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Where’s the link for the podcast? I cannot seem to find it
There you go - it's the most recent episode!

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It`s really gotten out of hand.I had to book my (covid) injection this week .After asking my DOB NHS number etc ,i was asked if i`d mind answering what "I identified as" ,and then the man i was talking with ,went through a long list to choose from.Funny ,he never asked my race ,neither was my friend ,who is black.IT`s become a truly crazy world.I feel for my kids and my grandkids.
I decline each time for both race, religion and sexuality. None of their frigging business
And yes I understand the needs of targeting and making sure that we do not miss out on hidden minorities but...
I remember, decades ago I will admit, a mental health nurse was appointed for a particular community. It was to cover those from a particular subcontinent as a minority population. I had a number of patients from a different culture and area. I asked if we were going to appoint someone for them . I was told no as that minority was too small.
Im not arguing. It would have been financially very costly. But the minority that got their nurse was actually a major part of that areas population. So to me it's irrelevant what you are because it won't make a difference other than to show the higher ups you were asked the question based on whatever legislation/popular viewpoint is in play at the time.
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I’m fuming some woke bitch on Tik tok thinks it’s ok for the Cambridge kids to get threats.

I’m fuming so bad.
My daughter had to stop looking at tik tok too as it was just too much. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it your cousin who witnessed M making Charlotte cry?
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I know I’ve said this before but in the engagement interview she says how well she got on with Julia, one of Diana’s friends. If that’s Julia Samuel, she’s a therapist and Meghan would have had her on speed dial.
I'm stuck with my mum watching crap telly but I haven't been able to watch the engagement interview (one Daily Mail commenter recommended we should watch and compare).

Has anyone watched it/done a comparison yet?
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While we’re on the subject of that nasty woman don’t forget to complain about her here for advertising her book for free on Monday’s GMB:

And here regarding her venomous demeanour during the same appearance:

Anyone outraged about Piers being sacked for freedom of speech should complain about dr shola in retaliation to the 41k complaints he received on Monday

I also said that she was verbally abusive. Lol"you are disgusting ". I feel like I'm back in school.😉
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liar liar

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I'm hoping BP insist on a 2 hour rebuttal programme, also screened at 9 pm, and get CBS Viacom to air it with equal prominence and with the same publicity budget.

Piers Morgan seems to be available these days....
Not necessary. The BBC world-wide network will do - it can be played 10 times a day on the radio waves too.

Apologises if anyone has posted this but there is a petition going to reinstate Piers Morgan if anyone is interested.
I couldn't care less - he still has an actual program. It really isn't for presenters to unload their dislikes on a new program. How would you feel if Fiona Bruce started spilling her views on ya evening news?
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Re her refusal to pose on the steps to show Archie after the birth, she said in the interview that was because if he's not being deemed a prince then she didnt have to and refused to pose or wtte.
Exactly and what did that he to do with her adoring British public who couldn’t wait to see him. Selfish bint
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Can I just add- I love the statement of President Biden. It’s basically a big eye roll. I mean, imagine having his job, and then being asked about this train wreck. He probably smashed his head on the keyboard in despair.
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Oh I do hope the British press corp, do club together and make an official complaint to CBS!

The way those clips were edited together, did make me think I had missed some nasty headlines about Meghan, its good to know that they were almost completely made up!!!
It is so misleading, akin to misinformation I think
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Also I find funny Meghan moans that Kate could have been nicer with her with what she was going on with her father/the stress of the wedding. Kate might have lost her temper (if we believe this version) but she gave birth only two-three weeks ago and instead of resting as every mother should, she was helping Meghan. Meghan could also have got that Kate was maybe not on her best shape, physically and mentally.

Also yeah I find very petty to need to come back on this. She had enough other examples to use to illustrate her point, the avocado thing could have been a good one. Kate also didn't adress the story because she just did as they usually do: to not comment the rumor to not fuel the press. Meghan could have been sad but could also made the effort to understand that her SIL might see things differently. Also to me this kinf of stories when not adressed are quite harmful. We always see articles in the press about people being mean with each other and we know unless robust facts are provided it's just about selling/clickbaits.

Doesn't prevent me to think the press can be quite nasty and that's problematic. But that's not Kate's fault!
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BBC news aren't even bothered about it now, they only had the Piers Morgan fallout on and the way news is more about personalities now and GB News starting.
Not even trending on twitter anymore. Well not on mine 😁 back to #borisjohnsonout and #thechase. Normality has resumed for the time being.
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Well exactly, and remember he was in therapy for years but he couldn't possibly pass the number to his wife 😉
No one ever said he didn’t get her help privately just that the palace wouldn’t assist her. Or have I missed something ?
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I’m just on Twitter and some of the comments pro Harry and Meghan are hilarious, even though there’s the legislation why Archie couldn’t be prince people are still banging on it’s about the racist comment , and then the whole Charles slimming down the monarchy , take that up with Charles if they are so bothered about it.

I mean even all the other comments about them not getting protection is cracking me up one guy was like that we should pay for their protection.

To which someone said they are your problem now they are American citizens so they should pay and they can also clean their backsides in the process too. 🤣 .. I can’t cope with the comments.
Ooh just a thought - Did Marg have protection when she was living it large in Mustique ?
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I love Sharon ❤

I see Sharon Osbourne has come out in defense of Piers. This could be good, especially if Smegsy decides to try anything with Sharon. Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins tried that tack before.

Sharon shit in a Tiffany box, and had it delivered to Billy. That soon shut him up. :sick:
She was staying at Windsor when she came the second time.

I thought she stayed in that hugely expensive hotel... where did you think she stayed?
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Statistically speaking in terms of secondary education, higher education and employment the most disadvantaged/most underrepresented group is in fact working class white boys/men. These stats were presented to Munroe Bergdorf :sick: (Andrew Neil show, it’s on YouTube) who simply said ‘it’s not about education, you’re denying my lived experience, Britain is a racist society’. Professional victims who don’t care about the reality when it doesn’t suit their narrative.

Side note- My friend is ginger, like properly ginger, white skin and freckles, and when she goes to certain countries she is stared at and touched etc. Is that racism, no, it just illustrates the reality that races are different, and always will be, it’s biological. However, there is nothing stopping us from all treating each other as equals- of course.
Totally agree.
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