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I agree, this is what I hate most about this. Being told we're in the wrong but not even being allowed to ask why.

Same thing happened with "Dr" Shola. Someone asked if she could give examples of the racist press coverage - she was horrified that she was asked for evidence to back up her claims and went on to say that that was somehow an example of racism, and that to not be racist we just had to take her word for it.

We're told it's not their job to tell us when we're being racist and that it's racist to suggest it is up to them to call people out.

We told we have to "educate ourselves". How, exactly? And on what? I've seen people claim racism because their African name has been spelt incorrectly on their Starbucks order. Do we have to educate ourselves on the spelling and pronunciation of all African names?

A white person is asked if they've witnessed racism. They say "not at that time" and they're immediately told they aren't qualified to answer because they wouldn't know racism because they're white.

We're told every white person is racist. That a whole family is racist because an old family member made an insensitive comment.

We're told we're racist because we don't like Meghan Markle. Or don't believe her, don't trust her, only partly believe her, haven't directly contacted her or if we doubt she's experience racism.

Its just a way to shut down debate.

I know how hard it is for black people - they encounter huge setbacks simply because of the colour of their skin. But these race baiting arguments and provocateurs who appear on GMB and Twitter are just causing trouble and increasing tensions.
I genuinely agree that black people experience setbacks. I read an article about CVs being disregarded if an employer saw a traditional African name on the top. I’m sure it happens in other ways too, I wouldn’t know, I’m not black.

What I object to is being told I’m a violent racist bigot just because I’m white. People like that Dr Shola do a massive disservice to black people everywhere, as they just build up the divides and barriers even more. Shouting and screaming and saying white people should shut up and ‘learn’ from her just makes her come across like a hysterical bully.

the constant contradiction these woke people exhibit is a problem too- on the one hand we’re supposed to listen and learn, but on the other hand it’s ‘not a black persons job to teach white people about their inherent racism’.

The result for me is that I just find it sickening, annoying and racist towards white people. If the approach was different then a proper debate could be had, and all these divides might have a chance of diminishing. I have a sneaking suspicion that that isn’t really what they want though. They want the persistent victimhood.
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Dear Sunshine Sachs,

Please could you tell your clients Mr and Mrs Mountbatten- Windsor that none of us give one flying fuck whether they like our opinion or not.
Just for the record, I would like to thank them for the work they have done regarding race relations within the United Kingdom. Their 2 hour interview has really put back progress a good few decades with people being labelled racists ( including Mr Mountbatten- Windsor’s own family) which is a title that I and others object to, because we disagree with Mrs Mountbatten- Windsor’s version of events.
I do hope that you find yourselves cancelled as the bombshell interview has not had the desired effect as evidenced by the YouGov polls.
Anyway, I hope if you do become ‘Markled’ you will know that this forum is a safe place to vent your frustrations.
Kind Regards
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Does anyone else think the Queen will go soft with Harry , After reading the statement posted I do .
He won't be losing any titles and I think he knows that
No, I think she’ll be diplomatic and measured. They need to expertly play it so they discredit Meghan, keep Harry and don’t come across like they’re lashing out and getting drawn into a slanging match. They know what they’re doing. MM seems to be winning at the moment, but it’s been a matter of days.
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Is anyone thinking when the Queen has her peace talks With Harry and Cruella she’s going to give Archie and new baby HRH titles ?
I think she may, just to keep Harry sweet.
But as for protection and stuff that’s a govt issue not a palace issue and Boris won’t do that especially with how much in recession we are.
No I don’t. The Queen will want damage control and to repair a relationship with Harry but she is a very proud and principled woman. She won’t give Markle’s American children whom she’s never met, prince and princess titles.
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The Little Mermaid thing is quite pathological, isn't it? I have a theory that her intense fantasies of becoming a princess (didn't she used to love The Princess Diaries?) set up a kind of 'Paris Derangement Syndrome' once she'd actually inveigled her way into that role. In other words, she just could not deal with the huge split between fantasy princess and the hard daily slog of yer actual royalty. I also think she suffers from a really severe personality disorder - so what we're witnessing is a dangerous mental illness.
All these sickly princessy films and she still didn't realise she had to curtsy to a Queen?

