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Today is Easter Sunday, a quiet day to reflect.
In the past five minutes reading this very thread, I have found more common sense & erudition than I could hope for.
Such a relief & such an oddly shaped joy to see people sharply rebut the muddle headed nonsense & half baked awareness that is blighting the thought processes of so many & sadly their capacity for hope in the future.


Oh look, Easter bunnies have laid me some eggs.

Whadya mean bunnies don’t lay eggs? Whadya mean only birds lay eggs? Are you saying Our Glorious Meghan is a bird?
You mentioned species, you’re being specist! Shut up you specist pig!
What do you mean I’m of the human species?
I’m not specist, I’m special !

Apply specious logic as required.

Must away, chocolate faeries are here.

Oh, don’t forget the legacy of the Irish famine.
British rule for remote profit.
Millions died.
Just sayin’.
Yah, some people need to educate themselves. Truly shocking witnessing the denial that many many nations and races other than blacks were subjected to slavery and other horrors. I'm Irish, we got a bum deal from the English for centuries. I'm over it and I think Brenda is fabulous, so shoot me.

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Just reading ‘The West Australian’ newspaper, thought this letter would be of interest. This is very much the opinion in Australia.
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A great post I saw today:

Harry and Meghan can’t stop lying because their whole premise for quitting as working royals was based upon a lie. They’ve lied since the beginning and every step of the way in order to sustain the false premise. The complicit media is helping them to avoid questions and obvious holes/ contradictions in their lies.

They were negotiating on monetizing royal titles into more fame and fortune. When advised against it they devised stories to garner public sympathy and as reasons for fleeing to quiet, publicity-shy LA. They remade themselves into victims to Harry’s family as bad guys because this sort of tabloid shit is guaranteed publicity.

Some examples of holes in their lies: wanting to be financially independent yet bemoaned about daddy cutting off financial support; Meghan unable to get mental health support when all evidence flies contrary to the vague reasons; not given royal advisers to help Meghan adjust to new role when in reality they didn’t want advisers to fuck with their side deals to enrich themselves; using supposed mental health struggles as reasons for being assholes to staff; casting family as racist by using vague innuendos and stretching lies with common tricks liars use including (paraphrasing) “if that’s what you want to believe, you wouldn’t be wrong to assume that”.

Face it, they’re shameless liars who tell lies that are obvious contradictions which the US media, as it did with Trump, don’t bother fact-checking. But because they’re so blatantly bad at it their lies are now being exposed drip drip style by tabloids, the one media they can’t control. Remember, it was the tabloids who exposed Michael Jackson’s weirdness and John Edwards’ love child before anyone had any inkling.

The Sussexes have made themselves into persona non grata within the A-list and super-rich which circles they wish to belong. People in those circles generally avoid gossiping famewhores who can’t help telling lies and who have no qualms about throwing family under the bus.
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5 hours after the Telegraph story, the rebuttal in ET Canada (interesting choice of outlet)

According to sources with knowledge of the matter, the Sussexes did not initiate the conversations with Quibi. Rather, it was Katzenberg who reached out to the royals and requested a meeting. The trio officially met in person by at least the summer of 2019. The goings-on between Katzenberg and the Sussexes were deemed “top secret” by Quibi staff. It is also understood that Meghan and Harry did not go into the conversations with the intent to personally profit from the endeavor. The Duke and Duchess ultimately did not move forward with participating in the Quibi project.

This non-denial is hilarious! So trying to position billionaire ex-Disney CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg as some kind of stalker 'reaching out' to the self-important Harkles and 'requesting' a meeting.

Obviously there was no intention to 'personally profit' from the endeavour. Yeah, right. :ROFLMAO: **adds Brooklyn bridge to shopping list**
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I really dislike this story and the account of William passing her tissues under the door. Parentification of a child is very damaging. Poor William. And he had to parent his younger brother too. i really don’t get why people say Diana was a wonderful mother. Making a child be your counsellor is basically emotional abuse.
I had a very depressed parent who did this to me, and honestly, it cannot be overstated. It's devastating and deeply frightening for young children. I have actually always had a lot of sympathy for William on this front.
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I know this is a generalisation, but why are African-Americans behaving with a chip on their shoulder?

