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View attachment 485812wow the last three lines of this!!!!! (Regarding the call between the family boys ... Charles, Will and Harry)
So she along with MM friends are claiming to have evidence of everything that was said in the Oprah shit show of an interview 🤔 so they were emailed by a member of the RF saying their unborn child couldn’t be a Prince because his skin was too dark ... a member of the RF sent a txt to ask what colour of skin their baby would have ... Katherine sent an email apologising for making her cry and to say she was popping round with flowers 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Here’s a question, if the bullying allegations are found to be true, what’s to stop those staff talking and giving their truth?
One of the reasons is the simple fact that they aren’t on the woke side of it. You only get to have the platform to ‘speak your truth’ and go uncontested if you hold enough identity politics cards. If you’re a white man you can forget it, but if you’re a black woman we have to honour your lived experience and take it at face value.
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Daily Mail casually dropping an article about how difficult it is for older women to have babies and the use of IVF and surrogates in celebrities. 😂

Why I fear older celebrity mums give women false hope

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I think that Harry and his family were supposed to be part of the slimmed down royals, but once they realised what Meghan was like those plans changed.
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Because I honestly think they have found out or suspect that when Charles becmes King, he is going to streamline the monachy and with that (as they are no longer working royals) he intends to strip all titles including HRH Prince and Princess from everyone except the direct line to the thrown. She is obsessed with those titles, she wants assurance that her children will get their bloody titles. Sometimes I think she is more obsessed about the titles than anything else esp the way she talked about Archie not being called a Prince, she was angry and pissed off. It means the World to her.
She's desperate for those titles, she sees it as a way to increase the merch of the kids when young, and for them to merch as they get older. The only thing she understands is merching and a title = more money in her mind and makes them more important than anyone else without one.
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I think we’ll be getting little snipets of other peoples “truths” in the next few weeks. Surely not everyone can have an NDA- they’ve made themselves the hottest topic of gossip in recent times. Surely stories are going to get retold and passed on to loose lips. I’m really hoping the Aussies are next ☕
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Poor Angela Kelley will be haunted by Queen Mary for giving the trollop her tiara. Anyone reckon the gossip is true she was given a fake because no one trusts her with the real jewels?
bet she’s never even been to the tower to see the proper stuff
Well, it's the Queen that granted the right to wear it, and nah, that thing was for real and sparkled like the real thing. It'd been off her head and back with security to the underground storage room as soon as she got back from the wedding to change for the evening do anyway. Jewels like that don't leave vaults without security being discreetly in place constantly. Insurance demands it. That's why getting one out at short notice for a stupid hairdo rehearsal instead of using a plastic tiara in the right shape was such a stupid request. Kate used a plastic one for her hair rehearsal. It's not at all necessary to drag a valuable piece out of storage with all the attendant fuss and risk.

Angela Kelley I feel sorry for having to cope with Markle and Harry being a cunt to her. She's basically the Queen's longtime confidante and friend and shows how dopey Harry is that her was prepared to shout at her. The Queen has Angela's back, Harry should know that. I think even by that point he was so scared of Markle's rage that he was prepared to make grand mistakes like that. God knows how much she escalated after she had her hideous feet under the table.
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Angela Levin asking about the bridesmaid story on twitter. She's being brave 👀

Yes as It says in the article. It wouldn't let me post the article without writing something. I used the headline from the story. Added more to the title now :ROFLMAO:
I dont care if its true or not. Megan will be pissed off its being talked about again and negatively towards her. To bad girlfriend, you brought up in that interview so suck eggs.
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It was H who claimed to have heard the race comment, H who said he was financially cut off, so why would M think they should speak to her?? To ask if she's ok?!

P.s. love our Irish hats!
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Chatty Member
She can fuck the whole way off if she thinks she can say she's Irish! We've that gobshite Conor McGregor. We've suffered enough. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
It's bad enough she's trying to say she's Irish. We've already got Conor McGregor and bloody Bono to deal with as it is.
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For some reason the Roxanne Pallett BB interview came up on my YouTube recommended just now. It’s been said before on here but the parallels are insane. She says ‘watching it back (the ‘hitting’ incident) it was a lot different to how I felt at the time’. Had there not been cameras I think she would have been believed and a man’s life ruined.

She accused Ryan of ‘assault’ and ‘abuse’ and called him a ‘manipulative’ ‘woman beater’. This is exactly what M is doing to the RF! All the accusations under the sun, and because it’s hearsay the wokes are blindly believing her.

MM and RP both exhibit signs of NPD and have a track record of attention seeking, manipulative behaviour. They are unwell women.
on MarkleNews instagram is an article where apparently a video of Meghan losing her shit during the wedding dress fitting has surfaced in Canada. an RPO was there and filmed it on his/her phone and the video has supposedly surfaced and is about to be dropped as a back up to the bullying claims. I remember reading somewhere that Jessica was present for one of the fittings and MM turned to Jessica saying "do you see what I have to put up with" when someone wasn't doing what Markle wanted. Oh how I would LOVE for witness statements!!!! I suspect as well the tea-throwing incident will come out
Can I get some group prayer going now to manifest these Oprah "WHATT" moments ? Oh how delish that would be if for each video or official witness release we get a "WHATT" (I dare not put an image/gif/video of HARPO as apparently that is digital blackface and racist).
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ITV seem to have read the room today. First GMB and then later on Schofe came out :p (what, again?) against the Sussexes....
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Chatty Member

Good article by Stephen Glover
From the article....
King boasted she had talked to the Sussexes, and got from them the ‘word that these conversations were not productive’.

