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It's her actions. Not her words or her appearance.

There are provable lies she has told. And is not correcting and I think mostly alot if of people on here are saying these things because they have dealt with people exactly like her and know how they work.

I myself have both my parents and my mother in law and it is very hard to explain.

They are never wrong. It's never their fault this happened to them. (Did you see them admit anything they they have done wrong? Or may have gotten wrong?)

They constantly pointing out how they are victims. How they were just trying to do the right thing and now the whole world is against them. They are honestly good people they promise. (Smear campaigns and friends coming to their defence with evidence of how nice they are and all those people saying they not are wrong)

They will always have a group of people around them who they use to make your life hell when you disagree with them. (Mine was my sibling)

They get into spiteful revenge actions because someone told their secret or made them look bad.

They always over react to things. Like a small cut is my finger almost came off or I almost lost my hand.

They are always the best at what they do but because people are jealous they haven't seen the recognition they deserve. It's all that person's fault it honestly couldnt be cause I'm not good enough or thats not where my skill set lies. (Failed actress so now I'm a humanitarian I'm so nice.... see My chickens)

They will blatantly lie to your face forgetting you were there and you were a witness. My father lied to my face about the string of affairs he had even though I had witnessed him with them. (You can see Meghan did that to Harry in the interview when he tried to interject and correct her and she cut him off and silenced him grabbing his hand.)

My mother and mother in law are constantly causing trouble between my partner and I and our siblings. Always trying to play us off eachother cause this one didn t do that or I want them to dress like this. Or it's not happening to my schedule of how I want the day to progress so now I am going to create a fight.

And if you catch them out or dont buy what they are trying to convince you of then it's tears and storming off and no one loves me. Might as well go die in a corner where no one will notice me or miss me.

They are very good at making friends. They can be complimentary kind thoughtful but this usually only lasts till you have been groomed to believe them and they now they no longer need to convince you of their victimhood or that the world is out to get them. Once you see the truth you are cut off abandoned and stuck realising what the hell just happened. How the hell did I believe that utter nonsense I cant help but say you feel violated and used.

There is always a trail of broken people in their wake. My husband has serious anxiety from his childhood. They cause alot of damage and dont care and when they think enough time has passed they feel like it's been long enough for you to recover they bring the next round. It is exhausting. Cause it usually isnt.

There is gas lighting, which you can Google, and alot of tears cause you actually dont know how to make it stop you have tried every thing to make them happy or stop the bring close to hurt. And the only way that happens is to leave. To offer nothing of your life or the bare minimum of information to maintain a relationship because you know if they Find out one small thing in your life that can be added to their pity party it won't be the end of it.

People like me can just tell cause we have spent our lives watching these people and I am glad to say picked up a few tricks to combat their behaviour. You learn to quickly read people's body language because you learnt to do that as a child to anticipate what to prepare for next.

Thats why to many people like myself it is hard to explain. You just know.

My sister!
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[QUOTE="Cinnamon.girl, post: 4223616, member: 174470"
The video of Farchy walking along the sand was very strange, he looked like a gnome.
Am I missing something here? Can someone please explain?

I was waiting for mrs himch’s voiceover to come on, calling farchy a little manzzz.

Seriously he reminds me of her spog.
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Chatty Member
You can guarantee it will be on some royal anniversary if not that one, she never fails in trying to hijack one of the others announcements or special days
Would they be waiting on a death do you think or is that too much even for them?
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VIP Member
I could be wrong on this but pretty sure she said that Kate 'sent her flowers'. I highly doubt that a. Kate physically showed up at her door with them and b. that Meghan answers her own front door 😂
That was back before the wedding so when they both lived at kensington palace- Harry lived in a cottage in the grounds so wouldn’t be surprised if Kate did deliver them
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Sorry if I'm derailing. Didn't get a chance to reply in the previous thread.

But if she was in tears at the Albert hall after spending a day with the dogs. You know when she was not safe to be left alone and cried every time the lights went down.
She was in a crowd. She arrived in a crowd, sat in a crowd and left in a crowd.
If it was me crying I would have snot trails, puffy eyes and red eyeballs.
She looked the same going in as coming out.

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View attachment 476590

I give up ETA I can see all the other photos but can't get this thread to accept a link
I find it nauseatingly irritating too. Can someone help me out though- how to respond in a succinct way when people say that Kate did the bump holding too. Because she did, but it doesn’t sound very intelligent to say ‘it’s just different!’ Or ‘she’s doing it in a different way!’
Edit- What I’m trying to say is it wasn’t annoying or attention seeking when Kate did it


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I read somewhere he defended Rowling though. I suspect he has a rather healthier approach to the matter as comedians are being cancelled/gagged left right and centre.
On a separate note, for you veteran Tattlers who remember the story about my OB/gyn.... guess who I'm seeing tomorrow. AT THE PORTLAND (and no I am not knocked up. Just that time of year). Hopefully I return bearing tea
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The wokenation abilteration will come for you with diapers on and bottles in hand screaming "RACISM" because someone disagreed with them 🤣
They themselves will share it because they will share bloody anything unaware because they’re uneducated and naive!