Sure Jan :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Thread title suggestion because this needs more publicity:

Harry & Meghan #74 If you’re an old white man, Meghan will have your opinion banned

Meghan is the only one entitled to free speech after all
And the big contradiction in this?
Without the right to free speech slavery would still be in existence. As would segregation. No votes for women. Hanging.
Free speech allowing you to freely express your displeasure in a situation and stand up for what you feel is right.
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How fucking childish can you get?
We don't care about this silly tiff and yet Meghan still seems to think that it's important that we know Kate made her cry.

Too late bitch we couldn't care leas if Kate shat on your wig, in fact we'd all bloody applaud if she had 😉😆
She said her emails were deleted after 30 days to Warby re ANL court case so therefore she couldn't provide them. Yet her mate Janina said on This Morning that they have email proof re this other matter
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I was taking to my Son the other day about 'Cancel Culture' and why so many young people seem to go along blindly with what they are told to think. I wanted to know what kind of people he thought they were (he is 22 and my other son is 21, so I am assuming that they have been around the same kind of social influences as the wokerati) He believes social media is the biggest problem as anyone can have a platform to air their views and those with big followings go along with the popular thoughts becuase they don't want to lose followers, or those that are still up and coming jump on each bandwagon in an effort to gain followers! Hardly anyone will actually speak out against the trending beliefs/ thoughts of the time.
He also had some conspiracy theories that he believed had some possible traction about certain establishments/ 'higher forces' trying to destabalise society until we can be more easily controlled and monitored. (Tin foil hat time?......I'm not sure)
I've always taught my kids to question everything (even their teachers at school if I thought they were being given biased accounts) - to do their own research and then make up their owns minds. Even when they used to ask me if God was real when they were tiny, I gave them my thoughts on it but told them they must make their own minds up in the future.
So, with this younger generation seemingly too nervous to put their heads above the parapet - are they really just going along with the herd mentality or is critical thinking all there bubbling under the surface.
I feel like the tide is going to turn soon and we will again be able to openly question people's opinions! (optimistic I know!)
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Pom Bear

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Harry phoning his grandmother from a secret location 😄 I've put Harry in an old English phone box as it looks more funny lol.

I wonder if his asking her to reverse the charges 😄 xx

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Money must be so weird in their circles. I’ve just been googling some “net worths” and it’s mind blowing- Tom cruise $600 million for example. And these celebrities are nothing compared to the tech billionaires! You can kind of see where the “last $30mil” comment came from even if it does seem really vulgar. This is someone that’s probably never had to pay rent, for food, transport, holidays or SECURITY. They must be worried about their financial future for him to have sold out his family this way.
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Also thought it very telling, considering how close Harry & William were, that according to Prince William today, he hasn't spoken to Harry yet about the racist allegations made against 'a certain member of the Royal Family' during that interview. Prince William must be absolutley fuming with Harry. And he has every right to be!

I don't consider myself a Royalist in the least, but surely Harry knew how damaging such accusations of racism could be. Could he not just have had this out with his own family instead of broadcasting the whole nasty business to the entire world in the knowledge it could ruin forever the relationship of his only brother ... father ... grandfather and ... granny The Queen? Good God, it's all so sad and unnecessary.

I know it's been said before, but Meghan has cut off all ties with her family (strange) she had no friends or family - apart from her mother, at the wedding (strange) and now she's determined Harry won't have any family left either. He'll only have her, now she can mould him into whatever she wants and no-one can intervene or advise him. All the acts of a control freak on Meghan's part.
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Chatty Member
Is Harry very stupid? Genuine question, is his IQ below average intelligence?
How does he reason in his head that an sitting down with Oprah and discussing apparent racism and all the statements they've put out about the horrors of racism...well how has he never considered this is hypocritical and a tad embarrassing?
Like how does he justify doing this when 10 years ago he pictured, recorded etc as being an open racist
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Your right... now let's just look at that situation and everywhere you said white make black and everywhere you say black make white.

