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Anyone feel like the whole story is dying down?
The news is now about the missing Sarah Everard.
The RF were right to say they will deal with it privately.

William’s response today was perfect. He didn’t ignore the question.
Made it clear that they are not a racist family and he will contact Harry. But he’s obviously not a priority.
apparently today’s engagement was just supposed to be Kate and he came at the last minute. Obviously there to support her.

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So William and Kate are going to have “are you a racist” shouted at them until the end of their days. Well done Harry and Meghan! For someone who says she suffered such mental stress under misunderstandings and false reports you'd think she would have a little empathy for what the family are going to have to endure now for the next while. I guess she doesn’t care as long as it’s not she who is getting the abuse.
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Does anyone else not have any time for Beyonce? I think she's not all that. For the first decade of her career she often looked pretty white. Then the moment the black movement becomes very commercial and a good way to sell stuff she jumps on that. She doesn't write her own stuff and so many times has been accused of copying others. She's the opposite of at the vanguard but gets praised for jumping on a bandwagon as if she's some pioneer.
beyonce loreal.jpg
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If I was Piers Morgan with a lot of contacts and access to currently unpublishable information, I would write a long, detailed expose of exactly how Markle treated palace staff. I would find a platform to publish it on where only I could be held accountable and then dare Markle to sue if any of it is untrue.

He has balls, Piers Morgan, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s planning something like that.
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Scotch Mist

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How fucking childish can you get?
We don't care about this silly tiff and yet Meghan still seems to think that it's important that we know Kate made her cry.

Too late bitch we couldn't care leas if Kate shat on your wig, in fact we'd all bloody applaud if she had 😉😆
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Iconic Member
For the laugh let’s take a moment to remember ,

Markle thought her wedding vow rehearsal was her actual wedding 😂😂😂 and she told millions this was the case.
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Thanks @Rubythefirebat and @Locket6 for another cracking thread. Let's try to make it last more than 24 hours this time...

From the tail end of the last thread:

Not new news.. Finding Freedom just said that Dr Penny was Meghan's OB/GYN. Clever punctuation then made people think that Dr Penny was part of MM's birth team, without specifically saying so.

It's the same strategy Megz PR team used all the way through the Oprah interview. Half truths, straight lies, deflections, misrepresentations, loaded questions...
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I genuinely agree that black people experience setbacks. I read an article about CVs being disregarded if an employer saw a traditional African name on the top. I’m sure it happens in other ways too, I wouldn’t know, I’m not black.

What I object to is being told I’m a violent racist bigot just because I’m white. People like that Dr Shola do a massive disservice to black people everywhere, as they just build up the divides and barriers even more. Shouting and screaming and saying white people should shut up and ‘learn’ from her just makes her come across like a hysterical bully.

the constant contradiction these woke people exhibit is a problem too- on the one hand we’re supposed to listen and learn, but on the other hand it’s ‘not a black persons job to teach white people about their inherent racism’.

The result for me is that I just find it sickening, annoying and racist towards white people. If the approach was different then a proper debate could be had, and all these divides might have a chance of diminishing. I have a sneaking suspicion that that isn’t really what they want though. They want the persistent victimhood.
This is unrelated to Meghan and Harry sort of, but I literally left a graduate school program in my second of three years because I couldn’t take this kind of stuff anymore. The woke-ness was unreal. It took being in the course specifically on race for me to submit the paperwork to leave. During one of our classes literally every other white person in the class said “I just feel like, ashamed to be white”. Later in the class I said that was so disturbing to me and I was curious why I was hearing classmates denouncing their own race and they literally all basically said I don’t know. What the f*ck??? So I asked the professor if this was a desirable outcome for a class, to have students feeling ashamed of their race or making statements like that without even knowing why they were saying it. All I got was basically “Well, I think they’re probably coming from a place of..” Putting words in their mouths to back up statements like that when they themselves couldn’t explain it. THEN she emailed me to say she could tell I was very intelligent and thank you for raising the point. The point she immediately shut down. Not at all how she was acting in the class, where she was afraid of not looking woke enough. I literally cried at the state of society and then called my advisor to leave the program. I was excited to be a social worker when I began the program, but I will not be indoctrinated by anyone to get there. It was leaving me feeling like black people absolutely loathed me and couldn’t stand the sight of me, which of course created an awkwardness in me toward/around black people which was totally new and embarrassing and depressing. So yeah, a tangent. Posted here because it is one of the few environments I can even feel comfortable writing about it. Sorry! But this type of woke-ness is genuinely the a hugely detrimental, soul-crushing, brain-washing of society. And I believe, in the long run, will set equality back hugely when people either a) inevitably push back and go extreme against it or b) feel so afraid of being called racist that they are too afraid to ask questions and genuinely learn. If it’s oppressively racist to wonder what skin color a baby of a mixed race couple might have, how the f*ck are meaningful conversations supposed to happen?
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Are we getting to the point when we can call this behaviour blackmail? Because what else is it? Or is this Gayle/Oprah feeling the heat of being linked to an interview packed with obvious mistruths and misrepresentations. Did Oprah's production team and CBS Viacom legal counsel ask for claims to be substantiated?

The 66-year-old CBS This Morning anchor's comment came just hours after Meghan's close friend, actress Janina Gavankar, claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have 'plenty of emails and texts' to support the extraordinary and damaging accusations they made against the royal family.

Speaking specifically about the allegations of 'racism' that Meghan made during her discussion with Oprah, 67, Gayle said: 'I think Meghan has plenty of receipts, meaning she's been keeping track of things.'

Hmmm, now correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure I read that the reason Meghan did not provide the emails and texts for the libel case against The Mail was because she didn’t have them -The Palace apparently deletes everything after 30 days.