Jim Crow laws and slavery?

Everyone has ancestors who were oppressed, enslaved, and went through a caste system at some point in history.

My ancestors went through those things, lived through poverty, and I don't go around with a chip on my shoulder.

Case and point my grandmothers had to hide inside wicker baskets as little girls because in World War II they were raping little girls right in front of their eyes. Everyone suffers in life.

Where's my reparations? Nowhere.
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I've always found Piers Morgan to be a bit of a shouting monster.
And to say he believes in free speech, he has spent an awful lot of time trying to shout louder than other people trying to get a word in.
And it has been like groundhog day listening to him talk of Meghan ghosting him.

However, when he writes, he is always calm and usually balanced.
He is definitely fair.

And it is very clear he's had enough of "cancel culture" and "wokeism."

He certainly has the ability to dig up any dirt on someone if he wants to, and he's had plenty of time and inclination to collect info on Meghan.

His brother is (or was) British military and both Morgan brothers respect and are loyal to the Queen.
Make no mistake, this has incensed Piers and he believes a lot of damage has been done to the Royal Family's reputation by that greedy pair.

And - no pressure, Piers , but I am expecting you to pull out everything you've got during this upcoming show to refute everything they have said and prove to the world that they have lied and twisted things.

I also expect you to pull in bigger ratings than Oprah's chat with them (it cannot be called an interview) and to show the world what they are really like.

And I think Oprah should be ashamed for not challenging anything they said.

She has really gone down in my estimation.

So, come on Piers.
Counting on you to restore the Royal family's good name and to reassure the World that the Brits are not racists.
This interview is going to run at 4PM Monday on Fox Nation. It's a streaming subscription service separate from Fox News on cable. They're only going to show a portion of it on the evening cable show.

I got a subscription just so I could watch the whole thing. It was $0.99 for a month. Unfortunately video capture is beyond my expertise but I'll post a recap. I do these things for YOU GUYS, not for myself, of course. 😁
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If Harry does come to the UK for the unveiling of his Mother's statue, he either has a lot of guts, or he has no idea that anyone in the UK is upset/angry with him and is unaware he might face a backlash.
If he comes, where will he stay?
If he comes, I hope the Royal Family Security team search him for recording devices and confiscate his phone every time he is with them.

I know Lady Colin Campbell is popular - and I do like her too, but I think she knows a lot less than she likes us to think she does.
And it makes me smile that a lot of people believe every word she says.
She's clearly revelling in all the attention.

I do enjoy her performances, though. She's like an eccentric actress with Aristo aquaintances. She's well read, loves gossip, has refined taste and she's certainly got Meghan sussed.

Rock on, Lady C, you are very naughty and very entertaining.

And P Dina has it all sussed too.
I love her.
She knows the solution and said it succinctly - "hopefully soon people will start to just ignore Meghan's nonsense."

Lady C didn't let her get much of a word in during that clip posted above, though.

Who is P Dina by the way? Is she a journalist?
I disagree re Lady C knowing a lot less than she spills. I think she knows a lot more and has kept her counsel for years, only spilling the tea so much now due to the Megxit situation and the attempts to undermine the Royal Family. Also it's easier these techy days for her to get her gossip and insider stuff across via her own videos , where she can control what she says carefully to avoid legal problems.
It's like this, I know a LOT of gossip about family and friends and workmates. Some I'm fine in passing on, as it's harmless, but most I keep tp myself to avoid hurt or embarrassment. Lady C is like that I think. She hears the gossip from her aristo contacts and keeps the more salacious content to herself, only spilling the tea that won't hurt her contacts or the Royals that she admires, or the tea that supports them.
Bear in mind she's an author and delves deeply into the past and present before 'putting pen to paper'. She cannot afford to wrongly malign someone and she treads very carefully.
Gossip is gossip, we all have shit we could spill, that's just life.
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Sorry if already posted, an article from The Times that will cause more plate smashing in Montecito...

