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Samantha said she never heard her father or Doria say no to her, and that they lavished her with love. At Ms school a drama production which Thomas kindly offered to help, M fell out with someone then demanded her father quit the production. He wouldn't as he had given his word. M stopped speaking to him for a few weeks.
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Nice to see we’ve gone through multiple threads since the rave thread got set up and they’re not even half way through one
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It’s because they’re liars but also not particularly smart. A lot of people describe Meghan as smart but I don’t think she is. Calculating, ruthless and self centred yes, but not smart. She’s such a narcissist that she manipulates and lies with ease.
She’s gotten to where she is so she must be smart enough. They’ve dealt with the latest chapter well but I feel she’s outwitted “the firm” somewhat.

Harry with the “my brother & I are on different paths”. Yes Harry as was always the case him being the heir to the throne with 3 children so plenty of spares. For a man who claimed to be trapped his does sometimes seem to be jealous of his brother’s position.
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I think she banned her father from the wedding because he is old and ill and she didn’t want him in her photos. which is unbearably cruel. Definitly wanted to be walked down the aisle by the next King - not even by her mother.
Totally agree, and he’s white. Having Doria there with her nose ring and cornrowed (? Sorry I’m being ignorant here I don’t know the correct term) hair was the right image. Don’t get me wrong I thought Doria looked great on the wedding day, but it’s all appearances and politics with Meghan. She barely knows her mother, she was in prison for a time and MM would say herself she was always daddy’s girl and Thomas raised her.
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God the little mermaid thing is one of the most ridiculous self aggrandising things I’ve ever heard. Not only is she a real life princess she’s a Disney one too! Ugh. No I agree she does have currency, however I put that quite a bit down to Harry and how dim he is. She would never have been able to pull this shit on someone like William. She targeted all Harry’s weaknesses and exploited them.
The Little Mermaid thing is quite pathological, isn't it? I have a theory that her intense fantasies of becoming a princess (didn't she used to love The Princess Diaries?) set up a kind of 'Paris Derangement Syndrome' once she'd actually inveigled her way into that role. In other words, she just could not deal with the huge split between fantasy princess and the hard daily slog of yer actual royalty. I also think she suffers from a really severe personality disorder - so what we're witnessing is a dangerous mental illness.
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Do you mean what I posted? I see it gone too. It was a pic of Kate in pink coat, and looked like she had a small bump. Ofcourse could be just a weird angle.
Piggyback my own post. Here is an other pic, no bump. The other pic was probably just the coat. I still love the color.
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Yes, this current situation with this narcissistic witch has triggered me somewhat - I felt very low, very tearful.
Me too. Also a survivor of csa. This whole "her truth" has really got to me. I disclosed abuse and my abuser was approached. Didn't deny what had been done but gave "his truth". Family believed his truth not my truth. Even though what has happened was clearly wrong he was more persuasive and had more power. His version won. Absolutely devastating for me.
My inner rage has been burning brightly for the last week with the unfairness. I know I should take a step back/down/away but having people to express said rage with does help a bit!

Think HMTQ is playing the long game and every confidence she'll handle them. I saw people criticising William for not having spoken with H yet yesterday. But why would he want to. If it was me I'd need time to process before speaking with a brother who'd just done that to my family. I also think HMTQ might have told them not to speak to him yet while she thinks about their approach. Plus he might be a bit preoccupied worrying about the safety of his wife and children. And let's not forget he lost his mother too and might be equally worried about history repeating but in a quiet tormented way not a loud attention seeking way.
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I personally think the whole thing is about jealousy. Sibling rivalry. Haz has never grown up and is jealous of William and Kate. He thought and still thinks himself and his wife should have the same treatment as William and Kate. But they are higher ranking royals and will always have preferential treatment. He just can't swallow that. He was projecting when he said they were jealous of his wife. On the contrary!

The way she spoke about Kate being called waity katey was thinly veiled sarcasm. She wasn't just called that BTW. Her whole family including her mother came under fire. But she rode the storm and so did they.

There was so many inconsistencies in their stories it was actually laughable. They really shouldn't have come up with a plan and stuck to it.
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She's jealous of the Waity Katie name because Catherine stayed the course, she and William got to know each other in a sensible way over a few years and then made the decision to get married.
Not like Minge, pimped out by Markus in Ho House to a halfwit who she snared with her battered minge, watched by the thousand eyes of the pornographic wallpaper.
She knows she's moth-eaten tat compared to Catherine, and it's eating her away 24/7.
Spot on 😂😂😂
Of course it’s jealousy. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t comment on Kate at all. She knows Kate is streets ahead of her. MM is probably used to being one of the most attractive women in the room at low rent LA parties. I hate the woman but she has some charisma. But stood next to 5ft10, elegant, classy Kate, she didn’t measure up. And I’m not talking about ‘prettiness’, Meghan is, and I’m going to be sick saying it, a fairly good looking woman. I mean in terms of grace, class and style.
Not to mention Kate’s close relationship with the Queen, gorgeous children, solid family life, fantastic public reputation. Meghan is a narcissist so did not see Kate as someone to learn from and create a bond with- she saw her as a threat and someone to be taken down.
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I think he will regret it, but she's immune to normal levels of feeling (except on her own behalf, expressed in classic narcissistic rages). He'll be justifying his actions to himself and sitting on the truth about what he's done, having basically trashed his grandmother's lifework of building up trust throughout the Commonwealth and round the world. Incredible. I actually fear that once the truth hits him, he'll really spiral down (drink, drugs, self harm of some sort, even suicide) and by that time, Her Markleship will have no use for him at all. Messy. But that woman will still find a way to be the victim.
the more I think about it the less I can believe what has-been has done.

because of him his family is being asked: "are you racist?"

he should go in the chicken den and never come out
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Anyone feel like the whole story is dying down?
The news is now about the missing Sarah Everard.
The RF were right to say they will deal with it privately.