Yet she supposedly managed to keep the emails and texts that show her as the poor, ickle victim? Why were they not delete by The Palace then?

I hope The Mail win their appeal.
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I made the mistake of ringing my mum to check how she was and got 30 minutes of how annoyed she was about Ginge and Minge.

The little old lady demographic is unimpressed.
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Chatty Member
So William and Kate are going to have “are you a racist” shouted at them until the end of their days. Well done Harry and Meghan! For someone who says she suffered such mental stress under misunderstandings and false reports you'd think she would have a little empathy for what the family are going to have to endure now for the next while. I guess she doesn’t care as long as it’s not she who is getting the abuse.
Yep, and I think her refusal to name names was malicious - she wants to keep the public guessing and she wants to cast suspicion on every RF member. Just awful.
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Thread title suggestion because this needs more publicity:

Harry & Meghan #74 If you’re an old white man, Meghan will have your opinion banned

Meghan is the only one entitled to free speech after all
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As much as I’d love Kate to be pregnant I reckon it’s more likely to be bloating from all the wine and carbs she’ll have downed in the past 3 days 🤣
Wouldn’t blame her. Must be absolutely sickening to hear this stuff and not be able to come out and defend yourself and your family.
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Just when I think I have caught up, I see 2 more pages have been added! 😭 Forgive the long post.

I'm going to out myself here. I consider myself a socialist/syndicalist? Yes, a socialist who doesn't have a problem with the RF, stupid I know. 🤪 These two have made me even more so. As someone who identifies 😆 as such, I feel the need to say that the woke left as it is called are not leftists. The majority of these people are middle, upper middle class, university educated, middle of the road liberals in the political spectrum of things. They may have read some Marx, but are not true scholars of him. The roots lie in the later 60s-70s when there was a growth in civil rights in the States black/women/gay and a wider variety of people having access to higher education. By the 1990s, it started flexing its muscle through political correctness. With the advent of the internet and Twitter (which people forget was initially created for corporations and businesses to promote their products), every crackpot on the block could shout into the universe their opinions.

Of course, most of the people bitching are young. They want it and they want it now, this instant. They have never lived in a time where they had to wait for anything. We have a generation of socio-politically minded toddlers on speed. They are very quick to call someone a Boomer, just because you may be older than them. They shout homophobe, TERF, sexist, racist at the drop of a hat, but will never acknowledge their ageist views or that someone older might know more than them, because it doesn't fit their strict definition on how a human should act or think. They are trapped in the psychological phenomenon known as groupthink. Someone has decided that this is how to think, they all agree and to deviate from it is to disturb harmony. According to definition, the result is "irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcomes." It is like the old Maoist struggle session or Soviet self-criticism. These were used to eliminate criticism of the state. An accused will be berated and shamed until they confessed their crime. It sounds like when someone expresses not a hateful, but a differing opinion on Twitter and then they get hounded off the platform. The other side are now about Qanons who believe a story about Hilary Clinton involved in a sex trafficking ring out of a pizza parlour. o_O Tin hats galore!

Getting back to my beliefs as a socialist, I am not an identitarian. Class struggle is the issue, but I don't see abolishing hierarchy, it is just human nature. True, I will bitch about the wealthy and uber wealthy, because I think and believe that along with environmental issues, the wealth gap is the most distabilizing force that is going on right now. It is obscene to me how there are people making money off the backs of people doing the real work, while they reap the rewards and the worker should be grateful for the crumbs they receive. So why side with the oh so oppressive RF? For the simple fact that they do not forget the concept of noblesse oblige. It maybe a gilded cage, but they still realize how fortunate they are and the Queen is the ultimate example of that. This is something that Meghan didn't care to understand and that Harry has obviously forgotten.
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I still cannot believe that Harry did this interview and betrayed his family like this, specially his brother. He is also putting Kate and her kids - his nephews - in danger. It means he's capable of anything, even the worst. It's very worrying.
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Just to clear up I said on a previous post about Doria being in prison, I should have written allegedly. We are not into slander on here! o_O
Judging from the way Sam Markle and Lady C and others skirt around the issue, there is something about Doria's past that has been cleaned up. There's also plenty about MM's past that was expensively cleaned up.

If MM thinks she has been 'unsupported by the institution' then the Institution should just let the files drop where they may. And leave Meghan with her truth. All of it.
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VIP Member
Thanks @Rubythefirebat and @Locket6 for another cracking thread. Let's try to make it last more than 24 hours this time...

From the tail end of the last thread:

Not new news.. Finding Freedom just said that Dr Penny was Meghan's OB/GYN. Clever punctuation then made people think that Dr Penny was part of MM's birth team, without specifically saying so.

It's the same strategy Megz PR team used all the way through the Oprah interview. Half truths, straight lies, deflections, misrepresentations, loaded questions...
so.... my lovely Tattlers will be THRILLED to know that I'm back from my visit with my wonderful Ob/Gyn. He is now fully based at the Portland and he is the one that lost his rag and called Meghan a Liar. He has also - to my utter astonishment - stopped his Ob practice .... because it was just getting "too complicated/demanding". I didn't find the courage to ask about his views on the latest saga as he was rummaging around certain bits . I am convinced he knows what happened and cannot share but really can no longer be bovvered with the drama of celeb / royal berfs. He just said "the covid lockdown was perfect for me after 2019 as I was just DONE with the Ob thing for a certain type of demanding clientele" [ to which I took fake offense and he of course said splendiforous moi was the exception! :p ]
So no tea but maybe a bit of iced tea>?

On a completely unrelated note, a Teddy Roosevelt quote has been rattling around my brain cage this afternoon.... and think it applies rather colourfully to HMTQ" "Walk Quietly and carry a Big Stick"
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