Naturally Kate is contrasted to Ginge and Cringe and their antics, which I bolded. Also bolded parts which otherwise highlight how different Kate is to the pair of them.

Worth a read!

For a moment it seemed as though the Duchess of Cambridge might become embroiled in yet another messy, polarising ruckus about pampered royals suiting themselves at the expense of the rest of us. She turned up at an unlawful gathering at Clapham Common in the middle of lockdown! She wasn’t wearing a mask!

Her protection team seemed strangely unaware that earlier that Saturday morning last month, a senior police officer had warned that the vigil in south London for Sarah Everard, 33, who was abducted and murdered as she walked home at night, might be “attractive for terrorists”.

Yet somehow, the duchess still showed up, casually dressed with minimal security, with a bouquet of flowers she had picked from her palace garden. Later it was reported that she had sent a private letter of condolence to the family of the murdered woman.

Hang on a minute, are we talking about the right duchess? A feminist campaigner, showing solidarity with vulnerable women, with seeming disregard for police advice and lockdown regulations? Can we really be talking about Kate? There was an embarrassing muddle at Scotland Yard last week as senior commanders offered conflicting accounts of whether Britain’s future queen had attended the vigil legally, and whether the police had known of her attendance in advance.

It emerged from an independent report into policing of the event that the senior officer in charge of the operation learnt that the duchess had been present only from a television news report after she had left. Yet Dame Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan Police commissioner, told the BBC that “the Met did know [about the visit], absolutely”. Palace sources have described Kate’s visit as private, but Dick said she was there “in the course of her duties; she’s working”.

Getting the story straight has increasingly become a problem for royals embroiled in public relations debacles — just ask the Dukes of Sussex and York. Yet what emerged most clearly from Kate’s modestly controversial outing was not another disaster for the House of Windsor. It has turned into something of a triumph.

“I think she’s played a blinder,” says Jennie Bond, a former BBC royal correspondent and author of several books on the Windsors. Unlike some of her royal relatives, Kate, 39, has barely put a foot wrong in her public embrace of worthy causes over the past few years.

She has made early childhood and mental health the centrepieces of her charitable efforts. Her Early Years initiative produced a landmark survey of attitudes to the first five years of childhood and their links to subsequent social challenges such as addiction, family breakdown, suicide and homelessness. Her passion for photography helped launch a nationwide pandemic project aimed at capturing a portrait of Britain in the grip of Covid-19. “She’s widely admired now as a public figure,” says Bond, “and I think she’s demonstrating that she’s very much in touch with the mood of the country.”

Penny Junor, biographer of Prince William and Prince Harry, describes Kate’s visit to the vigil as a “wonderful gesture”. What might have turned into a made-for-tabloid tempest instead became the story of a young woman who lived in London before marrying a prince, and may have remembered what it was like to have to walk home alone at night.

After the manufactured theatrics of the Sussexes’ interview with Oprah Winfrey, Junor adds, “Kate was making a very subtle point. You don’t need to make a song and dance about things. She showed up at Clapham quietly with absolutely no fanfare. I just thought it spoke volumes.”

Few royal insiders are expecting Kate suddenly to turn into a fire-breathing apostle of “wokeness”, or even to express the remotest hint of a political belief. She does not issue bold proclamations to compare with, say, the welcome page of Harry and Meghan’s new website, Archewell, which announces: “Through our non-profit work, as well as creative activations, we drive systemic cultural change across all communities, one act of compassion at a time.”

Yet Kate is no stranger to acts of compassion, and her low-key approach may strike many as a great deal more effective. “When Harry and Meghan talked to Oprah, they were more concerned about their own welfare; it was all about them and that’s been their narrative all along,” says Junor. “But there’s a difference between service and self-service. I feel real service is doing things selflessly for others. I think that’s what Kate understands.”

