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It is extremely frustrating. It seems like you’re banging your head against the wall seeing all the wokes come up with their crap and sycophantically agreeing with each other left right and centre. I honestly don’t believe it reflects the majority view, I just wish it wasn’t so controversial to come out and say so.

Here is a quote from Sheryl Underwood while she was attacking Sharon Osbourne re her defence of PM. Sharon asks her to quote the racist things Piers said and to ‘educate her’. This was the response:

“it is not the exact words of racism, it’s the implication and the reaction to it, to not want to address that because she is a black woman, and to try and dismiss it and try and make it seem less than what it is, that’s what makes it racist”

Wokes are empty vessels who love to shout and scream about bigotry but there’s no substance to it at all. Most people with a brain can see this!
That's just wordy nonsense, isn't it! It's basically saying we cannot criticise anybody who's black, because that in itself makes it racist. That's so ridiculous. Honestly I had no idea she was black when I first started disliking her, and it's never made any difference. Can you not just dislike a person now because they're a nasty, manipulative narcissist? It's so frustrating. Since she pulled the race card it's given her free reign.
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Chatty Member
Lovely picture.

I think Charles has been very much maligned. He was sent to a school that wasn't suited to his disposition, he was a sensitive child not a rough and tumble type of kid like Anne, ridiculed for his looks, too old for his age, pressured to get married, blamed for the marriage breakdown, given grief over his environmentalism. After all of that, he seems to just carry on and has managed to forge a decent life for himself in his latter years. It is a travesty that Archie and soon to be sibling are not going to be a part of that.
Charles is so maligned and very underrated. He seems to have such a warm and natural bond with his grandchildren and he looks so blissfully happy with Camilla. I love them as a couple. I think their love story is so romantic and so genuine. They truly love one another. Charles will make an excellent king and Camilla will be a wonderful and supportive consort. I really believe she brings out the best in him.
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Who’s the source? You guessed it... omid. He’s everywhere! Maybe he’s the real brains here and he’ll do a Kim Kardashian on Megan like she did with Paris and trump her 😂 why is she getting some random guy with a fake face to speak for her it’s so weird! 😂
We should call him Omid Herpes. He gets everywhere, he's irritating and very hard to get rid of.
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When I had my first I had morning sickness and felt that it was awful and nothing could be worse. (Occasionally have form for being a tad over dramatic) :ROFLMAO:
However when I had my second I got hyperemesis, the difference between the two is amazingly big.
Indeed. I had hyperemisis... without fail I would always get some idiot telling me they had morning sickness too. They did not understand... apparently it's wrong to punch people.
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I'm not surprised she's not looking glowing and carefree - the RF have been through the wringer over the last few weeks!

The sad thing is - it's probably taken it's toll on all of the senior Royals and to what end?...................Meghan and Harry are STILL not happy!
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I got some tea, I promise not to throw it on you

I'M HERE FOR IT if the Meghan throwing a fit before her wedding video hits the internet. It will spread like wildfire.

Only a matter of time before Harry starts to realise what a mistake he's made..

(It's been a bit quiet the last few days, so we need a bit of drama) :ROFLMAO:
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So they want what they asked for in the first place, to have all the perks and just do the bits they wanted to do while living in California AND if they don't get that, they are going to release documents that prove that all they spoke about is true. nice one

I will have a listen, I did listen to her talk about the interview and Piers, very switched on and making perfect sense.
Exactly. They want to screw over the RF and in doing do the British public and make a mockery of the monarchy s relationship and position to the tax oayer. Constitutional Monarchy not an absolute.Its a delicate balance. Public servants. They want title, money etc and to be able to capitalise on their brand. Be picky about the engagements. Nothing too dull for the wannabes.

Ungrateful bastards made a mockery of the very expensive royal wedding which cost how much?
The RF brings in tourism. Spoil that you take more money from the public purse and the economy.

Be rich but dont be private jet, wasteful, flashy rich. We like that KM recycles outfits and wears high street. We ve kncoked the royal train, royal yacht on the head. Royal isnt about flashing the cash like a kardashian. Privileged ginger thickie doesnt get that either. Uneducated little ponce that he is.