According to her, it was ‘frustrating’ for Meghan and Harry that everyone was talking about the charge of royal racism.

All they had ever wanted was for the ‘royals to intervene and tell the Press to stop with the unfair, inaccurate, false stories that definitely have a racial slant’.

It appears that neither Charles nor William was keen to take up the cudgels on their behalf.

I suppose we should consider the possibility that Gayle King is an out-and-out fantasist who imagines the thoughts whirling through Meghan’s mind. But it seems most unlikely''

Hang on.... Mouthpiece is quoted as saying..
According to her, it was ‘frustrating’ for Meghan and Harry that everyone was talking about the charge of royal racism.

All they had ever wanted was for the ‘royals to intervene and tell the Press to stop with the unfair, inaccurate, false stories that definitely have a racial slant’.

Ok so they dont want the titles and security and the racism they accused the RF isnt really a problem? It wasbjust the press. I smell bullshit and someone cacking their pants.

Sorry but please. Caught out with lies. Her claims have been debunked bar the very murky racism one. That interview makes her and Hazmat look like the money grabbers they really are.

Non wedding backbyard ceremony
Access to private medics
Actual wedding was a fraud with all the guests they had never met before.
Harry not cut off initially
Security is a no go for non working royals
Title is yet to be decided according to tradition
Fact remains in 15 years as George and the Cambridge kids grow up Harry and Megs and their offspring will be relagated.

Hazmat not trapped unless he means by the consitutional aspect of the monarchy rules regarding the sovereign grant and thus by the publics expectations of Royalty. He best watch his priviledged little ginger arse. Will of the people...
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Am I the only one who cottoned onto the allegation about her slapping another staffer here? Not that I'm not horrified of her treatment of the children, but this is the second allegation of her slapping someone who is supposed to be helping her. This is getting to be over the top. I mean, I've seen DC comic book villains better able to maintain a facade better than her, and she's supposedly an actor. What in the hell is going on? Who stands around and lets someone hit them like this?
Right??!? It's bad enough to treat the staff like you think you're some kind of evil stepsister in a Disney Cinderella adaptation, and the BRF have covered for her just being *mean*. But slapping? If she laid a finger on staff there should be criminal charges filed, I don't give a fuck who this knock-kneed, thick-waist-having gutter tramp thinks she is.

Not to mention picking on a child of - what was Charlotte at the time, 5?? That's not even scum territory, that's veritable "what Freda says" territory.
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I see her simpering looks into the camera haven’t changed at all then.
She’s such a cliche. Woman in LA trying and failing to make an acting career (not counting suits because IMO she’s pretty dreadful in it, it’s a Canadian cable show, and she got it likely because of her husband at the time), spending her weekends at organic health food shops and vegan cafes, doing yoga, writing a lifestyle blog. These things aren’t bad in themselves it’s just you can tell she’s a certain ‘type’, trying way too hard. She’s so unoriginal and fake it’s painful.
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I love this photo and wish it was shown more often. Charles hasn't been the loveliest of people, but his love for his sons and grandchildren in particular is clear to see. Little Archie may literally never be hugged as a small child, as Louis is. What Meghan and Harry are doing to Harry's family and their own child, soon to be children, is unspeakably vicious and cruel.
That photo is adorable. I have seen quite a few showing Charles hugging and laughing with his children and grandchildren. He always looks delighted and you can just see the love he feels towards them all. Poor Archie never getting to experience a massive big hug from EITHER grandad!

This has just struck me as I typed...not only has Archie not had a big hug off Grandad Charles, he hasn’t received one off Grandad Thomas either! How ridiculously sad is that? To not see one grandad, ok, but BOTH?!?!? Those two spoiled brats have caused this. I bet Archie will grow up looking at his early birthday and Christmas photos and he will innocently ask, “Why are no grandads there?” Hmmm....explain that to an innocent child you two!

I remember having a row with my late mum before my (now aged 16) boy’s first Christmas. Mum huffed off and refused to come to our house for Xmas Day as originally planned (along with my dad and my husband’s parents for Xmas dinner). The thing that brought mum out of her sulk was when I pointed out that she would not be on any of his first Christmas Day photos and in years to come he would ask why you weren’t there. All three other grandparents but not you, why? he will ask. Eventually she agreed to come for Xmas Day but only if I apologised for telling her she was ‘fucking pathetic’ (yep, guilty as charged, I did say that, and it was the first time I had ever used the F word to her in a row, ever! That’s why I think she was so shocked and upset!). So, I duly apologised for my foul insult, she came Xmas day, had a whale of a time, and I have many pics of her smiling away with her first grandchild on her lap. A happy ending for me and my mum. Alas, I can’t see one for Archie ☹ and the three other grandparents.
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