She won’t be the queen of Britain for a while, but she’s already a queen of Zoom meetings. Through Kensington Palace’s social media feeds she has become an online video-conferencing force to be reckoned with during lockdown, and the causes she supports and the charities she endorses are reaping incalculable benefits. “All the Zoom calls William and Kate have done are showing them in a very good light,” says Bond. “Usually you just see a tiny bit of them on the telly or a picture in the paper or whatever. But you kind of feel from their work online you’re getting a peek inside their true personalities, inside their homes. They seem much more natural and Kate is coming across as very knowledgeable and compassionate.”

Junor adds: “I think the whole of lockdown has opened people’s eyes to working members of the royal family. They are reaching a far wider audience than before and Kate is coming out of it really well.”

In the past few weeks the duchess has spoken via video links to Harriet Nagaya, the founder of a community midwife project in Uganda; to nurses delivering vaccines in the Midlands; to frontline workers and counsellors dealing with the mental health impact of Covid; and to the family of a 12-year-old boy whose life was saved by a volunteer at the Shout 85258 mental-health support service. It was during the Cambridges’ visit to another mental health project, at a school in east London, that William offered his first response to the Winfrey interview: “We’re very much not a racist family.”

One notable success last month was the video Kate posted to her official @KensingtonRoyal Instagram account, showing a pair of hands opening a box addressed to HRH The Duchess of Cambridge. The hands were unmistakably Kate’s — she was wearing her sapphire and diamond engagement ring, formerly worn by Diana, Princess of Wales.

The box was ripped open and the packaging removed to reveal a book: Hold Still, a collection of photographs of the British experience of the pandemic, with proceeds benefiting the National Portrait Gallery and the mental health charity Mind. Kate, a keen amateur photographer, helped select the photos and wrote an introduction to the book.

“Through Hold Still, I wanted to use the power of photography to create a lasting record of what we were all experiencing,” she writes. “When we look back at the Covid-19 pandemic in decades to come, we will think of the challenges we all faced ... but we will also remember the positives: the incredible acts of kindness, the helpers and heroes who emerged from all walks of life and how together we adapted to a new normal.”

Her short video clip has been viewed by more than two million people. Nicholas Cullinan, director of the portrait gallery, has declared himself “astounded” at the response to the project.

A different side of Kate emerged in a video exchange last month with Jasmine Harrison, 21, who in February became the youngest woman to row solo across the Atlantic. It might easily have been a routine royal congratulatory quickie — jolly fine show, keep up the good work — except that Kate somehow turned it into a stirring eight-minute celebration of womanhood and willpower and dreaming and dedication.

Those with long memories may recall that Kate once embarked on a long-distance rowing project of her own. In 2007 she trained for a cross-Channel attempt as the helmswoman of a dragon boat with an all-women crew, but her then status as William’s girlfriend forced her to give up.

There was nothing remotely artificial about her admiration for Harrison’s achievement in rowing 3,000 miles. “Oh my God, I can’t get my head round 70 days at sea,” Kate laughs at one point. “What you’ve achieved will really change the perception of what is achievable ... I think you’re an inspiration to lots of young women out there.”

Kate ends by wishing her a safe flight back “and enjoy seeing your doggies in Yorkshire”. Harrison, whose Twitter tag is @rudderlymad, replies: “It’s been really nice to talk to you ... it was a surprise to get that call, I thought maybe I HAVE done something big.”

Junor says: “Kate is just really very good at it in a relaxed, friendly way. She’s not over the top, not ‘me, me, me’ at all. I think she’s absolutely coming into her prime now — she’s confident, she’s competent, and you don’t get the impression that she’s waiting for cameras to be there and it’s all a publicity stunt.”

All this might well be encouraging news for a family that seems to specialise in disaster mismanagement. After the transatlantic travails of the Duke of York and the ongoing agonies of the Sussexes, a duchess who gets things right might yet prove an invaluable asset.

