
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Next Wednesday there's a programme on W&Ks wedding. Seems like the tv companies are also going all out to support RF

ITV did a programme this week on Lady Pamela Hicks. She's 91 and is the daughter of the late Earl Mountbatten.
She's a cousin to the Dook Of Edinburgh, a friend to the Queen and also was her lady in waiting.
She was the Queen's bridesmaid. Her daughter, India was a bridesmaid to Princess Diana.
They have both kept their dresses and show them to the camera.

She talks of how the Queen does her duty and never complains etc etc etc

I rather enjoyed it. She gives insight into what the Queen is really like.
And her Library is really rather lovely. I wanted to move in.

I'm sure it's still on the ITV hub for anyone interested.
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In thinking it over, I think it was a mistake on their part to come out with "Oh it was Katzenberg who wanted a meeting with US we were innocent little lambs who just agreed to meet him".

It not as openly stupid as deliberately mentioning the AoC in your "backyard real marriage" thereby casting doubt on your legal wedding or things like "no one owns the word ROYAL" tantrum but it's shifting the onus onto one of Hollywood's most powerful people and almost portraying him as the one in the wrong. And that might piss him off and there's one less powerful producer interested in working with you and even more potential collaborators wondering if they'll be thrown under the bus if Harry and Meghan need to protect their "pure angels" image.

The Telegraph articles doesn't even mention who reached out to who. It just says

Throughout 2019, the couple held a series of discussions with senior executives from Quibi including its founder Jeffrey Katzenberg, described as "one of Hollywood's premier political kingmakers” and its CEO Meg Whitman, a former president of eBay and Hewlett Packard.

After Quibi drew up a proposal in early 2019, there were conference calls to discuss a plan for their own series of 10-minute videos. There was a meeting in London last January, which the Duke attended with James Holt, the new executive director of Archewell, the couple’s non-profit organisation.
Not that they begged for a job or anything. Who approached who isn't the big deal here this part is:

But when they were still full-time working royals, palace aides are understood to have long harboured concerns that the couple would be accused of cashing in on their royal status because of their meetings with Quibi, or tarnished by association if it failed to take off.

As one source put it: “Chinese walls were put up and certain amounts of information weren’t shared which just made it difficult to protect the couple from accusations of attempting to monetise their role.

It was hard for royal aides to be supportive of projects like Quibi because they knew how it might look but the couple kept dismissing these concerns. They didn’t seem to see the pitfalls of any potential conflict of interests.”
Staff were concerned that they would be accused of cashing in making their and everyone else's life even harder. Once again the Harkles didn't listen to advice that anyone else could see problems coming from a mile away but because people weren't 100% enthusiastic for the Sussexes to pop up next to such offerings as "Murder House Flip" or a show about a talking sex doll they were bullied and branded racists who didn't help a suicidal woman.

Even if he did reach out to them they were the ones who were taking taxpayer money to do public duties in a completely different country and had many meetings about joining up. It's never, ever their fault.
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Interesting list on Tumblr of all the ‘projects’ that have come to nothing. They’re so flaky.

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Mock Turtle

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Teh American dream, becauze royaling required some competence and some sacrifice:
Indeed their plan since before the wedding is becoming clearer and clearer.
Remember Harrys speech "I am my mothers son."
Remember Diana's revenge plans.
That “my mother’s son” bit made me think, that’s really not as flattering as you seem to think it is. I think Harry has absolute rose tinted glasses on when it comes to Diana. She was a complex woman, who could be a total bitch and an absolute love, who was ruthlessly ambitious and weirdly calculating, wily but naive. Listening to Lady C’s The Real Diana at the mo and oh my god, destroying people’s hugely expensive cars because they annoyed her a tiny bit?? Who does that? No one remotely normal! He is definitely reading from her playbook and she’s not a role model anyone should choose. Yet he and Meghan are obsessed and basing their entire life plan on such a messed up person.
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I hate how Meghantoinette called it the “backyard” of the “cottage.”
She made it sound like some terrace up north not the garden of a property in Kensington Palace!
Oo imagine if Welby has messed up and the wedding spectacular that we all watched was null and void... 😆
Run Forest Harry run!
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Harry was characterized in the DM as looking like a typical Californian on the beach ... no, he looked like a f*cking tramp. Has Hazno already got to that point in a marriage where he doesn't give a sh1t about what he looks like? Sure, I may have dressed like that IF I were single and NOT in the public eye. But if I was in his shoes, a public figure, married to a wife (I presumably adore) I wouldn't have left the house looking like a stinking hobo. What's all that about then? I get the impression MeAgain views herself as some kind of sophisticate, how on earth does she feel seeing her husband dress like Kevin The Teenager? God Harry is so pathetic now, it's embarrassing.
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No Drama Llama

