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cosmo girl

VIP Member
I am going to compalin to f
I have a theory tattlers, on the Piers V MeAgain saga and I’d be interested in your thoughts.

initially Piers wrote raving reviews about Meghan. This piece was written in November 2017, around the time of their engagement announcement. I believe it refers to a meeting in June 2016, which is right before hazbeen and Migraine allegedly started dating.

He talks about how clever, intelligent and stunning she is. It’s rather nauseating, and not really Piers’ style. It’s a similar style of fawning that Omid Scobie uses. More to the point, it makes two things clear
  1. It mentions that bloody soap commercial that Meghan LOVES to bring up
  2. It explicitly states that Meghan was single.
My theory is that Meghan was sucking up to piers, maybe offered him exclusives, in exchange for writing a glow-up review of her. I think she would’ve asked for the above two things to be included in the piece. She isn’t above doing this, as the finding freedom book supposedly written by Scobie, has clearly been heavily influenced by Meghan. So Meghan isn’t above using journalists and broadcasters as her mouthpieces. If anything it’s her modus operandi in her attempts to frame a narrative where she is a wonderful goddess amongst mere mortals.

Fast forward a year later and it’s a totally different story. It’s the same scenario, same drink in a pub, but with a totally different slant. Piers’ version of events if you will. I think he wanted to get the “real” version of events out.

I think Meghan approached Piers to ask for help with boosting her profile now that she was dating Prince Harry. (Liz cundie wrote a article where Meghan approached her asking to be introduced to a rich British man, so stands to reason she would do something similar with piers and others) She mentioned the single thing because she was worried her cheating on Cory with Harry would come to light.

When she was married she no longer needed his help to boost her profile, so she ditched him.
What I think really gripes piers, and something he doesn’t mention, was just how much he’d been used. I think she essentially wrote the first article or at least closely collaborated on it, and he finds it galling that he fell for it and was complicit in her deceit. He thought it’d be a mutually beneficial arrangement where he’d boost her popularity and she’d give him a foot in the door to buddy up with the palace and Harry. Problem is she never held up her side of the bargain.

I think that’s why he has such a vendetta against her - he has experienced first hand just how calculated and ruthless she is, he knows first hand, but he can’t own up to it without bringing his own rep as a journalist into question.
She ghosted him. 👀
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I have an idea! Maybe we should find a quote from hitler, share it on social media with some picture of smegan looking all pensive stick her name under it and see how fast it is shared... 😂

The wokenation abilteration will come for you with diapers on and bottles in hand screaming "RACISM" because someone disagreed with them 🤣
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  • Haha
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I’m not entirely sure it’s fair to look at Philips comments in a modern/woke light. He grew up before multiculturalism and in a totally different era. You can’t expect him to change his ways, and besides he isn’t a racist, he made racist jokes. Might sound silly but there’s a difference.
And yes Harry the nazi cosplayer :ROFLMAO:
Sorry but as an educated man who was working within the Commonwealth we cannot excuse Philip and we can't say it was just a racist joke - we need to call out racism where it is actually evident rather than the 'undertones'. Yes a different era but that is no excuse. Harry however IS different I agree so why has he not been called to account by Oprah?
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I think they will name the surrogate fetus Frances. They have to be able to have a name that is merch-able and copyrighted. Maybe we should have a poll/bets as it gets closer to "summer".
Frances Diana
Spencer Elizabeth

I am so sick of them. I am hoping their buzz will die down in the US soon. I am sure US will find something to hop on about. US always find shiny new things to talk about. Once everything start to open up again, people will be occupied with travel/gatherings and they will be old news.
Hope someone secretly films the birth
But the surrogate might not approve
Or what if the surrogate lied
It’s a boy or oriental
Not that it matters long as it’s healthy
but how would they get round that bombshell
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Active member
The face says it all
What the f..k have I have got myself into
Someone help me
“Why the fuck am I in LA sat in a chicken coop with Oprah bloody Winfrey.”

Harry for goodness sakes it’s always you. I have a soft spot for him I do, he’s a loveable dickhead basically. It’s a phase, and we will forgive him once he goes “soz guys that was a massive error.”
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Welcome to the club of moonbump believers. 😉That skanky bitch wasn't pregnant last time either!

Actually . Ignore the bump clutching and focus on it differently. I think the arms might give the lie to this.
How do you hold your arms in that position with any degree of comfort? I would find it uncomfortable as anything.
Anyone out there got long arms like megs and want to take one for the team for a few hours?
Might be good for toning your upper arms !
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If it’s July 1st that means no statue unveiling for Harry.