At the same time, the burden of royal expectation has crushed many a free spirit. The closer Kate gets to becoming Queen, the more she may be expected to conform; to be careful with her words, to avoid spontaneous excursions in the middle of a health crisis. Can she really carry on being Kate, the increasingly daring duchess? Or must she prepare to be Catherine, our smiling but silent queen?

“I think what William and Kate have demonstrated is that you can have a much greater impact if you go large on a smaller number of causes,” says Bond, who like many royal watchers believes Kate will stick to non-controversial issues such as child development and mental health.

“She’s naturally engaged and comes across as genuine because she is genuinely interested in the topics she has espoused,” Bond adds. “I think she’ll be wise enough to stick to issues quite specific to her personality and knowledge.”

Junor notes that Kate may have learnt an important lesson from Diana, whose popularity began to outstrip her husband’s. “Charles was Prince of Wales and not used to having the limelight taken from him,” she says. “That caused huge problems. Kate is being very careful to ensure she doesn’t outstrip William. She is not on an ego trip, and her head has not been turned by celebrity.”

Junor concluded: “Kate is a working woman doing a job. She didn’t leave the human race when she joined Planet Windsor.”
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Chilli pepper 19

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I'm really happy people, really thriving. Nothing to see although please don't forget I exist

Why is it though people who are really happy tend to just spend their time actually being that instead of telling the world they are?
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I wish people would stop acting like Harry is the lesser of evils. He's just a bad as she. I'm some ways worse because there's documented evidence of his awfulness over the years.
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Chatty Member
From Lady C RE the surrogate "I won't comment on it for legal reasons" "but sometimes at 5 months she looked to be 11 months pregnant"

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Wow Harkles PR is now being sponsored.. by Pantene! So they are blatantly taking the footage of them as working royals, packaging it up with a few soundbites and getting a consumer brand to pay for it. Why anyone would associate healthy glossy hair with HarryBaldi and Mrs Wiggy escapes me.

Pantene is made by Procter & Gamble, who I remember were sponsors of the Girl Up summit that Megzy inserted herself into. There's a Sunshine Sachs connection there...

Pantene! Oh god. That's super low rent. What's next, a Walmart fashion line of sportswear for Haz?

I tell you, by the time this is over she'll be shilling shite on QVC with glassy coke eyes barely concealing her hatred for her life.
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The Telegraph story about Quibi is absolute gold. No question Camilla Tominey had insider sources helping her with this one, it's meticulous and completely damning about the Harkle Hustle. Remember the last piece that CT wrote? That expose of the Sussex Squad... So the Telegraph is being used to dismantle the Oprah interview wall of lies, one brick at a time.

When there was a flurry of news about the Netflix signing, it was rumoured that Quibi were desperate to sign up the Harkles, so this story hasn't come from nowhere. I'd bet that there are enough fed-up people on the Quibi side of the deal who are willing to talk, and Quibi doesn't exist anymore so NDAs are void.

So this comprehensively proves that 'we didn't have a plan' was a lie, 'we hadn't thought about streaming services' was a lie, and Harry's 'I needed to find work after my father cut me off' was another lie. They were blatantly cashing in on their working royal status and now the grubby truth is out there for all to see.

The other point though is that Meghan claimed her suicidal thoughts were some time around January 2019. Well, it's interesting then that she was able to negotiate this Quibi deal at the same time, isn't it? Doesn't sound like a seriously depressed woman who was apparently lonely, isolated, and didn't know where to go for help :rolleyes:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were discussing projects with a billion-dollar backed US streaming service a year before they stepped down as senior members of the Royal family, it has emerged.

The Sussexes had a series of meetings with Quibi, a now-defunct rival to YouTube, from early 2019 until after they dropped their 'Megxit' bombshell in January last year....

In their interview with Oprah Winfrey, the couple said that they “didn’t have a plan” upon leaving the Royal family, but The Telegraph has learnt that they had talks with executives of the £1.3 billion start-up before their son Archie was born in May 2019....