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A couple of years ago, Alex Beresford was campaigning against knife crime and tackling violence within the black community and a few days later his cousin was sadly stabbed to death. Surely as this has affected him personally, it would make more sense for him to continue helping with this subject rather than jumping on the bandwagon and accusing all of the UK of being racist.
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People who say this kind of handwringing stuff about England have never lived anywhere else, I guarantee it. Those of us who've actually lived in various other cultures around the planet know how blatant racism is in many places at a level that typically shocks British and also US newcomers to the core. Same with sectarianism, tribalism and so on. There's astounding levels of racism or ethnic prejudice in countries where whites aren't even a demographic worth talking about. There are places where entire sizeable ethnic and religious minorities are pretty much barred from universities and government jobs or only allowed to send a small quota as places are reserved for the 'sons of the soil'. It's actually a pretty English trait to think the place is sooooo bad because you've actually never bothered to live anywhere else or even learn about other places and their ethnic/tribal/religious rivalries or outright bloody nastiness toward each other.
Exacetly. People really do live in a bubble and think only white people can be racist. I'm from South Africa and let me tell you amongst the older generations of ALL colours there is still a lot of racism and worry about mixed marriages.
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Further to the speculation that Smeggy is using a CNN journalist’s child, Gavin, as a stand in for ‘Archie’ in photos and videos, I had another look at the friend, Brynn’s, Twitter page. Low and behold, it has been set to private! Screenshot attached.

It was fully open for all to read yesterday as she is a journalist and she shares a lot of current news articles that are of interest to her (I had a good scroll down looking for anything Smeggy related). Plus, she uses the Twitter platform to share and promote her own articles. What‘s the point of a journalist having a Twitter account set to private when the whole point of having said account is self promotion?!?!

I assume that this Brynn (the child, Gavin’s mother) has been inundated with DMs about whether the photos of ‘Archie’ are indeed her own son. I noticed a few people had messaged her directly yesterday on Twitter and one person was immediately blocked.

If the rumours are untrue, would it have been better for her to tweet that they are false? It just seems really suspicious that, not only did she start blocking people who DMd her about it yesterday, she has now set her whole account to private. Unless she is just fed up of being pestered about it and is waiting for the fuss to die down.

The plot just keeps thickening. I noticed a few of the Royal Watcher type Twitter accounts have sent the photos re Archie / Gavin to various news outlets and prominent people such as LadyC, Piers M, Camilla T. I just hope one of them will run with it and start doing some digging. This is like a massive bright pink elephant in the room that everyone knows about but nobody in the media will report on. It’s got to come out soon, hasn’t it?! It is like the worst kept secret ever! Perhaps they are waiting until the new baby is ‘delivered’?


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Chatty Member
This is all going beautifully. She will be utterly fuming that she's persona non grata in Hollywood for spilling the beans and he is stuck in a life of selling his soul for magic beans. I couldn't be happier for the two of them, they've brought it all on themselves 🤣

The papers are playing a blinder with the drip drip drip as I suspected. They'll be chip paper soon, resorting to bleating about mummy every so often or a blurry photoshoot, only to be completely upstaged by any member of the royals doing something perfectly normal or sporting a fetching hat.

I am dying to know what Doris is up to these days. She must be living on a knife edge wondering when it will be her turn to be cast out into the cold, or has she got something on them?
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Well-known member
That “my mother’s son” bit made me think, that’s really not as flattering as you seem to think it is. I think Harry has absolute rose tinted glasses on when it comes to Diana. She was a complex woman, who could be a total bitch and an absolute love, who was ruthlessly ambitious and weirdly calculating, wily but naive. Listening to Lady C’s The Real Diana at the mo and oh my god, destroying people’s hugely expensive cars because they annoyed her a tiny bit?? Who does that? No one remotely normal! He is definitely reading from her playbook and she’s not a role model anyone should choose. Yet he and Meghan are obsessed and basing their entire life plan on such a messed up person.

He doesn't remember her. When the Diana interview aired in 1995 he was what 11? William was 13. I have to wonder what Harry actually remembers about his mother, because I think he's conflated the public's *perception* of her with the actual person. I think William doesn't bring her up as much because he actually *knew* her. I have to wonder how William feels about Harry constantly referencing her
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Has this been posted before? Is it real? Looks like a young MM with a pregnant bump?
Oh, and happy Hot Cross Bums to you all.

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WHAAAT? Never heard of any of this. Is it a joke? Is this on the dark web??? :eek: :eek:
If it's sugaz shite it's not worth repeating here as we know our Catherine is not "hagard" and smoking. If this rubbish gave fuel to the SuxSquitters, I'm sure you will agree we should ignore it and let them fester in their own shit.
No this is all stuff that Kate had to endure for a decade of being William's girlfriend before they got engaged, along with paparazzi almost running her off the road ala Diana, being chased down the street by 20 huge men with cameras, her virginity being discussed in the media including places like Loose Women, calling her fat or anorexic, stalking her family, putting her head on a porn stars body and saying she did porn. You know, all the stuff than Meghan and Oprah dismissed as "just rude".
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