I think George should unveil the statue with his dad.
Smeg has a massive bump. I think the baby will be here before July. I reckon May/ Early June, She already looks 6 months gone.
Just depends how relaxed the quarantine rules are. Harry will have to be gone for a minimum of a week.
Also it’s the DofE’s 100th birthday in June.
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Goodness you guys, I go to bed and have to spend my whole morning catching up, I'm a speedy reader but the speed of these threads is intense 😂

A couple of thoughts -

I wonder if the exec producers of The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills are trying desperately to get M on the show, there have been a few wives from Montecito on the show already so it's certainly possible.

California is a community property state so when they divorce she can get 50% of everything they have earned during their marriage. Interestingly, she would have no claim on his inheritances though.

I wonder if she's gonna bleed him dry, then take him for 50% of everything plus child maintenance costs and then write her memoirs, you just know she's been keeping copious notes this whole time.

It's going to be a very interesting couple of years to see how this plays out.

Oh and also bloody good for Will answering those dumbass questions from the press 👏👏

So what if Harry filed for divorce in England? Did they have a prenup?
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
My bet is the baby will be called Maya Frances/Francesca with whatever surname they have. (after Maya Angelou and Diana's middle name).
Or a nod to queen or queen mother Mary/Marguerite or Alexandra - there has to be a royal nod somewhere.
I think Maya too.
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What's the story with Meghan being a yacht girl?

I've never heard this rumour - and - I bring it up not to slut-shame, as it's her body and up to a woman to decide her boundaries.

The main concern I would have would be how destructive it would be to a woman's mental or physical health.

Is it being implied she has sociopathic tendencies who will do whatever it takes to social-climb? (We forget the men participating in these scenarios are equally to blame).

Or is it a last-ditch attempt to network and get noticed as an actress and/or to connect with wealthy men (it's mentioned elsewhere Lizzie Cundy says she was asked by Meghan to find her a rich man before she met Harry).

I suspect it could be a false flag planted by people who want to portray her in the very worst light. (Hollywood starlets of old get tarred with the casting couch brush, and it still happens today - see all the comments about actresses dismissively described as "Harvey's Girl"s).

Yes, I'm sticking up for her on this one, though I'm happy to be proven wrong.
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I got banned for calling Omid Scobie a shit stirring twat, they said it was inciting hate!!
Sorry if I'm derailing. Didn't get a chance to reply in the previous thread.

But if she was in tears at the Albert hall after spending a day with the dogs. You know when she was not safe to be left alone and cried every time the lights went down.
She was in a crowd. She arrived in a crowd, sat in a crowd and left in a crowd.
If it was me crying I would have snot trails, puffy eyes and red eyeballs.
She looked the same going in as coming out.

View attachment 476593
View attachment 476590

I give up ETA I can see all the other photos but can't get this thread to accept a link
Exactly we’re this true the press would have been all over it. There’s a video of them there that night too on YouTube.
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I wish I could find something I read ages ago which said, “if there’s no loss through discrimination then it’s not an -ism.” It was in the context of sexism but I guess it applies to any -ism. If there’s no loss through discrimination then what’s the real beef?
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If we want the public/country to believe that the UK are NOT racist then it is important to call it when it is - that was merely my point. I am not hating on an old man who is ill and I am absolutely sure there was no hate meant but we still cant excuse it. That also means that when the racist card is actually used then maybe for genuine cases it will be taken more seriously.
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I hope the press don't report the birth. I still can't get over the fact they released that saccharine photo after the interview and expected us to be fawning over it!
Note that only Meg’s eek was visible in that shot - me, me, me, meeeeeeee!
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I think there is alot of pressure on people of colour in America. I think they all feel they have to be in the same place when it comes to race.

Just think how they will all feel when they see their efforts were for a lie.

This will back fire on Meghan. Cause it seems to me the RF must know Harry. They must know from said interview how he really feels. It will only take one trip to the UK without her for him to open his eyes.

Have you ever seen someone play with their wedding ring like That?
I read a comment in passing somewhere. It said that racism here and in the US is different. Here it's all subtle and polite and kept on the down low. There it's big and brash and fighting in the open is common as they had to do with slavery and segregation.
So if you believe that then even for racism one solution does not fit all. If we're so used to hiding it then even when browbeaten will carry on hiding it.
1984 Orwell. Little people will rebel.
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