A source with knowledge of the situation said: “There were well-developed proposals in place with Quibi from early 2019.” ....
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saw this in another forum. all the horrible stories are all coming out now and linking up ever since her former staffs are talking and RF are investigating! GOOD! let this evil witch be called out for good.

'My WIFE WAS RACIALLY ATTACKED AND NOBODY FROM MY FAMILY SAID ANYTHING'-Umm, again, I am in India and we are not obsessed with your family but we do get important news from time to time. The 'attacks' on your wife were done by the vermin who work in tabloids and they did the same to Kate. I remember before the Kate-William wedding, even our newspapers were splashed with rumors, gossip, salacious details of Kate's life and words like 's**t , floozy, second hand, katy waity' were routinely used for her. We got to know about her dating past, there were discussions on chat boards around the world and comments in youtube videos if William is going to marry a 'used tissue paper', how 'flat chested' she was. All this and more. NOBODY spoke up or defended her then either and this was not racially motivated was it? Diana was hounded and that was not racial either was it? Hasn't Camilla been called a dog in the same tabloids? Hasn't Charles been called a loser, old twat and what not? What's wrong is wrong for everyone and not just for someone playing the race card, right?

I was a scholarship student and went to a college which I could not have otherwise afforded, and had some classmates coming from extremely rich families. One of them has a sister who works in an NGO that Meghan works with too. She was even invited to the royal wedding and has met and worked with Meghan quite a number of times over the past 5 years. After the Oprah airing, I was talking to my friend and he simply said, 'Do NOT believe a word of that. My sister told me this woman is a chameleon. One thing for the cameras and another behind. Not a thing in front of the cameras is true. Not a thing.'

This is an NGO that works for menstrual hygiene of women in India (and probably some other countries too I am not sure) and Meghan has been associated with it for some time.
One specific incident that my friend shared- his sister was in touch with Meghan's staff for some write-up about the NGO in some big publication. Meghan made one of her staff member's life hell and made her rewrite the piece at least a dozen times just to make her cry. In the end she used the 2nd draft but my friend's sister said that the staff girl was terrified of getting an email from Meghan. TERRIFIED. She was an intern, all of 18. Talk about empathy and compassion of a women rights activist. Reminded me of reports of Meghan's staff in the palace being reduced to tears.

and who does this??

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Thread suggestion

Harry and Meghan #85 We the Harkles have no shame,blackmail is now the name of the game.

Not to mention the Robbin Goblin, available in bile green. This budget 3-wheeler had a 2-year production run c. 2020, but was withdrawn on the grounds of toxic fumes emission and cheap body parts that failed under stress, resulting in casualties.
In my 'drunken yuoff' days lots of us would travel in any car available to parties. I remember travelling in the boot/back of a reliant and practically sh@@ting myself every time in went round a bend.
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Oprah has refused to climb down over the footage in the interview after being approached by the Mail.
View attachment 512455

I wonder if they will pursue this?
I suspect Daily Mail won’t be backing down. The production basically made the whole British press into racists. Also, it helps DM sales/clicks to be in controversy with Oprah anyway. Also payback for the lawsuit. And frankly, the doctoring of the articles is just plain despicable.
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Thanks to @ResidentMerkin for the last thread and @keylimepie who has got the most title votes which was Harry and Meghan #84 Haz should have listened to Auntie Anne, to keep his balls and stay a man. Shortened to fit.

Recap from the last thread;
The harkles wanted to advice HM on how to be a diverse workplace, she probably told them to f orff
Lady C has outed Princess Anne and suggested that she is the one who made the racist comment(s) , Anne won't care about the backlash, will tell everyone to naff orff
The 12 month review is peeking around the curtain when will it reveal itself and what might it contain.

For any new members the pink wiki button at the top of the page has lots of pictures and stuff to delve into about Meg's past.
Try to hold off on thread suggestions until page 40 so it's easier to search and use either thread or thread suggestion in the post.

The previous thread

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