William’s response today was perfect. He didn’t ignore the question.
Made it clear that they are not a racist family and he will contact Harry. But he’s obviously not a priority.
apparently today’s engagement was just supposed to be Kate and he came at the last minute. Obviously there to support her.

View attachment 478033
Oh, the Everard story has steamrollered straight over Markle's crap. The usual suspects have transferred their outrage from racism to women's safety in the blink of an eye. Diane Abacus and Caitlin Moran have palled up to make ludicrous claims about never going out at night ever ever ever. Poor Sarah is getting exploited in death by the people who use everything that happens as grist to their career mill. They've dropped Markle like a stone anyway. The 24/7 news cycle is relentless.

Kate looks lovely in that coat btw. Great spring colour on her. Look how dignified they both look and how happy a couple as compared to Narcle sniffling and smirking in soft focus and Harry slumping with his thousand yard stare in a chicken coop with Orca!
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Chatty Member
Not sure if this has been posted before:

What we are seeing here is the rise of a new journalistic standard. Apparently there are certain claims that should not be questioned or challenged. When it comes to allegations of racism or stories about poor mental health, they must be believed in their entirety. Everyone knows that people’s accounts can be partial, misremembered, and that (whisper it) some people just lie. But for the sake of appearing virtuous about these difficult issues we are apparently expected to just pretend otherwise in certain circumstances.

Everything Harry and Meghan said about their treatment by the royal family might turn out to be true. But that doesn’t mean we should just take their word for it. Key parts of their story have already been disproven or called into question. No name or details have been provided for the ‘smoking gun’ allegation – that a royal voiced ‘concern’ about the skin colour of their children. And the idea that the British tabloid press engaged in a hate campaign against Meghan is based on a handful of recycled examples, wrenched out of context.

But the accuser is holy now. Questioning someone who claims the mantle of victimhood today is to disregard their ‘lived experience’. This is a dangerous precedent to set, particularly when dealing with powerful people. For all the barmy notions of ‘privilege’ that pervade these days, we seem to have forgotten that we are talking about a duke and a duchess here. Identity politics has become a cloak used to protect the genuinely privileged. That it has now been confirmed that Markle complained to ITV herself makes this case all the more alarming.

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Lol after a year of not speaking the brothers are rumoured to have spoken 😂😂😂 ie William picked the phone up after shouty journo asked if this family was racist and went on a twenty minute sweary rampage calling him a selfish fucker and his plan to lock him the tower once he’s king 😂😂😂
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A bit of the truth from the unnamed "friends"

"They now pay for their own protection after moving into their own mansion in Montecito.

The couples friends are reported to have said the cost of the bodyguards is 'exorbitant'."
My heart bleeds for them. Poor impoverished bastards. Not.
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I’ve been thinking about this all week, didn’t watch the interview couldn’t bear to but watched it via comments in tattle life.

just unbelievable how ungrateful and spoilt these two are.

the things people would give to have been in their position and to have been grateful.

they have no clue how lucky they are.

the sheer self indulgence of their show with Oprah - ugh.

meghan is clearly a vile and horrible person - sorry. So clear that Harry is trapped but not blameless, he’s a grown man(child).

view from down under is largely not that sympathetic as they’ve proved themselves embarrassing and more importantly let down the country and commonwealth they swore to serve and undermined it in a powerful foreign ally (the US).

Americans can’t be expected to know or understand the nuances of monarchy or the history of it - and Meghan and Harry have played on this to maximum effect, to shock and to mislead.

a cynical and spiteful move which will, eventually, rebound.

William Kate the Queen and Charles will come out of it looking the better more dutiful people longer term.

Harry is hugely remiss if he didn’t explain to her how it works - most uk people have a basic grasp of what is expected of royalty and how and why they need to act in the way they do, let alone a member of the RF.

It’s inconceivable to me that it wasn’t explained to her in detail about how this all worked before she started.

so their claims just look so bogus.

Truth - the real truth - not “her truth” will eventually come out.
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Some mad American woman claims 'the Royals taught us hate/racism.' I think it's a pretty wild claim, particularly on the global scale she claims, but there's lots of similarity hysterical comments. However, one of the replies is pure class. It turns the tables perfectly.

'How do you know how white people think, you're black.'

I really do feel that the whole only white people can be racist needs resolving. If white people aren't allowed to accuse POC of racism, we need another word. The scummy slurs and name calling from black people towards white people isn't acceptable. I thought we were supposed to be eradicating racism, when it's actually increasing, albeit in reverse. We need to get on FFS.
That first screenshot with that utter idiot saying all white people are racist🤦🏼‍♀️After 11 years of marriage and 3 kids, I, as a white woman had better let my black husband know. Not sure he’s twigged yet 😏
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Does anyone else think the Queen will go soft with Harry , After reading the statement posted I do .
He won't be losing any titles and I think he knows that
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Gayle ... receipts. Why are they all behaving like teenage girls on tik tok.

honestly some people just don't like family spats in public.

some people don't announce how this is their final say on the matter and how free they feel; then keep sending their friends in to speak for them.

some people don't like avocado. In today's climate, that probably makes them a racist, because they disagree with MM.

the whole thing is a farce

a story about a conversation that one person didn't witness, and neither narrator can agree on, has turned the world upside down. All such silliness has wrought is resistance and unity from anyone who used to be moderate.

anyway the key to narcissists is to self destruct. You're watching it.
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