That sounds like racism to me.

I genuinely think most people are not racist. But we are all being told we have unknown racist traits we need to stop. By people who take the smallest hint of dislike to them as ah... They racist. Cant be me that is the problem. And when they carry on like that it it diminishes the actual racist things that happen and set things back.

We dont only see things through the glasses of race. People can still be rude or bitchy or an arse. Those are personality traits and have nothing to do with the colour of your skin.

Plus.... I would also like to know. Cause this has happened to me. I have had conversations with people of colour about things like the mixing of races and how things happen at home culturally. Now what i wonder is so we can have a relationship where you are genuinely interested in them culturally and grow. But it seems from things I have been hearing is that people may have relationships like this. But then all of a sudden the white person crosses a line they are unaware of and they labeled a racist.

When You have had a good relationship until that point and the person has never shown any racist traits but have innocently crossed a line they do not understand and the person takes offence. Instead of acting like the person is about to suppress you. Show a bit of kindness and say hay... in my culture that can be taken as offensive, and this is why. They will learn from that and as society we will grow because I bet you said white person will let others know.

Where I live an white person would take things as rude but we understand that's their culture.

To white people Zulu men who dont look you in the eye when you speak would be rude. But that is the Zulu culture. The same as Zulu men walk in through doors first to fend off attack. Most white cultures you let the lady go through the door first. As someone of a different culture we didn t grow up with that so how do we know?

Educate dont belittle or accuse people of racism cause they didn t know.
I have literally asked good friends (or were good friends) what is the appropriate response of a white person to the BLM movement and the answer was "it isn't enough to not be racist. It isn't enough to be against racism. You have to be ANTI-Racist. If you aren't ashamed of the racism of the white race, and therefore embarrased of your whiteness, you aren't anti-racists. You are turning a blind eye or forgiving and therefore perpetuating racism and that makes you a racist."
I summarised it in all seriousness as "if I am not openly and loudly expressing my embarrassment and shame at being white, I am racist?"
"yes" was the answer.
that was the end of that conversation and I have crawled back into my hole, never to set foot out into society again.
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I think the diana statue unveiling should be cancelled. Maybe not cancelled but just made a totally private thing. I think that story is past his sell-by date. Let it rest.
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A few people I know think that Meghan's got backers i.e. the backing of people or states who would like nothing better than the destabilisation of western democracies in general and the UK in particular.
I really think this is going a bit far. She’s just a slaggy actress who tried her luck with social climbing as far as she could. She was a nobody cable actress, why would she be plucked from obscurity to be part of some kind of western destabilisation. And if anyone says that she was approached after I think that’s kind of ridiculous, when you look at the history of how she met Harry (Lizzie Cundy, piers Morgan, ‘I love British men’, Ashley Cole/Matt Cardle, soho house). This was always her personal plan. I think it’s just unfortunate more than conspiratorial.
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It’s so nice to wake up and switch the news on and see them focusing on the real life issues, not a Harkle in sight.

That scoobie doo fella knows that people are more concerned about what happened to Sarah Everard and the Covid vaccines , that he has to try and keep Migrane relevant, scoobie doo Meghan is old news no one cares anymore.

I mean his tweet where he said MHwasn’t important and said meghans fashion thingy was goes to show what a self absorbed prick he is.

He’s the kinda guy who shows sympathy to Meghan, rather to the family of the woman who got murdered he’s a disgusting human, he should sod off to montecito with his besties ( they probs dont want him frankly- he would ruin the image)

My thoughts are with the family of Sarah Everard, I can’t imagine what they are going through 😔
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