The remaining crowns in Europe know this and have simillar relationships. Spain, Norway etc

Disgusting what Megain and Thickie are trying to do do.
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I was listening to Matt Chorley on Times Radio about an hour ago and he was talking to someone from YouGov (I think). They'd done a poll to see who people would vote for to be president, if there was suddenly no monarchy.... and Prince William came out top! 😊
Can't find anything about it online (checked Tweets etc) but will post if I come across an article.
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Screen Shot 2021-03-17 at 6.00.44 AM.png

Meghan "exposing" the RF because she doesn't want the truth about her own family to come to light (so she puts the focus on others)
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I agree with you, but why are they asking for a title for both "babies" if they aren't entitled to them? It's been a constant complaint of theirs and I just can't get my head round it tbh.
Because I honestly think they have found out or suspect that when Charles becmes King, he is going to streamline the monachy and with that (as they are no longer working royals) he intends to strip all titles including HRH Prince and Princess from everyone except the direct line to the thrown. She is obsessed with those titles, she wants assurance that her children will get their bloody titles. Sometimes I think she is more obsessed about the titles than anything else esp the way she talked about Archie not being called a Prince, she was angry and pissed off. It means the World to her.
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I think cbs has wanted to get rid of Sharon for a long time but haven't found the right reason to end her contract with them, so they goaded her into talking about Piers Morgan and sadly they gave her the right amount of rope to hang herself.

I bloody love Sharon, she said what everyone else was thinking.
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Can we make a poll of what day we think the baby will be born on? Diana birthday, Prince Phillip birthday, etc.?
I vote for Diana birthday. She will be named Diana. She will become a Princess eventually (a long time in the future I hope) and then she will have her very own Princess Diana 2.0 to trot out at every opportunity. That poor child I feel so sorry for her.
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Would it be too much to say Meghan and Harry are scum? It's a pretty horrid term to use but I believe they are. They are scum. To denigrate the British Royal Family live on air with no reply is unforgivable in my opinion. Who do these entitled people think they are? Neither of them have ever done a days work in their entire life. As a Brit my tax-money has paid for Harry's upbringing. I don't mind paying for The Royals, but to have it slapped-back into my face isn't on.
I honestly believe they are. I don’t see a single redeeming quality in M. Money hungry, fame hungry, narcissistic, fake, constantly lying, playing the victim, trash talking people, entitled, rude to others ie staff (well documented from many different sources, not just these recent bullying claims she’s now denying). H is her enabler, and just very, very stupid. On the whole I think yes, they’re both scum. M in the ways I’ve just stated and H in the way he’s allowed it to happen. He’s a spoilt brat just as much as Meghan is.
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On Australian Sky News (the only coverage I’ve been able to stomach watching) they pointed out that the press and public tide turned when they started bleating on about carbon emissions and global warming, but were the royals travelling most often on private jets. M going to New York for her baby shower and flying on the Clooney’s jet, something like that.

It’s so true. The coverage/public opinion only really started to change after they point, ie their own behaviour not some vague racism claims. If it was racism, wouldn’t she have been treated poorly right from the start? Add to that that she appears to be 100% white but wearing bronzer so it wouldn’t be that anyway :ROFLMAO:

They’re vulgar, flashy hypocrites.
That’s exactly when the press started turning on them. Nothing to do with her colour.
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1. Unclear. The show ended in 2019 and was already well underway by the time Meghans last episode aired in 2017. She has spoken about how lucky the show was to have that sort of longevity so I reckon the writing was on the wall by the time Meghan was scouting for a new man in 2016.

2. also unclear. I don’t think the order of service would have been released publicly. I thought Sam Markle had mentioned that Meghan asked her dad to disown his other kids and he refused. Her and Harry hadnt really spoken to him much before the wedding and his slip up with the paps was the ammo they needed to exclude him entirely. I reckon Megs was phasing him out long before he ever did anything wrong.


I remember thinking her family were trashy/trying to profit from Royal connection and I could understand why she had pruned them out of her life.

Now - and Im sure Im not alone - Im thinking, OMG her family were telling the truth!!!
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Chatty Member
Wait, what!!
Meghan is 1/4 irish. I remember someone doing her genealogy before the wedding. It has never been mentioned since. I remember it caused a real jovial stir at the time because it was portrayed she was 1/4 WOC and 1/4 Irish.
As a genealogist I remember quickly looking and it's less than a 1/4 but considering the day that is in it, I shall go look for it.
Lovely video.
Happy St Patrick's day. 💚💚💚
We don't want her! :ROFLMAO:
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I was having a look around for the hand cleaning video pre henna tattoo. Which I can't find.
I did find this.
Did not she sayshe was fluent in French and Spanish?

This says The Duchess of Sussex studied French for six years and also completed an internship at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires during her time at Northwestern University where she learned to speak Spanish, according to her official page on the royal family’s website.

This says high school french only.
Sorry minor niggle only.
“niggle”? Did you just say the “N” word? Cancelled!! 😂
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