Ok. Conspiracy theory time.

I was thinking what is Meghan's motivation behind all this mess she has created? There HAS to be something bigger than simply wanting to be the top dog in the RF. She's a grown woman who for sure went into this eyes wide open. So why is she so hell-bent now to completely destroy the royal family. Because that is exactly what she was doing in the interview and she bloody knew it.

What if it is none of this? What if it is motivated by something that she planned years ago? We all know she is OBSESSED with Diana. There have been instances in Meghan's childhood where she proved herself to be someone with the determination and dedication to reach her goals. Her letter to the president, her marriages to climb the Hollywood slope, literally setting up camp in London to ensnare a Prince of all people, we gotta admit it, girl's got guts. A person of her character would have LOVED Diana. The most famous woman in the world, so kind, so beautiful, so loved and on top of that so powerful! Like millions of young girls, Meghan clearly wanted to be her. You can just imagine how devastating her death would have been for her.

Moreover the majority of the world believes the RF was behind her killing. It's like an open secret at this point. And that's the motive behind all of Meghan's action. She HATES the royal institution because they killed her idol and got away scot free. That's why no matter how much they welcomed her or supported her, it didn't matter. She was hell bent on destroying them from day one. Today the RF is the most unpopular it's been since 1997 if not more. She has destroyed their reputation so much so that no matter how may positive PR BP does, it ends up backfiring.

I don't think she has even an iota of love for Harry. But she doesn't hate him either since he is the "innocent" party in all this. The idiot just doesn't realise that he is being used in destroying his own family.

These are just my thoughts. Unlike wokos, I believe there to be a grey area in every conflict or situation. I fully support neither the RF not the M&H. But in the present situation, I'm on RF's side.
Love this theory! I can totally see this.
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VIP Member
I could be wrong on this but pretty sure she said that Kate 'sent her flowers'. I highly doubt that a. Kate physically showed up at her door with them and b. that Meghan answers her own front door 😂
yes I know I thought this myself but in that article about will and Kate returning to from the sun (a few posts up)- they quote the times as reporting Meghan slammed the door in her face??
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Dunno, but there is footage floating around of her smacking ginger across the chops repeatedly at a (rugger?) event while everyone watched gleefully. He just had to take it because Mike and his buddies were there watching.
Good for her. But I think he's the type of slimey vindictive little sod to hold that against her and twist her words re discussing the possibilities of his potential crotch goblin looking ginger like him,or dark like cuntchops.
Having said that, she's quite earthy like her mum and doesn't call a spade a shovel so could very well have asked "Hey ginger bollox, this sprog of yours, what's the chances of it being really dark skinned ?"
why did she smack him again? Does anyone know?He might have a face that needs a smack but I don’t usually condone random violence.
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Chatty Member
Um, Ms Markle is a narcissistic sociopath and Harry is completely under her spell atm. They've labelled the whole of the British Royal Family as racists. The Duchess of Cambridge has received 1 million death threats since the commercial. Markle has expressed herself as pleased with the results and you think that the Press is at fault.....ok then
I do. I do believe it's the press that has fueled this. And she has believed the press and the hype around it all.

Everyone throws the narc title around. I'm not saying she isn't. But what I am saying is the press have a major major hand in this and how she is viewing the situation.

They HAD it all. They could have been amazingly successful. Look how fantastic the tour of Oz went. A narc could have also exploited this to their benefit. Being a narc doesn't always result in what people are perceiving her to be now.

After Oz it all self combusted because the pressure of the press, his own experiences etc.

It's the press and other things...but I don't think just because she is a narc this is what's happened.
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The agenda of wokeness is to remove the societal impact of sex and class - arguably the two most prominent characteristics that lead to discrimination - by denying their existence.

They don't believe class or sex has any effect on how someone is perceived. So a wealthy black man is always going to have it worse than a white kid who works in MacDonalds, simply because he is black.

Transwomen have it worse than women by any metric - unsupported by any statistics but gender identity is the important thing, not sex.

A millionaire mixed race shit actress experiences worse attention than Camilla, Diana, Fergie and Kate - because she's mixed race.

This is their motive.
Maybe I’m misreading but don’t you mean they do believe race and sex has an impact on how people are perceived? i.e. as you say, a rich black businessman will always have it worse than a working class white man purely because of his race? I’ve seen loads of woke people saying we have unconscious biases that mean this will always be the case regardless.
Completely right though if I’ve understood correctly!
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Whose fault is it that she didn't know how to curtsey? The Royal family? Or the imbecile Harry for not letting her know sooner? The same with not knowing the words to the national anthem and having to Google - couldn't Harry tell her, he must have learnt the whole song by the time he was 4!
I wouldn’t put it past the family to take the piss out of it and sing it for her at her birthday. He could probably recite it before he knew what the words really mean.
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