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VIP Member
I can’t stand this man and always thought he was a twat.
I agree 100% with everything he’s saying, I don’t know what’s happening to me.
Next Katie Hopkins will also come out with something I’ll agree with.

Imagine though if we had a labour govt we would be still going on about the wokies, abolish the monarchy, they would let the shit heads keep titles.

I can’t stand the tories but I know they would remove Harry from the line of succession in a heartbeat and remove the titles. Boris the has done the right thing not saying anything.

If Biden comes for the G20 summit thingy he better leave Kamala at home , we don’t want to expose her to the racist Britons.
Love the farrage clip. He's an idiot but this is the best thing he's said.
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Tourre Bakhai. Read the comments down the page. Murky Meg has shown a tweet from British couple who own tea shop in Pasadena who say she visited twice to learn etiquette and how to curtsey.

"Tourre Bakahai on Twitter: "Harry gets away with absolutely everything. Markle always knew that....This is the worst outcome possible for the future of the UK Monarchy, however. It will empower a pair of overgrown malicious brats to cause even more damage." / Twitter"

That's proof enough for me she' trying to get Harry back, she knows he's being manipulated
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Chatty Member
I have an idea! Maybe we should find a quote from hitler, share it on social media with some picture of smegan looking all pensive stick her name under it and see how fast it is shared... 😂
Heres a few
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.

It is not truth that matters, but victory.

I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.

Be the change you want to see in the world

They may have already used that last one!!!
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It would be hilarious if the baby was given some woke, ghetto name name like Freedom D’Oria then Diana Elizabeth
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What actually qualifies as a death threat though? Are these credible death threats or just losers typing crap out of stupidity and anger? How is the person who claimed this quantifying it or where did she get the info? I mean, people have screeched I HOPE YOU GET CANCER AND DIE YOU BITCH!!!!! at me a few times on the interwebs in the past twenty years and uh, some may consider it a death threat, but I considered it the way losers thousands of miles away reacted to losing an argument generally, and no threat at all. I

All celebs have weirdos contacting and threatening them, and real, credible threats tend to be passed to the authorities, and the rest just ignored. Some ultra-offended American prat without a passport screeching death at Catherine is basically a sad spectacle that should be laughed at and told to go to bed early or take their meds, you know? Half the people who get aggressive on the socials are people who can't look you in the eye in real life. I hope Catherine isn't too threatened by any of these nonsense people anyway.
There are sick individuals about. Have no worries the RF are protected by the best. Their protection duty has access to the threat levels, Intel on any potential threats and I imagine security will be tightened anyway. The good thing is covid... not as many public engagements as normal making them easier to protect.
Although they didn't pick up that cunt chops was a threat....
I may have to take this back!
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What does Harry expect from this ? I doubt his family forgives him one day, the situation is getting out of control and he can't do anything to fix it.
Well he can, he could demand his balls back from his despicable wife and actually tell THE truth ... not HER truth. However, he knows he's lied to not only his family, but to the whole world and he doesn't have enough about him and he isn't man enough to say the real story. They make me sick.
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I don’t think I’m ever going to catch up before giving my 2 pence so sorry if I say things that have already been said, this thread is on 🔥

Kind of disappointed William didn’t keep a dignified silence today - totally understand he must be fucking livid with H&M for throwing his wife under the bus and tainting his whole family with a serious allegation of racism. But he is providing more fuel to Meghan’s toxic narcissism. What a total mess.
I do think despite saying they won’t be available for comment, there is no way in hell Meghan will let anyone else have the last word on this
I agree, as soon as he responded my first thought was there will either be another Oprah clip released or a “friend” will be sent to leak something to the media now
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the little butterfly

Well-known member
Excuse me as I don't live in the UK so don't know much about these people or what the media is saying. But why do people think Meghan is a narc etc. and hate on Meghan?

Just wondering are your views just sexist or affected by some kind of sexist classist racist or whatever protrayal of her in the media?

Genuine question I'm just confused by all of this.
Read the comments, I’m sure uv watched the interview
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Goodness you guys, I go to bed and have to spend my whole morning catching up, I'm a speedy reader but the speed of these threads is intense 😂

A couple of thoughts -

I wonder if the exec producers of The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills are trying desperately to get M on the show, there have been a few wives from Montecito on the show already so it's certainly possible.

California is a community property state so when they divorce she can get 50% of everything they have earned during their marriage. Interestingly, she would have no claim on his inheritances though.

I wonder if she's gonna bleed him dry, then take him for 50% of everything plus child maintenance costs and then write her memoirs, you just know she's been keeping copious notes this whole time.

It's going to be a very interesting couple of years to see how this plays out.

Oh and also bloody good for Will answering those dumbass questions from the press 👏👏
Yes Andy Cohen seems to be a BIG fan or Markle, I’d put a bet on her being in the show within 5-10 years
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I will say one positive thing about Smeg. She took the heat completely off poor Pippa Middleton, whose been called horrible things while literally living her life and minding her own business previously but now seems to live a very cushy and private life, and the press coverage on her is neutral to positive these days.
Nicola Sturgeon is also now on her Xmas card list. :p
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Alot unfortunately I'm afraid that the bitch is only just warming up.

My bet is that the Netflix show they are planning will all be around how outdated the monarchy are, with clips of Meg bleating, and all the sneaky stuff that she videoed when she was part of the family. Its going to be a real hatchet job.
Soon on Bridgerton season 2😄
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thing is taking the royal family “ignoring her cries for help” 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Out of this.

this is a HUSBAND who ignored her struggles and brushed them under the carpet,

the very day she told him she was going to take her own LIFE, he told her she wasn’t invited to the event he was due to attend 😐
But she made the decision to go anyway because she didn’t trust herself alone....


I think Harry wanted the perfect American wife and a relationship that others would be jealous of, probably didn’t know how he landed someone “famous” at that point so gave her everything she wanted,

then when it became clear his wife was as damaged as bitter as he is, he tried to ignore it for a min, that didn’t work, so instead he went and swam in the bitter pool of self pity with her.
And they’re still doing laps and trying to drown so people on the way around.

Or, he was invited, she wanted to go.....can't trust myself alone harry, please take me with you.. job done and more photos as a royal
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